@Boston Bruins

Bruins’ Season Ends In Game 6 Loss To Panthers | The Skate Pod, Ep. 319

Bruins’ Season Ends In Game 6 Loss To Panthers | The Skate Pod, Ep. 319

welcome into episode 319 of the skate podcast I’m Brian D Feliz joined by Bridget PR and Scott mclf and Bridget and Scott the Bruins season has finally come to an end at the hands of the Florida Panthers two to one in game six at TD Garden the Panthers were the favorite in the series The Bruins were able to extend it with a win you force game seven anything can happen Florida did what all good teams do and and they eventually get that fourth win and they move on rightfully so to the Conference Finals let’s get right into the opening shifts and break this one down and see where the Bruins go from here yeah so I’ll start um it just had so many similarities to last year’s exit game uh losing to the Florida Panthers on home ICE you had a lead late or you had a lead you give up a goal late um and and instead of last year that the late goal sent it to overtime well this time it was um the second goal for the two to one win for Florida and it just brings up how hard it’s been for them to win on home ICE you know uh it would have they they win both their games against Florida on the road they come back to Boston they get marshan back and they hope that they can force a game seven but uh that did not happen it felt like they had a really strong start to the game and a lot of really good chances to extend the lead but uh on on aom rushes they just were not able to to finish plays and for that reason they weren’t able to to score enough in the series and they weren’t able to get past Florida for me I think again we want to break this one down from start to finish where the Bruins go from here but I just want to take a step back and uh my opening shift is quite simply this the Bruins this Bruins group I think reach their ceiling and good on them for doing that I think this roster was limited from the get-go obviously when when the Panthers ended the Bron season last year we knew a lot of changes were happening and just based on the the P the roster on paper you hate to you hate to say that a team can’t accomplish something before a season begins right A Team can’t win a Stanley Cup look at their roster but because anything can happen in sports okay but ultimately this team lacked uh offensive Firepower and scoring and we knew that back in October they were able to string together a very very commendable regular season and they were able to translate that into a first round victory in the playoffs which they couldn’t do last year but ultimately you lose uh in the second round round which I think was their ceiling was winning one round most teams can’t say at the end of a year that they actually reach their ceiling um and you know the Bruins scored two goals or fewer in eight of their final nine playoff games that’s not a winning recipe and that’s kind of what we feared back in October and the summer was going to be their Achilles seal which was they just aren’t going to have enough Firepower to score enough so again I think they exceeded most people’s expectations as Brad Martian said after the game a lot of people wrote them off to not even make the playoffs um so yeah I mean good on them for getting as far as they did with what they had to work with yeah and that TS a little bit into my opening shift which is looking ahead which we will do as this episode goes on I think Don sween’s offseason priorities are clear one lock up Jeremy Swan who is a pending restricted free agent he took the number one goalie job and ran with it he deserves to be paid as such don’t mess around you know last year they had to mess around in part because of their cap situation they had to play hard ball with them don’t do that again you gotta pay him he’s your guy he proved that this postseason priority number two improve the offense preferably at the center position because I think you saw in this postseason that they do still clearly lack a true number one Center um they have a couple good number two threes but the vast majority of Stanley Cup teams have a clear number one Center the Florida pandas had Alexander barov who you could not match so finding that or and or finding help elsewhere upgrading on the wing clearly this team needs more offensive Firepower as Brian said two goals are fewer in eight of their last nine playoff games it’s just you’re just not going to get far with that and it it event there are times this season where they they overachieved and their offense looked pretty good and the overall numbers were you know were pretty good on the season but ultimately that was a concern going back to training camp and it it showed up in the playoffs you know guys who had been able to step up in the regular season kind of found their level in the playoffs and and you realize like okay that you know Co and zaka aren’t number one centers um other guys on this roster are you know a little Limited in what they’re going to be able to contribute you didn’t have enough support for Pasto who you know obviously had too quiet of a postseason himself but there weren’t enough guys who could help pick up the slack and help him out yeah and and that’ll definitely lead us to some other conversation about who was helpful in the postseason uh that you maybe want to bring back um and then guys that are you know they’re free agents and we may have seen them play their last game as a bruin on Friday night so um plenty of unrestricted free agents and then s in a restricted free agent um but yeah I don’t know where you guys want to start first because uh I feel like maybe we should go over the the loss uh the actual game what what went wrong in the series and what went in game six and and uh um obviously marshan came back that was a huge storyline going into the game he played he told media after the game that he pushed to get back as as quickly as possible um told the doctors he wasn’t going to sit out the third period but in game three but it wasn’t his decision got placed in concussion protocol um so he confirmed that that’s what was going on with his injury and then just kept telling them he was ready to go back ready to go back um but he said he wasn’t being completely honest with them about how he was feeling uh because he just wanted to get into the lineup as fast as possible so um not exactly sure what that means in terms of what he was hiding and covering from from medical that he um that that he was telling them he was doing just fine and he wasn’t but um he did end up playing 20 minutes in game six and he looked back to himself uh and he said that it’s all part of the sacrifice of of wanting to be in the playoffs and want to be out there with your team sometimes you play through stuff like that yeah I thought I thought he had a great game um I I think that he was a a Gustaf forsling skate blade away from having a tap in goal there in the second period which that play you want to pull your hair out telling Pak to shoot that or does that play not result in a scoring chance but he I think he he did make the right play I think forsling got a a little fortunate with that but um besides that near goal uh I thought he played strong you know he he was he was battling um Scott I don’t know if you had any in-depth analysis on Marian’s game but I thought he looked good yeah I thought I thought he you know even mixed up physically which normally you worry about something coming back from a concussion are they going to play a little tentative actually don’t worry about that with Marian if anything my concern would go the other way where it’s like he’s not gonna protect himself enough you know which his comments after the game only add to that obviously he you know is trying to FIB his way back into the lineup um you know I I read that as like OB obviously he he’s telling them like I feel fine I’m ready to play Al ultimately the way concussion protocol works is there’s still just Baseline tests you have to pass and then that’s that’s not hey how you feeling or hey think you’re ready to play like no there’s actually like hard neurological tests that guys have to go through so even if Martian says you know I feel fine or or lies a little about how he feels like ultimately the the test show with the test show and so he got cleared because he eventually passed those tests uh um you know before just before people get off thinking like he lied his way back into the lineup like on Modern concussion testing you can only go so far with trying to lie your way out of it um yeah you used to be able to to I mean I had to go through it one time when I was in high school and you could pass that so easy it used to be just like I don’t know but it’s not that easy anymore uh and I’m sure it’s not at the NHL level yeah but yeah I I thought he played well and Brian I’m with you like I actually do think Pak made the right play you know usually he’s very good at kind of at slipping passes like that through the skates and it it would have been an easy tap and goal had it gotten through and E either you know forzen gets lucky or or pan just doesn’t quite execute the pass right um you know one one of the many easy wh ifs from this game but yeah you know and I I thought I thought I said off the top like posnak was too quiet this postseason and that’s obviously true just the raw numbers of it right four goals four assists and 13 games you expect more than that from him I thought he was dangerous in this game it it didn’t end up resulting in any points but I did think he created a lot of chances um he had five shots on goal and seven other attempts um had some setups so you know it’s it’s a frustrating story for the Bruins on the end just because of the the lack of goals um and to a certain extent that’s that’s talent but it’s also not burying chances when they were there you know you go back to uh game I think it was game four where they had the three breakaways in the second period and couldn’t score and that that was kind of a theme throughout the series where they couldn’t score on breakaways and odman rushes and you know like they actually figured out how to get really good chances against Florida they uh they broke out they got better breaking out against their pressure and were able to end up with odman rushes as a result and you would hope that that then translates to more offense and it just didn’t quite get there uh for this team so that ends up being a really frustrating story and as Jim Montgomery said after the game you