@Boston Bruins

Brad Marchand Speaks On Bruins Season, Looks Forward To Cap Space This Offseason

Brad Marchand Speaks On Bruins Season, Looks Forward To Cap Space This Offseason

all right Brad now the feeling has settled um I know you spoke post game as well but anything need to share about just the season being over yeah I mean obviously it’s disappointing um you know when you don’t achieve your your goal um you know regardless of where the expectations were to start the season um not internally I think internally we all expected to have a good year um you know but from the outside noise and kind of where everyone projected our team to be uh you know we we grew a ton uh there was a lot of lot of things we had overcome this year a lot of changes um you know we had a ton of new guys a lot of young guys come in and uh you know we lost some huge pieces group with with Bergie and crutch and um you know some of the older guys uh the way we came together um and and what we built you know the the the team the coaching staff did an incredible job at putting a game plan in place that was going to allow us to have success and um you know we and we grew uh so much as a group but you know at the end of the year like we were doing so well and and we thought that that we could get it done and you know that’s the tough thing about playoffs is that you know you’re you’re one play away from uh changing the series and changing the outcome um you know there’s a lot of things you can look at in the series that you know if we would capiz on an opportunity or two uh it could have been a much different series and and uh it’s tough to see it and the way it did uh when you look at that but uh definitely a lot that we can we can you know take away and be happy about and look forward to improve upon next year I think with you know the base what we have and and and you know now the the new outlook of our group and the new core um you know you can look at next year and and be excited and and look to improve upon that um so yeah you know I don’t want to sit here and say it was a huge success this year because at the end of the day you know we play for a cup and that’s that’s what you built for the entire season as an opportunity to to be in the playoffs and ultimately win um you know so we accomplished a goal by getting in the playoffs but you know we didn’t accomplish the ultimate goal what do you want to do as a captain as far as leadership now going forward in the offseason with this group and as you said get to where you want to be to be able to battle for a standing cup I mean you know it’ll be a lot easier next year coming into the season this year uh there was a lot of unknown just even who was going to be the captain and and you know how our team was going to look uh but you know going in the summer and then you know going to the next training camp it’ll be a lot more comfortable and uh I’ll be way more confident um you know in the role in the position just understanding you know what it’s about what comes with it and um I think that the the year will be a lot easier to start next season uh personally but you know as a group as well I think that again you know I speak about the new core that we have and and the way guys grew this year and new positions the new roles um you know we have a much better idea of of where our lineup’s going to look next year obviously there’s some holes every year but they need to be filled but um you know I think the the foundation of our team is there and and we’ll be back again next year and uh you know with the the structure and the coaching staff that we have I think it it it’s exciting about the opportunity to accomplish some big things again next year so you know it’s still fresh but um I’m excited about I’m excited to get going already Brad how do you look at pasta’s progress in his career uh in a different kind of a evolving role this year uh given uh how the team changed yeah uh you know the last few years especially he he’s really come into his own I mean from day one here you knew he was a special player um the way he came in and just as the attitude off the ice so grateful uh to be here every day it’s so much fun to be around uh but he he’s really grown um you know especially towards the end of the year I thought off the ice it seemed like he had a lot more confidence um you know leading in the room and being vocal uh and then obviously you see his ice on the play I mean he just dominates every game he’s just he’s a oneman um Wrecking Crew out there he just controls the play and can make things happen out of nothing and really let our group this year especially offensively um you know he he’s a he’s a generational Talent um you know and he and he continues to elevate uh the the the scary thing about that is I still think he can be better um I still think there’s room for him to improve and the more confidence that he confidence he gets as a leader and and off the ice it just seems to carry on in the ice for him um you know he almost seems like he has something to prove every day so it was great to see him take another step I again I still think he can he can continue to grow um and uh yeah excited to see where where it continues to go Brad the nature of the businesses the team you lose to ends up being a sort of a litus test of where you’ve got to get to from the captain’s perspective what what do you think get you over that up as a team I mean I think we’re right there um you know Florida’s a great a great team they’re they’re very deep um they play what what I like about their group is uh they play a playoff type style I mean they’re confident in their game and their structure they just they