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Men’s 10,000m Canadian Championship – Pacific Distance Carnival 2024 [Full Race]

Men’s 10,000m Canadian Championship – Pacific Distance Carnival 2024 [Full Race]

82 his SE time coming in he is a decorated athlete all around but he’s got a bunch of company at him there’s Chris Taylor he’ll be wearing hip three Julian May hip one Nathan Dagen hip two Javier Tiana will be wearing hip four Brendan Wong gitam cheetah will have hip five9 course the kitum cheetah the hometown Club here there’s Matthew hope he’ll have hip six Felix curion will have hip seven Tyler doy another Thunderbird athlete competing here today he’ll have hip eight miles Avalos from Toronto west athletics will be wearing hip nine Andrew Davies he’ll be wearing hip 10 he was at the SPs 300 2023 Andrew Davies number 11 11 is Tom Anderson from the Hoka running club9 Tom Anderson number Jeremy cougler from London Western track and field Club the 2023 Canadian champion in the 10K will be wearing HIP number 12 wearing HIP number 13 Andrew Alexander will have HIP number 13 he’s from haror track and wearing HIP number 14 the 2019 PanAm games sixth place finisher over this distance Rory link letter the Pacer will be Ryan Tyrell he’s looking to bring them through in one 8 109 [Music] laps well you hear the support from the crowd there for link letter and the field again I would say that on paper this is the deepest most star studded field of the evening and sure to be an exciting race here as you mentioned Tyrell looking to bring them through in 68 to 69 second laps he will swing wide in that white to the outside as link letter in the orange kit just finds his way gently towards the front of this pack settles in about five deep all eyes will be on him he is the one to beat think letter has a uh resume longer than we have time to talk about but some of his highlights involve of course the uh Canadian Half Marathon championship title for a short time before it was eclipsed by cam Levens but he ran a marathon PB of 2081 in Seville in February coming off a string of very strong Road performances also ran a half marathon PB of 1012 in Houston in January was 18th in the marathon at the World Championships last summer and has placed third twice at the Canadian 10,000 meter championships in 2019 and again in 2022 look to top the podium this year was about a 67 High opening lap so absolutely perfect pacing up front by Tyrell but Adam we talked about how this is a stared field and although link letter may be the uh sort of most decorated on paper he’s going to be in close company especially with the likes of cougler who was the winner of this race last year Jeremy cougler out of London Western Track Club he’s got a PB of 28 2830 and he set that recently at the 10 sound Runnings the 10 in California he was in the sub Elite race there where uh one Mo Amed qualified for Paris in this event and you can see there are some separations so our leader up front Tyrell and then there are five athletes in the race proper who are tucked in his slipstream running very very strong together and I’m not surprised to see that this is how the race is playing out early just at the back of that field in that red Kit I believe that’s Davies and now is Alexander leading the way tucked in behind Ryan Tyrell the Pacer Alexander from Toronto Ontario it’s coached by Canadian steeple chase Legend Matt Hughes well Matt Hugh is a great coach to have and uh he actually made the move recently did Alexander to Flagstaff Arizona 7,000 F feet of altitude lots of our Canadian athletes including myself have spent a lot of time up there getting ready for our national and international competitions Alexander as you mentioned a uh Team Ontario member ran for Notre Dame collegiately was a stand out there and as I mentioned recently moved to Flagstaff where he now trains with his former Notre Dame roommate and current American mile record holder yared nus so in Good Company up in Flag is Mr Alexander let’s go down to the track Linn Kuka is with the Canadian 10,000 M women’s champion ellia oh my gosh it was a pleasure to watch you just on your own taking the pace doing what you can you’re the national champion how does that feel yeah it feels pretty good it’s pretty surreal it’s been an interesting season so I’m very excited yeah you I mean you’ve really bursted on the scene and uh now I know a little history a big a big shout out to your to your hometown in Smithers and your coaches back there maybe and the ones that you have now just share what that means for you and for them yeah for sure it’s I’m very thankful for my High School coaches back in Smithers cross country and track they know who they are they’re yeah were very much believed in me when I was young and then working with melindy now it’s been I feel very blessed with the coaches I’ve had go baby so that’s awesome I have to ask you like what happens what happens now I mean personal best on the track personal best at the sun run recently things are really moving forward what are you going to do for the rest of the summer now yeah my next race I’m heading out to auta at the end of the month for the 10K Road champ so I’m excited for that and then kind of see where it takes me