you can’t win every game two to one no you can’t and yeah we talk about how ultimately it’s the Bru’s lack of offense and and their lack of Playmakers and finishers on this roster that amount to them not scoring enough goals in the playoffs but you’re right it’s it’s actually one of the best goal scorers in the world that had a chance on a breakaway to put you up two nothing and and yeah pasnak was out um he was off offensively a lot of the postseason I think the game seven overtime goal was rightfully a massive goal in his career a staple goal in his career that’s huge but aside from that yeah it was a it was a pretty quiet postseason for him um but again Bridget you mentioned it off the top the Bruins definitely came out um on their toes in this game I think that they were the better team to start I think that the the londell goal to tie the game after the Bruins had a CH to extend the lead a few times U it was a back breaker definitely but but I didn’t have the feeling I had in past games where Florida scores and I was and I was like ah well now the Bruins are gonna they’re going to collapse like I I still thought the Bruins were playing well and and even that goal that that forsing scored the the Bruins are back they’re trying to do the right things de brusk makes the block Frederick’s back in coverage wspoon he just got the puck hit off his stick but it was kind of a scramble like and then San you know it happens quick I’m sure he didn’t love it going in but it happens quick so it wasn’t like a goal where I I thought oh the Bruins are just out to lunch like they were they were back in coverage they just they just lost a hockey battle um but that third period your seasons’s on the line and I just thought that I don’t know if the Bruins felt the magnitude of the moment if they I if if the game was catching up to them if Florida was catching their stride but it seemed like a no disrespect to Florida cuz think that they played on their toes in the third period and they deserved I thought a lot of the territorial Advantage but I think a lot of it was also the Bruins just handing them pucks and tripping over themselves and they stopped making plays they how many icings did the Bruins have it’s just they they stopped attacking the game and and they they just reverted back to defending and and I I said to myself look if Florida scores a goal in this period to win the game I’m not going to be surprised because the Bruins like they’re not they’re not grabbing the ball by the horns like they’re allowing Florida to to take it to them and Florida was just like all right if you guys are going to stumble over yourselves and and Ice the puck and give us oone faceoffs and and not make passes yeah we will capitalize and eventually it was who I thought was the best defenseman in this series start to finish um Gustaf forsling who was able to to get the Series winner yeah only a minute 33 left uh and I don’t know what you guys thought of it but I feel like that maybe was San’s weakest goal he gave up the whole playoffs um couldn’t control the rebound may have been screened by WP he may have been screened by W spoon it did it well it the puck ended up going directly between weatherspoon’s legs so yeah that definitely made it harder it’s like okay if we spoon’s leg like if it hits him in the shin obviously that’s no goal we’re probably going to overtime um if San sees it cleanly yes but it’s one that you definitely want back if you’re if you’re San and he had s a great postseason um I just know that that’s one that’s going to bother him uh because well because the magnitude of it and also the timing of it and the just it just snuck short side um and it he may have been able to control that rebound that led to the second chance as well yeah that that’s what he said after he said he didn’t see the release on forsling shot but he thinks he should have done a better job with the initial rebound um he he also like whether he could see foring shot or not he pretty clearly like wasn’t able to get reset he was still like kind of moving he was sort of down like you know so you end up with the hole there yeah I think it’s I think it’s definitely when he wants back um but you know again because the Bruns offense was so inept like you’re you’re demanding Perfection from him and for much of these playoffs he he was pretty damn close to perfect so you know I’m not gonna get on on Swan at all and doesn’t seem like many Bruins fans are we heard in the garden after the handshake line you know one last Swan Swan chant from the fans who were left um which Swan said you know brought him to tears he said it was a great moment he really appreciated he called Boston home um so yeah like and sure Florida’s first goal too good shot like you said a quick play but sa savable they it wasn’t a snipe it was low glove um but again like we’re nitpicking that because the brues needed him to be perfect like if they’re going to win that in regulation they had to win it one nothing yeah at the very least like you’re you’re getting to overtime 1-1 yeah I mean honestly Jeremy Swan played so well did so much for his teammates throughout this entire post season I I I can never say a word about him or a goal he gave up the Bruins aren’t even close to this position they’re not even in these games if it’s not for him so and and again like I I do think that there was a moving screen in that w i mean if wspoon is not in his way he sees that clean it’s not going in so um I just think he was not fully in position sealing the post yet like he like Scott said he hadn’t fully gotten across um I mean even if it was even if it was the worst goal of all time okay he gave up one bad goal I’m not I’m not gonna give oh yeah no I agree with you on that there’s no way you could bring this back to to San as as the reason why this game was lost the reason why this series was lost um it’s not on him and the the crowd that stuck around uh did give him you know the S en chant they they had a let’s go Bruins chant going when the guys were leaving the ice they just wanted to thank the team uh for the season so there was certain fans that got out of there immediately but then there were other fans who um stuck around to to kind of give a little bit of a a cheer for for the guys and and I I want to give I want to give Bruins fans some some credit here because well I see I will say mo most people probably [ __ ] on Bruins fans because I I guess after all three games in Boston there was some form of debris on the ice so that’s not good but oh yeah but as far but as far as as far as recognizing the players Bruins fans they they really are I think intelligent fans I think they’re among the most intelligent fans in hockey and they know a team who just wasn’t good enough and and they accept that like often times you see a bruin season come to to a a heartbreaking end because they had Skyhigh expectations and the Bruins fans they’ll sit if they Lo if the Bruins lose they’ll sit there stunned they’ll sit there disgusted and and rightfully so I mean last year against Florida inexcusable inexcusable when you really go back and look at that series and how they were up in the series and up in the close out games but when’s the last time you see a Bruins a Bruins fan base cheer a goalie off the ice when the Bruns Lost the series when’s the last time you saw the Bruins fan base emphatically chant let’s go Bruins after losing their season on home ice with a minute and a half left to go in the game like this Bruin’s fan base recognized this team they they gave it their all the stat line might not look good as far as getting outshot out possessed that’s because Florida was better we said it all along um but it wasn’t because the Bruins weren’t trying it’s because they were probably out coached at times and they were and they were out talented but the Bruins fan base recognized that and um it was good to see it was good to see that if the Bruins brewed them off the ice which I don’t think the the fans would have done that but it would have been it would have been distasteful but they gave those those players their just do and and I mean it’s it’s not a fan base that goes easy on goalies aside from Tim Thomas who had to win a Stanley Cup to you know get that there yesterday I mean Tu tuar rasque has I he has the greatest numbers uh in the team’s franchises history of a 100 years but most Bruns fans um aren’t the biggest fans of Tuka in clutch time and here they are cheering Swan off the ice so it just says a lot about Swan and and his performance I think yeah for sure um you know it it like it’s interesting when you look at this series compared to last year because last year it was really your defense and and gold ending that ultimately let you down in that series you know look at how high scoring some of those games were as that series went on this series you obviously you get the goal tending you obviously got you also got better defense as the series went on I mean the even for all the time that the Panthers would still get in the brunes zone at times the Bruns took away High danger chances like I I said it after game five that you know that that swing was really good in that game but I didn’t think he had to stand on his head I didn’t again he made some really good saves last night but like I also thought The brunes did a pretty good job not allowing the Panthers to really test them with a ton of great chances um so like that that that it makes the lack of offense kind of even more frustrating because it’s like I know there’s going to be people who pick on defense and like we can go individual by individual if we want and it’s fair to say You Know M guys like makoy Lindholm you need you need them to contribute more offensively too um that’s fair but to me like this wasn’t La last year as that series went on they got so much worse at breaking pucks out and dealing with the Panthers pressure this year as the series went on I got I think they got better at that like I think that’s why they got odman rushes in games four five six um is that they started to deal with the pressure better and they were making better first passes not to say that not to say that they’re perfect like obviously there’s plays we can we can point out here and there um but you know that like if if you just have more offense we look at this and go like wow look how many games of series they held the Panthers to two goals or less you know and and you’d say like hey good good job by them good job by Montgomery you know figuring it out defensively