@Boston Bruins

New angle just dropped of Sam Bennett punching Marchand in the face / 12.05.2024

New angle just dropped of Sam Bennett punching Marchand in the face / 12.05.2024

#nhlintrend #nhl #nhlplayoffs #regularseason #nhlHighlights


  1. I'll take Bennett on my team anyday, Marchand deserves worse. Hope he's done for the playoffs.

  2. That's rich, Colby Armstrong analyzing a dirty play… I suppose if anyone would know anything about being a dirty player…

  3. In Holland we call it 'koekje van eigen deeg' meaning a cookie from your own dough, a taste of your own medicine.

  4. Even though I’m not sad to see Marchand get his just rewards, this is clearly a suspension. Dirty play, even got on after the game and lied about it. Brutal

  5. All of the people who are saying no big deal it was marchand are pathetic and have no character. Rules are for everyone, not just the people you like or dislike.

  6. Arguing Marchand is a dirtyplayetso its ok is asinine. This is what stops people from taking the NHL seriously.

  7. There are new videos surfacing showing the front of everything clearly! Bennett is a scumbag and the new video only further proved that. Florida is known to be DIRTY! No matter the sport! And the most disgusting and outrageous thing of it all, is all these moron Florida Flopper fans trying to justify the scumbag behavior! Like Florida show some shame! FILTH! Karma is a Mofo and the puck never lies so Florida like last year in the cup will be exposed for the FRAUDS they really are! One lucky period away from being swept in the cup. Yeah, the BIG BAD PANTHERS weren't so TOUGH then!

  8. Starting to think the whole playoffs are rigged.
    No one should get away with that shit.
    Cant stand Marchand but that's too much.

  9. People are actually shocked Florida is the lowest form of scumbags in sports?

    Must be new here; that's what they did all playoffs last year.

  10. Don’t get me wrong, Marchand is dirty. But Bennett is also a piece of S… He took out toronto’s knies last year doing the same crap. He is an undercover dirty player.

  11. "It's all about player's well being" Unless it's Marchant spearing, slough footing, and cheap shot-ing for his entire career? 

    Shut up.

  12. bro really said not intentional and then crosschecks coyle into the net to get a wide open goal. and the NHL is just like nothing to see here. its fuckin bullshit is what it is. the bruins are getting outplayed but you have to call what happens, not just cover it up because you want to legitimize this bushwhacking scrub expansion franchise.

  13. He learned well by mr dirty nick cousins…. I know i shouldnt feel bad for marchand but it was really dirty

  14. It was a dirty hit. However, Bennett knew it was Marchand coming his way, and he knows that Marchand plays on the edge and decided to drop him with a short right to the temple.

  15. If Marchand,Tom Wilson or a Shaun Avery did that everyone would be calling for a suspension. Everyone says it's Marchand so let it go. Doesn't matter who did it to who it's a dirty cheapshot that the league failed to address

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