@Vancouver Canucks

[Lalji] Tocchet emphatically says “No, Demko is not going to play game 7”

[Lalji] Tocchet emphatically says “No, Demko is not going to play game 7”

by TrollingBadger


  1. Tough-Concentrate929

    Slap me silly and call me salsa mama

  2. TheChemist18

    No Demko is not a surprise. Also, the Canucks don’t need him yet.

    Today was solely lost by a piss poor team game all around after the first period.

  3. metrichustle

    Silovs wasn’t the problem. Canucks decided to play game 7 after the first period.

  4. jaavuori24

    SIncerely – don’t need him. Silovs is giving us great goaltending. We’re one game from the final four mostly thanks to this kid. Get Ian Cole off and stop taking penalties.

  5. Silovs wasn’t the issue. Canucks offensively seemed to just not even try tonight. They put Skinner back in the net, and Vancouver didn’t even attempt to test his confidence much. Took, what, 2 periods for the Canucks to register double-digit shots on net? Pathetic effort from them. Really hope they actually show up in Game 7. Because they’re gonna need to AT LEAST double the amount of shots on the net. Nobody looked like they came to play tonight.

  6. Why would they. Silvos is the only player who’s consistently showed up this series.

  7. Yeah I’d rather Demko just rest and play next season even if some miracle Canucks make it to game 7 in SCF. Wouldn’t want a situation like Landeskog

  8. PsychoDrifter

    They need to shoot the fucking puck on the power play and generate offence. Goaltending isn’t an issue, the issue is overplaying the puck.

    Edit: by overplay I mean too many passes without shot attempts. 3-5 passes max and shoot the damn puck!

  9. Darkwingduck48

    I believe that Demko would’ve stolen us a game in this series

    I also believe that Silovs has been responsible for 0 losses as well

    I’d rather Demko be healthy for the 3rd round/potential off-season training over rushing him in

  10. Silovs been great for us. makes sense to keep him for game 7 – also he deserves it. Now maybe if Demko is back 100% I’d start him game 1 rd 3.

  11. Who needs him anyways? Guys always hurt when we need him the most lately. King Arturs is the future, another Ian Clark product. Even if Demko was ready to go.. we roll with arturs monday!

  12. JohnnyJinglo

    just a bad game all around. game 7 gonna be insane! and i believe were gonna come out on top!

  13. Need4-Speed

    We don’t need Demko yet. He can rest. The Canucks can play high scoring games man. Our current goalie is a breathe of fresh air anyways let’s just trust him to do his part he’s shown us he can carry the weight. Our goal scorers and defense need to get aggressive without creating penalties tho. We thrive when we play high energy and get them to make the penalties

  14. CarbonNaded

    I love Silovs but allowing 4 goals 4 goals 3 goals 3 goals 2 goals and 5 goals isn’t going to get it done. Silovs needs a breakout game this series! His save pct is .898 which isn’t good to be honest but the kid done good, we just need our Vezina goalie!

  15. TinglingLingerer

    Call me crazy but if it were me I’m starting DeSmith if he’s 100%.

  16. ConfusedCrypto10

    The Oiler’s fans are already celebrating. They think this is the end of the Canuck’s luck in this series against a superior team like Edmonton. 😣🤦🏽‍♂️

  17. Isthatreally-you

    I believe defence does make your goalie look better than he is.. with that being said, watching the goals that Silvos let in. Maybe he could of got 1 or 2 but when your team scores 1 it doesnt matter how good your goalie is.

    You win and lose as a team, it was not Silvos fault we lost, it would of been his fault if we lost 5-4 though.. if he could of got the ones that could of been saved so either way players and goalie needs to be better in game 7 to win.

    The thing is im not so sure our team has the confidence in Silvos yet compared to Demko which makes us play more of a defensive game seemingly not trusting our goalie to make the save.

    Without taking anything away from Silvos, having Demko in net could change the dynamic of the game because of the players emotional state.. hence why sometimes even if its not your goalies fault you change goalies to change the dynamic of the game and how your players play.

    Without being the coach you never know, maybe Tocchet doesnt trust Silvos and has instructed the team to play defensively who knows…

    All i know is wtf is the canucks doing? Back in regular season our offence was crazy.. now i watch im like wtf is this? We trying to play like tower defence in our own zone..

    When we losing by a few and the pressure is off then we seem to start being offensive its stupid.

  18. Willing_Tennis_9025

    Can’t believe some are calling for demko to play. Hasn’t played 5 games last 1 1/2-2 months! Next round at the earliest, likely October before he plays.

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