and and not having all those giveaways that they had last year um but your shortcomings were were really at the other end of the ice you know last year they still averag what like over four goals a game in that series and this year it’s like that just all all went away you know you average two goals a game I mean a lot of the players went away too uh from you know that their a lot of their talented offensive players just weren’t with the team this year retired or traded or um you know uh Missing Bon CI Hall berzi those are big offensive threats that they didn’t have this year but there at some at some points some of those guys not not really berson but like berui was sometimes a defensive liability um but yeah and the one goal they did have was by P zaka who was his first goal of the playoffs it was his first ever playoff goal through 25 games played and it was a breakaway so he was able to finish one and that’s what gave the Bruins a one- nothing lead pretty early um and then and that was an incredible pass by De Brusque just somehow found its way backwards like it he looked over his shoulder but it was almost like a no look backhand pass uh that just was perfect to zaka to score and it starts with great defense with Brandon Carlos standing up cter ver a Zone entry and just stopping him dead dead in his tracks yeah and and I don’t know I I talked to Scott about this after the game a little bit but Brian you like you weren’t uh part of this conversation Brendan Carlo did not end up playing a lot to finish out the game um he ended up with at least like I would say right right around eight minutes less ice time than he normally plays um Andrew Peak finished with more ice ice time than him Carlo only played just over 15 minutes um of of time on ice so uh usually I mean I can’t remember the last time he wasn’t up over 20 um and he was getting skipped over on some shifts and he was coming out less and less frequently in the third but he was playing um but something was something wasn’t right with that because in a game that you’re trying to to close out uh it’s tied you know you want your best defensive players out there as much as possible and he’s a guy that never gets uh you know the bench never shortens to disclude brenon Carlo uh on on the defensive side so uh something may be a little bit up may have been up with his health um obviously nobody nobody asked about this yet but on breakup day I’m sure um I I plan on asking if no one does if there was anything going on um with Carlo in that game but uh yeah that’s that’s one of the unfortunate uh situations that happened that you might date back to he took a big hit by cousins um like almost looked like maybe was boarding um along the end boards I like I said played but not as frequently after that it’s possible there’s injury there I don’t I don’t I don’t know until we find out but you know last time he played less than 20 minutes I don’t well I don’t know but I can I can tell you guys this I I think that in a 1-1 game in the third period when your seasons’s on the line I’ll just I I’ll put it to you this way the Panthers are amazing four checking team Brandon Carlo doesn’t make a lot of great first passes out of his own he he doesn’t really do well under duress and so I don’t know if maybe maybe he was hurt maybe he he didn’t play final five minutes at all like single shift yeah okay he he did play under 20 minutes a few games in this series but like yeah I was gonna say I feel I feel like he’s I feel like he’s under 20 quite a bit but it’s usually close yeah 15 was the fewest um and yeah him not taking shifts at the end of the game I I don’t know if that was you know it just felt like maybe something was was off about it cuz he’s the guy you would think you’d you’d want to shut things down out there um yeah the fact thatw what game was it where he uh game five against Toronto too right he got hurt and he he uh wasn’t able to come out for overtime and had had there been a second overtime he would have been good what was that injury that was back in the in round one so maybe maybe some things were compiling on him but it could be it could be a variety of things but I also don’t think he’s a great Puck mover so um I mean there could have been some matchups there too if he’s not if he’s not his best I don’t think they want him up there just throwing the puck off the glass to you know monor to keep in and get a puck on that I mean it’s just it’s just not I don’t know well this is the time of year we when we find out all the injuries that people were trying to play through um and I mean Jake de bruss talked about his injury after the game he said he had a broken hand that didn’t quite heal until the playoffs so um I don’t know there’s a lot last year it was Lynn Holmes foot uh came out that he told some of the Swedish media back when he was at home that he had fractured foot and that that stuff all comes out this time of year yeah and exactly and it’s gonna come out every year right it’s it’s always going to be uh a factor in the every team out there um so a couple of things before we get into Scott’s opening shift which is forward looking because I think brenon Carl’s an interesting um player to talk about as well going forward you have the emergence of Mason lurry you have hampus lenol who a top 4D Charlie mavo is a top 4D obviously and I think the Bruins might want to go out and spend they’re gonna have a ton of c space so you know I could maybe they go out and spend on a top four D and maybe with the emergence of Lura maybe maybe Carlo is somebody that they look to move I don’t know I have to look at his contract but we can play that game as we go along a couple final points here on the uh on the game uh I mentioned before the playoffs started the Bruins would have to be better at home ICE protecting home ICE if they wanted to have success in the postseason they were two and five on home ice in the playoffs this year dating back to game one against St Louis in 2019 and I cherry-picked that series because they went 0 and three h I’m sorry they went one and three at home in that Series so since game one against St Louis in 2019 the Bruins are 10 and 133 in 23 home games at TD G so that excludes the Toronto Bubble Series against hurricanes and Tampa so this is a trend now and their season keeps ending on home ice and um I don’t know if there’s anything to that guys because they’ve lost this yes this current Bruns team had a they had lesser Talent than Florida okay but they also the brunes also had more Talent than St Louis they had more Talent than Florida last year and they had more Talent than the Islanders they had more so it kind of it’s it’s more it’s it’s a bigger picture here bigger sample size what can you attribute to their lack of success on home mice is it parody in the league I think it’s a little bit more than that yeah I mean I think around the league home mice in general doesn’t matter nearly as much as it used to and some of that is parody created by a salary cap it’s parody created by every rank essentially now being the same none of them really having you know any unique features or crowds over or anything like that the weird boards doesn’t count as a a unique feature it just shoots upon because that always hurts them like their opponent their opponents have figured out the weird bounces more than they have yeah SW had to make a stop on the boards the other day it it popped right out at his net and he he covered it with the glove like he was expecting it yeah but so beyond just home I in general not really seeming to matter why because the Bruins have still even with that established the Bruins have still been significantly below 500 the last two years especially so like why why can’t they at least be 500 at home um I I’m at a loss like I don’t have an explanation for it I’ve heard Jim Montgomery and play asked about it and they say well our crowd’s great and we just have to do a better job and and we saw them you know try to change things up by staying in a hotel moving morning skates to the Garden from Warrior um you know Montgomery said that sometimes it’s easier to to overcome a mistake on the on the road or overcome a goal because you’re just locked in and nothing’s changed and you don’t you know sometimes at home like you feel that energy come out of the building and maybe that affects guys but again but none of that’s unique to the Bruins like that’s every team everywhere has that effect so I I don’t have an intelligent answer I don’t even really have a guess at it obviously it has you have to defend home eyes like you have to be better it you at least can’t be two and five on home ICE yeah it’s the it’s the black seats Scott no more yellow seats no more character in that building it’s as good of an explanation as anything yeah there really isn’t a good one like if you look at the regular season like record at home it’s it’s good like it’s it’s a decent record 24 and 11 at home like obviously you’re not playing the best teams in the league every game so that’s why your stats look a little bit better in the regular season but um I don’t think there’s a real good answer either and think about it they lose their last game their last home game of the season and that’s how they end up losing first place to to Florida um so they don’t they don’t end up finishing first in the Atlantic because they they didn’t finish strong at home uh in the regular season and then they don’t in the playoffs either and probably dodge a bullet in the first round uh with Tampa and draw Toronto which I think favored the Bruins as it turns out um so one final question for me to the panel before we talk about the off I I will say I still don’t think Tampa is very good like I think there’s a reason why Florida steamroll that team yeah yeah I’m not saying the Bruins couldn’t have beat them I’m just saying we know the Bruins did beat Toronto and I mean I don’t know I I I I think the the biggest difference between Toronto and Tampa is that Tampa’s top Stars play the way you need to play in the postseason Toronto’s top Stars don’t for the most part um for the most part anyway uh and let’s also Toronto was injured uh I think if they’re fully through the whole series you never know what happens but regardless um yeah they played games without neander and Matthews like they weren’t they they weren’t fully healthy so I want to ask you guys this question um now that the playoffs have come and gone and they came and went with Jeremy Swan being Far and Away not only the best player on the