@St. Louis Blues


Ahmed Shokry’s steroid abuse has ruined his physique.


  1. Omg.. people on those Pimple/Blackhead popping channels have 1, maybe 2… this guy has almost 20 of those on his back !! 🤢

  2. Not only did he cheat with roids, his back wouldn't cover for him and dudes got legs like a teen girl. What a dbag.

  3. Give us examples of negative comments.. would it be because he has flamingo legs.. just asking.. the narrator didn't explain..🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Except for the acne, he looks good. There are the risks of using steroids to achieve this amount of muscle. Just hope he's monitoring carefully

  5. Ahmed is my cousin and he promised the entire family that he's not doing any illegal steroids. His legs are small because he's paralyzed!!
    You're all just haters…😂

  6. Someone like that will have serious medical problems in 10 years from all the drugs being used to accelerate his muscular development.

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