@Detroit Red Wings

Detroit Redwings Sweater Ranking #1

It’s the offseason for us and I’m bored let’s do a Redwings Sweater ranking. Vote for the wings sweater you think is the nicest looking in team history. Using this video minus the cougars uniforms for the entries []( shout out to sports logos for throwing it together.

Going to combine some of the units into one option if they are almost identical, like the home uniform has stayed relatively unchanged in our history minus some tweaks to the logo and logo size, while the road one has undergone a change or 2.

Since Reddit only allows 6 options in polls I’m going to have to do this via comment upvote. After 24 hours I will consider the voting done and then I will remove the top voted option each day until we have our tier list completed. Try to only vote for your top choice.

by Strawhaterza


  1. laker9903

    In combining the uniforms, though (road 1954-Present), you aren’t taking into account the change in which colors are worn for home vs road.

  2. EarthenChild

    Damn that newer RR is awesome. Especially in the context of this video. And that 14 WC is maybe my all time favorite sweater

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