Bruins but arguably the best player in the playoffs from start to finish of him being in the playoffs if allmark was around next year which we don’t think he would be but conceptually are you are you like no longer somebody who would want to do a goalie rotation in the playoffs like did did this year prove to you that goalie rotations probably just don’t work I know we didn’t see it really but what you did see say we didn’t prove much I was gonna say like I’m my very last like one pinky toe to stand on we can’t say it didn’t work because they didn’t do it so okay yes but but but but what you did see was a goalie situation that couldn’t have been any better but a goalie rotation would have not been any better it would not have been any better performance-wise than what you saw in this playoff series and I think the reason you saw Jeremy Swan play as well partly why you saw him play as well as he did was because mentally he knew game to game the net was his like I think there’s I think there’s if the Nets flips I don’t even know if he plays as well as he does because you’re breaking up his rhythm but um I guess I got your answer on that so we can move on but it was very add like it’s it’s the best thing to come out of this postseason for the Bruins is they got to see how Jeremy Swingman does as a number one in the playoffs and he excelled and now you know going forward so now you don’t you don’t have to wonder going into these contract negotiations you know can he do it in the playoffs can he be a number one can he play eight nine games in a row he did it like you you don’t have those questions so um you know that if there there is no negative to it obviously it’s going to cost the Bruns more money now but so like you want that like you’re hap you should be happy to pay Jeremy Swan more money because of what he did in this playoffs because if if you if he didn’t do it or you you know weren’t sure going forward like you would still have some questions you’d be like uh you know are we really going to lock into whatever seven years seven million with Swan when he you know he hasn’t really done in the playoffs like you don’t have that anymore yeah I’m so glad that I think the biggest difference of opinions for me and a lot of Bruns fans heading into the playoffs is like a lot of them wanted to see the playoff goalie rotation because we never saw it and I wanted to see I want to say you’re your your tattoo didn’t age well well I know I gotta get that removed um but a lot of people wanted to see the goalie rotation first it’s gonna get split in half like a Parent Trap where they’re gonna have these photos to yeah and like all Mark wins one with another team and swayn wins one with the Bruins and then uh yes for people who did justen list to the audio this is a a a Photoshop that Bridget did of all Mark and Swan holding up the Stanley Cup uh getting ready to hug so yeah because the you know the goalie rotation got them all the way and they won first team ever Brian got that tattoo weeks ago right which which which is tongue and cheek because I was I I I just never he’s gonna be in he’s gonna be in that next NHL commercial with that that Avalanche couple who broke up because that they won the Stanley Cup the one the one year they they weren’t watching together or whatever um but anyway so I just wanted to see Swingman get the net for the playoffs before I saw the rotation like we we we sawar get an opportunity uh in a couple you know well yeah we saw Omar at the good opportunity in a couple years and he faltered so he couldn’t do it by himself and I was okay seeing if the goalie rotation worked but I needed to see if Swan could do it by himself first and then you should see if there was rotation and then people were saying well that’s what they’re used in the regular season and I was saying guys you’re over you’re over you’re overstating that like he’s going to be fine he doesn’t he doesn’t he’s not gonna suck because he’s not used to playing every day in the playoffs so yeah just like the one last thing thing because you’re probably right that some people thought the way like the one last thing I’ll say for myself for me it was never about anything I want to see because we haven’t seen it before it was what I thought was gave them the best chance to win and as it turned riding San gave them the best chance to win so like I’ll take the L on that but it I I never want to see the goalie rotation just for funsies like just because we hadn’t seen it we’ have to roll we’d have to roll the tape back I thought you kind of said you wanted to see that but no I wanted to see it because I thought it was their best chance to win that that’s it that’s all that’s all it’s about in the playoffs there were merits for sure to the argument because you know health reasons like was he going to be fresh he never looked tired to me um like now that we now that we’re at the end of it and we can look back on it like I don’t think he got worn out or tired uh maybe that’s lucky maybe that’s you know he’s a young goalie as well so that probably helps him out and um he takes care good care of himself but um yeah there were there were definitely merits to it heading in like workload wise nobody like throughout the last two seasons was used to as heavy a workload as Swan got in the playoffs because they were used to the rotation for the season but it you know what it keeps leading me back to ever since last night um just reflecting uh on what they were missing and what they have and what they were missing they were missing a top six forward that you assume they tried to move San for at the deadline I mean not San allar four at the deadline and they didn’t get it and they didn’t end up really using or needing allmark in the playoffs so like that would have that move if Don Sun would have been able to make it could have been the difference in in making it further I I don’t know um but you think about who they who they didn’t use and you know all Mark’s usage was not high enough to like like you could have definitely Justified a trade of him at the deadline to add to your to your forward Group Well I also think we don’t yes I mean we we’re kind of speculating but I I know a lot of individual I don’t think they were trying to trade him for a defenseman well well I was just gonna say no no I think I think I mean they might have we heard Matt Roy’s name with with the Kings so we don’t know we don’t know what he would have gone for because you’re not dealing from a position of strength in the middle of the Season he like like the time to move him was last summer after winning a vzna I said it till I was blew in the face and I I know many people might say why would you do that because anybody who’s been watching Jeremy Swan for the last two three years even when he’s had time times where he hasn’t been playing the greatest the kid is an absolute gamer he says the right things he’s a competitor and I I just thought you should have he’s I despite all Mark winning to vzna after that playoff performance even though he was hurt whatever like we all knew while Lea alark was accepting his vzna trophy that Jeremy Swan was the future of the Boston Bruins or should be and so I just thought they should have sold high they didn’t and yeah but I think they tried to like sure fine I mean they they listen to offers and I think if they could have gotten a first- round pick they would have like and this is what it gets to for me is there was no chance in hell I was giving away Lena alark after VZ inous season like if the right deal is out there absolutely but I’m saying sell high that that’s why I’m saying sell like I’m first so first of all I selling high if the best offer is a third round pick well yeah but no not selling High that’s settl that’s giving them away yeah but Scott you’re putting words in my mouth I didn’t say to settle to to trade him for a third round pick or a first round pick I when I say sell High I’m that might have been all they were offering that that might have what I’m saying is I I don’t think the sell High offer was out there I don’t think anyone was buying high so and and that and okay that’s fair so if that’s the case then it is what it is you you can’t do anything about it so um I don’t know I’m not a part of those GM talks and maybe the deal wasn’t there regardless um it it wasn’t the time to really I think we were all in agreement here during the season if you can move him for something that’s worthwhile do it but again because it wasn’t a position of strength they couldn’t do it um can they do it this offseason how do you feel now well you feel like if they don’t they’re going to have a whole lot of money tied up in the goal tending position because allmark makes five million and I have to imagine Swan’s GNA come in make more than that uh his contract is going to probably be pretty big in long so uh andark has one year left on his steal right so he would end up having you know you if you keep them and you don’t trade them at this next upcoming trade deadline or this off season you lose them for nothing right so his value he becomes somebody that if you traded him at this deadline he’d be treated as as a rental um because he’s at the this is the LA this upcoming year is the last year of his contract so um do you try to move him before you before you get to that position this off season I I think I think he gets traded this summer and and I think the brunes now will be more willing to settle and essentially take whatever’s out there work around as no trade CA maybe he’s more willing to wave it for more teams now that it’s the right like it’s one thing to uproot midseason he has a family he has kids in school here it’s another to do that over the summer when you can better plan so maybe he’s more willing to wave it for additional teams uh um but yeah I I imagine that’s pretty high on s’s to-do list and I think I think it gets done it’s probably not going to be for a great great return but if you’re the Bruins I think you’re in more of a position now where you know you probably just take what you can get run with it and use that money elsewhere yeah I mean a lot of teams could use a go a really strong goalie right well that’s the thing like you you know you still might be in a position where you’re not really giving him away because to to your point like yeah that you know the kings are still looking for a goalie the devils are still looking for a goalie depending on whether you’re willing in division like Ottawa Detroit are teams that you know probably