@Boston Bruins

The NHL Playoffs are out of control #4

The NHL Playoffs are out of control #4

Is it just me, or are the NHL Playoffs flying by?! We’re well into the 2nd round and as you’d expect, the intensity keeps picking up. Things are out of control and the officiating isn’t helping. From that sneaky Sam Bennett dirty hit on Marchand going unpunished, blatant missed calls like McDavids high stick on Hughes right in front of the official to the extremely controversial non goalie interference we saw tonight in the Bruins Panthers game. We also had the broadcast cutting out with a minute to go in the Hurricanes Rangers game, Jacob Trouba flying into the boards, some flat out huge hits, plenty of mind games, plenty of nastiness as even the superstars were fighting in Tkachuk and Pastrnak and plenty more! I cover it all in todays NHL hockey video!

#nhl #hockey #highlights #funnymoments #torontomapleleafs #bostonbruins #nhlplayoffs


  1. I mean that "controversial goal" they gave a very clear and understandable reason as to why I was NOT interference… lol.

  2. so what you saying? we should stop the playoffs and reset with toronto ? … this is why teams need to play hockey instead of the ref game like boston does …. live by the sword and die by the sword … judge and you will be judged in the same was that you judge others

  3. Oh, we're calling it The Michigan again? I think networks have an aversion to that, probably because of some stupid branding money-related who-the-fuck-cares. Or maybe because there are Buckeyes fans at the networks. I saw the original The Michigan live, so it'll always be that to me. "The lacrosse" is lame.

  4. I'm not a Bruins fan at all but watching yesterdays game even though I'm rooting for the Panthers there were some BAD calls I was shock and didn't watch the whole game because of the bad calls. I hate it when the refs in any sport make the wrong calls even when they watch the review on video and still call it wrong.

  5. Have you ever tried to referee a game of hockey? As for Marchand, what goes around comes around. The guy has a record. So it is hard to feel sorry for him. If we are going to have trial by TV then maybe we need a mechanism to deal with these issues that periodically occur. And when that happens what will we have to complain about? If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen

  6. People defending zadorov and susi you guys have been cross checking mcdavid and draisaitl the entire series 😂

  7. florida fans are becoming the nhl version of the yankees. i swear i see the most brain dead takes to defend the controversial outcomes of bennett. he did punch march end of story, should be a fine at min. that interference goal florida fans say sway was not making that either way. he absolutely would have even if not, if coyle wasn't crossed checked he would have had a opportunity to dump the puck away from net. its disgusting and winning so cheaply should put disgust in the fan base. STOP DEFENDING AWFUL CALLS end of story

  8. On that Bennet clear interference goal, coach Montgomery who also speaks french, told – in french quebecois – to the 2 french quebecer refs that night – to go f themselves pretty clearly. This series is a joke, as well as the one between Vancouver and Edmonton. We know Bettman wants the Panthers to win the Cup, but come one, don't make it so obvious.

  9. The NHL stupidly makes a point about suspending crap in the regular season, but then in the playoffs it ignores blatant intents to injure.

  10. Can we suspend Trouba for full season, because its not his 1st or 2nd time to chicken-wing people so he has clear intention to injure

  11. loving your coverage!! I am heavy into a hockey hyperfixation rn, am still learning a lot about the game, and I always count on you to give me the lowdown on what's happening in the league!! 🏒🏒

  12. Just goes to show if you are a pussy named McDavid you can slash a player across the face draw blood and get to skip the 4 minutes of penalty time he shoulda taken. But some players are just straight up protected they slash someone no call, they get bumped around and opposition gets suspensions….BULLSHIT.

  13. Marchand getting "sucker punched" is the toughest call to make considering Marchand is initiating the hit, and people are pretending Bennett, as a guy about to be hit, can't defend or brace himself. Does it look bad slowed down? Absolutely. Do you need to remember how bracing for a body check works? Yep. Protect head; hands up, use the hands to deflect/soften collision/momentum. And grow up, because that usually looks like hitting back in practical situations.

    Shame the body and momentum angles made it go that way, but Bennett should not be penalized and it's good that he wasn't.

    Also a shame that Marchand got accidentally punched. Couldn't happen to a less deserving scholar of the game. That man should only ever be punched on purpose.

  14. I know that the intensity and physicality ramps up a notch in the playoffs, but the amount of dirty plays and especially head-hunting checks and elbows is a black mark on the game and the league needs to unfcuk the referees and start calling some of that garbage before players get sent to the hospital with life-altering injuries.

  15. I think the playoffs are great Boston losing that's all that matters who cares who wins as long as Marchand don't put his snout on the cup .

  16. Even as a bruins hater, I can agree that the refs are giving the series to florida… someone check their betting accounts

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