@Boston Bruins

Game 5: Boston Bruins vs. Florida Panthers LIVE NHL hockey Playoffs

Game 5: Boston Bruins vs. Florida Panthers LIVE NHL hockey Playoffs

[Music] [Music] d d [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Applause] welcome to the Samuel B12 experience where we have you covered for all the NHL action playby playay news and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more make sure to subscribe today [Music] you’re watching the samw be experience all right Boston we’re ready for you Sam Bennett’s been greasing up those mitts Maddie kachuck been chewing on that mouth card we’re ready to bring it tonight let’s go Panthers gonna shut this one down Panthers Bruins we’re getting funky tonight and we are going to have a blast welcome in everyone it is I don’t even know what day it is any more does it matter it’s hockey night that’s all that matters we are set to go round two elimination game will the cats get it done or will the Bruins live to fight another day welcome in TJ good to see you the gaming boys what’s up Noah’s Arc in the house Onyx what’s shaking John hello there welcome in Jonathan welcome as well Beverly Hello There Michael good to see you welcome to the show oh Brad oh Brad this one must hurt so much doesn’t it that you can’t be in here tonight but good to see you my man Brad hope you are doing well Dan welcome in Chesire Cat what’s good Lucas hello there Daniel Barry in the house what’s shaking Nick how’s it going welcome to the show real good to see you as well Mr Buck Jose hello winds a summer Tony what’s shaking everybody in the house tonight Duke how’s it going welcome in AI powered so social hello there welcome to the show one and all let’s rock and roll this is going to be an absolute doozy tonight I’m fired up I hope you’re fired up we got a double header on the schedule tonight folks a double header whenever this game comes to a conclusion we are moving on Richard come on Richard with the 50b Super Chat inspiration for my fellow Leafs fans my football team team St Miran FC tonight qualified for European football next season for the first time in 37 years all droughts end Richard thank you let’s Hammer those stick Taps Hammer those hearts Pump It Up from Richard unbelievable thank you sir that is how you fire off a stream and that’s right all streaks all droughts come to an end Richard thank you for that wow Joey what’s going on welcome in Gerard welcome in I’m Blown Away Richard seriously thank you for everything holy moly uh Road Warriors what’s going on welcome in Richard you have me All Shook Up um thank you again seriously Stephen how’s it going welcome to the show all right let’s deep breaths we’re going to be doing a lot of deep breaths oh free life free Life coming on with the $10 super what’s up Rog keep up the best podcast on the internet for hockey my family and I love listening to you free life thank you so much oh my gosh get those tick Taps flowing holy mackel and and I want to thank we had a couple paypals coming as well offline and one of them I have no idea who it’s from but uh I want to thank I don’t know if he’s here Braden thank you Braden for the PayPal the other day and there was an anonymous PayPal I don’t know who it’s from so thank you guys so much for supporting us this way uh it’s awesome we love what we do and I’m I’m so glad that you’re enjoying our coverage uh Nick what’s going on welcome in Sergeant salty how’s it going be Disney in the house welcome in one and all all right let’s let’s get to the keys to the game well I have myself composed because you guys are you guys are too much oh boy all right let’s go first off number one key to this game play with intelligent desperation intelligent desperation seems like an oxymoron doesn’t it intelligent desperation and that’s exactly how the bees need to play they need to play desperate hockey but they can’t be taking desperate penalties they got to play their game stick to their game yes they’re without their leader and that is a big loss but they can’t be worried about getting a cheap shot in getting a hook H getting a slash they can’t send Pat maroon the Goon out trying to take everybody down they got to play their game the cats are going to know the Bruins are coming at them the Bruins are going to punish them the Bruins are going to drive them through the boards the cats know this they have to be intelligent with their response and how they react play the game you will win the game Jay what’s going on Dwayne welcome in welcome to the show welcoming everybody as you’re coming in make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up for us as well so thank you all so very much key number two and this goes for Boston because we know Florida has had no issue with this Boston shoot the puck do we need to spell it out for you s h o o t t h e p u c k shoot the puck if I’m the coach that is all I’m writing on the whiteboard in the locker room shoot the puck Boston has had a serious issue with shooting the puck and it has hurt them so they need to pull it together and get it done Jen what’s going on welcome in ninja watching but love the streams Jen thank you so much I appreciate it the truth hurts why do the Bruins have to be careful about getting penalties and the kittens don’t because truth because Boston has played sloppy and they’ve taken far more penalties the cats have played in control so that’s why Boston has to focus on not taking the stupid penalty because they do that way too much all right let’s get this in Maroon had an awesome interview Jay I’m gonna have to look that up 74 what’s going on Saul how’s it going welcome in with a wild game Canada Austria in the worlds we were winning 61 that’s right and we blew it going overtime John Taris Captain Taris with the game winner in overtime for Team Canada by the way we’re announcing today who’s winning the John tarus Jersey we giv away and all the rest of the prizes so stick around see if you won all right number three the swan Factor swayan has been absolutely outstanding swayan has been by far the best goenda almost almost better than that silov guy on Vancouver who came in as the third string I love that story but San has ridiculous and he can steal a game and if there’s ever a time for him to do it it is tonight but in order for him to do it successfully he’s going to need that help of the Boston defense blocking shots clearing people out from the front of the net if all factors can work here for Boston they can live to play another day the Panthers have been getting to them yes Bruns fans I’ve heard you loud and clear for the last two days the Sam Bennett goal shouldn’t have counted he cross checked the guy in a San I’m a Leafs fan I know what it’s like when the referees screw you it happens you got to get over it you can’t play to what happened yesterday you have to play for what’s happening today if they can stay in this game and play smart they’ll have a chance they have the best goenda going on of course I remember you Stephen’s like keep taking penalties Bruins keep doing it um let’s get into the lineups for the Bruins we’re gonna see and again these are projected they may might have changed but we’re expecting to see de Brusque with geeky and past neck Heinen with Cole and Frederick jvr James Van rdik with zaka and brazzo laco with beeer and Pat maroon on the dside we have lorai and McAvoy Lind Hol and Carlo wetherspoon pey and of course swayan in goal here again tonight no shaton Kirk he is out forber is out this time so San gonna hopefully get some help and this team will unite to continue this series on another day damn those lines are terrible that that is absolutely hysterical that is absolutely Priceless thank you Brad um so funny all right let’s get into the lineup for the Florida Panthers all right sorry I had to do that we’re going with teras senko barov and Sam Reinhardt we got Carter Veri with Sam Bennett and Matt kachuck E2 list Ryan with landelle and Rodriguez and then lorence with sterland and ooso the dside for the cats it’s going to see forsling in eblad mikola in Montour emman Larson and K OV and of course between the pipes tonight Sergey bobovski no surprise there Anthony what’s going on welcome in good to see you John hello there welcoming as well Eric in the house what’s up Eric good to see you Daniel coming in that’s right down yes peard getting his first career playoff start tonight that’s going to be interesting we are doing a double header tonight it is some double duty so immediately following the conclusion of this game we’ll hop in our our Warp machine and we’ll fly over to that stream and we’ll get that one going all right so those are the potential lineups tonight that’s who we expect to see this game is huge we are back at amarant Arena we are in Sunrise Florida the Panthers looking to close this one out at home Boston trying trying to keep this one going I want to give a huge shout out and there’s no way that she’s in here tonight because she’d probably get in a whole lot of trouble but I want to give a huge shout out to Julie and the entire team over at the corona Club at the amarant stadium thank you all so much for your support happy to have you guys when there’s no game uh at amarant I’m sure you guys are super busy tonight but shout out to the corona club and if you happen to be at the amaran arena tonight make sure you stop by and let the corona Club know that Samuel B12 gives them a hello all right who’s set to play some hockey me me me we will have the anthems coming up in just a few minutes but what we have to do first is a little bit of housekeeping a little bit of rules going around so here it is you are absolutely welcome and we encourage it cheer for your team if you’re a brunes fan scream it from the mountain tops go Bruins Bruins are the best cats suck whatever you want shout it out if you’re a panther fans I want to see it I obviously can’t hear it but I want to see it I want to see it in the chat you are free to cheer for whoever you want all we ask is that you be respectful towards one another no personal attacks no bullying be respectful to myself be respectful to the channel and we’re going to get along just fine we’re going to have a ton of fun tonight if you want to trash talk one another if you’re here with your friends and you know your friend is a Panthers fan and you’re a brutes fan you want to go back and forth go for it just be creative creative goes a long way and again respect all all the way we don’t want to have to be issuing any one game suspensions and bouncing anyone for not being respectful so thank you for being here we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight Johnny blae what’s going on the Boston farewell to her we will see we will see Kevin what’s going on welcome in Jacob how’s it going can you up in on the Dallas series NuSkin and how Dallas is dominate yeah Kevin we’re going to talk about that at first intermission a little bit very sad story with Valerie nushin uh it is it is absolutely unfortunate what’s uh what’s going on with him but yeah we’ll we’ll get into that a little bit later uh do I have to be respectful to Bennett no you do not have to be respectful to Bennett you you do not have to be respectful to the players just don’t put anything vulgar in the chat you can get creative with it but that’s what we’ll say Jeff what’s going on welcome in good to see you uh go cats zir how’s it going state of survival how much longer till puck drop we are about I think 4 minutes away assuming there’s no delays and we’ll get the anthems going and puck drop will be shortly after that TZ welcome in Tori hello there McAvoy for Boston and kachu for Florida first goals both teams calling it I love it love it do you think pasta Zuko and lau will support us you know you do get some players who join the worlds after the second round not a lot because a lot of players you know when they’re going to go and join because it’s already started that means they’re taking a spot of somebody who’s been playing and somebody who’s already there so a lot of players don’t like putting you know somebody out like that they don’t like going in and saying I’m David Pastak I want to play so you you know you’re out so I don’t know if we’ll see uh see a bunch of guys going and joining but I’m sure we’ll see a couple um but of course you know past is he going to be one of those guys I you never know but I probably wouldn’t have them up there on that list that’s right Crush that like button for us uh or what’s going on welcome in finish them off yeah we’re going to see if that can happen here tonight um the other thing to let you know for everybody in the chat Hank how’s it going welcoming everybody in the chat you are earning points you’re earning points just by being here you can check your points at any time by clicking exclamation Mark points in the chat exclamation mark points will tell you what you’ve earned and then you are able to redeem those points and bring up Graphics as we go so they’ll come up on the screen you can bring up Florida Graphics Boston Graphics it’s ways that you can cheer for your squads while we call the game and while we watch along Zachary how’s it going welcome in welcome to the show uh so Eric we’ll have uh in the chat there’ll be a bunch of commands that Circle through you’ll also see them when we switch to the other screen along the bottom there’ll be a scrolling ticker with the commands that you can use to enter in uh Stetson welcoming is fan back again uh what do you think the Islanders need to break out of the first round that’s a that’s a good question you know the Islanders have a lot of pieces and the players are just about ready just about ready to come on the ice so we’re going to get set for the opening anthems momentarily Richard coming in with the 10B every time past your neck gets name checked I get Dr shabo in my head that is outstanding Richard thank you again so very much we’ll get those stick Taps going Ben how’s it going welcome in welcome to the show welcoming everybody again thank you for being here players are coming on the ice Let’s uh flip over and we’ll get ourselves ready to go snap how’s it going thank you very much we I’m going for the Panthers Panthers win I got my man number 23 Carter Veri represent and I am so excited for this one to get going all right here we go we’re set ready to rock and roll they’re just coming on the ice and this is going to be getting going momentarily they’re announcing the opening lines thank you for crushing those subscribes hitting those likes we’re already up almost at a 100 likes so let’s see if we can do it our early goal for this stream for the subscribers we want to break 211 can we get over 211 let’s see it all right and of course oh that’s cool they’re showing their new shirts for boki’s big flying backhanded save called the boobaby which is pretty darn good it’s pretty awesome Bruns fan welcome in Steve good to see you Victoria hello there all right we’re just about ready to get this one underway get the anthems going I’m so pumped I’m so excited will this happen tonight Dallas welcome in Corey welcome in Gordon hello there welcome in everyone again thank you so much for joining us on a Tuesday night it’s double header Tuesday it’s Tony Tuesday there you go tuny Tuesday two hockey games one channel it’s going to be a late night but a good night Charlie good to see you welcome in there it is that’s right Zack Heyman and the boys going to be bringing us a little bit later tonight all right let’s go welcome tonight’s hero Among Us 101y Old World War II veteran Sergeant Herman V Jessica welcome in for service to country matad hello [Applause] there please rise and remove your caps as the United States Navy Honor Guard presents our nation’s [Music] colors here to perform the Star Spangled Banner please welcome Gerald Dean Martin [Music] oh say can you see by the dawn Li what so proudly we at the tlights last gleaming whose bright stripes and bright stars through the per f all the r parts we watch were so gly [Music] streaming in the [Music] [Applause] Rocks bur in proof through the night that off lag was still there oh say do that star [Music] spangled the [Music] land excellent excellent job all righty get set get ready to go the lights are coming back on it’s a cloudy overcast day at the amaran arena but they are ready to go ready to drop this Puck will they close it out tonight or will we get another game of this unbelievable series it has been so wicked and wild and I cannot wait Kevin yes Marsha is out for tonight no Brad Mara so we are set to go Lock Stock kick it up time to get going the let’s go Panthers chats already echoing around amarant Arena PM steezy how’s it going Gregory welcome in oh my gosh I’m I’m already at the edge of my seat cannot wait and there it is 100 likes before puck drop way to go everybody thank you for crushing it let’s go Sam if you need a hand getting on he’s already on the wagon let’s go first period starts right now and Boston off the opening draw they’re going to win this one they’re going to play this down Florida going to get it up to their blue line going to turn around kachuck with it he’s going to give it back mikola going to bounce it off so far we’ve played in about four feet of ice space now Frederick is going to play this down Bovi out he’s going to play this ahead Boston almost stole that it’s going back in the corner for kachuck kachuck he’s going to play this over to mola and open Ice now a little give and go here come the cats mour going to hammer this one in coming around in the corner Verge can’t get it lets it go for kachuck kachuck sending it to Bennett Bennett drops it off for Veri back over to Bennett he tries to pull it around him comes down to the line they can’t hold it in Montour takes a swipe at it got a piece this going to come out bosi he’s got to come play this one here’s monu our little slap pass up the ice that’s intercepted Boston going to turn walking this