@Vegas Golden Knights

*Scary Fall – Please Beware* – Ashley CAIN / Timothy LEDUC, GOLDEN SPIN ZAGREB PAIRS FS Dec. 7, 2018

***Scary Fall – Please Beware***


  1. She seemed to be having some issues shortly before she fell landing the one throw. Looks like she was having some balance issues. I read an article that said his hand slipped but I didn’t see that; it seemed like her weight distribution & balance were off before she even fell. Regardless, the ref should have called this and made her stop to get checked immediately. The ending choreography must have hurt like hell with her neck being injured. 😞

  2. definitely should have stopped after that last fall. You can see she lost consciousness! You don't have to lose consciousness to have a concussion, & she was out, so something was wrong. Crazy that their couch never called it!

  3. I prefer ice dancing, ala Torvill and Dean. There is all the speed, precision, intricacy, drama, and innovation you could want. But when you study that pair you can see that any sort of lift was very carefully considered to minimize risk and maximize support. The transitions from one posture to another are so smooth and swift they are nearly impossible to see. I hate to see these risks that aren't worth taking when the price is much too high.

  4. Хоть и не наши все равно жалко что упали два раза ,но хорошо что без травм

  5. her body went limp, she was knocked out for few seconds…. crazy how she got up and finished her routine. her head hit very hard if you rewatch it.

  6. Мое почтение силе духа и силе воле невороятной женщины!
    И заботливости партнера и его уважению к ее выбору докатать программу до конца. Уважение.

  7. Тяжелые спортсмены, катаются словно с большим грузом, за спиной(особенно мужчина).

  8. I’m shocked that he allowed her to move after that horrible fall. Thank God she’s ok but letting/helping her move after that was taking a huge risk!

  9. Только я одна вижу в этом полнейший идиотизм??? Здесь жизнь на кону! Где мамы этих падающих девочек, что они им внушали? Какая-то кромешная хрень – одеть полозья, встать на лед и рисковать жизнью. Для чего????

  10. Whoah – she was out cold for a couple of seconds, there! That hair bun might have saved her from a bad concussion. ❤

  11. I don't care about the falls. This was beautiful, powerful and mesmerizing. You can see the immense talent, athleticism and strength and their charisma and relationship on ice is really exceptional. I LOVE their artistry, grace and the ease with which they make things seem which is such a testament to their strength. BRAVO ! What a pleasure to watch

  12. I am impressed how she never give up, that's what you call a true athlete, my prayers for her, hopefully she'll be OK

  13. ARGH. I WAS HOPING IT WAS JUST THE PRAT ONE. She has a beautiful long waist and might be causing some balance issues which she might be more careful with those overhead lifts.
    Though everyone falls.

  14. She was definitely tired when she first fell and her partner was also looking pretty tired when he and her fell but I think she could have had a concussion.

  15. Hoping she is okay. We don’t normally move people after falling like she did. It can sometimes result in major injury. When they watch this, they will see that she was “off”long before this fall. So sorry. Please be safe above all else. Yes, above all else. Two hands is fine.

  16. Блин..смотрю и плачу..головой об лёд и продолжили..ну как это😢больно за них

  17. I was 8 yrs old when i first say Tonya and Nancy and the rivalry begin. I was into football and Michael Jordan but i was so amazed by the art, difficulty and beauty of ice skating. In this video, the poor girl shouldn't have been able to continue. NBA players get checked out and removed from a blister and this girl could have broke her neck and the guy is moving her instantly. She looked concussed for sure. I dont follow this sport so maybe she told him immediately that she was okay.
    Idk but one skate and one score in any eveny isn't worth further, potential injuries. She's tough as nails!!

  18. Whole time I was afraid. To go on after this that was the great show. One could see she's in pain and she's a bit dizzy. That was dangerous, too.

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