@New York Rangers

Black hockey player’s thoughts on K’Andre Miller Racism Incident

On 4/3/20 the New York Rangers hosted a Zoom video chat for fans to interact with prospect K’Andre Miller. The chat was limited to the first 500 fans to join. Unfortunately, a troll hacked the meeting and proceeded to spam the chat with racial slurs.

Sad to see this happening in 2020. As a black hockey player myself, this feeling is all too familiar.

Hope you enjoy the video and stay safe out there everyone!

Video copyright owned by New York Rangers

Earl Sweatshirt – Veins
Berner – Murals


  1. Not acted upon? Dude u see al the love Miller is getting are u kidding? Hockey IS NOT a racist sport if it was trust me we'd hear about it multiple times a day. When it does happen it gets blown up immediately. Fuck the guy that wrote those horrible things too

  2. It is unfortunate. You'd think we'd be past this stupid shit by now. I am a Rangers fan and K'Andre is a very important part of our future defense and I didn't like hearing about him being abused like that. IMO the Rangers should have shut it down right after it started.

  3. As a black hockey fan, I'm really sick and tired of people making ignorant comments. Hockey is for everyone, no matter what their race, nationality, gender, political view, etc. is.

  4. I remember when I didn’t know any better as a high school student, I played hockey for a youth league in LA back in 98, it wasn’t anything serious but I thought it was fun, anyway idk why TF my mom(stupid ass) up and decided to move to Minnesota of all places after living in Cali her entire life and never been to the great ‘white’ north or Midwest. Anyway I ended up going to a local highschool in this broke dick hick ass town, they had a hockey team so I joined, it wasn’t a week before little whispers started, then came the comments, then for no reason they just started encircling me after practice even while the coach started yelling at the team, long story short I ended up knocking the teeth out of the mouths of 3 players and body slammed a fourth on his head. It caused a huge uproar in that little shit dick town and we moved back to LA in less than a month. I moved out of her place the minute we got back and only spoke to her twice since 99, how could a parent be so fucking stupid, to make knee jerk crackhead decisions without being a crackhead is beyond me, stupid bitch. We could have been killed just for being there, yrs later I looked that town up online and come to find out it is one of the most racist towns in Minnesota. Bottom line, if you’re black, Hispanic or Asian get educated before you decide to play a sport you’re not completely familiar with. Especially if it’s Hockey or Lacrosse, you might have to beat one of them peckerwoods asses for violating, because, trust and believe they will. I’m just glad the incident I had escalated out in the open with witnesses had it taken place in the locker room being the quick tempered fool I was I would have probably hit one of them in the face with a skate.

  5. I’m a black hockey player myself, and racist incidents like this are really sad to hear. Hockey is a sport that everyone should get to play and enjoy, without being criticized, no matter what their race, gender, or whatever is. If people want hockey to grow as a sport, they need to show that they are open to minorities playing and watching the sport.

  6. Unfortunately racism has always been a part of hockey. Out of all the major pro team sports in north America, hockey is the only one that is almost exclusively white. There are a lot of great people in hockey that are not racist, but unfortunately there are a lot of intolerant racist scumbags who have so much hatred and jealousy in their hearts.

    These racist pricks give hockey a bad name and deter minorities from taking up the sport. It's a shame 😔. People should judge players on their skills and character, not their skin color. But there are a lot of dumb ignorant hockey fans out there.

    Racism is just something black players have to do deal with. Its inevitable. The only thing we can do is be strong, defend ourselves and use it as motivation to make it big. And leagues have to condemn racism and implement harsh penalties for any players or fans involved in it. Thanks for sharing your opinion on this serious issue.

  7. “Can’t blame the rangers here” but then completely blames the rangers😂😂😂 like anyone has protocols for being hacked😂😂😂 classic lib here

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