in nice little play here now they’re going to stick it back brazzo trying to come up and come through down in the corner with the puck KC how’s it going welcoming this coming around in the corner emotional black hole welcome in and the cat’s going to send us down the ice we’re going to get our first icing no yes our first icing call wow you can’t even hear the whistle can’t even hear the whistle but a very little close play bumping around most hits and hits suffered combined in this playoffs makoy fredderick and Cole lead the way and then it’s mola and list ran this Series has been huge 50 60 plus hits Every Game Crazy off the boards and out Florida they’re going to pick it up in the neutral zone over the line here’s Reinhardt with a blast that one’s going to go wide down in the corner de Bros going to cycle it around here’s Lind Holm he’s going to make a long pass to hit past neck can’t do it Bovi out of the net he’s going to take a slash and they’re going to move this ahead long pass up barov tip tereno but too far that’s going to be an iceing call jda how’s it going welcome in brother hope you got home safe WB welcome in no more Shan but Andrew I guarantee you there will still be a lot of dirty stuff John how’s it going welcome to the show good to see you all right so we’re ready to go off the draw here’s another blast and bobovski is going to make that save with ease a nice quick catch just like that that was way too easy so we’re going to get another face off inside the Florida Zone one thing Brady how’s it going welcome in Chris welcome in uh the magic Outdoors good to see it they need allar really allar allmark over San Dominic hello I’m great thank you hope you’re doing well ready someday good to see you off the draw cat’s going to come away with it they’re going to carry this behind the net through the neutral zone racing in trying to dance around nice move by londell the Boston player fell going to give it over to Rodriguez back to the line cross reckman Larson he’s going to pass this one back across here’s a long shot from kulakov nice stop and going to be knocked down brazo is going to play it off the boards list Ryan picking it up Van rdik going to put him in the boards brazo going to dig it out from the feet and the brunes going to pass this one back they’re going to work it around send it up and tip it in so emman Larson’s got to come back and pick this up here comes the E emman Larson going to play this ahead off the boards in the neutral zone the Panthers turning it over Boston going to flip this one in mola going to put it off the boards can’t get it out neither can lence here’s mola again he’s going to try it can’t get out again here’s a shot and a blocker save by bosi down in the corner Boston spinning around with it lhol trying to keep this one in this coming up around the corner touch football what’s going on welcome in Peter hello there in the corner there’s a little bump Boston doing a nice job coming right out in front again one too many passes shoot the puck there’s a big blast and it’s going to go high and over the net Boston continuing their offensive zone pressure the cat steel they’re going to play this one up the boards barkov’s going to put it out and down the ice ooso he’s going to race in there and it’s going to be called on icing Curtis what’s going on welcome in so an icing call the puck is coming all the way down Boston really coming out strong to start this period that’s exactly what they needed to do Darkness Rebeca coming in with that subscribe Darkness I feel like you come in and subscribe every I see your name popping up but welcome in make sure you are crushing that subscribe button for us hit that thumbs up as well we’re on our way to 150 likes let’s Crush those subscribes here’s geeky in the corner Florida pushing him up Kirk Adrien how’s it going down alongside and bosi gonna grab that one up real quick and cover it up just a couple of minutes gone here in Period number one and Boston really been pushing the pace Joe hitting that subscribe thank you Joe yeah Greg that’s true that is a very good point YouTube YouTube does a lot of funny things and they roll out a lot of changes and sometimes they will automatically unsubscribe you from certain channels as well your notification settings may change so that’s a good call out make sure your subscribe is still set and your notifications are still on herel how’s it going welcoming off the draw this coming around Boston quick shot where is it there it is it was in the corner everyone was looking around for it Boston in a cycle trying to come out in front eblad not allowing that to happen Frederick back to the line and little miscommunication a little crisscrossing and the puck is going to come out br’s going to play this one down Vic how’s it going welcome in over the line Bru’s going to walk in worther spoon back with it at the line going to feed it across here’s Carlo with a shot bosi with a nice save right now Boston is bringing a whole lot of pressure Florida only has one shot on that Reinhardt going to flip this one in it’s going to roll down on San he’s going to play this one up Florida for che coming in down around in the corner trying to work this one through Jeff how’s it going welcome in this coming all the way down the ice kulakov he’s going to try and get it Bennett has to come help out finally they move around to emman Larson he’s going to take a hit from debrusk but he made the play thank you AI powered I appreciate it Elizabeth welcome in here in the corner this one playing it around going to come out sending it right back in Panthers have to tag up and they can’t control coming down geeky over the line on the near side still with it still with it going to cycle this one down all the way around pass the lets it go makoy going to send this one in the corner Bruins coming right out in front great stop and a score by Boston [Music] the brunes do exactly what they need to do and Boston puts this one in and they go ahead one nothing the pressure continues to come through bobovi made the initial stop but they continue to drive and they put this one in again playing it off the boards out in front in a sweet little move by geeky and a nice little spot by debras as he comes around behind the net geeky with a little pullback and is able to De that past the outstretched sliding leg of bobovi and he could not reach back fast enough what a goal by the Bruins they go up one nothing narv welcome in Mark welcome in LP how’s it going and Jeff good to see you this one coming around and that’s going to be a stop by boosi wow I used to boo geeky all the time in the WHL but I love him now he’s in Boston funny Sergeant salty how sometimes a quick little uh Team change makes a big difference Dexter how’s it going good morning welcome in through my eyes good to see you if this ends up being a replay of the Rangers last night I’m going to lose my mind you and me both you and me both Dave how’s it going welcome in in the corner Boston continue to work there Panthers list and picking it up trying to dig this one out murv how’s it going go Mur go still dinging it ref get out of the way now this is going to come out into the middle turning it around by the Panthers Panthers going to flip this one down the ice list Ryan going in he can’t come up with it Panthers going to dump it in they got a tag up and they do coming around in there trying to dig through in the corner it’s just my Jeff it’s just my accent this coming around down in the corner trying to dig through over the [Music] line big hit in the corner trying to Panthers just can’t get anything going here early kulakov he’s trying to get this one going let’s go here comes emman Larson he’s going to flip this one up most of this game has been played in the Panthers end and here come the Ru open nope they bobbled it turning it over here come the cats cats walking in of poo he’s going to cycle around in the corner going to send it to the line and they can’t hold it in eblad has got a race back he’s got a man on him going to play this one up Lawrence going to flip this one down in the corner now he’s going to give Chase in there comes in with a big hit this coming to the line cat’s holding it in nice little move oh and he fans on it eblad and a penalty coming up the penalty coming up Co going to go for an unnecessary hook care care welcome in geeky got the goal from De Bros and McAvoy they’re going to go to a commercial break before the Panthers will have a chance the Panthers will have a chance to tie it up on the Power Play Welcome in everybody thank you for joining us here tonight my name is Sam we’re a big hockey fan we got backto back games we’re calling this game and wi this completes we’re going to switch gears switch streams over to the Edmonton Oilers in the Vancouver Canucks that is going to be an unbelievable game there’s been so much drama building just like there has in the past in this series but it is going to be a lot of fun so welcome in great job we just passed 150 likes so we’re going up to 200 likes now hit that thumbs up for us and of course hit that subscribe as well we are here every every single night calling hockey for you bringing you all the playoff coverage and we’d love for you to hang out with us all the way until the stanle Cup Final so make sure you hit that subscribe and of course set that notifications on as well uh Brady they do not they do not but it’s a good reminder I have to keep checking my email and there we go was that from you uh bra I assume that’s from you thank you very much I do see your PayPal here and I believe you sent one the other day as well Brady so thank you so much for the paypals I really do appreciate that there was one as well the other day from a unknown source it didn’t have a recipient in it so whoever sent that PayPal yesterday uh I do thank you for it read the message uh oh wow Brady that’s crazy that’s crazy oh gosh the conspiracy theorists are gonna come out tonight but again thank you for sending that I do much much appreciate it all right they are just coming back from commercial break ready to get going Panthers on the power play Let’s see if they can turn this one around and off the draw this is going to be sent all way down Stam cowboy hat on its way from cowboy country in Thailand known as C Yi is that how you pronounce it cow c y Dexter thank you so much I really appreciate that this one coming around hope the message was Shanny being fired Bill yes okay so that was you Bill thank you so much I appreciate it I it didn’t have a name on it and I I didn’t know who to thank so thank you Bill so much for sending that really really do appreciate it the PayPal’s helped so much we got an offside here Sheila hello there welcome in don’t think that was a penalty it was a it was yeah it was not one of their better calls we’ll we’ll just say that I can prep welcome in good to see you Noah hello welcome in as well all right let’s go let’s get it going off the draw this one coming out and around here comes kachuck kachuck over the line and to pass this one back one minute gone they got to get something going right now Panthers struggling over the line here’s a shot deflected up in the air dropping down going to put it right back in the corner but unfortunately it’s batted at a play first Rockin how’s it going welcome in thank you Nar I appreciate that so nice playing here the Panthers trying to break through trying to get some stuff done but they are just having a little trouble a little trouble londell coming in to take this draw against beer they’re going to win this back emman Larson putting it across getting it back an extra pass and it’s turned over beer he has it taken away from him now the cats dumping this one in trying to get in the four Che trying to get going they can’t this is coming out and down the ice 35 seconds to go in the power play emman Larsson winding up he’s going to start to move this one forward over the line dumping it in playing it around londell trying to get it and again the brunes clear this all the way down yes this is a Boston team we have not seen since game one I am him thank you so much for subscribing I appreciate it in the corner sending it around brues going to look to go high off the glass and they do this one coming all the way down the ice that’s going to do it power play is pretty much expired now back to five on five hockey even strength this one being dumped in the corner chase is on Panthers coming in to pick this one up in the corner Liston and stenland coming right out in front and it’s stolen away by past past your neack with the hockey hair of flowing he’s going to bring this one in and he has it roll off his stick the cats sticking around couple players is going to pass it up that’s going to miss Veri he’s going to chase down after it Bru’s going to bank it off the board Sterling’s going to come in he intercepted it for a moment and this one coming back around lorai he’s going to play this one up cats on the line kulakov with a nice bump the puck does come out they’re going to bring it right back in over the line taking a look here’s a long shot from the slot and that one goes side of the net this one can it come back out tereno he feeds it to the line they’re going to play it off the boards in down low ooso goes around behind the net the wrong way Run’s going to turn and come out he’s being hacked and whacked the whole way up the ice barov finally takes the puck away from him cat’s turning around Dennis how’s it going welcome in Panthers back with this eblad he’s working along the side he’s had a tough first period already bobbling a couple of pucks brunes going to bring this one back into the line they’re going to flip it down into the corner mola going in after it Coyle gets a shoulder on him Bruns keeping it in Coyle vers Mulla round two and Mulla goes down hard this one coming around but he pops back up and here it goes Coyle and Mulla round three and Coyle steals it again back to the line here’s a wrer bobovski got a Blocker on it down behind Cole still with it Cole what a shift he’s having it’s tommer Lima thank you for that welcome in good to see you if I’m pronouncing that correctly here they come Bruins at the point another shot and bosi made the save but he’s way out into position and the shot gets blocked in front the official coming in I have a word with bobovski he came in and took that shot up high I am him all right we’ll see you later and he came way out of the net they’re going to commercial break holy moly what an opportunity there Boston is all over these Panthers eight shots so far in the first period only two two shots for the Panthers wow this is a brunes team we haven’t seen for a long time you’re just coming in welcome in we’re almost at 200 likes now hit that like for us 580 people Crush that thumbs up and of course hit that subscribe we’re on our way to 211 and we’re going to do that here tonight and we need your help now if you also wouldn’t mind hit that share button drop us on Twitter Facebook Instagram Discord Reddit wherever your Social Circles are your hockey communities are tell your friends tell your colleagues just by hitting that share so thank you for supporting us whether it’s been Financial whether it’s been through a view a watch a like a subscribe or a membership we appreciate you all so much as our community here continues to grow Leaps and Bounds so thank you oh boy this game really is delivering I’m I’m shocked I’m absolutely shocked right now good for Boston you know we talked about Boston not taking bad penalties you know the coil one again probably shouldn’t have been called it was a little iffy it was a little iffy considering everything else they let go but uh they’ve been playing well Boston has really come out they’re not playing cheap right now they’re getting shots they’re moving the puck this is how Boston needs to continue to play Amy how’s it going welcome in AB abstract us welcome in as well and they’re just coming back from commercial break so why Proxima welcome a thumbs up from Edmonton welcome in we going to have that Edmonton game coming up a little bit later tonight double header Duty so we’re not exactly sure why they blew the whistle there so Mistake by the official but we’re going to get a face off just to the right of bosi down in the corner coming out to teraso tereno going to bring this one to the red line he’s going to dump this one in San is out to stop it behind now he’s going to play it up it’s stolen away here’s Reinhardt side of the net giving it to barov barkov bringing it over to the corner he’s being worked over and he takes a big bump Boston going to throw this one out and brazzo’s trying to go down there and pick it up he’s going to peel it away from eblad again another mistake by Aaron eblad here my goodness red how’s it going hate to say it but I got to back the cats well let’s see if they can get the cats going because they’ve been slow out of the gate here to start this one coming around in the corner trying to get through L here’s a dump in that one’s going to go on the side B rosi going to play this one around nice move and this one coming to the line and it’s deflected out here’s Boston Turning Around makoy going to bring this one in a little give and go up over the line kulakov meets makoy with a shoulder puts him in the corner Triton how’s it going welcome in this being thrown all the way down the ice it’s a race for going in big Collision there holy big battle going on and makoy gets knocked down and swayan takes a shot at Veri swming goes after Veri again Bennett coming in there on makoy worther spoon in there Veri gets hauled down by worther spoon now and the refs just watching it all go down how do you call a nothing Little Hook but you let all of that go down swayman coming out giving a couple shots Coy that was a big battle in the end the rough stuff picking up here Here Comes kachuck he’s going to put lorai into the boards the bro’s