@Los Angeles Kings

“Supernatural” save by Jonathan Quick?

Incredibly the puck seems destined for the back of LA Kings goalie Jonathan Quick’s net but takes an unexpected turn and goes wide. 3/21/11


  1. @JJ401 the puck didnt go by his right skate, it went over his right pad.. and when it changes direction there is nothing in the area.

  2. It's not where it hit the skate. Pay attention to the direction of the puck after it hit the skate. It was going straight into the net but then swivelled and went in another direction. That's why it's "Supernatrual"

  3. @jj401 sorry…slow it down dude…the puck is a good 2 feet behind the goalie and even the butt end of the stick is nowhere near the puck when it changes direction. Had to hit a rut in the ice in the crease…otherwise, get Project Bluebook on it, cuz that wasn't natural!

  4. Someone should check the ice. It could have been chapped or had produced a tiny wall due to the constant pounding of the skate and blocked the puck.

  5. It looks like it magically changes direction from the overhead view because it hit his pad and then bounced funny and out as it hit the ice, looks cool though!

  6. Slow and down and take a second look! The puck continued in the direction of the goal after it hit the skate. look at the video 7 seconds in. it cut to the right like it hit something on the ice

  7. The puck was shot very hard by Iggy then it hit Johnny Quick's pad and it produces severe english or spin like in pool. But the spin doesn't take affect the puck's direction until it hits the ice. SOLVED!

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