@Montreal Canadiens

After Pinto tries to get into it with team SK, Slaf big bodies him and Pinto heads off

After Pinto tries to get into it with team SK, Slaf big bodies him and Pinto heads off

by _JPG97_


  1. Sens fans are saying Pinto got the best of Slaf here by giving him condescending pats and that Slaf was acting like a “fake tough guy” (actual quote I saw). I completely disagree. Looks like Pinto didn’t want the smoke.


  2. It looks like slaf says “back the fuck up” not sure what pinto responds. He has nice back pats. He will need them to console his losing teammates. Slaf is the man

  3. steeler2323

    “It’s not what you think” and run away… If Sens really think he got the best of Slaf, they are delusional.

    It remind me of Xhekaj when he said “You have 3 seconds to let me go” to Marc Staal and he calmed down instantly

  4. matthewdonut

    Seems overanalyzed haha, Slaf is just defending his boy here and I’m pretty sure Pinto pats him to say my beef isn’t with you bud.

    I don’t think Pinto is being condescending with the pats to the back nor do I think Slaf scared him off (that being said I doubt he’d be looking to pick a fight with Slaf)

  5. I bet Pinto had to go wipe after Slaf got in his face

  6. bigmonkeyfart

    They’re making out in one of those frames

  7. Longshanks123

    Pinto is listed at 6’3”, same as Slaf. This is an example of how you cannot trust listed heights, Slaf is looking down at this guy

  8. arkameedees

    LOVED the “Back the fuck up” at the end. Slaf is serving that ‘Fuck you’ attitude and you just love to see it.

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