@Philadelphia Flyers

Flyers Ivan Provorov BACKLASH for refusing to participate in PRIDE NIGHT w/ LGBTQ jerseys! #freedom

#philadelphiaflyers #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #controversy #breakingnews #breaking #trending

Philadelphia Flyers player Ivan Provorov REFUSES to wear LGBTQ themed warm-up jersey for PRIDE NIGHT! This came with backlash and questions about suspending him a game from the media.


  1. Thank you So much Ivan for having the courage to make a stand for your belief ! So tired of them pushing this agenda on us when we clearly DONT agree…. We stand WITH you united. Our prayers are for you and your family ! 🎉❤

  2. F#ck that!!!! Can't believe that certain institutions are trying to impose this agenda on society. I would NEVER participate in it!!!

  3. It went from "we just wish to be accepted in society" to "submit to our ideology or we'll get you exiled from society"

  4. The lbgtq+ "rainbow mafia" are selfish. They they impose their lifestyle on everyone and if you speak up for yourself and stick to your truths you're considered anti this or that.

  5. If someone doesn’t want to participate in the pride thing that is his right. No one should be bullied in to participating in a pride event. This is a free country if you don’t support pride. Don’t be bullied into it.

  6. First of all we must stop calling ourselves black that shyt by law means non existing! We are the original melenated copper tone autochthonous Nijii people of turtle Island! We are American Indians we ain't come from no got damn sail boat from no damn Africa! Biggest lie ever told ! We need to stop being ignorant and know everything they told you people I'm these school systems are a lie that's why they keep getting away with shyt our people are not claiming our land 💯 stop calling yourself foreigners own your own got damn  land! Ain't no such thing as Africa American that term was created in 1988 by the Boule and the freemasons
    We need to govern ourselves on our own soil! Stop electing fucking foreigners and pedophiles every 4 years to govern us on our own got damn land! Don't protest… boycott and go to the city hall meetings we the indigenous people of the land need to get the fuck up and start making this shyt make since our selves! The United States is a foreign corporation that is illegally on our land! The United States corporation is not or government we are our own government wake the hell up people! And stop being stupid and lazy re educate yourself everything they told you in school was a lie! The two biggest lies is religion! We American Indians where never religious we are and will always be spiritual being of energy light frequency and vibrations and the other lie they keep telling you is that we cam fron Africa on a got damn wooden boat smfh..we American Indians never came from Africa! The Americas is way older the Africa! Them damn Africans and foreigners don't fuck with us at all! They are trying to genocide us and take our land! We are the original melenated copper tone autochthonous Nijii people of turtle Island aka the Americas!

  7. Yes indeed, I strongly believe in a man and a woman. Anything else is an abomination. Sorry, dicks and butts just can't make babies.

  8. Team is a private business they also have rights and you can chose not to work for them..Reporter asking a question is not a big deal..Team didn't have an issue…Do people who support his rights have same feeling when an athlete kneels for Anthem is my question..

  9. See how society try to push the LGBTQ on everyone even if it wasn’t religion he has the right not to participate in something he doesn’t like

  10. It's ironic because I've been going around looking to see gay people would stand by Ivan Provorov and even they are agreeing with him that everybody has their own right.

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