think they’re not that far away well maybe Ottawa does now I don’t know I don’t know what they’re thinking but would need goalies so you know yeah there’s there’s plenty of teams Edmonton always seems to be a goalie and a couple depth forwards away they they thought they had it with steu Skinner and then he just totally fell apart this postseason so yeah yeah um okay so that’s all Mark if they can they will um and who so Bridget you mentioned before the episode who do we think may may played the last game in orang uniform um in Brian’s favorite Centennial uniforms hit the bricks hit the bricks that is the best part of this season being over I never have to watch those damn dull gross ass gold glitter gold and black Club hockey jerseys ever again on the garden ice um okay maybe it should be who should have played their last game in a bro’s uniform um maybe that makes it more subjective to you guys your guys’s opinion are there any major shakeups or is it just they have a ton of cap space to support your core players but like are there any like Carlo de Brusque some people like that that have been a part of this core would you guys be willing to maybe explore moving them and or not resigning I think I mean I want to I want to start probably not with trades but with with free agents and decisions that need to be made to resign or let somebody walk and I think the very obvious one first and foremost is I don’t think he will be that wouldn’t have been the the Oh you mean like obvious to move on from yes I don’t think he’ll be I thought you meant like the most interesting one which someone else I think this one is is probably our listeners are probably like yes I don’t think we’re gonna see mackz looking at Bruin’s uniform next season um he never made it back in the lineup after losing his spot um in the I guess technically one time he did but uh he didn’t see ice time in the series against Florida don’t think he’s built for the playoffs which if you’re trying to build a team that goes further next year that’s what you need to be thinking about obviously and he’s somebody that um just uh gets bumped off pucks uh pretty easily and he’ll probably be able to go somewhere and and get a I don’t know a middle or bottom pair job um but I don’t think it it’s going to be in Boston unless he takes a really deep Hometown discount because he is from here so I mean that’s that’s the only potential of him staying here I think and then Derek forbert also is at the end of his contract I don’t know if if you guys think he maybe played his last game in a i Wason let’s let’s go one at a time yeah grizzli I think is definitely gone um you know he’s also 30 going on 31 next season so I always forget he’s that age faor yeah so I I I think he’s like if you don’t trust him in the playoffs and he’s not GNA play he’s by the end of it he was practicing as their ninth defenseman um yeah he writing’s on the wall he’ll be a great third third third pairing guy for the Blue Jackets go take’s job yeah exactly uh forbert I think um yeah I think he’s probably gone too I think again I think he’s you know you got W spoon you got Peak Peak is signed um I thought Peak was good I mean he was he was hurt for most of the playoffs and he came back and I just think it’s not easy to step back into a series like that and and I I like his game yeah and again in general but I think that that last game he was not at his best yeah I thought both Peak and while the spoon struggled in game six but you know but ultimately I like they’re both signed and I I like [Music] both that’s your third pair which i’ be totally fine with or one of them’s your seven defenseman or there’s rotation whatever that’s fine either way yeah I don’t need to resign forbert again he’s 32 so he’s up there in years as well obviously has battled a lot of injuries um so yeah I don’t I don’t really see a fit I don’t yeah I think the fact that he’s had so many injuries makes it easier to move on from him just because um yeah they’ve been they’ve been dealing with him not being available for quite a bit um in his time with Boston uh but they do love him as a penalty killer uh we know that they they have this value in forward that’s a little bit different than our analysis of him um and razer’s very high on him too so I’ll be interested to see razer’s uh final thoughts on Sunday about forbert uh when we talk to him but um I think those two are are probably we probably did see them play in their last games of Ruin and neither of them played in game six so their last games as Bruin actually came a while ago um but uh and then another defenseman that found his way on the outside of things uh by the end of the playoffs was Kevin chaten Kirk who had been mixed in earlier in the playoffs to try to help with the power play um um but it kind of became clear that the Bruins Power Play No matter what you seem to Tinker with just there was so much wrong with it that it wasn’t fixed just by Kevin Shater alone though he did do a pretty good job up there um he was only here on a one-year deal uh he’s a veteran in the league is he someone that the Bruins want to run it back with see what he can be another year or do you think he is somebody who doesn’t want to deal with just being a seventh defenseman like does he just want to go find an opportunity where he thinks he has a better chance to play I think he was signed to help Phil a void of leadership that left last year with berson crei and others and I don’t know if the Bruins need that next year um I think he was part of the Money Ball let’s try to find some players that that can fill a roster and I think shaton Kirk will just go somewhere um I I don’t see the Bruins necessarily resigning them um so I mean Scott I don’t have a strong opinion I I don’t I don’t think he’ll be here I don’t think the Bruins will keep him I don’t think shaton Kirk really cares he’s kind of like in the Twilight years of his career so maybe he wants to go somewhere that’s warm back to Tampa or something I don’t know yeah I mean like I think there’s there’s leadership value and if he were like if you’re your eighth defenseman I don’t think there’s much harm in that but bridgie kind of nailed it like the area where he helped best was on the power play and you’re only helping the power play if you’re playing every game and he wouldn’t be so it’s hard to hard for me to really see him being back you know I think I think you liked it here um you know obviously played at Buu in college and I talked to him a couple times this season about just like reconnecting with the city and he kind of fell in love with Boston again um but yeah ultimately like you got to have a role and I don’t really think he would have one next year yeah be two fewer terriers for Scott to bro out with um it it’s tough It’s it’s getting lean around here yeah him and shaten Kirk they’d just be talking be hockey uh yeah and I’m pretty sure you had you had an interview with uh grizli about it earlier too but uh yeah know that’s tough for by way uh since that reminded me um Brian I I I asked makavo about that World Junior goal and that that you brought up on the last podcast and tweeted out and he said he knew it right away that it was identical and he said he texted Jordan Greenway after the game who was teammates with them at at bu and on that World Junior Team so really yeah you guys you guys on the same page on that yeah wow did you did Brian did you text maoy right after that or did he text you no uh no he he facebooked me but uh Scott did did did did you give me credit or did you sit there and say so Charlie I noticed no I give you credit that’s funny that’s funny yeah it was it was it was uncanny right absolutely identical yeah um even even like down to his the way he celebrated um yep and and the exact same amount of contact in the same spot with the goalie like on the top of the crease and yeah same amount of I mean you could sit there and say players score the same goal before like oetkin has what how many hundreds of onetime but it’s it’s it was different though it’s like it was the the way the play sh up it was just like I couldn’t it was crazy um but that that is funny Scott that he that he picked up on that right away I mean it’s a huge goal for the uh the gold medal game Go I mean I’m surpris I’m not surprised he remembered it um who’s next on the list guys um so do you we’re probably not going to get to everyone today because there’s quite a few free agents but yeah and and we have plenty of time in the off season to go through um but if you want yeah I was going to say let’s get to the the biggest one Jake de brusk yeah you think happens well um he had the most points for the Bruins in the playoffs uh he had an inconsistent season but I never felt like his effort was lacking um I feel like he was doing the right things the whole year apparently he was dealing with uh a hand injury for quite a while and maybe that had something to do with some of the the slumps that he went through um he ended up playing 80 of 82 games so finished out the season playing most of the year uh he is somebody that I mean you’re not looking to detract from your top six forwards are you like are you I I think he’s somebody that seems like he wants to stay um obviously when we talk about free agents it’s part of it’s on him not just what the Bruins want to do and and you know does he want to stick around and I think he likes his team and I think um whereas back before under Bruce Cassidy he was asking for a trade I don’t I don’t think that that exists in him anymore that that he you know wants out I think he would like to stay but um he ended up being your best player uh production wise um you know not talking about San like taking him out of the equation but in terms of of Point production and and goals he was your best player and he was making things happen and I know throughout the regular season like I said he wasn’t so consistent maybe that helps you get a reasonable deal for him but I I don’t see why you wouldn’t try to offer him something fair to bring him back Scott do you want to go first sure so for me with de Brusque essentially what it comes down to is you know what do you have budgeted for that spot and I mean top six Winger because I think we all agree they the priority should be finding a number one Center so is that Elias Lindholm who’s the top free agent is that someone by a trade which you don’t have a ton of assets to pull off like so how are you getting your Center and what are they costing you and then what’s left