@Toronto Maple Leafs

Craig Berube calls it like he sees it. This should be without a doubt an easy hire for the Leafs. We need someone who will hold players accountable, especially the “core 4”

Craig Berube calls it like he sees it. This should be without a doubt an easy hire for the Leafs. We need someone who will hold players accountable, especially the “core 4”

by GreenSnakes_


  1. The core definitely needs someone who can hold them accountable.

    Babcock took it too far, and I think Sheldon’s main fault was he was way too easy on them. Berube seems like he would be a nice middle ground here.

  2. SpidermanSaves

    No head coach has won the Stanley Cup with 2 different teams in over 20 years… Why would this guy be any different?

    He caught lightning in a bottle one year, but hasn’t gotten close ever since.

    I’m not saying he’d be a bad hire, but I don’t see the only option

  3. Sideshift1427

    He can beat up on the Core 4 to his heart’s content but without better defence and goaltending it won’t make a lick of difference.

  4. ThymeIsTight

    I can imagine Matthews and Tavares taking the criticism to improve their game. Willy is a cool cat and no criticism will impact him. Marner, love the guy, but he will get frustrated and just take it out on the media.

    Over time, maybe a couple of seasons, they will just tune out the criticism entirely.

  5. IndependenceGood1835

    Has to be combined with getting rid of Marner or it will be a season of drama.

  6. breachofpepper

    Do people really think it was Keefe deciding to walk back every criticism of the top players?

    to me It was clearly direction from management above. Maybe that will change with treliving or pelley but I don’t blame keefe for not being able to publicly call his players out.

    Some of the behind the scene footage includes him calling players out, and being pretty brutally honest with them at times. He did have to coddle them at the start after Babcock to get them playing well so that might have set a bad precedent . 

  7. I love how people in this sub act like they are in the room and have any idea what people are like or what’s needed.

  8. What is he like tactically, how does he approach the game, that’s what matters to me

  9. BayStreetGuy

    If Berube talks like this to our core 4, he will get a visit from Shanny to tone it down.

  10. MisterBeebo

    > You cannot play in this league without emotion…

    *John Tavares has left the chat.*

  11. I actually think ownership is just too pussy and that they think this type of accountability would somehow take away from jersey sales/revenue.

  12. Gear_Down_8195

    Sheldon had to take it easy on them or management made him walk back his comments to the media and embarrassed him lol I would be skeptical anything will change with shanny still here.

  13. TorturedFanClub

    Everything, Ive ever heard about Babs is that he is not very likeable. Keefe was a very likeable man, however. I honestly believe Keefe was neutered by management. Even when he suggested that the big boys were playing like shit, he seemed to back pedal.
    Berube better getting full reign if they hire hime. No point in getting this type of coach then censoring him.

  14. Major-Discount5011

    Good luck with having the highest paid players buying into his style of motivation. I just dont see it happening with this core. Players run coaches out of town.

  15. proj3ctchaos

    he will be another scapegoat when the leafs under perform from a shitty roster

  16. Fastlane19

    Imagine a coach holding players accountable? Ha! What era are we talking about because this leafs team would all want to be traded

  17. ApeManMemeStonker

    Genuinely curious why the rush to hire someone that ISNT rod brindamour? Dont you guys want the best? Not the best available right this second?

  18. Current-Own

    Idt that would work with this core. They march to the beat of their own drum. I wish the next coach all the luck in the world. He’s gonna need it. I can see a scenario where we don’t even get in.

  19. Hoardzunit

    Marner will piss his pants and whine to his security detail if he gets called out like this.

  20. The fish rots from the head down. I think the problem here is not only with leadership but on ice leadership as well. Marner Matthews and Tavares are too nice of guys and I would be surprised if they had hard conversations in that locker room with underperforming players. It was nice to see Willie show a little bit of that in the playoffs, that’s what will make him a great player. The leafs truly needs someone like a Scott Stevens where he is excellent at his position and no nonsense kind of guy.

    Berube would be a nice second change next to treliving which was a nice start, it seems they have a similar mindset. I just want to be clear this is not a post bashing Matthews, it seems like he played hurt during the playoffs and I give him a lot of respect for that, I think he was trying his best to win but guys like Marner and Rielly really let the team down.

  21. Able-Matter4770

    He has already has the answers ready leafs press conferences. If I couldn’t see rhe blues logo behind him I would swear he is commenting on the Maple Leafs.

  22. YungWillyDrip

    Everyone realizes this is the reason he got fired right? The veterans moved on and the younger players hated playing for him.

  23. Captain_Self_Promotr

    Berube has lost the room before he steps one foot in it after the players watch this video.

  24. JackRadcliffe

    Going from 3.6gpg in the season to 1.7gpg in the playoffs isn’t going to cut it.

  25. radman888

    As long as they keep referring to a core 4, which spits on everyone else on the team, this team isn’t winning anyi

  26. Move Marner just so I don’t have to hear the term core 4 anymore. Killing me at this point

  27. WhipTheLlama

    That’s nice, but did Berube make them play with more passion, or just call them out?

    We need a coach who can change the way the team plays.

  28. Berube ain’t our Nick Nurse. Sorry. Good coach, but I don’t it.

  29. Jimmy_October

    Why would Leaf players giver a shit about this. They walk from entry level contracts into NMC near 8 figures expiring into UFA, THEN get another raise if you stick around.

    Give the kids whatever they want then wonder why they are uninspired. This has been the way with this group and the team/management has equal responsibility in creating this mess.

  30. Training-Site-7019

    He perfectly described our “Core 4” as a collective right there lmao.

  31. Norm_MAC_Donald

    I say this all the time, but saying this in St. Louis is very different than saying the exact same thing in a hockey market like Toronto. The Toronto media would have a field day with quotes like this and the rumour mill would be buzzing. Part of why Keefe was able to stay so long was how he handled the media. The new coach has to be pretty savvy with the media.

  32. resentfulvirgin

    You should try making these decisions based on watching games instead of watching press conferences. There’s a lot more to being a coach than calling your star players lazy and gay.

  33. Born_Performance_908

    I’ll never forgive the Blues roster for getting Berube fired. He deserved so much better and I’d love to see him succeed with some serious resources thrown his way in Toronto.

    As a Blues fan I can’t wait to see him bring Toronto a Cup:-) His guys will run through a wall for him, and so will his Teams Fans!

  34. Pivotalrook

    We need to have a coaching and president that fucking kills the whole “core 4” ideology…sick of hearing it, sick of relying on it and I 100% will say the rest of the team wants more recognition.

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