afterwards awesome and so in Colona you’ve got a little bit of school happening there now well it’s finished now but where are you at in school there I actually graduated last year so I recently relocated to Vancouver so I’m living here now so it’s great for races and stuff yeah good people in your Camp well congratulations to our amazing Canadian Champion Elia bro you thank you Lyn and congratulations again to Aaliyah bro picking up her first Canadian title just moments ago in the women’s 10,000 M continuing a very strong 2024 for the Smithers BC native as we return our Focus to the track now the men’s 10,000 meter national title on the line here Andrew Alexander still leading things Jeremy cougler running in second Rory link letter in the mix at as well well Adam they are approaching the 2,000 M Mark and bang on 540 that is excellent Pace setting up front by our Pacemaker and so 540 through 2,000 M would put them right around 2820 Tempo which is 68 seconds a lap that’s exactly what they asked for and again we have our Pace Setter up front and then we have a pack five deep and all five of these athletes again this is why this race should be so interesting this is going to be again on paper at least a very very close contest all five of these Runners capable of running right around the same tempo some of them haven’t run you know recent performances that would indicate that but having spoken with them having talked about what the workouts they’ve done and seen what other kind of uh you know results they’ve thrown down in over and under distance races the 10,000 meter is the real equalizer for athletes who are coming up from the mid distance let’s say they were MERS in University you know 1500 met Specialists moved on to the 5,000 or in the likes of you know link letter and others coming down from those really strong performances on the road in the marathon in the half the 10,000 is where they meet in the middle and this could be anybody’s race so our lead pack of five is led by Andrew Alexander now a move being made by cougler he’s running in second Tom Anderson third link letter fourth and Andrew Davies currently in fifth Ryan Tyrell doing some masterful pacing yeah again we’ve talked about the importance of that masterful pacing up front really really well done by our Pace Setter we’ll give you a 3K split as they come through on their next lap we should mention that Tom Anderson the uh Hoka athlete who’s part of that mix not eligible for the title he’s actually a British athlete he trains in the States but uh is not a Canadian citizen so not eligible for that title [Music] so you see a look there at some of the uh Chasers as well as they come through the start Finish Line and now our leaders taking us through again they were 540 through 2,000 m so that means they should be about 8:30 at the 3K split and they were just over that 8:31 through 3,000 M so again you set it out a masterful pacing by our Pac Setter up front and now it looks as though he is stepping off luckily there are five men all of relatively equal strength able to carry this pace forward over the next 7K Alexander continuing to lead he was third in this event at the 2022 knak championships down in the Bahamas also has a couple of Indoor national championships to his credit one the 1500 MERS or the 3,000 MERS at the indoor championships in St John New Brunswick back in 2023 well you know Adam we talked about that 10,000 being the great equalizer I I would say for Andrew Alexander you know just running is a great equalizer he’s got those, 1500 3,000 meter Canadian national indoor titles to his name he also opened up his debut Half Marathon this past fall at the Toronto Waterfront marathon Race weekend ended up winning it in 10244 an absolutely brilliant time and was ninth at the Canadian cross country championships last fall so to be able to have that kind of speed on the indoor track that kind of strength over the half marathon on the roads and then to put it all together in a national championship cross country race speaks to his range and that I think is why we’re seeing him up front comfortably taking the lead over this group of five well we saw Aaliyah bro win the 10,000 M for the women she was fourth at the Vancouver Sun Run this year on the women’s side of things on the men’s side of things well it was Tom Anderson who finished fourth of course though he as you mentioned not eligible to be crowned the Canadian Champion as he is an American and that lead group of five still oh pretty close together it continues to be led by Andrew Alexander hler right there as well the defending Champion Anderson link letter and Andrew Davies at the back end of that lead pack and a little bit of Separation now back to Davies I’m hoping he can hold on to the back of the orange kit of Link letter just ahead of him you know Davey’s uh just coming off of a shiny new PB as well in this event 2903 from the Brian clay Invitational in April he was a standout at McMaster University and has had several other accolades to his name we talk about track prowess cross country dominance you know ability on the roads he kind of is another one of these athletes that can do it all and that he’s just got to hold on to that orange kit link letter we should