going to bring this to the line it’s kept in everyone’s going to change up after such a physical shift lorai still with it listan watching him he’s going to play this all the way up to the red line here comes Pastak he’s got a lane he shoots bosi with a nice stop down in the corner the cat’s going to kick this one out here comes Florida Florida got to get the legs working londell going to flip F this in the corner Rodriguez he’s trying to skip around lorai lorai is going to get there first it’s stolen here’s Rodriguez and Now list Ry and neither of them can get the shot off they send it back to the line here’s eblad he’s carrying it carrying it eblad walking right out in the middle he has it Stripped Away there’s sticks flying everywhere here comes the Bruins pasture neck a de around forsing he shoots and an easy stop there by bobovski with the left leg this going to be thrown out and all the way down the ice Boston back with it list ran watching and here come the brunes there’s a collision and a Tak down Boston inside the line Eggman Larsson going after the puck this one coming around prep with the $5 Super Chat thank you prep as Sands Through The Hourglass so are the days of our lives well played prep well played this one coming out in down the ice 625 625 five to go with an icing call this coming all the way back stick around at first intermission as we are going to announce a couple of our winners from our contest so our 20K contest did come to a close we’re going to announce a couple of the winners I was going to uh I was going to email first but I thought you know what nah we’ll announce it first and we’ll let some people know but we had a random drawing earlier numbers and names matched up randomized here’s a shot right on in a nice save our good friend Jordan’s Disney Adventures called out the numbers for us and we matched up the names there’s a hit in the corner this one coming right out in front Daniel how’s it going you got it awesome so happy wow that came pretty quick this one in the corner is high sticks okay if it’s in a b MV there’s a lot of high sticking going on it’s crazy down in the corner Kevin how’s it going great to see you as well down the Ice Boston picking this one up they’re going to come in little Dipsy do Bruns with it Bruns dominating this first period no contest and the Panthers going to send this down this is going to be an IC and call space cakes how you going need to move I need you to move Mo to my left real quick totally not going to throw a pie oh what a game what a Boston just coming out wow unbelievable I am super impressed with how this brunes team is bounce back there it is 200 likes now on the way to 250 so as you’re coming in make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up for us and keep crushing those subscribes we’re on our way we’re about 42 Subs away from 211 over the line pack he’s trying to grab this one back he does pack with it coming out over the line Aaron hitting that sub thank you Aaron right in front polosi is gonna find it he’s going to cover up as zaka coming in Frederick is tied up there beside the net mcol and past neack standing off to the side frederck kind of holding his face my gosh uh Tristan we’ve pulled all the names we’ve pulled all the winners we’re going to start announcing the winners at the first intermission we have one two three four five six prizes to announce six prizes to announce I don’t know if everybody’s here today but that’s okay well we’ll remind at the we’ll remind throughout yeah we’re going to start announcing the winners of our 20K giveaway and we’ll remind you what all the prizes were as we get uh as we’re calling the names so stick around at first intermission it’s going to be fun love from above welcome in good to see you thank you all for being here appreciate it oh this game this game uh touch football we it’s been open for the last couple weeks we just closed it the other day so we just closed it uh I think was it yesterday so we could compile our winners Johnny how’s it going welcome in Swedish raw what’s going on welcome to the show not not the not the 20 not 20 grand 20,000 subscribers 20,000 subscribers maybe if we were you know at 100K and uh we were making all that ad Revenue it would be a different story but uh at 20K not so much but welcome in everybody appreciate y all being here uh what a game this has been a nice start so we got uh why is geeki standing and applauding they’re just coming back from commercial break gei was standing and applauding thank you freak appreciate it oh so I see so Morgan geeky and Noah geeky plays for the Dakota dogs baseball team and they were wearing each other’s teamed hats which was uh pretty cool James how’s it going welcome in off the draw coming around and Gina hello there Boston dominating this game early but it’s only one nothing on the scoreboard just about five minutes to go brues are still at it coming around down low Steven hello there welcome in care care what’s going in I’m trying out this new app your best broadcaster on YouTube oh thank you care care I appreciate that so much damn how’s it going welcoming over the line I see Leah hexal conducting an interview she Ron hex’s daughter I’m not sure Sam I had the same question there’s got to be some kind of relation there Here Comes Rodriguez through the neutral zone he’s going to hit the red line dump this one in in the corner trying to get it they can’t Boston going to turn and go Bruins on the way through the neutral zone up over the line brazzo going to flip it in bosski steers it into the corner Panthers trying to pick this one up they’re going to kick it out here come the cats 417 to go a little flip pass over the head of Boston lundell gets spun around as he was trying to come in after it Carlo going to play it around Rodriguez cutting it off he’s misses lundell wther spoon going to get it londell up on worther spoon they’re digging at it he’s holding it against the boards geeky in there as well Rodriguez takes a punch right to the face from worther spoon geeky leaning two cross checks there’s number three cross check there’s four cross check this one puts him down and Morgan geeki is going to go the refs gave him three cross checks the first one in the numbers puts some down and now he’s going to be sent off so with 346 to go 346 to go cats going to go to the power play there was one there’s two there’s three and it’s four so the fourth one the ref says enough is enough but as worther spoon has Rodriguez pin pinned against the boards he’s getting that fist up in the face a couple of times two two shots you talk about Bennett getting Marshawn there is worther spoon doing the same thing has has list pin against the boards and we saw two little Rabbid punches coming up and get them so unbelievable this game getting a little dirty Aaron coming in with that subscribe thank you so much thank you for continuing to hit that subscribe button for us so they’re actually sending them both wow what are you giving lundell a penalty for what they’re giving oh my God you got to be freaking kidding me you got to be kidding they’re giving londelle an embellishment penalty so four cross checks to the back the fourth one puts them down and they give londelle an embellishment penalty what the heck is going on oh my God referees there’s only one thing I can say after that [Applause] you look stupid this off the draw all the way down Panthers Racing for it and they’re going to call this an icing call so this is going to come back to the panther Zone I think they want the series to be extended Jonathan right it’s crazy Elizabeth right Boo cindell two minutes for not being able to take cross checks X her cousins there you go thank you very much dolls are cousins I figured there had to be relationship there vintage sports cards what’s going on welcome in got to make up for that Focus call the other night right oh my God that was horrendous two minutes for not being a bruin off the draw coming around thank you for hitting those subscribes by the way appreciate it here come the Panthers with 313 to go in the first period forsling he’s going to pass this one back the let’s go Panthers chats are building up as the cats over the line here’s a shot that’s deflected doesn’t come near this one on the move trying to come out jda oh my goodness buddy thank you for bringing us hockey awesomeness on a daily basis get yourself a bougie beverage thank you so much jda I will definitely be picking up a booie beverage a bougie a bougie beverage Dina stop laughing jda thanks brother this one coming around mola with it on the Move I’m going to be able to get a starby now instead of the local Tims trippy Shades coming in thank you very much this coming around down in the corner forsling and to play it trying to cycle this one around here’s Pac he can’t handle the pass VAR us what’s going on Frederick what’s going on I respect the Panthers last for diving no spine but a cup is a cup and that’s a goal dude folded like wood when Andy’s mom came in the room Frederick yes fantastic comment love it Andy’s coming here comes Boston the four on four is over they’re both going to jump out of the box and the brunes going to bring this one all the way back Cherry what’s going on he knows what’s going on riding this storm welcome in here’s a shot that’s going to go just wide down in the corner back to the line Carlo putting it across Panthers and that’s going to be deflected up and at a play and I got to tell you for as much as Boston has been dominating this first period in the in the shots on goal in the faceof percentage they’ve only scored once so the Panthers are hanging around one of the drawbacks about moving to the South Timmy H is non-existent oh space cakes yeah I don’t know what I would do without my uh my morning ice cap I find something El Maggie how’s it going welcome in thank you everybody for joining us here tonight this has been my favorite series of the playoffs so far coming around Panthers list rine and he doesn’t get it Bruns putting in the slot it’s there they turn it over and now here comes lell lell he’s curling down to The Far Side drops it off they got room skating up a shot it goes just wide down in the corner kulakov keeping this one in AA Triton thank you $5 Super Chat I laugh at you too but usually cuz thank you Triton let’s go I appreciate that and Gina welcom in NHL needs to hire female referee and female to see Ouran was is busy licking his wounds prep well played 40 seconds to go 40 seconds to go here’s a shot right on bobasi with a nice save this one coming around you guys are awesome what’s going on John welcome in this one coming around the corner Boston gonna pull this one down you guys the creativity tonight is out of control I love it so much pass neck trying to pass it around forgey gon to send this back Panthers getting it set up I think so too Sheila Montour going to bring it up nine seconds to go setting it down right on San he’s going to play this around behind the net br’s going to play it up Panthers one more shot and that goes just wide there’s a shot at the buzzer that doesn’t get to the net the first period has come to an end Boston is up one nothing let’s let’s go and let’s talk all right here we go stats coming up uh Noah can you pass me the box please all right so let’s take a look at all of our stats everything we got going on we’re going to announce some winners thank you yeah okay thank you thank you thank you you can let go thank you all right let’s go over this then we’re gonna we’re gonna unveil some winners here so shots on net Boston 12 Florida only four shots ouch only four shots which is crazy hits 15- 13 so again not as much have we seen in the past but again still pretty darn good faceoffs one Boston dominating those 11 faceoffs to six so that is crazy 11 to six in the faceof Panthers 0 for one Bruins didn’t get a power play opportunity but we did get a four on four situation there giveaways six giveaways ouch in the first that is is too high four giveaways for the Bruins that’s also a little high uh takeaways 2 to1 Boston and block shots five to two so good block shots there by the Florida Panthers so you can see just looking at the the shots and the faceoff wins how much the Bruins have dominated this play it also doesn’t tell you how much they have dominated the offensive zone time Bost Boston spent almost the first 10 minutes inside the Florida Panthers end so they absolutely dominated now we need this cats team to turn it around still lots of hockey left to go are we doing Let’s Make a Deal son I want curtain number two that’s really funny uh Eric welcome in you’re new we are happy to have you here thanks for tuning in appreciate it welcome to the mad house we all go a little mad sometimes as ski Alid said at the end of Scream one which was probably one of the best moments in that movie along with my mom and dad are going to be so mad at me one of my favorite lines I love it it’s great all right let’s play Oprah and give some stuff away so here were the prizes that were up for grabs let me get my paper here all right here are the prizes that were up for grabs by the way if you haven’t seen Scream one you got to go and see it like come on it’s classic uh let’s go Sam as a Canadian why are you a PRS fan uh J I’m I’m not really a PRS fan or did you mean like panthers why am I a Panthers fan uh I’m a Panthers fan because I spent a lot of time in Florida over the years and I’ve loved the team since they came into the league and let me tell you they have been mey ochre for a very long time so the fact another year in a row they are a solid team makes me very very excited uh the Predators I don’t mind the Predators I became a predator fan when Steve Sullivan went to Nashville I was a huge Steve Sullivan fan from Jersey Toronto Nashville so that’s why I kind of started following the PRS but they’re they’re lower down on my on my list uh all right let’s let’s give this away oh I love all the questions if I get into all the questions we won’t give anything away and we want to give things away you’re old enough to have seen them join the League yes yes it wasn’t that long ago what was it was it 95 I think they joined the league something like that I’m pretty sure I mean it’s it’s not like we’re talking in the in the 60s the Panthers 93 that was close 93 93 It Was a Very Good Year 1993 no idea what happened in that year but it was a fun year uh all right this is what we’re giving away we got two Sam wellby 12 experience t-shirts we got one treat box one treat box which is a uh sponsored by our friends and partners the Florida Park explorers it is a b box of treats from the Florida theme parks Universal uh Disney all kinds of stuff thrown together so they are in there so you get a treat box and there of course everything all the treats uh are handled properly following the food and beverage guidelines they will be uh what do you call it vacuum sealed and ice packs if required and will be shipped to you so we got a treat box we got two T-shirts uh our good friend partner Jordan’s Disney adventure uh jumping in offering a $50 shopping credit so we’ve broken that into two two $25 shopping credits uh to shop with the Florida Park Explorers so you can get merch from any of the theme parks you can doesn’t have to be merch it could be treats as well hey if you love fudge Universal has some of the best fudge why not and then the grand prize the grand prize is our John Tavaris Captain’s Jersey my paper is blowing away we don’t want that to blow away we got the Drew House John Tavaris the captain Jersey the black third Jersey so that is going to the grand prize winner and that is going to be Size 52 Size 52 all right so let’s announce some of these giveaways all right uh what should we do first what should we do first what should we do first t-shir t-shirts should we do the t-shirts first all right let’s see well let’s see who’s here let me get the uh where’s that list so we organized this all earlier so what we did what we did so everybody knows is as you entered your entry was assigned a number so once we got your number of course we had to verify that your skill testing question was complete yes s China I am in on terer Ario uh it’ll be a collector’s item when they announce he’s not the captain hey that’s okay he’s still he was a captain here for a long time plus he scored the OT winner for Team Canada today that is pretty awesome um so what we had to do is make sure that the information was complete your skill testing question was correct and then we took all the numbers so we didn’t have the names we kind of mixed them up we drew some numbers jda helped us out with the number drawing and that is how we came to get the winners so we match the numbers with the names and there we go so let’s start let’s start where are we going to start all right let’s go with the t i you know what I don’t think the T-shirt winners are here so let’s start with the treat box because I know this this individual was here earlier I don’t know if he is still here but we’ll find out and the first prize the treat box from the Florida Park explorers again the Tre treats goes to nope that’s the wrong sound effect cuz it’s no joke where is it where is it here it is the treat box goes to Sam Wilson Sam Wilson are you still here are you still there thank you for calling movie phone Sam Wilson Sam Wilson are you still here in the chat congratul ation Sam you are the winner of the treat box Sam are you still here I know you were here earlier but congratulations Sam Wilson if we see you come in the chat a little bit later we will tell you or we will remind you that you have won the treat box I believe so how’s it going welcome in all right so that is pretty awesome way to go Sam way to go Sam all right the next we’re gonna announce winner of she may be here because I know she ninja watches a lot the winner of one of the Samuel B12 experience t-shirts Amber love Amber love are you here ninja