@Carolina Hurricanes

Tonight’s rally towels: we’re cookin’ with oil, gas and gravy

Tonight’s rally towels: we’re cookin’ with oil, gas and gravy

by Carolina_913


  1. Carolina_913

    Love the Mike and Tripp quotes

    Now when are they going to give us a Reese’s penis butter rally towel? 😫

  2. spencerkrulz15

    gah, i love these. really need to get myself back to PNC eventually, tough when you’re 15 hours out 😢

  3. beanbags-bean75

    Omg I wish I could get one of these 😭

  4. WellFuckYourDolphin

    Will pay for one of these towels if anyone attending gets an extra

  5. casecrin9018

    If anyone is going tonight and can grab an extra, I have R1G1 towels that I can trade for them, or just flat out pay for one if you’ve got the round 1 set.

  6. My body is ready! I can’t wait to get one tonight!

  7. Biffdickburg

    Hoping we get to visit Chatmandu tonight. Pure Michigander.

  8. CornGaming1929

    If someone could get a spare, I’d love one of these. Can pick up locally

  9. socialaxolotl

    Ah so that’s why the ticket prices were so high, we got a god tier rally towel

  10. Oh man I must have one of these. If anyone from Wilmingtons going and manages to get some extras I’m willing to buy one just dm me lol

  11. mrpancake888

    never in my life did I think I would care about having a towel text spoiled, but here we are.

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