mention in the orange running for Puma another athlete that calls Flagstaff Arizona home coached by the formidable Ryan Hall American half marathon record holder and again you could just throw a blanket over these top five right now Davey is really the only one showing any separation from the bunch but phenomenal running by these top five is best to uh stick with link letter there he is made up it wasn’t a big gap that was developing between Davies and the four leads but he has shrunk whatever Gap there was and continues to be right on the he he heels of Link letter but still it is Alexander leading the way as he has since the outset of this race and Gater the other four tucked in behind him do you think they’re happy to let him do all the hard work here when might we see a move well this is a big question and I think this is where athletes really have to know themselves well you know some athletes know that they have a strong kick that was true for me I was always happy to let someone else lead because if I could just sit and hold on for as long as possible I knew I would be doing just fine in the closing stages I got to say though you know we’re seeing Alexander in the lead we’re seeing cougler just tucked in behind him he’s running the shortest distance it almost looks as though our leader is a pace Setter I can’t imagine that’s true although as I say that he’s literally moving out and letting cougler Take the Lead that could just be him saying look I’ve done enough of the pace setting we’re all going to work together I need you to kind of take over and share the workload cougler I think at this point in the race Adam looks like the most relaxed athlete the only other person I would say is in sort of the mix there is uh our third place Runner and I believe that is Anderson again who is not eligible for the team title and they are through halfway in about 1416 so the early Pace was set at 2820 that would have been 1410 there’s 6 seconds outside of that at 5 km that is pretty consistent running to be only 6 seconds off of that Tempo and that might be why Adam you saw a change in Pace there and now another change in Pace I’m sorry that is cougler up front so cougler continuing to lead just past halfway they are on 2832 Pace but still five deep and that it bodess well because any one of these guys could take over at any point and keep that Temple rolling cougler looking to defend his 10,000 M Canadian crown that he won last year not not too far away from here in kitum out in Langley BC also third on the road last year at [Music] 10K we mentioned that several of these Runners are coming off of Lifetime or season’s best at some of the top American meets held in California over the last couple of weeks so some of them coming off of that Brian clay invitation in April others coming off of top finishes at the 10 sound Runnings the 10 in California and it always bodess so well when you can come you know into a national championships off of the heels of a new lifetime best not only from a confidence perspective but there’s a real physiological boost that you get from taking your body to a place that’s never been before cougler looking so strong up front and now for the first time link letter putting himself in the conversation almost sort of musling his way through I think there was some hopefully friendly dialogue that happened there and it looks like link letter just said look I’m ready to take over I’m coming off a 208 Marathon that was almost a 4minute Improvement for him on his lifetime best he’s obviously in the shape of his life and wanting to get to Paris any way he can so it is now link letter into the lead and uh happy to take over those Pace duties for a short time at least now they’re one of those athletes that you’ve mentioned just excels on whatever surface he runs on he was the top Canadian finisher in the marathon at the 2023 World Championships he finished 19th there he’s been at three World cross country championships best finish a 76th back in 2017 again as we mentioned he was also six on the track over this distance at the 29th PanAm games but it is still a tightly packed group of five at the front it’s now link letter leading it cougler in second and it is Alexander running third Anderson fourth and Andrew Davies continuing to hang around in fifth well what’s so impressive Adam again we talked about the depth of this field but the fact that these five have all been together from the very beginning and have been changing leads having that conversation saying you know this is mature running by these guys let’s work together it’s a perfect night it’s a national championship but we also want to try to run really fast and there’s clearly some coordination that happened ahead of time whether it between the athletes or the coaches to say you know there we know the pacemaker can only go so far let’s then work together when they drop so that we can get the best out of ourselves on the night this is really impressive running they’re starting to lap other athletes shows what kind of tempo they’re on again they’ve maintained that sort of 28 mid Pace in fact they’ve picked it up a little bit and we’ll be coming up on a 7,000 M split shortly it can give you a sort of sense of where they’re at but