@Florida Panthers

Matthew Tkachuk on his fight with David Pastrnak in Game 2 / 9.05.2024

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  1. You going for big tough Boqvist next? Of course he thought they should go now…there was noone on Boston left to make him pay. Should be embarassed

  2. Full marks to both Matthew and Pasta for stepping up. A lot of people don't like Matt and Brady, but a lot of us do. I have a lot of respect for both of them and just a general NHL comment it takes a lot of bravery to out there and do what they do whether it's fight or score or whatever. I just hope we have a good second round and it looks like we already are!

  3. A good fight? That's ridiculous. Why was it good? Punching a guy when he's down? Tkachuk proves how little class he has. He fights like a bullying schoolgirl having a hissy fit.

  4. Class attitude by both guys.
    I just got interested in this series after losing to Boston….
    Pasta knows when to show up …and so does Tkachuk

  5. Tkachuk hoping Grzelick going to play next game so he can pump
    Up his fighting stats…. What a douche… starts with the coach…Baldy Bennett needs to be taught a lesson….i say let Neely skate the next game… maybe bring along Jonathan cash man and Oreilky with Thornton… even in retirement they’d kick these pricks butts….can only feel so proud about beating up Danton Heinan… Jesper Boquvist…. Etc etc

  6. He’s a punk, starts the trouble with slash, cross checks etc in front of net the thinks he’s real tough and fights Pasta! Total instigator! How about Pat Maroon next time? Probably not

  7. We are not a thug sport…proud of these guys. Class. And yes, gentlemen can fight – and then have respect and friendship.

  8. Yet the cheap shots when a guy who's not a fighter is ok. Next game I hope to see him choke on that mouth piece? Mathew Thapuke.

  9. Imagine being upset about Tkachuk when you have someone that licks people and does just as annoying things. I’m a fan of Marchand but you can’t seriously be this upset about a guy that’s a Walmart Marchand

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