@Carolina Hurricanes

What is this nonsense

What is this nonsense

by LemonsInMySoup


  1. AngryGuitarist

    I bet I know which jersey they wear to the games this series…

  2. JJNotStrike

    Realistically, a divided household. I have plenty of friends with spouses that root for different teams.

  3. Like17Badgers

    what, you thought we were being silly with the Cary jokes and 2nd home memes?

    nah. these people are born in New York so they grow up bring Rags fans, them move to a decent place to live cause New York sucks, but they stayed Rags fans.

    they’ll wear Canes kits when they normally go to games, but as soon as the rags are in town they start wearing other colors.

  4. I’m going to go out on a limb and say they like both the Carolina Hurricanes and the New York Rangers.

  5. It’s like the house divided sign but on a car. I’ve been looking for a Pens and Canes house divided sign.

  6. Jimmycocopop1974

    Some transplant 🐂💩that’s exactly what that is.

  7. BudWeiserIII

    imagine having to move to a different state and pretend to be a fan of the local team just to be able to afford tickets to a hockey game lmao

  8. FragileIdeals

    Hopefully a divided household but likely someone who pretends they’re a Canes fan

  9. It’s all over the place. I literally have a neighbor across the street from me with a Canes and a Rangers flag on their porch. I got behind a car today with both stickers (not the one in OP.) This is the unfortunate reality of living in an area with so many transplants- they bring their fandom and don’t ever fully convert to the home team.

    Good news is their kids will all more likely be Canes fans.

  10. They’re going to be upset when their kids grow up straight Caniac’s and embarrass them at every game in the future

  11. beanbags-bean75

    Gah… just threw up in my mouth a little bit

  12. bkfountain

    Yeah it’s gross. Transplants rooting for the canes all season until the rags show up and then turn into the worst douches in the building.

  13. bigskycaniac

    I saw a Jeep with New York plates here in central MT. I’m already grumpy, that didn’t help.

    Canes by fucking 50 tonight please.

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