watching congratulations Amber love you have won one of these Samuel B12 experience t-shirts is Amber love still here is she here if not that’s okay we are gonna let the winners know through email that they have won so Amber love congratulations you have won a t-shirt the other t-shirt the other t-shirt and I know she’s not here but the winner of this shirt should we say it yeah we’re gonna say it big congratulations big congratulations hang on let me make sure I don’t delete anything here is Sophie Sophie the cupcake Sophie congratulations you have won the other Samuel B12 experience cupcake Sophie cupcake cupcake my God t-shirt Sophie the cupcake has won the other Samuel B12 t-shirt my goodness so congratulations Sophie I was so so happy when Sophie’s name came up uh she’s she’s was awesome in our chat uh so Sophie and Amber congratulations to you both Sam Wilson congratulations to you and let’s go the winner of the first $25 shopping spree and we’re only going to announce one because I know this other person when they entered uh they did send me a note offline saying if they did win to please keep it private so we’re going to reach out to that other person privately but the winner of the TW first $25 shopping credit with the Florida Park explorers this goes to Lisa M and family so Lisa M and family $25 to shop with the Florida Park explorers congratulations Lisa M also a big time ninja Watcher Sophie CI one of my favorite right Vic she was awesome she was awesome there it is Lisa M congratulations I know we’ll be seeing her a little bit later tonight I’m sure and last but not least let’s give away let’s give away the Jersey now it’s time for the Jersey the grand prize and I’ll tell you this is rigged only females winning no not Fem Fales winning what are you talking about oh actually yeah it’s funny the way is coming out that’s really funny actually well Sam Wilson isn’t a female but I will tell you out of out of the vast number of entries we had the majority of people did get the skill testing question incorrect which I was kind of surprised at but hey it happens so congratulations to the winners so far and now it’s time for the grand prize the grand prize and I know this winner was in the chat I saw this winner in the chat when this name came up because it was the grand prize I wanted nothing to do with this pull it was actually Noah Noah who picked this number and the winning number of the entry happened to be number four lucky number four entrant number four and so the winner goes to hang on let me scroll back let me scroll back and see who’s who’s if this person is still here because I want them to be here and I know they were here and I hope they didn’t step away all right here we go that’s right prep skill testing questions are stressful but you know what prep it’s a good thing you got the skill testing question correct prep you are the winner of the John Tavaris Jersey congratulations congratulations I can prep you are the grand prize winner of the John Tavaris Jersey the captain Jersey it’s all yours prep congratulations I was when I saw your name come up I was stoked um and for those that don’t know uh prep does so much for our channel so when I saw that name come up I was ecstatic so congratulations that’s right congratulations we had I think they’re all if I recall every one of our winners here today is a first time Channel winner so congratulations everybody winning for the very first time here on the channel now just because you did not win today there’s going to be a lot more giveaways coming around uh super nice of you but you never accept it if I won why Matt why would I never accept if you won oh you would never accept well hey that’s okay that’s okay listen it’s uh we’re gonna have lots more big giveaways to come up this season we’ve given away a ton of hockey cards we’ve given away a ton of merch we gave away Maple Leaf tickets to go see ticket tick at a leaf game and now of course the jerseys so we’ll have a lot more giveaways to come congratulations to everyone yeah prep uh you’re very welcome so thank you so much everybody for participating you know what Brad actually your name came up for the maple leaf Jersey but I thought there was a conflict of interest so I had we had to exate that I’m totally kidding can you imagine though how funny would that have been um what you think the OT winner today Kevin it was awesome I didn’t see it I just heard about it I have to go back and watch the highlights but I was so happy so happy that uh that it came in and was John Taris so congratulations to all of our winners again uh Sam Amber Sophie prep Lisa congratulations uh to one and all that’s so funny I can’t believe you didn’t ring it for me Brad Isa we’re also we’re giving away a gift card to a head doctor Brad you won congratulations I mean you’re the best but give it to a fan there you go Matt I appreciate that uh so thank you all again this this was so much fun uh I honestly can’t believe uh how fast we hit some of these milestones and it’s because of this amazing Community uh so I’m glad that we could do a little something to give back I do pardon me I want to give a huge thank you to our partners Florida Park explorers and Jordan’s Disney adventure for kicking in and joining along in the giveaway uh they didn’t have to do that uh but they wanted to get in and do it so um I am so thankful that we have such amazing Partners to to join in and and participate so that was awesome and did I just see did I just see hang on a second here uh let’s maybe not all right you’re pretending to be over shouldn’t you get a jersey and you get a jersey I only got one TR I only got one uh I want some Able’s pastry Miss Toronto oh I’ve never eaten there but it sounds like it would be real good CB thank you for hitting that subscribe all right let me scroll through here uh want to make sure make sure I didn’t miss there it is thank you putting those links in that’s right Florida Park explorers Jordan’s Disney Adventures prep come on look at that prep turning around prep I thought I had you thank you so much prep coming in with a couple gifted memberships five gifted memberships thank you so much prep really really appreciate it unbel unable congratulations to all the new gifted members tonight all of our new members um welcome to the channel and welcome with a membership all the gifted memberships now will be able to play along with the custom emojis as we go and again big congratulations to all of the winners for those that aren’t here or if you’re not watching it on the replay uh we will be emailing out and letting everybody know what they have one so normally when we do giveaways we do it in chat but because of how big this is we wanted to make sure that uh we notified everybody Jordan Jordan come on Jordan with five gifted memberships as well thank you so much jda unbelievable you guys are killing me today I appreciate y all so much stick Taps for everybody can we just take a moment as this second period is about to start and just flood this chat with stick Taps Paul Maurice is bouncing on the bench he says let’s go let’s effing go is Paul Maurice’s message before this starts up let’s go period number two underway thank you prep Jordan welcoming everybody let’s play some hockey after giving away some prizes Jason how’s it going welcome in lot of love here Vic lot of love this Community is the best look at all those sticks coming in amazing down in the corner this one coming around bringing it out past NE he can’t get it from londell Panthers can’t bring it out Bruns putting it right back down boosi going to play this one around here they come up and all the way through the center Ice Line Boston starting here where they left off continuing to dominate Rodriguez going to throw this one down in the corner spanny how’s it going welcome in thank you everyone for being here down in the corner all the way tipped oosi he misses it had to come out and play it gets back in his net forsling with a little hit this one pulled away here comes the Panthers they’re going to play it up a lot of empty seats right now as a lot of the panther fans still out getting some uh some snacks down around the live and it’s actually going to fall into the Bruins bench 5150 how’s it going welcome in Dave welcome in as well so as this is going to pick up they’re going to get it going be fair I hate on Sam for Panthers gear more than just about anyone prep that’s probably true that is probably true nobody has called me a traitor more than prep when the Leafs and Panthers played each other Sam welcome in Sam congratulations Sam you weren’t here at intermission you have won our treat box in our 20K giveaway Sam you have won won our treat box I’ll send you an email with the details but congratulations this coming around Florida putting it back in the neutral zone hey Brent welcome in how’s it going down along in the corner Florida pulling this one back they’re going to send it to the line kulakov across here’s a long shot knocked down Panthers backand in front they can’t get it through over to Veri going to spin this one around trying to get this one through all right don’t let the door hit you this one coming back through all the way out Bruns going to go here they come zacha over the line Bruins with a quick shot kulakov is going to deflect that one down in the corner this one trying to play it around zaka stepping on it maroon getting in there as well kulakov and emman Larsson in there digging away Bennett in there maroon is just tying it up with his feet on the boards the guy’s got like 8ot feet they’re huge still holding it in there emman Larsson trying to get a skate this one is going to be dug away this one back out over the line Tyson how’s it going welcome in in the corner this one coming along here’s a blast from the point right on and a nice save this one steered aside bosi with a nice stop this coming out lorai going to play it in beer going to bring this one up here’s a shot and a big shot block by kulakov and the Panthers Veri closing his hand on the puck he’s going to take a penalty what a dumb penalty fori closed his Puck to throw it out you can’t close your hand on the puck so he is going to go to the box for two minutes or less what a terrible terrible play Here by Veri a little bit of a gut instinct as it come up he caught it and then threw it you can’t do that the of the dropped it in front of them and the Boston Bruins on the power and OPP of let’s get them going Boston getting a chance here on the power play their power play has struggled in this series in the feet back to the line here’s Boston with a blast and that’s going to be deflected up and out of play Panthers penalty kill is fourth in the league they have been hot hot hot but can they get it done tonight as you’re coming in Beverly coming in with the $10 Super Chat Beverly thank you so much congratulations to all the winners thank you Beverly stick Taps for Beverly so much love here tonight brunes are one for 15 on the power play in their last seven one for 11 versus the Florida Panthers this one coming in here’s a shot deflected into the corner forsling he’s going to chop this up and all the way down the ice again hit that we’re almost at 300 likes so hit that thumbs up and hit that subscribe we’re 28 subscribers away now from 21-1 Here Comes de brus going to carry it up over the line bringing this one in digging it through I Brent I’ll be honest I kind of hope the Oilers tie it up that series is getting out of control I’d love to see it continue that’s right it’s double header action tonight on the channel immediately following this game we’ll be going over to the Oilers knucks here come the brues over the line this going to be picked up by the Panthers they’re going to send it out and they got a chance short-handed swayan came way out as listan was really coming in trying to pick it up this all the way down mola he’s going to get taken out into the boards haul down kulakov he’s coming up there on geeki but it’s debras who comes away with the puck putting this back to the line Pastak sending it in the corner back to the line again putting it across Boston to Pastak bottom of the faceoff Circle going cross ice de Bros couldn’t come up with it the panther steal and here they come stenin he’s moving up kulakov getting up in the play here’s a shot and that one goes just wide wow stepen they’re they’re got to get things going on Pastak in has it taken away and the cats getting this one out yet again here comes lorai turning around going to bring this up the near side down into the Zone here’s a shot going up high bosi Standing Tall making a nice stop this coming around over the line londal going to play this one out Boston back with it 5 Seconds to go in the power play brunes going to bring this to the line Panthers going to clear it out again that does it power play has expired back to even strength five on five hockey as the Panthers turning and bringing this in here comes Florida Bennett has it taken away back in the corner Bru’s going to rip this one around the ice all the way out Panthers now coming across going to dump this one in the dump and Chase game is strong but the forche not able to win the battles right now and get these pucks this coming around Far Side Panthers going to try and play it around they send it it goes behind the net not deep nice play there stolen Veri going for kachuck he lets it go back to the line Montour he’s going to keep this one in Veri going to send it trying to put it in front of the net can’t Montour to Veri in the slot he shoots and with nobody blocking San’s view he’s going to grab that down and hang on to it Travis how’s it going outside of Marner who would be more likely to wave as no move o that is a very good question I I’ll be honest I think JT is sticking around you know with with 29 goals last year he proved on when he played third line center with some of his best games has a maple leaf so uh I really like what he’s doing so here we go San coming in to take this draw David hitting that subscribe thank you David 23 Subs away now facee off to the right of San and thank you to all of our new subscribers this one back to the line Panthers keeping it in putting it down in the corner squeezing it on the boards Rodriguez doing a nice job Florida going to steal list and bring it into the high slot he can’t get the shot off list ran just going to play this back into the corner Boston moving it up it’s cut off Panthers can they hold the line no it’s brought out here comes Boston Coyle going to bring it in dropping it back here’s a shot bosski making the save and they’re going to come around in a cross the Trap wow a cross check and a jab there in front afterwards and Bovi a little Pat to his teammates as a little reminder hey don’t retaliate don’t give in cam this series really does have it all it is absolutely incredible uh and Johnny you can use your points to bring up graphics on the screen so whether it’s Panther Graphics or Bruin’s Graphics you’ll see at the bottom on the ticker it tells you exclamation mark redeem and then the command uh Stephen you simply just be here and chat along and they’ll automatically start getting added to your account you can check your points by doing exclamation mark points and yes you can play the slots to try and earn points at a faster rate but they are tough to win oovi giving it away in the corner wow that was dangerous this one coming back in front Panthers cross ice pass to eblad eblad going to go back cross here they come the cats with a shot right on and again swayman has an easy time making that save so the Panthers right now just trying to get a couple of shots on net they’re stuck in the position that the brunes were in previously they only have seven shots now through two periods of Play Seven shots that is not going to get things done if you’re just joining us and coming in welcome in thank you for being here my name is Sam we’re having a great time with this hockey game the Bruins and the Panthers we got two on the schedule we are going right from here to Edmonton for the Oilers and the Canucks that Series has gotten out of control I think a lot of these series are getting out of control um you know the game has changed a lot there’s a lot more that the referees are letting go all the way around and I’m not blaming anything on anybody I’m just saying there’s a lot getting out of control and I think that’s why we’re seeing a lot more you know bad cross check checks bad High sticks um you know bad tripping you know embellishments the refs are letting a lot go and uh that’s leading to a lot of this stuff uh jadan thank you very much for that I’m I’m not saying that right at all Jay Danny thank you very much I appreciate the kind words but this Panther team they need to get going they’ve been playing unbelievable this series and again they’ve won three in a row to this point right they lost game one and they lost big time in game one 5-1 but then they put up a 6-1 a 6-2 last game was 3-2 so I expect this is going to be another close game but can they get this and put it away if Boston can win this one if Boston takes this one and they go back to Boston I think we’re getting seven so wow this is the first time the first time they’re showing Paul Maurice on the bench he’s losing his mind he’s really giving it to these players I have not seen him like this in a very long time he’s really giving he was screaming so hard his face was red red like the Panther jerseys he’s trying to wake this team up to say hey there’s a lot of hockey left to go get your legs going get shooting get playing Panther hockey off the draw Panthers going to win this one they’re going to slide it right through San with a nice save Panthers steal the rebound tereno going to play it back EAD with a shot right on barkov is there rebound they score the Panthers there it is all it took is Paul Maurice to get fired up and wake up this team unbelievable that was absolutely