this is really brilliant running and some of our top talent again our Canadian record holder and uh Paris bound athlete moamed not present but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have a wealth of talent following behind him in the form of these five men on track tonight K if you’re one of the five athletes in this lead group when do you think would be the appropriate time to try and stamp your mark on this race well again they’re just under 7,000 m in so they’ve got 3K to go a lot of time has passed but there’s a lot of racing yet to come I think there’s a strength in the number of these Runners and these guys know that so they’re going to want to stick together as long as they can the pace hasn’t slowed significantly it’s slowed a little bit but it hasn’t dropped off to the point where it’s becoming sort of a kicker’s race you can see these guys actually chatting and for the first first time it is our foreign athlete taking to the lead that is Tom Anderson the tall athlete from Hoka the British Runner and now you see them in single file that means the pace is ticked up I think these guys know that their best chance at success as a unit is to stay as unit for as long as possible and just you know if if I were them I’d say in the last 1500 M it’s every man for themselves but until then let’s try to make this an honest race together so our top four right now have each taken a turn in the lead right now it’s Tom Anderson’s go at it he’s being followed by Andrew Alexander or excuse me Jeremy cougler Andrew Alexander running in third link letter in fourth and again just hanging around in fifth it is Andrew Davies from Saria Ontario [Music] go pH [Music] so six laps remaining at him now which means that they have uh one lap until 8K down so when they hit the start Finish Line at the next lap they will have passed through 8,000 m and we’ll be able to give you a sense of exactly what tempo they’re running but it is Tom Anderson of Hoka the British athlete trains in the US racing in Canada a true International Affair here as this pack of five remains so strong and just absolutely stunning running Happening Here in kitum Dave’s now trying to stay with that lead pack he’s done a good job to do just that throughout this race is he going to be able to maintain that and maybe stake a claim of his own for first place as right now that continues to be Tom Anderson leading the way cougler chucked right in behind him and they are 2256 through 8,000 M so with 2K remaining 2256 puts them right around 2835 so again they haven’t fallen off very much from that Tempo you see the there again these Runners very strong in their own right but about to be surpassed by our leaders now to the lead again cougler looking to defend his title running super strong coming off of another top performance on the roads at the Canada running series spring runoff he won it for the third year in a row this past March and he is happy to take over pce setting duties yet again so less than five laps remaining as these guys approach the start Finish Line they will have one mile to go in this 10,000 met race and Rory linkter almost stumbling a little bit there as he tries to find his footing these guys all queuing up and Adam you asked earlier when the move might be made you can get the sense that these guys are a little anxious there’s some energy happening on the track and I think we’re going to see something special happen in the next lap or so as link letter swings wide trying to uh put himself into the conversation to make a charge Alexander moved into second place link letter goes wide Kate as you said trying to make a move but now he’s going to fall back into fourth Tom Anderson running in third and again still hanging around is Andrew Davies at the back of this lead pack link letter is going to go wide again and he’s going to touch the second lane and unable to make a move it’s still tightly packed cougler leading Alexander in second Anderson in third linkl fourth and Davies in fifth you know this is where you can’t get too anxious this is where some musical chairs can happen people are just trying to find position but they’re shifting up and down without actually increasing the pace this is where a fall can happen this is where you just don’t want to let your nerves get the better of you the more composed athletes will stay on the rail you see link letter and I I give him all the credit in the world for putting himself up there in the conversation but he’s using more energy than anyone else in the pack he’s run the last three laps on the outside of Lane one he is running a further distance than anyone else and I know he’s just jostling for position but he might be just wasting a little bit of energy trying to do that in my mind he would do well to sit back in on the rail catch his breath gain composure and get ready to go 2552 on the clock and we are inside 1K to go well now we will see if the moves are going to be made and as the lead pack comes to another group of athletes that they will lap and it is Alexander leading as they go wide Tom Anderson on his shoulder as now it’s a big mess of humanity and it’s Alexander by a no right now as Anderson’s right there with him Anderson goes out the lane three so Anderson