@Edmonton Oilers

‘This needs to be a suspension’: Button on Soucy’s cross-check on McDavid

TSN Director of Scouting Craig Button joins Jay Onrait to share his thoughts on the cross-check on Connor McDavid by Carson Soucy at the end of Game 3.


  1. NHL Commissioner Update : They have “Suspended Soucy, for 1 playoff game” As of tonight’s review.

  2. so Craig.. youre showing alot of passion for McDavid.. what about Hymans blatant cross check to Zadorovs face that required stitches.. what about Kanes slew foot on Hughes.. all i hear are crickets from you on this…

  3. You know how you end up the director of scouting for a sports channel? Just suck at the actual scouting job so that no pro teams in the league will hire you… 😂

  4. And suspension for slash by McDavid when game was over? TSN you guys are idiots. One sided opinions for your hero.

  5. Bias Button… "TSN to Suspend Button" as a result of his poor play. or.. "Man wakes from coma and only see's what he wants to see"… so boarding on petterson is ok, crotch shot on hoglander is ok, slewfoot on hughes is ok and cross check to zedorov is ok?

  6. Yeah, the accidental crosscheck to the face gets a penalty, but Hyman’s INTENTIONAL crosscheck to the face gets nothing??? Not even discussed???? You’re a joke Craig.

  7. what about mcdavid 2 handed high sticking and drawing blood against huggy and not even a penalty? yeah thought so. fucking goofs

  8. Funny that you cut out the part where McCrybaby two handed Soucy with his stick just before he got cross checked. He earned that cross check.

  9. Now do the Hyman cross-check to the face of Zadorov that required stitches. No wonder no one trusts the media. All a bunch of clowns.

  10. Old fart getting it wrong again. Canucks. Player didn’t mean to hit oiler player in the face , it was a mistake clear as day , yet old fart trying to score points with his big yap

  11. He was going for the chest Craig. Zadorov’s hit forced McDavids head down. Hyman’s check was direct to the head.

  12. I’m not even a McDavid fan and I think that was bad. It’s a contact sport, there’s no need for chicken shit like that.

  13. Where is the McDavid suspensions for 2 infractions. 2 hand slash on Soucy and reckless slash to Hughes face. The NHL’s yes men protect McBaby

  14. Upon reviewing the replays of the incident, it is not obvious, as Craig Button suggests, that Soucy was aiming straight for McDavid's head. The reason being that McD's head was directed downwards as a result of Zadorov's cross-check to his back. We can therefore assume that Soucy was perhaps aiming for McD's upper chest, not his neck / face per se.

  15. Hey, button. What happened just after this conveniently edited clip?

    Why are tsn such McDavid fan boys?

  16. If McDavid is going to dance with the big boys he better step up and stop falling into the sticks.
    as for the 'nucks they are responsible for their sticks….

  17. So funny that they will NOT even aknowledge Hyman's crosscheck on Zadorov's face that drew blood and required stitches. Mcdavid wasn't even bleeding and Soucy gets suspended, but nobody even bats an eye to Hyman.

  18. Not one mention of Hymen crosschecking Zadorov's face, in the follow up scrum of the McDavid incident. Typical NHL one sided favourtism

  19. Oooooppppsss !! did I hit the "BLAH BLAH BLAH BUTTON" by accident!?!?!?!? Did McDavid bleed? I saw no evidence.

  20. Why the hell didn't you show the whole event – starting with Mcdavid's high stick to the Canuck. Typical TSN bullcrap.

  21. Craig button really is stupid he acts like he tried cross checkinh his face he really didnt at all. He seriously needs to learn more about hockey it he thinks that was on purpose and should of been a suspension such a dumbass

  22. Lmfao he did not intentionally hit him in the face. Mccrybaby tried diving from zadorovs light tap to the padding and caus he dropped 6 inches he took souceys stick to the jaw. Shit happens when you dive in a scrum 😂😂😂

  23. Button couldn't be more of a homer if his last name was Simpson.
    Hes all upset about this, but crickets when it comes to McDavids intentional highstick, or the spear to the nuts?

  24. Didn't even draw any blood. Meanwhile Roope Hintz gets Cross-Checked in the face, bloodied up, and it's a 4min double minor.

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