@Florida Panthers

Their dirty player got hurt by our dirty player. Fs in the chat boys.

Their dirty player got hurt by our dirty player. Fs in the chat boys.

by CasperCann


  1. OnesixthShape

    Why is this guy always looking like he is about to cry?

  2. WhattheFunk11

    Gee, let’s target Barkov all game and hopefully nothing bad will happen to our players. What did they expect??

  3. Imaginary-Scheme-203

    His own fault too dude was lunging at Bennett probably thinking he could exacerbate the injuries he was out for. Then got reversed hit like the little bitch he is

  4. Away_Note

    I couldn’t wait to read some of the barstool posts and they did not disappoint, crying about Bennett’s hit on Marchand and about the bullying of their team.

  5. EnjoiDank

    Yep I knew somebody would go for Benny in r/hockey. Bunch of chumps defending Brad fucking Marchand in there. That subreddit is the most chickenshit place in hockey. Toronto fans still bringing up Knies as if he’s weaker than Mitch Marner

  6. okokokoyeahright


    Isn’t that the best thing you’ve seen all day?

    Makes me wanna reach out and touch him in the nose a bit. Several times even.

  7. PuertoRicanProfessor

    Benny hit Marchand with the good ole’ Uno reverse card 🤣🤣🤣

  8. IntrepidSwan7932

    I still think it was unintentional. Especially when it looked like Marchand was looking to go shoulder to head on his hit, and instead got unintentional fist to mouth disease.

  9. Mysterious-Gas7436

    It’s the battle of the rats, and my Gentilerats, we shall prevail!

  10. WheeinSpace

    Love Boston fans whining about it. Clearly unintentional but if it WAS intentional, I’m not giving a fuck. It’s Brad fucking Marchand.

  11. The_Comic_Collector

    He literally started the game trash talking barkov then took a run at Bennett,if he isn’t tough enough to handle it he should keep his mouth shut, got what he asked for

  12. dannymac420386

    He was threatening our fucking captain at the opening faceoff.

    He really fucked around and found out

  13. NationalTap9622

    This whining diving crybaby sack of shit got what he deserved.

  14. Jagrkid2186

    What even happened? It looked like minor collision after Bennet dumped into the zone.

  15. Melodic-Tip-5475

    Even if Bennet got him in the mouth during the hit, it’s clear that the initial contact was with the hips/shoulder first. It’s not Bennet’s faults that Marchand crumbled like a piece of paper and got hit in the mouth.

    Marchand used to do something like this every game.

    Amazing how Boston fans complain when they get served their own medicine.

  16. bobbyFinstock80

    *stanley cup champion
    *likely hall of famer
    Gets concussed by
    *slightly above average
    *Stanley cup loser

    Fixed that for ya.

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