outstanding and they’re going to give it to Samy Reinhardt Sam Reinhardt is gonna get the goal I thought it was teraso at first but they have Reinhardt listed so it is Reinhardt teras senko skated by so Reinhardt putting it in what a goal and a big time response by the to Panthers that is huge wow wow wow wow you were saying space cakes right like talk about timing this one coming all the way back down the ice Panthers starting to wake up Boston will continue to pressure here’s a shot that one steered wide in the corner Bruns thama Kam in says no fair down over the ice here’s Veri cross ice another shot and swayan has that one he’s going to hang on to it wetherspoon having a couple of conversations with Bennett after that shot but a nice move by Reinhardt Reinhardt what does he have 50 s OD goals this year you can’t give him that much space Uris this welcome in good to see a perfect timing to come in and it’s such a nice goal if you’re just coming in welcome in we’re almost at 300 likes make sure to hit that thumbs up Crush that subscribe as well 21 subscribers away from 211 off the draw this one coming around in the corner trying to dig this one free Rodriguez with it Panthers getting some time in the Bro Zone and now this one is tipped up and out of play so Coyle with a little headbutt there on londelle as their heads together some conversations referee the linesman having some words here with Charlie Coyle so trying to keep some order because this is where things get a little a little out of hand so barov actually was coming around swayan with a poke check knocked it off of bar barkov’s stick right to Reinhardt and he puts it in so eblad why do they have it I guess was eblad no but that was barov that had the puck so that’s weird they have it listed as eblad and tereno this goal could spark yeah Gregory it certainly could Here Comes Boston two onone pass across Frederick shoots save there by bosski and now we got some pushing and shoving again in the corner Danton Heinen has his hand around the throat of Lindell and the referees immedi going to pull him away and somebody’s being sent off here nice save by Bubble cop so couple Panthers running into each other Frederick with a nice chance B rosi making a nice play and then all the conversation starting in the corner Vic coming in two months thank you Vic so heinan with the mid up and then the hand around the throat of londell wow let’s get this one going thank you all so much off the draw this one coming back around in the corner Panthers trying to get this one out and the Bruins keeping this one in continuing to put on the pressure this one at the line flipped up and all the way down the ice Panthers trying to come back and get it lorai going to play this one up cat’s first one on the puck emman Larson he’s working through Pat maroon is all over him and they’re going to spit this one out over the line picked away Bruns turning back in Pat maroon has it taken away yet again and the cat’s going to send it to the red line at Center ice this one is dumped in s a going to stop it he’s going to get things set up here comes Boston Boston going to come across dumping it in and Panthers steel again barov he’s going to put it off the boards and down the ice right now it’s dumping Chase we’re going back and forth Here Comes lorai he’s going to swing it across to debrusk De brusk coming down the near side all the way he’s going he’s going debrus wrapping around he has got no one to pass to and a nice pick there by barov barov going to steal passing it up it’s turned over and a big hit by tereno Reinhardt he tries to go across ice can’t connect tereno can’t steal it away Boston going to come back up over the cats line de brus going to dump it in bosi he’s going to stop this behind the net he going to play it off the glass this is up and all the way down the ice not far enough for icing here we go that’s right Stephen that’s right listen to stepen make sure you’re crushing that thumbs up button for us and of course that subscribe to 86 5 865 people here with us welcome in down around in the corner here’s kachuck throwing it right on that swayman he’s going to glove that one down and make a nice stop unbelievable what action thank you so much hitting that sub welcome to the channel thank you for being here uh Ben the team logos are for exclusive for channel members so with the membership at any level you get immediate access to all the custom emojis thank you everybody for all the love tonight appreciate it so here we go 1055 still 1055 to go this period has been incredible let’s go and Bren brandy brandy Brady thank you so much the PayPal uh one of the times it made you believe oh Brady I don’t know we H I’ll have to think about that I’ll have to think about that for sure but thank you for those paypals of course if you want to help us out you can send us a PayPal it’s pinned up in the message above the way of supporting the channel offline down in the corner Mulla he’s going to play this one around Montour are going to take a bump here come the Panthers Rodriguez going to dump this one down the chase is on this one going in the corner some big collisions but the brues lorai lorai has been a serious quarterback for the Bruins in this hockey game he has been outstanding kulakov with it now he’s waiting being watched Frederick watching him that’s right Eric get the popcorn here’s a pass across long Pass Florida walking in can they turn the corner they can’t but they get a shot off Pier coming in with that subscribe thank you Pierre two Panthers down in the Corner Frederick racing up kulakov watching him going to drop this one back another drop pass walking right up a shot they score [Applause] [Music] Boston makoy puts this one in and vovi is hot they were shouting at the official they were screaming at there was a lot of commotion in front of the net it was a nice pass and a couple of drop pass were absolutely spectacular so there was a piece Danon Heinen did catch a piece of bobovski I would be shocked if they called this golender interference bobovski actually had a stick knocked out of his hand but I don’t think there was enough contact that they would deem he couldn’t make the save and they’re not even going to look at it oh wait Paul Maurice Paul Maurice having a conversation here nope so they’re not going to challenge this one I didn’t think so there was a little contact they are challenging it they are indeed challenging it for goener interference wow so we saw what happened the other day Sam Bennett getting cross checked in that was waved off there was a little contact on the right leg so dant Heinen kind of gets the right leg with his stick yes there was contact but I don’t think this is enough oh you know what though hold on the above camera review shows Danton Heinen took his stick turned it sideways and pushed it into the skate blade of bobovski so if you go by that up top view you can’t take your stick and push the skate of the gender so if they that should be go tender interference but it depends the angles they look at if you look at it just the even the straight away kind of behind the net cam you can’t see it it doesn’t look like it it was just when they showed that top down camera you can see the stick coming in and it is Heinen so he does shove that skate so this in my opinion and I’m not saying this I’m taking my Florida hat off I’m saying this as an objective hockey fan the stick comes and pushes the right skate of bobovski so that should be golender interference so very interesting so this is going to be very interesting to hear what they come back and say does a contact have to be within the crease to be gender interference you know what Sam that’s that’s a good question I don’t know I don’t know if definitively that has to be Florida Park explorers what’s going on the bear shark good to see our partners so they’re taking a real long look at this real long no you can push all day you can’t push all day so they’re still waiting here long long call Mr Buck coming in with the $20 Super sticker Mr Buck thank you so much appreciate that dick Taps for Mr Buck while we’re waiting here’s the Callender interference we have AAL wow no goal tender interference they say it’s a good goal that is the biggest pile of steaming donkey crap I have ever seen wow Bruins fans we now have something in common absolutely ridiculous so apparently it’s okay to take your stick and shove the gender skates [Laughter] unbelievable something is real stanky in here unbelievable unbelievable two minut or OPP wow there you go payback that’s right it’s a payback call from the other night unbelievable that there you go Sergeant salty that’s right oh my goodness okay so now it’s the same as last game the Bruins now on the power play this one coming around down in the corner Boston going to put this one back to the line back going to put it across this is ridiculous stolen by the Panthers they’re going to put this one up Florida short-handed going to bring it in L with a shot swiming with a nice save forsling was right in there unbelievable this one down in the corner Bruns with it coming around taking a look all the way out and this one coming down down it’s true it you know it really sees like it Chris it really sees like it as a hockey fan I have a huge smile this is the refs being the refs cam right Jen thank you so much I appreciate it oh my goodness Here Comes Reinhardt Sam Reinhardt a break coming in he shoots and that’s deflected up and out of play 30 Seconds To Go on the Bruins power play they’re coming in digging in the side Vic coming in with the 499 haa thank you Vic appreciate that so much thank you everyone for all the love tonight sck Taps there for Vic Here Comes Boston up over the line r that’s funny and it’s turned over here comes Florida with seven seconds to go this going to be thrown across there’s a takeown Boston is going to go to the box lorai is going what did I do so they’re calling for another embellishment call Coach what’s going on welcome in buddy hope you are well let’s go Sabers South so this is crazy absolutely crazy e with a nice steal Reinhardt had a great chance went glove High just put it high but my goodness Patrick how’s it going we are doing fantastic once you put your sck along in front of him the referee sees that does he leave his Fe on purpose so this is crazy so the Panthers now we got four on four for second lorai is going to go for hooking my goodness this is crazy down over the line Panthers bringing it around behind the net here they come on the panther Power Play Let’s see what they can do cross ice Panther is breaking in trying to set it up they can’t the brunes going to clear this out now they’re going to set this one up again down low in the corner this one trying to come around Bruins with it and there’s barkov he can’t get it players are falling everywhere it’s like as soon as they feel contact they’re falling trying to draw a penalty crazy this went all the way down here they come long pass over the line kachu kachu turning putting it through back to kachu sending it down low letting it go all the way around now it’s coming to Reinhardt behind back to kachuck he goes to the point Point Panthers good passing here’s a wide open chance shoot that they waited too long my goodness now here’s a blast from the point that one’s going to go high and over Panther still with this one here’s Veri with a shot with nobody setting the screen and a nice save by San again absolutely blasting this one in great stops by swayman swan has been fired again thank you all for being here great job with the likes coming up to 350 of the likes hit that thumbs up for us we appreciate it this game has been fire and if you’re not already subscribed don’t forget to hit that subscribe we’re here every single night sometimes twice a night like tonight we’re covering two games hit that subscribe we want to make sure you’re along with us for the duration of the playoffs back to the line this one coming in from the faceof do Down Low cross for Bennett he shoots and he puts it just wide and this coming all the way out emman Larsson has to come back to grab it 616 to go in the period 40 seconds left to go in the power play up over the line this one coming in and through it’s thrown all the way down the ice boosi he’s out to stop it they’re locked on they’re ready to [Applause] go in the corner 18 seconds Panthers trying to get one last attack here Matt how’s it going Matt who’s your pick to win that cup cross eyes pass taking a look reversing it somebody shoot they do now it’s blocked by debrusk debrus with a breakaway he’s coming down debrus bosi great save rebound Frederick another great save by bobovski and the puck is going to go up and out of play Holy Moly de Bros was flying from his blue line all the way down this is crazy absolutely unbelievable they’re going a commercial break and I tell you this game is wild and it’s getting more and more intense as this game goes on we got a brand new Redemption and we might need to use it a little bit later on redeem fight the new redeem that we just set up today let’s see if it’ll actually work there it is redeem fight whenever their players are going to get squared up whenever they’re going to go redeem fight is the new one to get it out so welcome in everyone thanks for being here if we haven’t met before welcome in my name is Sam this is the Sam well be12 experience we love our hockey we’re here every single day uh calling games we are doing two tonight we got the Oilers and the Canucks coming up a little bit later tonight and that redeemed fight might come in handy there that game two Canadian teams not showing their inner canadiana they are playing rough rough hockey it’s like watching slapshot meet shy in that game it is absolutely crazy but we love it so much so thank you for joining us Dan welcome in good to see you Davis uh how’s it going welcome to the show thanks for being here appreciate it all so much this is nuts there it is I love that I love that so much man Street Fighter was like the best right who was your favorite Street Fighter character and we’re talking about fighting and getting set up who was your favorite Street Fighter character for me I was always rayu rayu was the best rayu or gu those were the two I was always one of those guys Chun Lee Blanca oh yeah Blanca was pretty good Chun Lee was pretty good too rayu there you go rayu shurin you there you go Dan Cammy I don’t know Camy akuma’s goated not that old oh Magic outour poo Ashley welcome in you think the Knuck take strangle hold on the series tonight I’ll be honest Ashley I don’t know I think the boilers might take it tonight and I’ll tell you why in a little bit this one going around Far Side picked up here played all the way out this is going to roll it’s going to miss San that’s going to be an icing call so this coming all the way back down uh I was always Rob coach that’s awesome so funny uh let’s go back to kuy and sukur nice Dale how’s it going welcome in off the draw here’s Reinhardt Reinhardt going to play this one up Panther’s going to flip this one in bringing it sideboards down around behind almost behind the net putting it back to the point fakes the shot now here’s EAD throwing it in it’s knocked down back into the corner trying to get in here is barov barov with it bounce in front to Reinhardt shot right on nice save by swayan back to the line bill with the Peter Puck reference love it another shot and that’s tipped just wide back to the line eblad with a shot and again that one just misses now they’re using their points throwing lots of pucks towards the net it’s squeaked out so they’re going to put it right back in get a little change going here finish him Bal that’s going to be an ice and call this time on the Bruins 14 shots this period for the Panthers nine for Boston Boston playing a much better game here today much better game they’re really really really coming along grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada Peter Puck Peter Puck was the best Peter Puck was absolutely the best ashamed of knucks after those cross checks Kevin those were pretty vicious they were pretty darn vicious so we got a face off to the right of San here Veri he’s coming in take this draw was Don Jerry nice Terry he probably could have been right Boston’s going to win this draw they’re going to flip this one up and down he’s got a change he’s been on the ice for about two minutes straight now they come here’s Montour playing it across Florida up over the line here’s a long shot that’s going to miss going down in the corner can they hold it in yes they do mola nice play cycling it around they can’t hold it Bennett hops over his stick and here come the brunes they’re going to play it out mola trying to swipe it away and Boston comes in on the off side offside so we’re going to get another face off they’re going to take another commercial cuz hey why not because hey why not hockey Knight needs to bring Cherry back yeah Cherry was incredible he was so good so much fun so much fun to watch it quite enjoyed the dawn but welcome in everybody thanks for being here there it is 350 likes excellent job thank you for crushing that like and we are 15 subscribers away 15 so thank you all doing a great job hitting those subscribes we’re on our way to 21100 I love this game this game is absolutely spectacular why did they get rid of Don Cherry so it was Dan it was an interesting situation uh let’s just say it was Remembrance Day Don Cherry was going on one of his rants about people not buying poppies and he made the statements the remarks saying you people and a lot of people took offense to him saying you people and they called for him to be removed and they did remove him now if you go back and you watch old Dawn Cherry Clips he has always said you people when he talks about anybody he always says you people I actually didn’t realize that until just recently when I started watching old uh Coach’s