@Dallas Stars

Jamie Benn Goaltender Interference Penalty Against Alex Georgiev

Uploaded by Alyssa Hope

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Alyssa Hope Twitter: @_alyssa_hope

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. wow i can't believe someone would do that to sweet innocent jamie benn. my darling summer angel jamie benn who would never do anything wrong or hurt a fly😢the nhl has a real accountability issue, won't someone stop the bullying?

  2. "Pushes"? C'mon Jen, that was a tap… Benn was waiting for ANY sort of physical contact before running the keeper. He's a rat, but I'll give it to him, he's a smart rat.

  3. This comment section is unhinged. Defender got beat and pushed him twice on a break. Not supprising he ran into the goalie.

  4. I always wonder what the entire f*ck d men are doing now, I would never put my tender in jeopardy like that, always push the forward to the outside of the net no matter what, especially if you're gonna take a penalty for it….

  5. That wasn’t even a push 😂 dude just tapped him on the back lighter than paper 😂😂😂😂😂 how tf do Dallas fans defend this guy? I mean seriously even as a kings fan people hate doughty more than Jamie Benn and I find that laughable

  6. Is there Jamie Benn "fans" out there? For some reason I forget Dallas has a team unless they're in the playoffs

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