play their game without falter um the fault uh you know and they just keep going like they don’t really change to to other teams they they believe in their structure in the system and if they just keep going um you know they believe they break through and and you know with them they just they had the confidence to make the plays at the right time um you know we we were like I said we were a play or two away from from changing the series you know we’re up to nothing in in game four and um they we had three or four grade A opportunities to extend and if we get up three nothing you know this is a different Series so um you know we’re right there I think with with the way that we we grew um again I think we’re right there and with potential for this summer um you know I like her I like where we’re going to get but I mean the margins are so small in this league in in every series you know you you can that’s why you know it’s such a treat to play in the in the San L playoffs going into the season you never know who’s going to be the most dominant team like I said we were Road off to start the season we were in a playoff team and you know look what we accomplished this year so um you know we’re up there with the top teams it’s just there’s so many things that play out whether you know you know that benle doesn’t get called all it takes is one call from a referee um a penalty a call from the league like and these series are all different so I I I’ve said it a million times before but to win a cup to go the distance you need everything to line up you need the right calls you need the right bounces obviously you need the you know a good team and you need guys to step up and produce at the right times but you know only one team has everything go their way um each year and you know we didn’t get the calls that we needed we didn’t get the breaks that we needed you know we didn’t get the goals at the at the right time or what you know so we didn’t chip the the pock in or ship it out at the you know the times that we needed to to make a difference in a series and that’s all it takes so do I look at Florida or do I look at these other teams say we need to get to where they are no we’re right there we’re we’re good enough we just didn’t we just didn’t get that you know one more play that we needed and that doesn’t mean that it’s not going to come next year like I believe in this group and and what we have and I I think that this group can get it done um but you need everything to go your way and like I said those calls you know those Split Second calls where a ref says no goal or he calls it a goal like that’s enough to determine you know a game and it’s Series so I’m not putting it on the refs by any means I’m just saying those can be the difference a a chip Puck out can be the difference right it it’s just you never know what it is until you look back on hey that can be the difference and so um we’re right there I don’t look at any team and say we need to be them um Florida’s a great team they’re deep they play physical they play hard um you know and they got great go tending so they have all the makings of of a Cup team so does Dallas so does Colorado so does Edmonton so does Vancouver like they’re all right there um but again it’s margins and uh you know just how it plays out you hoping to start talking uh extension this summer um yeah I obviously uh it it’s I can’t believe how quick it came that it’s now on the table um it will yeah definitely be a conversation at some point um you know we’ll go from there um obviously I’ve I’ve been here for my whole career and and um would love to continue that so we you know we’ll deal with it when the time comes sure sorry about that uh you’re excited about the core you’re excited about some of the youth that came in do you also look at the amount of cap space this team has and a possibility of bringing in another impact player yeah for sure um I mean uh impact players are uh you know every player is an impact player um you know come playoff time every depth player is a huge impact player and and that’s where you win so uh we have a lot of cap space we have a lot of opportunity so we have you know some holes that need to be filled with guys that are going to be leaving and contracts that are up and um I mean some of those holes will be filled by guys that are already in this room uh some won’t but with with again the foundation we have the growth guys took you know you look at CC and pav and the way that they fill in one of those two rolls um you know took it ran with it and both DED and then uh you know I was some other guys um I’m really excited about the opportunity that going to present itself with the cap space

Boston Bruins captain Brad Marchand spoke to media during the B’s locker clean out and expressed his gratitude to the team and expressed his excitement for the Boston offseason.


  1. Great point made. Anton Lundell would be our 1st line center. He is the panthers 3rd line center with Bennett back. If I was Sweeney anyone is available for trade. Pasta will never get this team to the promised land he has proved he is soft getting pushed off the puck in playoff hockey and other than the game 7 winner just doesn’t have what other studs in this league have in a lot of areas and what it takes to take over a playoff game/ series. Let’s see what they do with this cap space next season, when Jake Debrusk is your top performer in the playoffs you need to make some serious moves

  2. I'm not a Marchand fan at all, but he has got a bad deal this year with the shit team outside of him and Swayman. He looks pissed during the interview.

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