Corner and listening to Don Cherry speak he always said it so in a situation where people were hyper sensitive about not being politically correct or about being politically correct he made a comment that the network felt it wasn’t right and people were calling for him to Res sign they offered him the chance to apologize he said he didn’t do anything wrong and he was removed so uh yeah you know he he always said you people when he talks about anybody so it is what it is the the society at the time was the way Society was and unfortunately that led to the end of Coach’s Corner which is which is crazy uh Sam I’ll probably send it tomorrow after the streams so I’ll send it to tomorrow here come the Panthers up over the line going to roll this one down deep in the corner Boston there he’s going to play these around oh big turnover in front yeah we’re not we’re not talking politics just explaining the the story emman Larsson he’s going to play this one out over the line Bruins with it in the neutral zone they’re going to try and bring this one back and it’s going to be called it an offside at the brues line now so uh let’s see calling one of the rookies lorai or brazo pizza those two have been outstanding for the brunes in this series absolutely outstanding I am so impressed with both of those guys that’s really funny uh don for pres red gaming what’s going on if the Panthers come back and win then this series is over this is an elimination game Florida is leading three to one in the corner trying to pull this one back trying to get them around Boston putting it right back in Maka going here in the corner trying to come after it bringing it around scooting him around awesome good job everybody 10 Subs away now Matt you guys are so funny this one coming all the way down over the line Panthers coming in Rodriguez with it here’s a shot swayan going to stop that one as lundal was right there mise hitting that subscribe thank you so much no I listen I don’t I don’t blame Ron mlan Disney Baker what’s going on welcome in good to see you my friend hope you’re doing well so I I don’t blame Ron mlan for what happened it was an unfortunate situation he was put between a rock and a hard place um not a great situation and to be honest I think it was blown way out of proportion all right Patrick take care we’ll see you later in the corner Boston going to play this one up all the way down the ice Bruins are going to get their first good hustle here by Boston down in the corner forsing was able to get a stick on it Panthers play it out Reinhardt coming back the other way Rin reart he’s coming in nice little play Reinhardt tow drag drops it for barov he hits the post barov dings the iron now they’re coming around tereno he gives this one away here’s de Brusque he’s gonna flip this one in the corner Panthers in here chasing back at it trying to pick this one up how many Rock scks are there like I don’t know 30 40 no uh there there’s a lot of them I actually have the last DVD up here on my DVD Shelf I could run over and take a look at some point Panther is gonna Hammer this one down in the corner trying to keep this one in it’s right at the line they can’t it’s going to come out mola is going to freeze it in front of the bench now he passes it back Panthers right back in bad pass broken play coming through it’s swatted wow and that funny bounce almost ended up in the corner Bennett going to flip it around the boards up pinching his Montour and this one is going to come out this one coming around sabii says hockey is fixed in the corner this one dumped down trying to put this one in the corner no Jeff I agree that is the greatest sound frustrating but fantastic at the same time the Ping off the post Boston Turning Around 117 to go here in this period up over the line makoy bringing it down kulakov he’s going to stop it Panthers trying to pull this one out both teams exchanging goals here in this second period Boston at their own Blue Line they’re going to play this one up now they’re going to roll this one in in the corner trying to work this one around hey Hayden what’s going on no worries never have to apologize about being late 32 Rockham scks thank you spanny 32 Rockham scks with 48 seconds left we got a faceof coming up Devil May Cry hitting that subscribe thank you so much I will tell you though the earlier Rockham stams were much better uh a lot more uh they had a lot more fights they had a lot more big hits as things started to move towards the end they were more focused on the big skillful plays and doing a full playoff recap that was cool too but the earlier Rockham scks were much better this coming around in the corner uh Eric we will do a little baseball over the summer uh we have some other stuff we do as well over the summer but primarily during hockey season yes we got hockey coverage videos shorts news rumors updates all the good stuff Boston going to put this one into the panther Zone deep in the corner eblad is there he’s going to take a bump playing it around to tereno tereno bad pass coring now going to come up off the boards Panthers with 15 seconds to go almost had an opportunity baroff is going to turn it over here they come again back in over the line going to dump this one down Panthers in there 5 Seconds to go and Pastak is going to steal and hold this one in the corner and there goes the horn with a shot right on a nice job Panthers pulling it out and throwing it on San right at the buzzer fantastic period of play for both teams Let’s uh let’s go break it all down all right everything’s loading up here wow it’s as the computer slows down everything tries to load everything will refresh here momentarily 2 to one is the score come on compuer don’t fail me now there we go now we just need the stats to load and I think the stats are broken we’ve we’ve broken the stats well that’s okay I will run through all of these stats for you so you know exactly what’s been going on here in this period try and refresh them manually but it is taking a long time to load up here your goal scorers all in all geeki his fourth from debrusk and makoy Reinhardt his fifth from eblad and tereno and then McAvoy he picks up his first from Coy and Frederick total shots 19 for the Panthers 22 for the Bruins in this period alone it was 15 shots for the Florida Panthers so they really came out flying around and they did a phenomenal phenomenal job so uh great job Panthers 15 shots in that period nine for the Bruins faceoffs much better now Panthers actually taken the lead in the faceoff Circle 52.5% so they’ve come back and taken that over both teams 0 for two on the power play uh so no Power Play Goals 27 hits for the Panthers 30 hits for the Boston Bruins so they’re starting to pick up the hitting 10 block shots for Florida six blocks for Boston Florida 12 giveaways five giveaways for the Boston Bruins so those are the stats to look at all in all Boston playing pretty good Boston playing a pretty darn good game of hockey right now much better than theyve played since game one uh so they’ve come out they’re moving the puck they’re shooting the puck thank you so much for hitting that subscribe much appreciated and thank you as we’re approaching uh uh 21,100 subscribers so thank you everybody for hitting that subscribe button we’re going to be counting down to 22k before you know it so if you haven’t now that we’re at intermission if you haven’t already shared the stream out make sure you do hit that share button uh drop us on Twitter and if you are going to put us on Twitter use the hashtags time to hunt and uh what is the Bruins I think NHL Bruins are the hashtags to use uh we are on Facebook we are on Instagram H if you are there give us a follow hit that hit that follow on Instagram or Facebook and uh check out our Pages we post a lot of lot of highlight reels and shorts and stuff so we like to have a lot ofun on social media all right now that we got that business out of the way let’s talk hockey we started talking a little bit in the first period but things are getting out of hand in these series things are getting way out of hand in the series we’re covering after this game Oilers Canucks that is getting crazy we talked yesterday about the cross check to the face of Conor McDavid the cross check from behind Conor McDavid we talked about the high stick that went unnoticed or uncalled we talked about Zack Heyman as well some of the slashing that’s going on there’s a lot of stick work going on in that series a lot of stick work going on in this series as well and if we look at the Carolina New York Ranger series a lot of stick work going on there and a lot of people say to me they’re like Sam I don’t understand why is everybody sticking each other Britney what’s going on good to see you welcome in why is there so much slashing going on hooking crosschecking why is that okay and of course the immediate response that everybody says is well it’s playoff hockey now playoff hockey doesn’t mean hey it’s an allout War we can stick each other and all that playoff hockey is a more physical type of hockey harder hitting more open Ice hitting players putting their bodies on the line to make plays that’s playoff hockey after every Rush the crosschecking the sticking that is not needed and that’s that’s exactly Brady where I was going you know these refs are crazy because when you look at what they’re letting go they’re letting go a ton and then all of a sudden at a key moment there’s there’s a little hook like we saw earlier today a little dive A Little Fall and all of a sudden they’re making calls and you know when an official and I don’t know if we have any officials in the chat I would love it if we did because if there’s an official that would love to come on with me live at an intermission and help understand why we’re seeing so many missed calls or things let go I’d love to I’d love to interview or sit down and have a conversation with an official um if you’ve had any uh any highlevel hockey officiating experience send me an email let me know but the official kind of sets the tone for the game and I say that because when the officials come out and they let things go in the first period And I understand the game in the third period is different than the game in the first period but it really shouldn’t be if you let things go in the first period you have to Let It Go the whole game you can’t let a slash on the arm go which by the way they call a lot but you can’t let a slash on the arm go for twoth third of the game and then when you’re in the the last few minutes of the third period all of a sudden blow your whistle and say hey that’s a penalty that doesn’t work players start to become familiar with how guys play uh who’s the other character rayu and the guy in red Ken it was Ken and Gina Ken and we’re pretty much the same guys just different outfits different looks so if the refs are set in the tone by calling certain things or not calling certain things that means players know that hey I can go in and I can do this or I can go in and I can do that if you don’t want games to get out of control you got to call them properly from the get go and I know that might be a hard thing but it really shouldn’t be right they really just should be coming in calling what’s a penalty and making sure guys are playing properly and it’s frustrating uh yes Body by tacos I am talking about hockey I’m not talking about swimming um but welcome in uh it’s all about you know setting that tone nothing is worse than thinking you can play a certain way and all of a sudden that turns out to not be proper Maria what’s going on welcome in the game of hockey the game of hockey we love it we hate it it’s super frustrating but it’s absolutely crazy he’s not talking about hockey he’s talking about mental health Britney you know what that’s a very good point act actually because hockey is driving us crazy and so you know I think that’s what we’re seeing in a lot of these series a lot of these playoffs is things are losing they’re losing control so I had to get that off my chest because it’s just driving me nuts I know Boston fans you guys are feeling it Panther fans are feeling it everybody’s feeling it that’s great I like talking about how you’re gonna byebye see you thank you um let’s let’s talk about the Colorado Avalanche for a second here let’s talk about valerina nushin uh Valerie nushin is in a bit of a situation so for those who don’t know Valerie uh nushin he he had to enter the players assistance program he needed help he needed some help so he entered players assistance uh he came back and he still struggled um last year he had to leave um to get help again while it has happened again this year he has uh he has fallen into some trouble and he has um violated his what was it stage three uh NHL players Association program and is is now suspended is now suspended for I forget the time period but suspended without play for or without pay for quite some time so um very serious situation for NuSkin uh you know it’s unfortunate because man he was lighting it up nushin was absolutely lighting it up he was playing outstanding outstanding hockey and uh it just unfortunately couldn’t uh he he couldn’t control it and he needed to go and you hate to see it um you absolutely hate to see it uh hang on one second here sorry NHL just posted a reaction to the coach’s challenge for the goal about goal tender interference but it actually it doesn’t say anything all it says is explanation video review confirmed no goal tender interference infraction occurred prior to the goal um I guess pushing the skate is is okay uh so it’s crazy it’s it’s crazy something we just had to uh something we just had to talk about and kind of get off our chests so yeah Valerie nushin very unfortunate situation and we hope that uh that things do get get better for him so all right just wanted to get it out there so we could mention it uh because you know it’s sad it’s sad uh we will move over to the Oilers Canucks game following the conclusion of this one and uh it looks like that might be a little bit later so I will have toh extend the time for that one and if if one of the mods wouldn’t mind just going and posting a message on that stream that we will go live with that stream following this game and you can post this link in there that would be a appreciated as we will uh we’ll hit up that game immediately following this one so let me just bump that time out a little bit all right let’s go to your questions let’s go to your discussions let’s get involved with you uh POV your nutrition oh bog not cool man listen the guy having trouble we don’t knock people when they’re down we don’t knock people when they’re down uh J also followed the program hope he’ll stay healthy yeah I hope Hill stay listen it’s it’s tough right and it’s great that they do it’s great that they they offer an assistance program because some players need it we’ve seen a lot of players need to enter it and unfortunately they just can’t uh can’t keep their thing going together Greg goalie interference is such a lottery no kidding no kidding don’t say Lottery though Britney’s going to be wondering how she can start challenging goals if it’s a lottery she’ll want to get in on that uh so push skates next time you get a go right like it’s it’s crazy refs don’t want to upset brunes fans more Dennis it’s really funny you know it’s kind of kind of what you know you wonder what goes through the thoughts when they come up with uh when the stuff right when they when they say you know when they look at this obviously they’re going to be questioned about it they’re going to be asked about it um it’s going to be absolutely it’s going to be absolutely crazy you know what these refs are thinking you know are they going to have a conversation after and be like geez you know we we missed that or do you think they just walk away after the game and say no big deal they don’t think twice about it I bet you they have to kind of walk away and not think about it ready for another of extra stress at work as Z welcome in it’s going to be very stressful Bruns will go undefeated for the Cup starting tonight wow Hachiko bold prediction there love it absolutely love it uh leaan King welcome in good to see you Sanders post on the other stream about awesome thank you jda appreciate it yeah we’ll we’ll get over to that game as soon as this one wraps up and the way things are going who knows when that may be it’s a long road support and family is important Pro hocke that’s right Rick and that’s something I think we forget right we look at them as celebrities as athletes um some people according to Mitch Marner look at them as Gods um but it’s crazy and and they need help so it’s a great program that they do have uh they must get paid per game not salary no it’s salary they don’t get paid in the playoffs though the salaries are paid out at the end of the regular season they don’t get paid during the playoffs they do get um playoff bonus depending on how far they go actually it was oh what’s his name Brown from the LA Kings Brown his wife is very active on social media and she talks about all kinds of things related to the players and their lives and certain things so I forget her name but uh she is very very cool and gives a lot of interesting information about what it’s like being a player’s wife Bruns Pro try to play hockey they will lose Maria this is going to be a very interesting period coming up this third period um the Panthers played much better in that second period uh I think they have a lot more to bring so this game I think is going to go the distance might even go beyond so we’ll have to wait and see notice you never see footage of the refs leaving the Arenas the NHL Secret Service must whis them and prep oh that’s funny that’s right they actually they sit around and wait for everybody to leave and then they they escort them right to the right to the truck send them right to the plane and out of the city uh turns