@Boston Bruins

How Insane Has Bruins vs. Panthers Been? + What’s Going On With The Refs? | SDP

How Insane Has Bruins vs. Panthers Been? + What’s Going On With The Refs? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake discuss the craziness that has went down in the Eastern Conference Semi-Final between the Boston Bruins and Florida Panthers.

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  1. It's not a makeup call it's a call. A makeup call implies that two wrongs make a right. In this situation it's not the same thing. The problem with the Bennet situation is that he pushed Coyle into Swayman. The rule is set in stone at that point. It doesn't matter if Swayman can make the save or not. It's goalie interference and also it's supposed to be a 2 minute penalty. The Heinen situation is different because he wasn't pushed in. He made a small amount of contact all by himself. In that scenario the question then becomes did Bob have a chance to reset before the shot. He clearly did. He just got beat clean. These are not the same play at all. They are different circumstances and different parts of the rule are involved because of that. The call that didn't go Boston's was was a blown call and the refs even came back saying they didn't believe the player interfered with Swayman's ability to make the save. Which shows they don't know the rule. Because that's not the rule. In this case the call was correct and to the letter of the law.

  2. "I need Maroon to score a big goal because hes just a skating mouth." Bro the blues have a stanley cup bc Maroon got the game 7 double OT goal vs dallas after Bishop and Binnington made like 50+ saves each.

  3. They haven't figured out Goalie interference for 30 years now. It's the Pass Interference of Hockey. That it is a make up call is one thing. The larger issue is that the first miss was so bad, the Bruins knew they weren't getting the next GI call so now they can give Bob all kinds of usually illegal grief until they get their call back.

  4. They were different degrees of goalie interference…the Heinen one could have gone either way…the Bennet one was flat out criminal, but there's no question they weren't reversing the McAvoy goal after that BS

  5. Panther fans want to deflect off the officials being so horrific… Bruin fans are irate about their D dumping pucks only for the Panther Ds to easily gather and set their offense… Bruin fans are irate about the officials being horrific – THAT seems to be the most common theme everywhere. How did it get to this point????

  6. And there is another way to look at it. All playoff series are called differently. Depends on the teams. Always been this way. When the ref makes the first call, letting the GI go, there is your precedent. Ok. These guys are going to give us room in the crease. Jesse said it. No conspiracy. They're being consistent . The statement goes along with that. There was jostling but he reset. So it did not interfere with the goal itself. So that is what they allow this series. You have it on paper.

  7. No no no no no… the officials did not cost the Bs a goal… Those several goals in different games were not simply costing a goal here and there… it cost 2 GAMES! Bs just need to move their feet better and stick it to any power "against" them… why would the Panthers be so defensive for the officiating? Simple: advantage. Obvious advantage. Are Panther fans that terrified of the Bs? Are the officials that evoked against the Bruins that they are intentionally calling like this? Sad state of affairs if either/both are true… can't they just play HOCKEY?? Are the rules that confusing??

  8. Maroon only a skating mouth?? Actually, he is CRAZY SMART with the puck. Too many Bruin dump the puck and not chasing… Patrick keeps his head up and he THINKS about what to do… I never thought I would comment that "Patrick Maroon has tremendous hockey smarts." But he does…

  9. Honestly I am getting sick of goaltending interference chalenges…building a fence around goalies would bring some piece at least. Hockey is a contact sport for god sake

  10. 7:35 They didnt think Bob was hurt. That just sounds less incompetent then one of us lost sight of the puck and throught it was under Bob's pad.

  11. The second round has been unbelievable hockey! The problem is the 24 hour coverage of hockey and people caring too much about an entertainment business. You aren't supposed to take it this seriously. I've quite enjoyed the playoffs. If you understand that the calls are out of your control, you'll lead a longer, more enjoyable life. Most pundits just sound like a bunch of whiners when things don't go their way. Cheers

  12. Everytime the refs stop play for a goalie issue, I just think back to the playoffs when Tuukka lost his skate blade and the refs let play continue until Tampa scored. Ever since then, if I goalie so much as blinks at the wrong time play is blown dead.

  13. I think you should start callng the refs and linesmen out by name. Not doxxing them, but at least using names so that we know which refs are doing an even worse job than the less incompetent refs who are still doing a terrible job, but not quite as bad as others

    They have no accountability and the league has no accountability.

  14. The thing that's the most infuriating isn't the calls themselves (as much as they're absurd), it's the explanations that are nothing more than a terrible attempt at gaslighting the world. Like… we all have eyes and we all saw the video evidence you blatantly ignored when making this decision. Now you're going to "explain" away that evidence by saying it's all wrong? This league is expanding video review next season… WHAT GOOD IS VIDEO REVIEW IF YOU JUST IGNORE IT ANYWAY?!

  15. Guys I agree this is the worst officiated games this entire postseason!!! Absolutely nuts.

    People trying to compare the 2 scenarios are crazy!!!

    1- guy cross checks defending player, knocks him into the right side of the goaltender! Then takes a rebound he prevents 2 players from defending and scores!!!

    2- go back and watch every challenged goalie interference calls that get upheld or overturned and just laugh!!!

  16. Look up Tuuka Rask losing his blade, can’t move, yells at the ref forever!!! Then a goal gets scored and it counted!!! And I hate Tuuka

  17. Shouldn’t the question be why isn’t the NHL doing something about it or commenting on it ? Not boardering on illegitimate. Totally bogus. .

  18. Not quite the same degree when talking about both "non calls." In the more recent one, the Panthers defender makes (slight) contact with the Bruins attacker right as the Bruins attacker makes contact with the goalie. Attacker getting "pushed" into the goalie usually negates it as far as goalie interference calls go. It is very soft, but it's a by-the-book way to validate it (not saying they didn't let it stand as a make-up for the previous one, but this one at least has justification by the rules).

    And I am not coming at this from the perspective of a fan of either team, if it were possible I'd want them to both lose 😂

  19. Calling those the same type of gaolie interference is ridiculous. Two absolutely completely different plays.

  20. The idea this is a “makeup call” implies they’re similar situations. THEY’RE NOT, ONE WAS CLEARLY GOALIE INTERFERENCE AND THEN THERE’S THIS ONE. Aside, from the fact that the NON-CALL basically cost the Bruins the game and essentially THE SERIES (no the B’s ARE NOT coming back from down 3 games to 1, I’ve watched this team for my entire nearly 40 years of existence and they’ll lose tomorrow night MARK MY WORDS)

  21. Dallas at Anaheim, last season (I think) had a play blow dead when Tyler Seguin was about to score. John Gibson had a shutout that night. Dallas should have, ya know, been able to score on the Ducks, but plays being blown dead when the puck is absolutely not covered, denying a goal, is unfortunately a thing.

  22. Don’t tell me the Bruins are favoured. Do you guys remember the non call obvious slew foot against the bruins player in game six of the Blues/Bruins finals where everyone thought it was a guaranteed penalty and the ref didn’t call it. The blues take the puck and score. Blues end up tying the series at 3 and win game 7.

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