because if it’s $6 million left I don’t know that you’re finding a better use of $6 million Than Jake de brus like if that’s what he’s going to come in at you know look around at like free agents once you get past the top couple Wingers it it gets pretty thin so you know are you going to be able to find someone for that kind of money I for all the issues with deus’s inconsistency he’s been just shy of a point perame player in the playoffs for two years running now and as you said he was your top scorer this postseason um so if we’re talking about you know you need more offense in the playoffs like he’s one guy who actually has brought it so I I am not at all opposed to keeping de Brusque I guess the what I’m wondering is are you gonna have money to upgrade from De Brusque like can you can you add at Center and also have money to go after one of the true big fish and free agency like Sam Reinhardt or Jake gensel because if you do I’d rather have one of those guys Than Jake debrusk and you’re you’re definitely not signing both right like but if if you don’t have the money to go after Reinhard or gensel there’s not GNA be a whole lot of better options than debrusk in in that next level down so that’s kind of what it comes down to for me and that’s that’s largely just going to depend on on what other moves you make this off season and and where your money goes yeah I mean all good points guys I’m not as I’m kind of I’m I really am kind of indifferent on him uh for all the reasons you guys have mentioned heading into the post season I was done with them absolutely done with them um it’s it has nothing it’s no Vendetta it’s just a matter of he’s not producing at the level that they need him to produce at in the regular season um in his career he’s averaging uh 0.57 points per game um in the regular season now Scott mentions he’s almost a point per game guy in the playoffs the last couple years his career postseason numbers I think he’s just over half a point per game as well I thought he was I thought he was good I thought he was really good in the postseason this year um he the effort was was evident he was blocking shots he was finishing checks he was you know making some things happen out there offensively um so if you’re going to get that effort from him in the postseason and you’re planning on being a postseason team then then if the number’s right sure I just don’t know if he’s a Bonafide top six guy I just don’t know if he is and I don’t I I wonder if he’s better suited on a third line role and I don’t know if Jake debrusk wants to play a third line role in Boston when he can play a top six role probably somewhere else a lesser Market that’s less of a circus media wise um I just don’t know I I really don’t know what the Bruins should do I I don’t know if it’s just better to just kind of move on for both parties and just try to reestablish your middle six um I know he’s played in the what do you want to call The Top Line last year was it berson Martian de Brusque or was it passion out Ki zaka I depending on who he’s playing with could he play on a first line sure could he play on a second line sure could he play on a third line yeah but 40o guy like I said half a point per game guy in his career in the regular season he’s not somebody that really you should be losing too much sleepover if you part with them at the same time if if if Jake de brus gives you that playoff effort every year in the playoffs he’s not hurting your team it’s just a matter of to Scott’s point cap allocation and there’s a few guys Brian uh that were playing in the top six this year at different points that you probably would say were Pro were better suited for a third round line role my Morgan geeki always playing on in the top six in uh in the playoffs who did a great job by the way um I’m not I’m not saying that but like he he comes to Boston after being a I think he was a fourth liner and then he comes in and he works his way uh up and into more minutes and in in better positions and I I think uh he was able to prove to the league that he was better than what he had uh what teams had given him credit for um so good for him on that Dan Heinen as well had a great season but I don’t know if he’s someone you think you’re gonna uh have in your top six for a good chunk of the of the second half of this season playing on a line with David pack so the problem with with all of that is if you take de Brusque out of that equation then you’re you know it you’re with even fewer guys that you would say are definitely top six players I mean you’re looking at um Marsha and poer knock as your your two definites and then other than that like zaka finished out uh the series playing on the third line um Coyle was a third liner for a long time last year he played mostly in the top six this year uh depends what you do at Center if he stays in there you know there’s there’s just so much up in the air with with the top six that leaving like having de Brusque leave the equation just feels like it makes things more complicated yeah and and mo like most importantly not only is some other team going to give him a chance to play in the top six but they’re going to pay him like it coming off this playoff run so if the Bruins feel like you do where they’re like H maybe he’s more of a third liner that then he’s gone like then you don’t have to worry about it there so and and give somebody like maybe Fabian lysel a chance to be a third liner at some point if he I mean he’s I mean personally for me like if you go out let’s say it is a li Lindholm and so now you have you know panak Lindholm Marsh and maybe Zach on the wing coil debrus as your top six you’re still probably hoping for maybe one more upgrade but I I have no problem Jake de brus is my fifth or sixth forward like I I think he slots in there fine on on a really good team I think so too I think he’s a top six guy wherever he goes yeah I’m with you guys I’m I I’m not saying he’s when I say I don’t know if he’s a Bonafide top six guy that’s exactly what I mean like I don’t think he’s a sure thing top six I think he can be top six I think he’s Fringe I think he’s a fringe second third liner like I think he’s I think he’s a really good third liner and I think he’s a lower tier top six forward and I think I I think his point production backs that up so for me it comes down to how much is he going to cost if he’s if he’s going to demand you know too much money then I don’t need him in my top six like I we you could hell I mean d Heinen came in on a PTO and was playing with p and zaka and like you know I’m just saying like you don’t got to bend the knee to Jake debrus if he wants too much money and um and they’re not going to they’re not they’re not gonna overpay for him there’s you know I just think that they should I think what my point is I think that they should extend him a fair offer yeah and there’s a chance somebody out bids them but like it’s not like they’re not going to offer Jake anything I don’t think they’re just going to be like sorry man we don’t want you like I don’t think that’s what’s gonna happen this offseason I think that there’s a number that they’re comfortable with that they’re gonna offer and see if he accepts it I think I think we’re all singing the same song here I’m with you guys I’m with you guys yeah and I’ll also say too like not like I I get what you’re saying Brian like you move high and I’ll also say not that Heen would be like the one for one you know it’s not like you let Jake de Brusco and like go I guess we’ll turn around and sign Danon Heinen no right right and I’m not but you know would point out like Heinen had one point in eight playoff games to to what I said earlier about like water finding its level Danon Heinen is not someone who’s gonna step up and be one of your top offensive guys in the playoffs like he’s just not capable of that Jake de brus can do that and and we saw that so like that there that’s also the difference between okay like fine maybe they put up roughly Sim similar numbers in the playoffs but you you know what a player who can be you know a Difference Maker in the playoffs looks like and one who’s not and Jake debrusk however maddening some of his inconsistencies can be can make a difference in the playoffs yeah and obviously I’m not I’m not advocating for them to just let de Brusque walk and play Money Ball like I want them spending all this cap space um for sure it it’s very simple for me I’m just not overpaying for him that’s all um I want to ask you guys one one player though um with the and I said it earlier with the emergence of Mason lorai you have linol you have makab boy and you have Carlo right now but if the Bruins decide to go spend on a top four d man does that make make Brandon Carlos’s future a little uncertain with the Bruins in a top four role maybe he’s a you know what maybe he’s a great third line pair guy maybe but um he has three years left in his deal it’s a modified uh no trade clause I believe so it wouldn’t be easy but is there a world where the Bruins explore maybe upgrading their top 4D and Brandon Carlo might be a casualty because of it with the emergence of M and laai um or if they do upgrade a top a top four demon would car would Carlo potentially be a third pair guy at this point in his career because not he’s not old but I mean don’t look now but Carlo has been a Boston Bruin for almost a decade so um and how do you think he is three years from now we know he’s dealt with injury issues so is he somebody the Bruins might try to move on from while he’s still uh valuable to both the Bruins but also somebody else while they might try to shake up their look on the blue line I personally think he was one of their best players this playoffs I am very high on bernon Carlo as a defenseman I kind I like I I’m excited by the idea of uh future where Mason laui is maybe playing with with Brenan Carlo or playing in in the top four those two are both playing in top four of the Bruins defense I think that that’s a solid a solid four um lorai still has plenty of growth in his game to to develop but makavo lyol Carlo lorai I I like those four as your top four um and I don’t know what you’re what you’re getting as like because I don’t think Mason lauray and him are actually very similar despite their size I don’t think they play the game at all the same way so I don’t think it’s like a one for one replacement there like one like lur I comes up and that means like caros Expendable I think Carlo does something different than anyone else on this Bruns