@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Johnston] Without saying it explicitly, the #leafs leadership/management couldn’t have made it more clear reading between the lines that they’re going to explore moving one or more members of their core this summer.

[Johnston] Without saying it explicitly, the #leafs leadership/management couldn’t have made it more clear reading between the lines that they’re going to explore moving one or more members of their core this summer.

by bornagain19


  1. peanut-arms

    To me, that entire press conference was basically:

    Pelley – I’m new here! Here’s some golf stuff I did.

    Brendan – We need to look within.

    Tre – Fuck around find out.

  2. All they said was they’ll consider everything

  3. Gear4Vegito

    * Matthews isn’t going anywhere.
    * Nylander shouldn’t be going anywhere.
    * Tavares would be unrealistic to move anywhere.

    That pretty much leaves **Marner** & **Reilly** as the “one or more” options.

  4. The era of patience is over. They know Marner isn’t a playoff caliber player.

  5. tm_leafer

    Glad to see our multi-million dollar President has caught up to what ~80% of the fanbase could see ~3-4 years ago.

  6. CheapSound1

    The best thing to come out of the year is the clarity that the 2 guys which are locked up long-term are the 2 who have separated themselves from the rest of the core. So that leaves 3 guys:

    – Tavares doesn’t make a lot of sense to move this summer, he wouldn’t want to move unless it’s to a contender and contenders don’t have the cap space. If the leafs take a step back in the regular season and end up sellers at the deadline he could be a very valuable piece.

    – Maybe Reilly is part of a package to bring back an upgrade on defense?

    – Marner: very disappointed to see his lack of growth this year. Coming back from his injury he struggled to drive his own line and in the playoffs his game seemed very one-dimensional. At this point in his career I’d expect him to have more of a plan B when he can’t use his skating to get time and space. I’d also expect him to shoot more, it feels as if he’s gotten a bit too comfortable being Matthews’s right hand man. I think there’s also reason to think he would want to move on to the right situation – if he has another season as clearly the 3rd best forward of the team, it would hurt his contract negotiations, and it could get worse if the leafs decide to continue to play Matthews with Domi instead.

  7. Volderon90

    To me the most interesting comment was about how sometimes an abundance of skill isn’t needed in the playoffs and how smart plays or sacrifice is needed. Pretty much alluding to you know who’s flyby as pokechecks instead of taking the man and body 

  8. 3X-Leveraged

    I feel like it’s ultimately going to be up to the new coach and if they want to see what they can get out of these guys. I wouldn’t be surprised if they run it back 1 more year since contracts are expiring anyway.

  9. brobourne

    I thought Brad did well. Both Shanny and Brad alluded to not keeping the core 4 without coming out and saying it. I think it’s a reasonable negotiation tactic to not overtly say that they will look to move them because then that puts them in a less favorable negotiation position.

    I recon that in the coming weeks we’ll get a leak from an insider that the Marner camp has been asked about destinations he would consider going to. From there I think it then turns into a bidding war. I don’t think he’s traded after July 1st, because to maximize his return they’ll probably let his agent negotiate contract extensions with potential suitors to maximize returns.

    If anyone is traded at the draft it will probably be Rielly because he’s already on a contract. I don’t really know what we would look for in a return for Rielly though, maybe for a pending forward RFA? Moving Rielly is definitely more unlikely though because our defense is ass.

  10. MMA_Laxer

    Nylander ripping marner on the bench said a lot. i’m guessing maybe mitch is a whiny kid in the locker room that just shrugs of a loss as “meh” and moves on. ton of skill and has been the best everywhere he goes, but can’t deal with any adversity.

  11. power_of_funk

    1) buyout Tavares

    2) trade Marner

    3) pray to the Gods that Tre doesn’t send this team back to the stone age.

  12. Chi gets Marner, Topi NIemela (RD) and Leafs 4th round 2024

    Tor gets Seth Jones, Colton Dach and 2024 2nd round pick 62nd overall (originally Vancouver’s pick)

  13. Purplebuzz

    They look at lots of stuff. Their failure is not doing the right things.

  14. captainbelvedere

    It’d have to be Marner. Matthews and Nylander are locked in and fan favourites. Tavares has a year left and wears the ‘C’. Rielly, for all his faults, is still good and really ought to be a life-long Leaf.

    Marner has his off-ice circus and weird one-man media feud, the on-ice shambleses, and will ask for 13m+. I think it makes the most sense to find some kind of OK return, and use the cap space to improve the defence/goal.

  15. CMDRShepardN7

    I think a lot of whether Marner gets moved is how the next coach feels. Marner trade should either happen early-mid season, or not at all.

    Give the new guy an opportunity to see what he can get out of him. We fired Keefe because he didn’t get enough.

  16. If you guys don’t fire your entire front office youre out of your minds. This is a cultural issue at this point.

  17. wicked_crayfish

    Shanahan is still president this team will never win shit

  18. GlcNAcMurNAc

    Why the heck do they not have mics on the reporters.

  19. torontoker13

    I’m beginning to wonder if maybe it’s Mitch and Willy.
    I know no one else wants to trade will but let’s be honest the return could be ridiculous and they said they are open to anything.
    Willy definitely get more in trade then Mitch but moving both could bring back a some forwards and d men or even a goalie

  20. ApeManMemeStonker

    Prove it. Why anyone listens to these pressers is beyond me, its just words to give the media quotes for their shitty content. Why wouldnt they say this? As if its so easy to do anyways. Anyways, glad you guys like disecting words but ill wait until they actually make changes to the roster construction

  21. MrYamaguchi

    Honestly I can only see Nylander getting moved as he can actually be moved and will bring back the biggest return. I don’t see Tavares or Marner being willing to waive their NMCs and Rielly doesn’t look like he would bring back the kind of return we need to have a big impact on the team.

  22. Current-Own

    Sorry. I’ll believe it when I see it. They don’t have the balls to do it  Management is going down with the ship 

  23. justinreddit1

    Is it me or is Reddit friggen impossible to understand which sub comment is replied to. There are like 30 comments from one main comment and I want to respond but can’t figure out who is responding to what. Following the lines that lead to a comment is like trying to untie a massive knot from yards of yarn.

    I hate Reddit.

  24. Acrobatic_Law5598

    We need a facelift and a rebranding. “Leafs beat themselves” well, let’s destroy “the leafs”

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