@Toronto Maple Leafs

This Really is the Type of Coach the Leafs Need.

We need a tougher approach to the playoffs. (And a good goalie)

by cobycheese31


  1. InternationalPost447

    Meh it’s just going to be another whine fest like Calgary and Sutter. The babies will cry he’s too mean and words hurt

  2. Matthews out of Lady Byng consideration, confirmed.

  3. rnarcopolo

    Time will tell, it won’t be easy so I hope it works out.

  4. DougFordsGamblingAds

    For as much as the truculence was mocked – we certainly got a better whistle this year than any previous year I can remember. I don’t think that’s unrelated.

  5. Similar-Jellyfish499

    Things got so repetitive the past few years, so “safe” with Keefe and the Core 4, it got stale from an entertainment standpoint. Bring on Berube! Bring on the chaotic trades and hot takes!

  6. LtColumbo93

    The idea that the leafs weren’t “tough enough” in the playoffs is not grounded at all in reality. Complete fantasy. 

  7. spaceporter

    Counterpoint, Keefe was good at getting bench minors.

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