moves into the lead Alexander in second but here comes cougler cougler up onto the shoulder of Alexander Alexander able to counter that at this point so Anderson the leader with about 600 M to go and Anderson Alexander excuse me Anderson cougler Alexander link letter in third and dav’s in fifth little bit of a gap now between third and fourth link letter now closing that Gap and he’s Dave’s trying to go with him and this might be where they drop Davies as they will hear the Bell one lap left to go cougler out in front looking to defend his Canadian title Anderson hanging around cougler trying to make a bit of a break can’t do it Anderson right there Here Comes Alexander on the outside Alexander into second linkl trying to turn it on he’ll go to the outside of Anderson and Link letter looks to have moved himself into third place it’s still cougler leading the way Alexander trying to go with them cougler trying to pull away they’re into the final 200 M it’s cougler it’s Alexander and here comes link letter they’ve dropped Anderson can he try and REM remain in this pack of three no it’s a battle on now between link letter and Alexander they’re going to race this one out to the line Alexander with the lead link letter try to go with them but Alexander will come across in first what what a finish Alexander is the Canadian Champion over 10,000 m in 2024 Adam what a finish that was incredible that was one of the most exciting 10,000 meter finishes you could possibly imagine the fact that all five of these men remained in it to the very end made for an absolutely thrilling race and I’ve got to say I had an official ially 2730 on the clock with a Lap to go 2828 means that these top two men closed sub 60 for the final lap of a 10,000 meter race and to run 2828 that’s a PB for several of these athletes absolutely fantastic brilliant running here Alexander holding off the marathoner link letter but all five of those guys fought every step of the way as these Runners continue to stream across the line hearing the bell for some of them chasing for home for others what brilliant performances in this closing event of the Canadian 10,000 meter championships and Pacific Distance Carnival Alexander crowned your Champion link letter coming off of marathon training to also close in a sub6 second lap this this is what track and field is all about Adam brilliant running well you said we were in for an exciting finale here tonight and uh you were right uh a race to the line in this 10,000 M final for the Canadian championship and Andrew Alexander wins it as there is the hometown boy Brendan Wong Crossing from the kitum cheetah Here Comes Nathan Degan and a wonderful night of racing out in kitum capped off with an exciting conclusion in the men’s 10,000 MERS as Here Comes Matthew hope he crosses about 3051 and this is Tyler doy and he’ll come across thir 313 well again Alexander third in this race last year he will Top the podium this year that altitude training at 7,000 ft in Flagstaff obviously paying off Alexander training again with his Notre Dame roommate from back in the day and American record holder yared nus things are looking up for him alongside Rory link letter one of the most decorated recent canadi Ian distance Runners also training in flag as we continue to celebrate all of our Runners coming across the line I believe that’s is that Nathan Dian coming across now it is so again these championship special across the board for those at top the podium and those looking to get the best out of themselves no matter what on a beautiful night a tough night for some but great great camaraderie congratulations across the board for our finishers and what a way to cap off the Canadian championship 10,000 M and the Pacific Distance Carnival here in kitum on our road to Paris 2024 so Andrew Alexander the Canadian men’s 10,000 meter winner it is his first outdoor national championship after he picked up wins in indoors last year in the 1500 M and the 3,28 2769 for Alexander link letter oh he made it interesting but in the end he finishes 181 100s of a second back for second place and Jeremy cougler last year’s Champion he’ll still be on the podium this year he comes away with the bronze at a time of 28 2967 three guys under 2830 and look at how tight those finishes were 28 34 down to 2827 separating our top five brilliant performances and again a closing lap of sub 60 seconds for our top two finishers that’s pretty fast running for a half marathon or in a marathon or Adam indeed it is and it was an exciting race the entire way through we had that lead group of five who four of them took their turns leading this race and it all culminated with a Mad Dash to the Finish between Alexander and Link letter and Alexander able to hold off link letter and well that’s just a taste of uh what we’ve got coming up this year on Athletics canada. TV this the second stop of the National track and field tour and we will be back with you later in the month with the uh Bob

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1 Comment

  1. You obviously didn’t see Clayton Young during the last lap of an NCAA 10,000 meters several years ago. That out this race to the line to shame.

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