into that one dude from Rat Race oh my God space cakes I love Rat Race such a good movie I haven’t watched that in a long time but it was so funny Joseph what’s going on welcome in Gerard coming in with the $ five addictions can happen to anyone if someone is struggling please seek help don’t hide people will support yes Gerard what a great message absolutely if you are struggling with an addiction or a mental illness um and you need help if you don’t feel right please make sure to reach out to somebody uh pick up the phone and call somebody it is it is super super important uh I ref basketball even at provincial level every controversial calls discussed after the game see Kevin that is great to know thank you for putting that in I am I am happy to hear that because that’s how you learn right that’s how you learn uh whatever you do whether you’re a student whether you have a job whether you’re an entrepreneur you answer to somebody whether it’s a teacher whether it’s a boss a board of directors or your customer you answer to somebody and when something controversial happens it’s important there’s a conversation so you know what happened and then then that can get sorted out Ronnie how’s it going welcome in welcome in everybody I want Paul Maurice to win Emily me too he deserves it that ref messed the ref that messed up the coin toss Cuba Gooding Jr yes he was great in that one everybody was great in that one uh it was so good that was uh there was it was actually a huge cast really really good cast all right Marner will have a great career in Utah man Sergeant salty if he’s going to go if he ends up going to Utah I’m giving you like 100,000 bonus points uh why everyone want the brues to win uh not everybody Maria we got a good crowd here good mix of brunes fans Panther fans and it’s about that time right now to get it going uh level five here former ECA ECHL and NCAA officially free life really free life would you be willing and you don’t have to answer me here send me an email Samuel B12 YT shoot me an email would you be interested in sitting down together and um maybe doing a live together talking about the state of officiating if your game I’d love to do it with you send me an email if you’re interested uh big rickster what’s going on welcome in thank you everyone for being here again apologies we didn’t get to all of your comments but it’s time for the third period uhoh there we go let’s play some hockey this we are just getting in going here third period again thank you for all your your comments appreciate everybody I’m just doing a quick scroll through here uh Rick that is correct he is on concussion protocol all right let’s go off the draw A’s going to win this right in front quick shot oh my gosh poosi caught it it just hit the goal line but did not go in that was close Brett what’s going on go Bruins welcome in this one Bruins bringing it back all the way to the point setting it up long shot big deflection in front that one goes wide big pile of people in front of the net this coming out and down the ice Florida trying to chase it one down makoy with it he’s going to turn and go go go go and there it is 211 five thank you all so much great job now let’s see if we can get those likes over 400 likes this one coming out all right good night Britney take care good to see you as usual this one playing it up Boston carrying through the neutral zone now they dump this one in brunes going to try and keep this away from the Panthers as much as they can going to move this ahead Panthers bringing it out Reinhardt trying to flip it over the head of the brunes put it in can’t do it it’s brought down up over the line Florida going to carry this one in nice move through the legs Panthers walking up shot right on swayan with the save my goodness if Reinhardt would have scored there that would have been the highlight of the series he made a nice little dangle putting it right through the legs of the Bruins player and had a nice shot on that so good start here there it is awesome great job likes continue to go up thank you very much Reinhardt he just made a nice dangle right around worther spoon my goodness worther spoon left out to drrive off the draw Boston going to win it and the hands come up high on a collision here makoy going after Sam Bennett so Bennett goes down makoy getting the Rabid punch to the jaw Sam Bennett he’s going to go so makoy he goes two-minute minor for roughing right off the draw Bennett comes in makoy can you use the other camera angle please there it is oh cross check right up in the face of Sam Bennett you can’t do that so let’s see they call it roughing but he got the hand up the cross check right up in the grill so let’s see can the Panthers tie this one up on the power play their power play has not been great tonight and here’s a pass off of Reinhardt skate and this comes all the way down if that first bounce is going to explain how their power play is going to go it’s not much is going to happen here they come Reinhardt going to move it up down over the line barkov he fans on it oh goodness it’s like it’s like the hockey gods playing NHL 24 but they’re controllers are on low battery playing with stick drift over the line they’re going to dump this one in you Gamers out there know exactly what I’m talking about down in the corner happened for big Z on McDavid that’s for sure that one was a little more aggressive swayan going to stop this one so a buck 17 left to go in the power play oh just not a good power play Lewis how’s it going in good to see you thank you everybody so much for all the love tonight we’re only in game one game two coming up immediately following this one off the draw back to the line for heggy passes it across Boston’s going to steal Breakaway short-handed here they come shot in a nice save by bobovski here comes Florida the other way Veri to Reinhardt going to set this one in one minute to go Bruins behind the net Panthers going to play this one around it’s like the Panthers don’t want to win at home or something sending it around for barov he’s going to turn this one over Bruns playing it up the middle here’s Veri with it he shoots big rebound is there no Panther near the front of the net and the Bruins clear this one down the ice 247 what’s going on Primus how’s it going good to see you both this one coming around behind the net Panthers can’t get it 30 seconds left in the power play and the BR R’s going to clear this all the way out and down the ice my goodness here they come Bennett going to bring this one ahead over the line there’s a hit they steal the puck and again they clear 10 seconds to go on the panther power play nothing doing whatsoever and you know the next call well it’s pretty now three penalties a piece here’s a shot that hits the skate comes to the line Panthers holding it in trying to set it up they can’t control the puck this is going to come out forsling has it they have to put it in WoW Panthers are out playing themselves right now 162 to go here come the Bruins down the near Side Up in over the line going to come through bringing it around the net eblad with a slash aoso with a slash back to the line here’s a blast nice save by B and he’s going to hang on to it my goodness they got to shoot everybody’s trying to make the extra move trying to make the extra de the extra pass and that is not going to get things done come on got to get things moving move It shake it do it get it Go 1605 to go shots 2522 very low shooting game right now Panthers struggling Bruins really have played the better game here tonight not by a lot set up here in the Panthers end 23 faceoffs to 22 and they going to wave the Panthers out so Reinhardt goes he doesn’t like it barkov’s going come in to take this against gei GI Ace what’s going on welcome in there’s a scramble draw Boston gets it back they’re going to play it across here’s a long shot deflected just wide but not by much they’re going to keep bringing this the crowd still getting into it chanting on this team past Knack in his feet somehow gets it to the line playing it up Panther’s going to take it here’s tereno he’s going to play it back what is with everyone taking passes by their skates here’s a long shot that one gets knocked down in front here comes big Pat maroon he’s going to bring this one up over the line trying to come through maroon in the corner trying to feed the front of the net he can’t eblad with it he’s going to slow this one down play it backwards in his own Zone forsling with it both teams going to change up Sam won’t give me off work pass coming through Rodriguez turning around he’s going to come up over the line londell he’s going to scoot this one around behind the net list Ryan going to steal him and Rodriguez fight over it Rodriguez takes this passes it to the line kulikov sending it right back they’re going to bank it off the boards again they can’t get it all the way now Boston gets us out and down the ice and it’s actually going to hop into the bench so we’re going to get a face off just outside the Boston bench Boston Zone Jeremy how’s it going welcome in welcome in everybody thank you for being here tonight yeah touch football go for it absolutely be happy to answer your question depending on what it is uh Nolan what’s going on shout out to the Super Fan Darren in North Bay there it is Nolan coming in with the shout out Super Fan Darren and North Bay this one coming around all the way down in the corner how often do you get points uh touch football it’s every couple of minutes I don’t know if it’s three minutes five minutes but every every few minutes you get points added to your total hey Chris Chris definitely wants to know where I work Chris I’m afraid I work at home Bruins andan right Panthers taking the draw in the Boston zone for against beer heggy winning this one back waiting Montour cross here’s a long shot and that’s deflected up and at a play so we’re getting a faceof coming up how can I use my chips Uh Kevin you’ll see at the bottom of the screen in the scrolling ticker they redeem commands exclamation mark redeem followed by a certain command you can put in your command type it in the chat and that will bring up the graphic on the screen for third period what’s your money on right now uh geez I don’t know I mean Boston right now they are looking real hard to beat but I don’t count out this Panther team Boston is playing with that intelligent desperation that we talked about in the opening back around they’re going to flip this out and down the ice Panthers with it now there’s cycling around Jonathan coming in with a freeze there we go Verge welcom in in the corner trying to put it in front they can’t do it Panthers nothing clicking for them right now down low in the corner Bruins coming around behind their own nette up The Far Side now they’re going to pass it across to the near side Cole going to flip this one in Frederick going in there after it forsling going to lay a little hit on him him londell comes away with the puck going to pass it across hecko what’s going on welcome this one coming through a little shimmy action going on Greg saying Sam dance get a little shimmy action going over the line Florida going to play this one back they’re going to set this one up forsing with it let’s go here they come forsling going to pitch this through can hit Bennett and that’s going to be an icing call pan in oh goodness Panthers struggling here they need to get things going favorite player in hockey wow favorite player in hockey that’s a tough one I’ll have to think about that I don’t really have an overall favorite player right now I have a favorite player on teams but I don’t know if I’d say I have a favorite in all of the NHL Here Comes Boston keeping this one in geeky setting this one across poock falls down he slides in the corner Panthers trying to dig this one through here comes forsling forsling going to play it thank you for hitting those hearts and party s signs the whatever they’re called here come the Panthers up over the line tow Dragon a shot that one’s going to go just wide right there they’re going to try and play it back to the point and we got another penalty coming up so eblad is Going Bonkers now as Pastak goes down past pack has a clear grab oh my gosh that is absolutely ridiculous as they go to commercial break past if this hand is eblad actually it should be this hand because it was more on this side Pastor neck had a firm grasp on the stick and was pulling at it and they call the penalty on eblad unbelievable getting away with another one I who’s the officials tonight I hadn’t I didn’t even look usually I take a look here we go the officials tonight Kyle Raymond and Steve kazari oh that’s why Steve kazari seems to be in these games with a ton of horrendous calls so no shocker there oh my gosh yeah Brett I mean that was just brutal just brutal that like why not call them both you did it earlier when you called a BS call for embellishment on the cross check from behind why not call that now busting out the props that’s right prep we’re gonna I’m GNA I’m G to have to get a telestrator so I can draw right on the screen and illustrate what’s happening because I don’t want to hold up my whiteboard anymore my illustrations are horrendous um but welcome in welcome in everybody 992 people here we’re almost at 450 likes if you haven’t hit that thumbs up yet give that thumbs up a click don’t forget to hit that subscribe we’re going to go right from here to Edmonton for the Oilers and Canucks we are here every day calling hockey for you so we will be here we want you to be here as well so oh my goodness so they’re coming back so they’re coming back these announcers are atrocious right now so eblad having a long conversation with the referee about it the referee he’s listening to him which is nice but it doesn’t matter so Boston now on the power play and there no comment all right this is coming all the way down Panther’s going to clear this one all the way down the ice trying to set it up here they come Bruins Coyle going to bring it down over the line dumping in the corner kulikov can’t get there they’re going to send it around nice little move de brusk shoveling it back to the line Bruins to Pastak pack gonna send this down low Puck coming back up to past your neack sending it right back down low P ruins in the corner Panthers doing a nice job on them forcing it into the boards Jess what’s going on Jess good to see you hope you’re well all the way down 12 minutes left to go in Period number three we got 110 left to go on the power play here Comes Pastak bringing this one right down going to drop it off at the line Reinhardt is going to steal but he didn’t have his feet moving so he just rolls this one down Panthers watching the brunes set it up makoy he’s going to drop this one back pack he cuts around goes Far Side Bruins coming up over the line this one going to be tipped in front Maka he’s going to play it away Boston still with it geeky putting it around behind the net forsling up on his man lundell gets bumped Maka going in the corner comes out in the slot with a shot and they put it wide bosi so far at a net bosi way at a net WT coming in with that subscribe thank you WT appreciate it and Welcome to our community here come the Bruns 20 seconds to go on the power play they’re going to dump this one back Richard coming in with a subscribe as well thank you Richard Florida doing a good job in the neutral zone 10 seconds to go they’re going to bring this one back get it organized five seconds to go and they’re going to hammer this one up the boards lorai with it now power play has has expired back at even strength out of the box they couldn’t under intercept e blad steals he’s going to play this one back here we go of the three genuine fans from no the Panthers have a lot of real fans this one coming around Jamie hitting that subscribe thank you all keep the sub train rolling love to see those numbers moving this coming all the way down emman Larsson getting it to kachak throws it across to Bennett Bennett takes it off his skate and he’s going to play it in not deep enough Boston going to turn and pass this all the way up Fernando what’s going on welcome in smile Mark good to see you here they come emman Larson gonna pass this up the middle Panthers going to tip it in they got to get their for check going under 10 minutes to go here in Period number three all the way down the ice forsling has it Boston fighting for their playoff lives they are in the lead right now Panthers trying to close out this series here’s a long shot they can’t couldn’t do it sending it in front no Panther is there and the brunes going to pick it up and send it down the ice again smile Mark need to get somebody going here’s a cross ice pass this being coming up deflected in down around behind worther spoon he’s going to go back and get it in the corner list Ryan he’s going to come away with it turning and sending it across here’s a shot off the leg Montour with a slap shot that one is blocked in the corner Bruins Come Away with the puck they’re going to play this up to the line Panthers intercept but it’s in the neutral zone now they’re going to dump this in down in the corner trying to come through let’s go thank you for hitting that subscribe Irena coming in San he’s waiting now he’s going to settle up on it as poo was right there in front we’re going to get a face off just to the side of San but first there going to go to commercial break holy moly the Panthers have come close they’ve hit the post the Bruins also are playing very very good hockey right now can the both team control themselves can they both keep things set we are going into the final nine minutes of hockey if you’re just coming in welcoming my name is Sam this is a Sam well be12 experience thank you for being here we’ve been here every single night we’ve only taken one night off this entire playoff run and that’s because we had uh we had something going on but we’ve