team um he is their shutdown guy um and he’s such a great penalty killer I don’t know I I wouldn’t think that would be a priority for them this off season um yeah I I I think they like them a lot but you’re right if they want to shake up uh if they want to do something different on defense uh maybe add a a defenseman that can score more uh put up more points depends what they’re looking for um if you’re saying like go after a top pair defenseman right well so just just to be clear as the Bruins currently stand he’s absolutely a top four defenseman for this Bruins team and and you’re right Bridget he’s plays nothing like Lori and I’m not comparing the two my I guess my I guess what I’m asking is and Bridget it seems like your answer is no they shouldn’t go out and add somebody but Scott no not that they shouldn’t go out and add somebody but that if knew I wouldn’t put Carlo in the deal you know yeah what I say but if he’s if they I’m sorry I just want to clarify if they add a top four guy and like where does that leave Carlo because lyol and makoy aren’t leaving the top four and we think lorai would be a top four guy I feel like how him I don’t know Laura could be a third pair guy uh to start you know he’s still a rookie uh they moved him around quite a bit with all sorts of different partners so I don’t know I wouldn’t move Carlo I I guess what I would say is so my opening shift I said Don swing’s priorities are lock up Swan and add offensively there’s a reason I did not list anything about the defense as a priority because I don’t think it is um I’m I’m open to anything like if there’s a player out there you identify that you really want okay fine like go go make a run and then figure out how you sort it out right Brandon Monto is a free agent we’ve seen the damage he’s done against the Bruins he could certainly help your power play I think you know the Bruns adding some sort of differen maker who helps the power play I think is a necessity that could be a forward you know the guys I mentioned ryanh Hart Lindholm um like they both play the bumper on the power play which I think was a weak spot of the Bruins this year absolutely and Reinhard had the most Power Play Goals in the whole league this regular season yeah so you know like if they identified that if they really want to change the look and say like Montour in Carlo out because we’re getting more offensive on the blue line I I think there’s some logic there like I’m open to it but to Bridget’s Point makoy Carlo Lindholm Loray I don’t have any problem with that as as my top four wether spoon Peak and add third pairing level Defender X whether that whether you think you you have that in your system or you’re going out and signing someone for a million and a half or something like that like I that that looks like a Decor that that I like you know I don’t I don’t think again I said it earlier like I don’t think that was the the Bru’s issue you know you look at look at like chances allowed High danger chances allowed I mean they were near the top of the NHL in the playoffs they they weren’t giving them up so um you know that that’s the number one job is right is like don’t give up goals don’t give up chances and this Bruns I know I’m gonna be fighting like Upstream on this because I know I know how Bruns fans work and I know most of them hate hampus Lindholm and Brandon Carlo and are even down on Charlie makavo right now um moving forward I’m I’m not I defense to me is kind of the the well I wouldn’t say least of the problems but least of the areas to focus on this offseason yeah it’s pretty clear they need they need more goal scoring uh first and foremost and and uh the most effective way to do especially on the power play like this power play like we we didn’t even mention that as one of the reasons why they lost the Series like earlier in today’s episode we’ve talked about it a bunch over the course of of the postseason but like it’s a huge reason why they lost to Florida they couldn’t freaking score on the power play so like they they got off to a great start in game six they’re out shooting the Panthers 4 nothing four minutes in they get a power play and it totally kills their momentum yeah they went 14 minutes without a shot after they ALS they also killed a penalty at the end of the third period with 20 seconds left in the PK beater gets tripped ton of momentum crowds going crazy and again another DT of a power play um so so I look I’m not I’m not posing these questions and these type of itical is because I’m coming at a certain player I I’m just trying to look at all angles here I think you know when you look back at this Bruins team the last handful of years they lost in the first round to the to the Hurricanes they lost in the first round to the Panthers they narrowly escaped losing in the first round this year to the to the Maple Leafs because you left it down to one shot and then they lose to the to the Panthers uh in in game six in the second round my point is we’re not talking about a team that goes to the Conference finals every year um we’re also not talking about a team that doesn’t make the playoffs I’m just saying I think when you whenever you don’t achieve your goal right and I I know this Bruins roster was limited this year so I you have to recalibrate but I’m just saying over the last couple of years because last year they had a phenomenal roster this Bruins team just they haven’t been to the Conference Finals since 2019 um there’s a lot of teams haven’t been to the Conference Finals in decades so I I know I’m just saying when you don’t accomplish the goals you set out to accomplish over a handful of years with a lot of the same players right A lot of the same core I I I think you just have to take a look at everybody and and ask can can we upgrade the team here we know we’re good in this area it might not be the problem it might not be the biggest reason we lost could it still be better and I think that I when a Bruins signed hampus lolm and you had hampus lolm and Charlie McAvoy and your top four um I never thought that transitioning to Puck would be an issue um Mason Luray comes in when you have Mason Luray Charlie McAvoy and hampus L in your top four as you’re saying Scott transporting the puck and transitioning should not be an issue um so I’m with you it’s not a huge glaring need but it still wasn’t very crisp uh like like I feel like the Panthers top guys like mour and and certainly um forsling and eblad like they were just kind of they were moving the puck with conviction and I just felt like the Bruins weren’t doing that entirely in the second round I know it was the furthest thing from their biggest problems the goal tending was great it was the lack of scoring I just wonder is there somewhere that they can improve that where good is not always good enough that’s all I think you have to look at all areas and I think we are it’s just the conversation we’re having yeah and we’re I mean we have plenty of time in the offseason to continue some deeper Dives too like some comps and some trade options like you know actually look at it put it down on paper see if we like it see if we don’t like it kind of stuff that we have to you know we have we have an off seon to to mul things over for next year unfortunately I don’t usually know what to do with myself during hockey offseason so who knows like well I don’t know what I’m going to do uh because uh my hockey season is go go go and then all of a sudden it ends and I I’m sitting you know in my kitchen painting stuff like I don’t even know um I’m sure a lot of people feel that way but especially when you work covering hockey and that’s M mainly my you know that’s my main job I don’t have a whole lot to do in the offseason so um so yeah it’s it’s gonna we’ll be thinking about this we we’ll be doing some deeper Dives all right well Scott anything left for You Bridget I think we’ll probably good to W this up pretty soon huh yeah yeah I think so obviously you know just want to end with the thank you to all the listeners all season long um lot more you know we’re not going anywhere we’re still going to be doing episodes every week um you know ideally three times a week but maybe a little less here and there obviously there’s not always a ton of offseason content but there’s a breakup day coming up to react to there’ll be end of season press conferences with Sweeney neie uh Montgomery so we’ll have reaction to all that you know next you know free agency rumors and all that stuff’s going to start soon sooner that’s than you realize so plenty plenty of stuff to cover and we’ll continue to be here for it but definitely thank you to everyone who listened All Season yeah and and obviously the playoffs are still going on so there’s still going to be stories that come come out of that uh you know Rangers rangers Florida be a really interesting series to watch uh so and also before we sign off I just want to say we do have one last Sunday skate this Sunday upcoming Sunday morning it’s an hour longer so it’s 9: to noon um with me Scott and Razer so tune in to that because I’m very interested to hear what Razer has to say about a few things um and yeah just keep looking for for our episodes because we’re not going to stop during the summer we’re going to keep putting things out yeah and you we have the draft in June um maybe the Bruins find some way to get a first round pick I don’t I don’t think so but you never know maybe they at least find somehow to get something better than a fourth round pick which right now is their first pick like I gota even even I can’t really talk myself into getting super excited for fourth rounders but a lot of time between now and then so may maybe I’ll get there was Marian a third rounder he was third yeah or yeah he was third I think right yeah so you never know um but okay yeah definitely lost to talk about in the offseason until October so uh for the last time uh this Bruins regular and postseason thank you all for listening and we will talk to you soon hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast don’t forget to follow us on social media and 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Discussing the Bruins’ season-ending loss to the Florida Panthers in Game 6, Marchand’s return from injury and losing another lead at home. Thoughts on the future of the Bruins’ current goalie duo. Did this Bruins’ roster out-perform, reach its ceiling or fall short of their ceiling this year? Plus, which players have we seen play their last game in a Bruins’ jersey?

