@Colorado Avalanche

Avs Players on Finding Out The Val Nichushkin Suspension Before Game 4

Cale Makar, Andrew Cogliano, & Alexandar Georgiev Press Conference after Colorado Avalanche Lose 5-1 in game 4 vs Dallas Stars to go down 3-1 in Round 2 of NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.

0:00 – Cale Makar
2:22 – Andrew Cogliano
4:57 – Alexandar Georgiev

#nhl #coloradoavalanche


  1. It’s not just that Nichushkin was out, but the reason he’s gone and the timing of the announcement.
    Years ago, a colleague was fired in the middle of the day for misconduct. It affected everyone in the department for a couple days. Events affects people, and that can’t be ignored readily, not when the opponent is as elite as you.

  2. Nichushkin is a liability at this point. Past couple years he’s in and out, and at the worst times during playoffs!!!! Literally is the (strong, clutch, goal scorer, top player) rug that gets pulled out from underneath. Trade his for a worst player or something but someone who doesn’t consistently throw monkey wrenches into the team during playoffs!!!!!!!

  3. Val will always have special place in my heart for 2022 Cup run. And he will get at least 1 more NHL chance cuz how good he is-but it can't be here.Far more important than hockey-fix your life bro-you are flushing your life,& incredibly promising career down the drain.No way you can expect anybody in this organization to count on him-no matter how long he goes to rehab. He needs to fix his life-then you'll probably be lucky to get $.60 on the dollar of his value but he has to go-you cant send that message to the rest of the team. But none of that is remotely excusable for what we witnessed at Ball tonight.

    Im a recovered addict/alcoholic & have great sympathy for Val-but he cant be counted on here ever again. Just make sure ya send him somewhere out East.But while I knew our Cup hopes ended when I heard the news-that doesn't excuse tonight's soft as Charmin effort. Makar on that 1st goal-shorthanded-this team in a microcosm tonight. Props to Giorgiev though-you couldve put DU out there,& competed better-but he kept it 1-0 when it should've been 4 or 5-0. I expect this series is over but just hope any player laying down or not showing pride,effort,& fight-dont bother to get on that plane,& embarrass yourself, organization,& the city.

    But while a few guys showed great effort-Giorgiev exhibit A-our top guys have embarrassed themselves.Mac showed anger at least. Makar looking soft as charmin on that shorty was the beginning of the end…IT WAS ONLY 1-0! Between tonight,& game 2 Nugs-Wolves…wow…neither team has to win their series. But these damn teams have lost 4 straight home playoff games-Nugs PLEASE spare us tomorrow!

    But whatever the result-is it asking too much for effort,pride,& fight from millionaires with Championship DNA? Nugs responded with all those things-whether they win their series or not. Win or lose we will find out a lot about this Avs team Wednesday night. Right now they look like soft,pretty frontrunners. We've been spoiled by both teams but some level of effort,& pride should be a given-no matter whos missing.

  4. as a die-hard Stars ONLY fan since day 1 in 1993, when our Stars came to Dallas via Minnesota….can not LOVE this enough seeing that chump Val Nichushkin being suspended for 6 months for being Val Nichushkin. He was a high draft pick for us, that could care less about playing hockey, or at least NHL-caliber hockey for our Stars, and wasted year after year here in Dallas until we finally had enough of his BS and shipped him out of Dallas and now this???? POETIC JUSTICE baby….suck Val Nichushkin and suck it hav nots aka avs….GO STARS

  5. I just can not wait until Landeskog is back on the ice. Out of all the players we need back at this point, this is the guy. Val is a very good sound player, but my lord 2 years in a row you disappear when you're our crucial guy on the team. Gets a ton of trash goals and that's what we need in the playoffs to save us. Still have high faiths in the team to bring it back around. But its going to be a ton harder. Hope Toews is back in the lineup for the next game or else I feel we will watch a similar game.

  6. Val and Tazer being out, however good they are for the team, is no excuse for the absolute beer league level hockey I saw from these guys tonight. I felt that there was still a chance we win this game, before puck drop that is, but man no compete from the guys tonight, in front of the home crowd nonetheless. 3-1 is not impossible, but every team in the nhl could have beaten us soundly tonight. We have so see an insane turnaround like never before or this series is as good as over.

  7. The real shame is how Georgiev has kept us close and our team lets him down. Don't understand what is going wrong with the team.

  8. It’s not an excuse in a loss but it’s a Factor, he’s leading the playoffs in goals, however if Percocets and Hookers are more of a priority for you as an NHL player than you can be replaced.

  9. I was shocked the Avs fired their team doc and covered up Nichloser leaving in 23’. Not as shocked this time in 24’.

    Think how much value Nichloser had on the trading block… now will they even be able to deal him? Or will they give him a third chance?

    He’s good for 50 games and about 50 points a year. His personal conflicts are more important to him than his team in the playoffs. Send him back to Russia.

    He failed a drug test and is being forced into treatment, he’s not actually seeking help (this time).

    Think of how many other players put up 50 point seasons and are good playoff players as well…

    Looked like the Avs partied too hard on Sunday for Girards birthday, Toews was too hung over to play, Nichloser relapsed, and the rest of the team was awful.

    Hard to be a fan of a team that clearly doesn’t care about the fans. I question Nate Dogs leadership capabilities too.

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