@Toronto Maple Leafs

Spotted in Vancouver

Spotted in Vancouver

by eddy_the_po


  1. gargoyle030

    Just tryin’ to figure out why anyone in Vancouver would be that pissed off at the Leafs and/or their fans…

  2. theguyishere16

    Canucks-Leafs might be the most one-sided rivalry in the sport.

  3. HeyMarty10thalready

    Once Edmonton is out I’ll cheer against them next.

  4. Sideshift1427

    Appropriate that it is a piece of crap vehicle.

  5. Public_Piano_2534

    lmao see this piece of shit all the time, show the rest of the car it’s hilarious, not sure buddy is okay

  6. Future-Ad1076

    Probably done by fans that also was involved in the riot after lost to Boston in final lol

  7. RaginCanajun

    As someone who’s lived in Vancouver for 4 years, the amount of bandwagoners is crazy. Tickets were $30 a few years ago and no one gave a fuck

  8. silentblender

    You know people are saying this is “rent free” or not sane behaviour but if you think about it, this person:

    • got a fake limb

    • acquired or sacrificed one of their shoes

    • wrote Maple Leaf Fan on the side of the shoe

    • spent time decorating the shoe as if it’s a branded Leafs shoe as a nice little craft project

    • fixed the shoe onto the fake limb

    • acquired a length of rope

    • tied the shoed limb to the car

    • adjusted it to make sure the Leafs logo and writing was visible

    Sometimes I just can’t believe you guys.

  9. What is their obsession with us? The only time I think of Vancouver is if we’re playing them the same night. Otherwise, they are not even on my radar in everyday life.

  10. Chrristoaivalis

    Even if we as Leafs fans don’t deserve to win the cup, the rest of the League deserves seeing us win it and losing their freaking minds

  11. elifreeze

    People can be such psychos about sports. “Ha ha, isn’t it funny that I’m pretending I ran over another human because they cheer for the wrong sports team?” Like grow up. I’ll never understand the vitriol that comes from Western Canada to the Leafs.

  12. Budding_Leafs

    I’m surprised to see all the hate from Vancouver, our teams barely play eachother. I actually like a lot of players on their team, and it’s been exciting to follow their run.

    This is the general ‘rest of Canada vs Leafs’ bs culture

  13. And Vancouver fans wonder why no one likes them …

  14. iamsdc1969

    Do we know if this guy is a fan of an NHL team, or does he just hate the Leafs?

  15. Linkmaster79

    Ok I know being one of the most popular teams in hockey we’re gonna get hated and shit but to the level other teams want us dead possibly going into a rant on how they would love to dissect us organ by organ is really stupid over a damn sport.

    I like baseball too and hate the Astros for cheating in 2017 but do I want to kill them and their fans? No because it’s a sport ffs.

  16. inception_time528491

    One of two things:

    1. There is no front license plate so not necessarily someone from BC
    2. If this person has lived in BC then they may know of the washed-up shoes with feet in them on the coasts. A lot of those were missing persons who may have committed suicide. They may be making fun of leafs fans as suicidal, but a stupid way of telling a joke.

  17. rickmccloy

    Who cares what Vancouver fans think? The most effective response to their Leaf/City of Toronto hatred is total indifference. A one way rivalry is not a rivalry.

  18. manplanstan

    Vancouverites and Calgarians have a major inferiority complex when it comes to Toronto. They hate that we rarely think about them.

  19. kooks-only

    Lol I live in Vancouver now and you guys would love it just how much the leafs live rent free in their heads.

    Like growing up in Toronto, the Canucks were barely in my lexicon lol. When they were discussed, It was just respectful.

    But Vancouver cannot stand the leafs for some reason. I can’t tell where this came from. They make signs cheering on the demise of the leafs. They talk shit all day, make jokes any chance they get. Last year I remember bars making signs like “come in and watch the leafs lose” in round 2.

    You should see the shock when I tell the vancouverites, “back in Toronto, they don’t even think about you”.

    Anyway, fuck the oilers let’s go nucks! I live in a city with a chance now, such a wild feeling that I’ve never experienced lol.

  20. tecate_papi

    It’s really weird when people who are fans of other teams have their team in the playoffs but still can’t help but think of the Leafs. I don’t even know what the Leafs have done to this guy.

  21. Videogamer2719

    It’s so weird how much Canucks Fans hate the leafs. I honestly thought we were on relatively decent terms. We play like 2x a year and we lost to them quite often. I had no real ill will to them cuz I honestly didn’t think about them that much, cuz we hardly play them. Then I saw how much they hate us and were rooting against us and was confused

  22. Baconburp

    Vancouver fans in general are pathetic. Hate a team that isn’t in their division let alone their conference. Fans disappear when their team isn’t performing and cry because their “world class” city isn’t on the map. No wonder they lost the Grizzlys. Small town syndrome for sure.

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