@Colorado Avalanche

I hate to say it, but they look so cooked right now

Nhl playoffs 2024 – Dallas stars vs colorado avalanche second round playoff series is not going according to plan for nathan mackinnon cale makar and the avs right now. With the valeri nichushkin news and devon toews hours ahead of game 4 , they came in at a disadvantage and the stars vs avalanche highlights do not favor them. Nhl highlights today 2024 stanley cup playoffs wyatt johnston goal tyler seguin logan stankoven and more are just too much for jared bednar and the colorado avalanche news especially without val nichushkin goals . Nhl hockey playoffs today
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  1. Keep Bednar, get a goalie, and hot take but dump the money pit that is Landy. The guy hasn't played full in 3 years! Dump his contract and open up that money for a good goalie or get Cale some help on D. I get that Landy is a major leadership role on the Avs but he needs to be ON the ice, not in the stands or at home. There's no cheerleaders in hockey, that's what the fans are for.

  2. I absolutely love Jared Bednar as our Head Coach. Please do not let Nichuschkin's blow problem be his demise.

  3. The only ones saying fire bednar are the non real fans bednar won us a cup and got us into the playoffs 7 years in a row, and will be 8 years next season avs can get blown out 10-1 tomorrow and bednar is still our coach we aren't the Winnipeg Jets or the Toronto Maple Leafs who hasnt done much and have had mid at best coaching we have one of the best coaches in the league rn and arguably the best in Avalanche history, best one with this core at the very least firing him will eventually lead to disaster

  4. COL without Landeskog, Nichushkin and Francouz, sounds like Sakic will have to work overtime to fill those now glaring holes. No disrespect to Parise, but he should be put at best on a 3rd line at this stage of his career if he wants any shot at a cup and he should probably be the worst of the line.

  5. As good as the AVs are , Dallas has 8 20 goal scorers from the regular season . IF the AVS were dumb enough to fire their coach , TORONTO should snap him up IMMEDIATELY !!!!!

  6. They really need to look at moving Nichuskin if that's even possible. Two years in a row being unavailable in the playoffs for personal reasons is ridiculous.

  7. Yeah it’s over for us. Unfortunately. I’m fucking mad about it. They should have let Val go last year when this happened. lol and no, no serious Colorado fan thinks we need to fire bednar. Bednar is easily one of the best coaches in the nhl right now. This is a team collapse. Not a coaching failure. They need to let landy go, get a proper second line built up and we can win.

  8. I think if the Avs can put up a fight and a win in game 5 they have a good chance of winning game 6 and possibly the series

  9. As an Avs fan I think Bednar is a good coach we just need a new goalie in between the pipes and I think we should trade mikko because he was inconsistent for the regular season and playoffs this year

  10. Avs are a very good team, Dallas is better.
    This series should end tomorrow, game 6 on Friday at the worst.
    Last night was embarrassing from the Avs..I'll take it as a Stars fan

  11. I don't this landy plays hockey again. And it's not the coaches fault. They're lacking a solid starter and a few top 6 pieces.

  12. We love bednar. He’s not the problem. Nichuskin let the team down two years in a row, and we need our captain back

  13. Losing is inevitable for 31 teams, and it looks like the Avs are going to be one of them. If Dallas moves on, it was because they were the better team. No big deal, that's just business in the NHL.

  14. Bednar has been a great coach, echoing what others are saying here. Looking at the lineup, Drouin and LOC being out right before playoffs definitely hurt, Drouin was one of the few that looked awake last night. I think this lineup has the depth to work – both games 2 and 3 could have very very easily gone differently. Toews and Nichuskin out right before gametime is crushing and I think explains most of what we saw last night. I think the biggest priority next year is a replacement for Nichuskin and a backup goalie we can trust and consistently use. An upgrade to Georgiev would be nice but I don't think is essential. Just get him down to ~55 games and I think he plays better. We don't need fantastic goaltending, we just need good enough, and you have to choose where to spend limited money.

  15. I think the problem with the avs is that they need a better goalie and better backup then annunen

  16. As an avs fan georgiev has actually been amazing this series. Bednar is not at fault. The problem is something else with this team, I think they're missing their captain, and I think mackinnons aggressive drive to win is exhausting them without a guy like Landy who can provide more laid back leadership.

    I also think that losing nuke and toews last night was what made them play so bad, and if you actually watch every game other than game 4, you'll feel the avs outplayed the stars every game, and that this series would be a close one.

  17. It's sad that Colorado had rest and still can't win. Its pathetic and they need to get rid of landskog and save the money!

  18. On Nichuskin: there are not too many possibilities: hard drug abuse or doping or some kind of another serious felony, maybe a combination of those. It is repugnant, that AVS and NHL fail to disclose the real reasons.

  19. 2 shots in the first period. That's absolutely beyond the pale, especially for a team with the weapons Colorado has.

  20. No Landy for the 2nd year & they still haven't taken the C from him. The team that won the cup was the best team in the NHL by a significant margin. I think L.A. was worse than it appeared, Colorado better… Now V.N. is out, clearly from something serious. Sometimes life sucks the will & emotion right out of a team. Dallas has better goaltending, better depth, better energy, better synergy, & can match Makar with Heiskanen. I don't thing the Nate-Dawg & company can come back from this 🤷.

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