@Boston Bruins

Boston Fans revolt over BRUTAL call

Boston Fans revolt over BRUTAL call

Let’s talk about Boston Bruins vs Florida Panthers Game 3 of the 2024 Stanle Cup Playoffs Round 2, which saw a controversial inteference call nearly derail the game.


  1. I do not like how much vitriol ppl have for refs. Coaches & players make mistakes all the time, so why can't the refs? Why are the stripes held to a higher standard? It bothers me everytime I hear the crowd chanting.
    "Ref You Suck!!" Obviously I'd prefer a game to be called flawlessly, but that's nigh impossible. Even at the youth level, parents are out of control. For multiple sports, refs are quitting in droves. Pretty soon, no one will want to be a ref. Why would anyone want to considering the way they are treated?
    Quick sidenote, I don't agree with leagues fining personell for criticizing them. They've become way to greedy regarding the fines issued out. The solution imo should be to stop talking about them publicly, period. Teams, coaches, & players should be allowed to bring their grievances to the refs in a professional & private manner. Stripes have an incredibly difficult, potentially dangerous, & thankless job while providing essential services. They get especially anxious for big games, too. Can we please dial back the animosity at least a little bit 🙏. Otherwise, I fear a ref shortage is more inevitable than Thanos. Just some thoughts.

  2. aww did the bruins play their bully game and get out bullied leading to missed calls that cost them a game?

    leafs from kadri era send their regards.

  3. Not gonna lie, I think the Leafs did beat Boston down with their physicality, and it showed in the last 3 games of that series. Having to face Florida immediately after is BRUTAL.

  4. Regardless if the crowd was frustrated by their team and the call by officials, they showed no class by throwing trash onto the ice. I believe in cases like these, the home team should be assessed an un-sportsman like conduct or a delay of game penalty for the actions of their fans. as for the actual call, Ekblad should have gotten a holding penalty and that's it. He steered Lauko into Bob, there was no goalie interference on the play.. So yeah, the refs really botched this one.

  5. Panthers were my pick to win the cup and, unfortunately, I see no reason to change that.
    They had that misstep in Game 1 but quickly rebounded & re-established themselves as the superior team.
    BOS may win another game but this series is over.
    Sorry, TV execs, but that NY/BOS conference final ain't happening.

  6. The so called fans who boo their own team in tough times are just no fans at all. They are simply there to drink beer and act dumb…they are no true fans. Real fans support their team in toughest times..those r fans. Bs. These booers just go there cause they got nothing better to do with their lives.

  7. I’m a panthers fan. And I totally agree that it was a horrible call. Like honestly, where was Lauko supposed to go? It’s a clear holding penalty.

    We definitely take those but these types of missed calls makes the league look like a joke sometimes.

  8. Two things can be simultaneously true:
    1. The Panthers dominated the Bruins this game.
    2. It was a total horse shit call, and the Panthers seem to be able to get away with murder as far as the refs are concerned… let's not pretend that wasn't the case last year in the playoffs too.

  9. how the table are turn!!! they usually get way with some sketchy calls , so now it is going the other way! And I am fine with it !!

  10. I am not sure that most NHL fans would think of not having Brad Marchand on the roster as a major loss…

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