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Beasts: Unleashed (Episode 2) | Teammates And Family

Beasts: Unleashed (Episode 2) | Teammates And Family

[Music] I don’t think we are from places we are from memories and we just collect a lot of memories in some places but I’ve been collecting some really special ones ever since I moved to Seattle we’re actually on top of Lake Union right now this is my place welcome in this is my crib I am Marta I’m a Portuguese that moved to Seattle 5 years ago to pursue a dream was that being one of the best in the world [Music] so I’ve been in the sport for a minute I’ve been to two Olympic Games 2016 and 2021 and the reason why I’m still doing this is because I still believe that I have in me the potential to become a Olympic finalist and also break four minutes so this is where I’m on the hunt for right now just breaking for and be Olympic finalist make some dreams come true track is a really lonely sport you train for a long time and you compete very few times during the year and it helps so much to be surrounded by like-minded people my team has been my first family and I moved here you get to see us on the track five times a year I get to hang out with them every single day the guys and the girls we train together so like there is no like separation we warm up together we like it does feel like a team it’s not like this thing like the girl sit on one side the guy sit on the other side I know them so well and I get to do like this backstage the daily backstage every day and it’s like it is awesome you don’t fit in you are who you are and that’s how you fit in we root for each other and you could feel that they’re some of my best friends and there’s a lot of special memories that I share with them Danny of course like he looks for talent like people that can like be talented and be aart and add on on that part but there is the other part that he definitely cares a lot it’s about culture like having a good culture is really important I like to give them space to be who they are and I think a lot of the things that I try like to share and help them out is like navigating little things when you move to a different city and you start from zero it is it’s so it’s so stressful right you don’t wake up and you don’t feel like oh I’m comfortable I know I have people to look up for me so I try to like be around them and make them feel supported and I guess that’s like how I try to like help them and listen to them listening to them like let them bloom I also you learn so much from like new people too I learned something recently this year was brenon Miller so he is so calm when things go wrong I am almost 10 years older than him and when things like that happen I really get like frustrated and it was so inspiring to see him navigating this whole process so gracefully and he’s been here for like a few months we go to Albuquerque to do altitude training perfect altitude it’s not a super busy City so it’s relatively easy to go around so we train we train really hard this is honestly the second home for the team this is a place that we can all train together we do two altitude camps a year one in the winter one in the summer whenever you want to get better at something you need to minimize noise and I feel like altitude camps are great for that we do take it really serious and that’s the cool thing about being here for 5 years I’ve seen a lot of like my teammates growing into this times but also these athletes and this people that’s like inredible and I feel like we push each other when you’re in the culture that yeah there is definitely a time for everything but we know how to have fun but we really focus on how to get our job done and we help each other to get there I want to be successful but I want my team to be successful I want to be successful with them so there’s a lot of space sometimes for like uncertainty and insecurities and it is cool to see how we support each other during all of these periods when you’re in this port for so long you have so many blind spots and your teammates that have been doing the same thing they help you like open up or like focus on this point or try this thing that I’ve been doing I want to be resilient like Brandon I want to be fierce like Mia I want to be courageous like Josh meticulous like Henry there’s those little things that everybody becomes so good and nobody has it all but every single has something that is really good at this year is going to be a really important year for the team like it does take a cycle sometimes to like I don’t know think about like a flower or something like that right sometimes you need to go through a few seasons to have like the best Bloom and I feel like this is going to be a really cool season for the beasts like it’s not a surprise for us because we’ve been doing this for a while we’ve seen the process but I think this is going to be a really spectacular year for the team [Music] I definitely have the capability of doing extremely well this year and I just need to have the belief and and hopefully the training behind me that I allow that that dream to come into a reality [Music]

“We know how to have fun but we really know how to focus to get our job done. We help each other to get there. I want to be successful but I want my team to be successful. I want to be successful with them.”

Marta Pen Freitas, a two-time Olympian for Portugal, has been a member of The Brooks Beasts Track Club since 2019. She has her sights set on representing her country again in 2024. Whereas fans tend to see professional track and field athletes a dozen or so times a year for races, she peels back the curtain on the day-to-day team culture that has led to much of the team’s success in recent years.

CITIUS MAG and Brooks Running are bringing you along for the journey. Get to know coaches Danny Mackey, and Asst. Coach Julian Florez. Watch the training and progression of the likes of Josh Kerr, Nia Akins, Isaiah Harris, Marta Pen Freitas and the rest of the team as we present “Beasts: Unleashed” – a 10-part web series.

Episode 1 | Momentum:

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  1. Gostei muito do teu testemunho, Marta. Fazer parte de, ser parte de, acrescenta-nos em todas as dimensões. Parabéns! Beijinhos. 😘

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