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Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Jump to:
00:00 – Game 6 loss ends Bruins’ season
6:20 – Marchand’s return and injury
35:00 – How Swayman’s play effects his new contract
47:30 – Who may have played their last game as a Bruin?
55:00 – DeBrusk’s future in Boston
68:02 – Could Carlo be involved in a trade this offseason?

Photo: Bob DeChiara-USA TODAY Sports

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Thumbnail images courtesy of Getty Images/USA Today Network.


  1. Florida was clearly the better team and had the better goalie. Doesn’t take a genius to see this, just takes someone that’s able to drop the emotion from the “Home team” favoritism. Still a decent season for Boston. I wouldn’t be too worried about them.

  2. Born in 99 and have had many heart breakers over the years. 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23 all heartbreakers. This year is simply not one of them and was an expected result. Use cap space to get some scoring punch up front.

  3. Great job guys! Really enjoye your in depth podcasts. Swayman saved the job of the coach as he continues to underwhelm as a playoff tactician. There were never any adjustments to zone exits or the forechecking strategy. The emphasis on quality shots is maddening especially considering the low talent level of the forwards and that we were often being beat with seeing eye goals. The power play is a mess and the bench is being run like a zoo with all the too many men on the ice penalties

  4. Regarding the lack of home ice advantage around the league, up until the 1990's the home team almost always received twice as many power plays as the visiting team. Whether or not that was coming down from the league to ensure better attendance or what who knows?

    As for this series, the better team won. If the Bruins had beaten Toronto in five games, maybe they could have practiced more for Florida. We'll never know.

  5. We didnt have the horses to score fn goals. How many times we have the puck right infront of goalie!? Wtf. Lost every game at home! Poor Bruins fans! We need a stud center who can create and score and a solid Defender or another winger. We need to get this done no matter what! Please Donny, make us a REAL CUP CONTENDER not a pretender. Weak minded and physically weak this year.

  6. The Bruins did what they could with what they had. They got D but need some O.
    Considering the amount of talent they lost goin' into the season they played good Hockey.
    But the top scorers unfortunately failed to produce when it mattered most.
    Never expected a Cup but luv 'em none the less. Go BRUINS.

  7. Florida not the better team. They just got a lucky bounce here & there. They sucked on PP last 2 games so we caught onto their tendencies we just weren't as good on offense & Florida got FLUKIER CALLS & we were even on goals scored / against when it was 5 vs 5 so I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE Brian. BRUINS FOR LIFE !!!! 🖤 & 💛 until I'm ☠️ & 🥶

  8. Take Toronto out of the TD Bank North Garden. TD stands for "Toronto Dominion" take that loser franchise out of the name of our building. Problem solved .

  9. Whose to say we dont need Linus because if you lean on Swayman for 60 plus games in the regular season does he have enough juice to be such a STUD in the post season 🤔

  10. I would say though that getting rid of Linus 5 million dollar salary could be used for a MUCH NEEDED top 6 Center…. Tough call for a GM cause i still feel you don't want Sway to play 75 % of the regular season and then not have enough ⛽️ in the tank by playoff time…

  11. Marchand scored 18 goals in 2013 after scoring over 20 the two previous years. Using Brian's logic on DeBrusk, the Bruins should have not re-singed Marchand. I mean, how dare he have an off year? I mean, any winger who scores under 20 goals should be let go, not worth re-signing. Right Brian?

  12. Bruins had a good year.just not enough pieces in the playoffs to win.and we did beat Toronto again 😂.we need a top centre who can score.a faceoff man.and some speed players.d men & goalies r solid.future looks bright for the bruins next year.❤ love the bruins.keep it rollin

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