been here every day and I hope you will join us as we stay for the duration of the playoffs until the Stanley Cup is handed out uh what’s my prediction on the Oilers Canucks game uh I think the Oilers are going to tie up that Series tonight the Oilers are making a goenda will not be the starting goenda card andard we’ve seen him play down the stretch and he was actually very good and with the goenda tear so they are a hard team to to stop can you comment on your favorite Utah team handle so far uh I like the yetis the Utah Yeti that’s that’s my favorite there’s been a lot of uh fan designs floating around online and there’s some real real cool designs I’ve seen out there some real talented people uh a pin on Bennett hit punch on Mara uh so clearly it was listen it was a dirty shot it was a cheap shot but it’s Brad Marshawn and the things he’s done to so many players it was only a matter of time before someone did it to him so that’s that’s kind of my my thought there uh watching you from Kuwait Boston ghost welcome in thank you from watching all the way from Kuwait happy to have you join us thank you for being here all right 859 to go 2 to one is the score face off in the Boston Zone Bru’s going to come away with this one they’re going to play it up mola Can’t Hold the Line forsling back with this going to bank it off the boards Panthers going to tip this in here they come barov he’s going to drop it there and another drop and this one has turned over again one too many passes you got to put the puck to the net nice stop at the line Coy’s got to wait for the Bruins to tag up now they doing nice play Here Come the Panthers they’re going to steal there’s a Tak down and that’s going to be an interference call so the Boston Bruins are going back to the Box the Panthers on the power play but their power play has not been good my goodness oh they’re going to call it too many men okay well as long as there’s a call here because the the panther player was flying with the puck and he gets absolutely tripped and taken down so they’re calling it too many men on the ice they should call it both tripping and too many men on the ice they should give them two penalties Shawn coming in with hitting that subscribe thank you everybody for continuing to smash that subscribe button thanks for joining our Channel we’re now on our way to 500 likes if you haven’t hit that thumbs up yet let’s see can we hit 500 likes the Utah magic underwear oh goodness Sean thank you for hitting that subscribe welcome in good to see you off the draw Panthers winning it back to the line here’s Reinhardt Reinhardt now he’s going to play this one down low for haggy sending it all the way around to kachuck back to the line back to kachuck a little give and go mour now mour going to play this one up getting it back Boston being aggressive here’s a long shot that one’s going to go to the corner Bruin’s going to clear this one out Montour had backed away from the line here they come back up bringing this one in books how’s it going in the corner playing this one up Reinhardt back to the line Montour he’s going to blast rebound is there Reinhardt shoots and he put it just wide Swan was down and out in Beverly Hills and a wide open twine and he couldn’t bury it he just missed that’s true prep that’s true up over the line here comes Veri Veri going to put it in the corner barkov going to take a hit he still has the puck now it’s tied up using the feet de brus comes away with it he’s going to play this down the Ice 55 seconds to go unbelievable rbk it’s just not their night the Bruins playing a great game here here’s Veri Veri with it there’s a broken stick just to the side of the net coming across here’s a shot and they miss again is this net regulation size or what here they come quote from Happy Gilmore got to love it down around at the side Panthers coming in and again the Bruns going to clear this out and down the ice 20 seconds to go on the panther power play and their power play has been Dreadful here tonight nothing has been clicking for the Panthers over the line tereno is going to put it in but he went in offside so 14 seconds to go on the power play a great chance there for Sam Reinhardt but instead of going short side he tried to go far side and just missed it Reinhardt has been off his sights need some adjustment even though he did score earlier in this game he has missed the net several times nine Power Play Goals in the playoffs 11 players with a power play point on this Panther team back to the line Panthers keeping it in 4 seconds to go on the power play down low in the corner londell looking looking going to go deep setting it in the slot here’s a shot shoveling it towards the net and swayan is going to grab onto it swayan grabs onto it with 620 six to go in this period my goodness so the power play has expired we are at even strength coming up immediately following this game I need about five minutes to switch everything over we’re going to be going live for the Edmonton Oilers in the Vancouver Canucks so you don’t have to go anywhere you’ll automatically be transported from this stream to that stream off the draw back to the line here’s a shot it’s blocked another shot that one goes just wide this one coming in front another shot going just wide you know if the Panthers can only hit the net this one coming around Panthers in the corner shots are five to four in favor of the pl Panthers in this period there’s another Tak down no call and this is going to go up and at a play so we’re going to get another whistle Cory Perry fighting night hey you never know Kevin that’s right I got a chain jerseys no I got to I got to switch up the profiles on the computer I got to switch up a bunch of things get the next stream ready I do have to switch jerseys of course maybe take a little bio break grab a cheese stick we’ll be right back in it going strong but you never know six minutes is a lot of time we might be getting some OT coming up here Nina welcome in this one coming around off the boards Panthers can hold it in this one coming out and down the ice back with it Panthers behind their own net mola stops taking a look now he’s going to start to move this ahead Here Comes mola gonna pass it Panthers forsing going to flip this one up Panthers going to knock it down with the glove and send it all the way down the ice mikolo back with it gonna work it around Bru’s going to cut it off Panthers right now can’t control jvr he can’t come up with it now here comes Florida Florida pass up the middle to barov little flip pass to Reinhardt Reinhardt back across can hit barov this coming back to the line sending it down in the corner Reinhardt playing it to the line forsling across waiting waiting eblad trying to find a lane he shoots and that one came so close teras senko he’s going to play this one back zaka deflected it Reinhardt gets taken down and here comes Boston a three on two br has a lane he shoots and he sends that high and over the net CH how’s it going this is Christine from Florida am I the only chick here no Christine we’ve had lots of lots of females here today lots of ladies having a lot of fun so welcome in thank you for being here they’re going to go to commercial break unbelievable this has been crazy absolutely crazy uh that’s a jersey I need which Jersey onyx the Utah trout that’s really funny but welcome in everybody again thank you for being here this one has been intense it’s coming down to the wire the Bruins are holding on two to one we got five minutes to go five minutes to go in this game holy moly like this is this is crazy I love it I absolutely love this hockey game the Bruins for the most part have been outplaying the Panthers the Panthers though have had their chances they have had their moments if you miss the goal scores geeky for Boston Reinhardt for Florida McAvoy for Boston those are your goal scores total shots right now 2625 but when you look at the faceoff percentage the Panthers are ahead there 53% hits 4535 Boston leading the way in the hits Bruins also leading the way with block shots 15 block shots to be exact only 10 for the Panthers Panthers with 14 giveaways that is not an okay number 14 giveaways that is crazy if you’re just coming in to join us for the closing 5 minutes hit that thumbs up button for us we are almost at 500 likes let’s see how high we can get those likes and make sure you hit those subscribes we are on our way to 21150 so make sure you are smashing those subscribes Hannah how’s it going which would really win a beer or a bear or a panther that would be an interesting battle a very interesting battle I I would probably guess the bear would win but I don’t know off the draw ma or uh debras passes it across Boston going to send this one in the corner comes out in front they put it just wide back around here’s the Panthers Florida GNA go AC cross ice Panthers forsling coming down he’s going to take a shot and San with the glove is going to hang on to it so we got another whistle another faceof coming up the Boston end of the ice this has been such a wonderful hockey game I mean it’s it’s really really exciting it’s just too bad too bad that uh well I’m not gonna say anything let’s see what is going to happen face off baroff in he’s here to take it this one coming back Panthers with possession cross ice here’s a shot that one goes just wide down in the corner trying to work it through londell he’s going to cycle this one back to the line here’s a shot and Boston’s going to scoop this one up they’re going to play this one out and down Veri trying to bring this one back around taking a look can’t control this one coming out and down the ice Florida has to regroup all right sorry this one coming around side of the net bosi is down giving it away de brus behind the net de brus coming through trying to get around back to the line this one can’t get all the way through Florida going to send this down the Ice Boston bringing it right back in 334 to go 334 to go right in front nice move bobovski with a save it comes between his leg exits there Boston is grabbing at it now he’s going to get his pads on it and slow this one down holy cow the Boston Bruins coming so close so close holy cow they were driving in super hard here pack coming through this Panther team bosi tried to make a good play but de bras stole it away dangerous play very dangerous play yikes that would have been something if the brues would have stolen that and put this one to bed again thank you everybody for being here being a part of of our hockey game tonight this coming around being knocked down in the corner here comes Florida again Florida on the Move they’re bringing this one trying to come around Mulla coming in with a hit there it is is 500 likes great job everyone and with 311 to go it goes into the netting so we’re going to get a stoppage in play unbelievable it just keeps going just keeps going what a hockey game now if one of the mods don’t mind just hopping into the uh the other stream and again just reminding folks if anybody’s waiting that we will be there at the conclusion of this game that they can come over here and watch along as this one is being finalized 311 we got a faceof left a Faceoff excuse me to the center ice barkov coming in against Coyle and Coyle gonna win this one so the bro’s going to flip this one in down in the corner and that’s going to be an icing call wow alino how’s it going welcoming thank you Dallas unbelievable so 305 to go now this is getting close love it absolutely love it thank you everyone for your continued support oh my gosh we’re already at F almost at 550 likes and we’re making our way towards 21150 we’re 23 subscribers away if you haven’t subscribed smash that subscribe for us off the draw Panther’s going to win Panther’s net is empty and the shot is is intercepted shot down the ice so that’s going to be no icing call for haggy with it it’s an empty net for the Panthers empty net here come the Panthers they’re going to dump this one down in the corners Serge welcome in coming through yes Kevin we’ve had lots of folks winning on the SLS slots Boston in the corner trying to put this one through tereno behind the net they’re going to put it in front Panthers with it trying to get in front they can it comes to the point back down low there’s no one really in front of the net I I don’t like this set up by the Panthers tereno going around he gets taken down in the corner this coming to the line for Reinhardt passes it across here’s a blast it breaks the Stick of the Boston defenseman Panthers coming again another shot and it’s TI to the side they coming around behind the at tereno putting it in front Panthers are getting shots but no one’s in position here right on swayan making the save 202 to go now 202 to go the Panthers getting a lot of opportunities a lot of shots coming right on and a nice job but you know what they’re not getting a big body in front of the net to screen San swayan is seeing everything right now kachuck is there but he’s being bounced around I’m shocked shocked TJ how’s it going thank you very much uh that’s the plan right now TJ I haven’t had a chance to get that game set up I believe that’s the only game on tomorrow night so that is the plan so Paul Maurice doing some coaching he’s working things through on the bench swan has been absolutely spectacular here tonight and boy oh boy if there’s ever a game for the gold tender to steal it is definitely tonight but they they still a lot of game left to go two minutes six on five situation they got to continue to shut this door right the Bruins have to find a way to hang on Charles welcome in Gen X welcome in so an empty net Swan again the highlight of the show right now he has been great so barkov Montour coming up kachuck in here as [Applause] well so they’re getting set Panthers ready to take this draw there it is it’s a scramble Bruns Come Away with the puck it’s going in the corner Florida racing in they get it to the line and it comes out over the line Montour G to hammer this one in trying to come through and around fori he can’t this one comes back out again Bill how’s it going over the line Panthers going to put it in Panthers have struggled with the man Advantage all game anime coming in thank you for hitting that subscribe thank you everybody in the corner Bru’s going to try and get it out Panthers hold it in they’re going to put it in the middle and the brues Now swipe it and knock it out one and a half to go one and a half minutes to go Here Comes Florida Florida up the gun they’re coming through barov all the way barov still coming shooting and a nice save off the boards Bruns with it they’re going to get it where is it it’s at the half boards kept in here’s kachuck he shoots and misses by a mile back to the line here’s a blast knocking another stick down trying to kick it around Panthers what are you doing you had an open man and you passed it to a crowd in the corner trying to hold this up past neck he’s gonna clear this one out and down the ice and that’s going to be an icing call with 48.4 seconds to go unbelievable the intensity continues to grow well we are at a stoppage in play I want to take this moment to thank all of the gifters tonight for the super chats the gifted members Richard thank you free life thank you prep thank you uh jda Jordan’s Disney Adventures thank you AA Triton thank you again prep Richard jda Beverly uh Vic Mr Buck thank you all so much Gerard thank you for everything for all the love today all the super chats Brady thank you for the paypals uh really appreciate it this coming out again 42 seconds to go putting this one down in the corner trying to work it through 35 seconds to go and the Boston Bruin’s going to clear this one out this coming down the ice here we go 37 seconds the closing moments the Panthers give it away just inside the zone and it’s cleared out racing to come back and get it and that’s going to be an icing call with 20.2 seconds 20.2 seconds to go unbelievable Shelby how’s it going welcome in thank you everybody again to all of our mods thank you so much I know our night continues on stream to the Oilers and the Canucks we’ll be transporting everyone over to that stream immediately following this game I will just need about five minutes or so off the draw Panthers bringing it back to the line they shoot that one goes wide side of the net 15 seconds to go they come in the slot they shoot oh my gosh they put it just wide forsling swiping at it comes in front they shoot what a save by swayan he didn’t even know where it was Reinhardt put it right into San’s pads the Bruins clear and this game is over the Boston runes keep their hockey playoff life align and they will play again Friday night you know we will have that game for you all right we’re going to switch everything up right now and get set for stream number two again thank you everybody uh don’t go anywhere you’ll automatically be transported over there and we will get that game going shortly so again from all of us here thank you to our donors tonight to our mods to our members thank you for subscribing hitting that like button let’s go do it all again over on the other stream again give me five and we’ll be live over there take care everybody thank you and good job Boston well deserved you played really well Cate because there’s the big hug uh oh I’m frozen now [Music]

Live game coverage of the Boston Bruins vs. Florida Panthers NHL Playoffs game 5 – Join the #1 LIVE HOCKEY community and cheer on your team, share your opinions, and have some fun. Live game coverage with audo play by play and engagement! NHL Playoffs Round 2 game 5 matchup

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Playoff Matchups for Round 2:
(1M) New York Rangers vs. (2M) Carolina Huricanes
(1A) Florida Panthers vs. (2A) Boston Bruins

(1P) Vancouver Canucks vs. (2P) Edmonton Oilers
(3C) Colorado Avalnche vs. (1C)Dallas  Stars

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