@Boston Bruins

Mike Milbury recaps the Bruins season || Greg Hill Show

Mike Milbury recaps the Bruins season || Greg Hill Show

uh we are now learning as we often do uh when a bruin season ends in an untimely manner that the these guys were dealing with a lot of injuries all don’t want to talk about it shut up do not want to talk about it I don’t care if both groins were hurt it doesn’t make any difference to me if you wanted to tell me that you were hurt during the course of the Season tell me that you were hurt don’t tell me after the fact don’t be a baby don’t be a wuss get the hell out of my life thank you thank you very much I appreciate that Mike it seems like now with the Bruins with losing and it it seems like they’re building in the excuses not only is it the injuries but yesterday and I think this comes from the coach was now they were a team that overachieved and they were they didn’t even have expectations of making the playoffs which at the beginning of the season I thought they were a playoff Contender maybe not a Stanley Cup Contender but the message in that locker room seems like well we weren’t even supposed to be in the playoffs so it was a successful season how do you feel about that you know it’s a it’s a good point Wiggy I mean they they really didn’t have the material to go much further if any maybe they could have gone to a seventh game maybe they could have won a seventh game but they’re not a Stanley Cup team right now and we knew it going into last season we knew it when berson and Cree left that that the zaka coy Duo was not going to be one of the top tandems of of top six forwards in the league and they were good they were better than we expected and they’re still going to be fine players but they’re in the wrong roles and they were in the wrong roles in October they were in the wrong roles in in April and they’ll be in the wrong roles in next September if they don’t have somebody else to replace them and that’s that would be unfortunate and you could start the year with your expectations being being checked at the door so I’m hoping that that Don Sweeney and Company realize that the biggest need is for a premium Center I don’t know if this kid p is going to be that good you’ve got to find somebody who can get the job done immediately if you want to knock on some serious opportunistic doors in the near future but without that without without replacing those centers it’s a going to be a tough goal so Mike that’s the major change that you need this off season not a change in coach no I mean I think the jury still is out on this coach I mean seven too many men on the ice penalties is just unacceptable to me it’s just like heads scratching um he he seems to be I mean trying to be a little bit tougher a little bit firmer and and I I don’t I don’t know where he’s going to be in the long run but I don’t think this team with a new coach uh under the present circumstances could have gone a lot further and I think he needs the benefit of the doubt clearly his regular seasons have been remarkably good and uh but we all know that that’s not the real measurement of of success it comes in later stages of a year and and he’s going to have to prove in the near future but that he can do it but but he also needs to be given the opportunity to do it with a team that’s you know fully loaded and uh it looked like they were fully loaded last year but apparently they were hate to make this hate to say this but the couple guys were hurt berson was out for a few games any mismanaged things alar shouldn’t have been the goal tender for every game in that Florida series or almost every game and so give them another chance I think is the goalie rotation experiment over get this swed out of here as fast as you can put him on the fast bullet train to New York or wherever else he wants to go it’s time to go they picked him up for nothing they signed to a contract they paid him a lot of money he was very good and now I mean I don’t want any more conversations about the go tender either get get assets for him in terms of players or get assets for them in terms of getting rid of the money and spend that money immediately somewhere else you can find another goenda in the playoffs he’s young strong motivated and that’s the way I think that should go and then you lock Jeremy Swan down for for a long time I know I think I think you like to do 25e deals with gold um I don’t know how how how much money they’re going to have to pay but uh I mean I think they had something going in the middle of the year and I think then he just you know he said well let’s wait and see or they said let’s wait and see whoever said let’s wait and see well now we’re going to see we’re going to see how long they have to to sign him up for and and we’re going to see how much it’s going to cost them and it’s going to cost them considerably and he knows it and he’s in a pretty good spot right now and I whatever it is get the deal done and you can’t you’re not going anywhere without him work with me Mike I know this is sort of outside the box but that’s surprising from you Curtis hey I I I learned from the best uh what do you think about trading swayan a guy that’s at the peak no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop but here’s this stop get a coffee go back have a have a little bun with your coffee stop think it think it through a little bit more uh seriously before you spit those words out but what about this thought Bob goalie Bob right we think we should all build a statue for Mr aseno Right when have the Bruins had bad goalies when he’s been the coach they’re able to develop goalies unlike any other franchise in the sport considering the amount of holes they have that they need to fill before winning another cup just a wild thought that maybe the way bellich treated cornerbacks is the way the Bruins should treat goenda hasn’t stopped a puck in a long time and he’s not going to stop on anytime soon and Swan does it with you know whether it’s been goalie Bob’s influence or not he’s he’s terrific and he’s the guy that’s going to be in goal and goalie Bob can work with the second goal tender as well as spending a little time with Swan to fine-tune his already terrific game and and the Brun shouldn’t have anything to worry about in goal tending with swam in there for the next 10 years all all right Mike so we’ll move on from the sway good question Curtis but with the off season and the money that the Bruins there they’re going to potentially have what about guys like how hard do you go after guys I brought this up step stamp Coast the kid ali uh Elias Lindholm Lind the rinhart like how aggressive should they be in changing or maybe really adding to a new look of what their top six forwards look like it it’s the primary goal of the off season I’d rather go with younger the younger players you know the guys that just get to free agency than somebody like Stam Co who I don’t know what his age is now he’s got to be in his talking about yesterday 34 it’s like it’s not it’s not a young kid I mean if you think that’s the final piece of the puzzle but I’m not going to race out there to sign Stam Coast until I find out who’s who’s you know tossing him the puck from the middle part of the ice and so I think that’s a the first and foremost goal of the Bruins in the off season is to fill the voids in in the top two Center positions and another Winger if they can find it um you know they also have other things they have to do they have to Coral makoy and and lolm I mean those guys were not worth their money in the playoffs and makoy I think is a great competitor but he’s he’s like a wild stallion he’s running all over the place and lolm needs a firecracker up the butt somewhere along the line he can’t be just looks like everything’s just hunky dory to me for him he was a number one defenseman while back and now he’s just H I don’t know he doesn’t seem to be committed enough but you were spot on I think on this show when you talked about the lack of defensiv minded coaches on this staff yeah I and I still feel that way but those two guys aren’t going anywhere they long-term contracts and they’re going to be there and they’re they’re a really critical part of the equation here to get this team to move forward then they have to jet Us in the Deadwood you know they they’re not going to be able to to to keep jvr you know they’re not going to be able to keep grizzli now he’s he’s constantly hurt and he’s hasn’t been able to play through the playoffs successfully maron’s probably gone but I suppose if you get him for a song and you know have him you know use his pom poms in the locker room that’s not a bad thing but they need to get rid of these you know the Deadwood and then you know that you can you can do that and successfully replace them and got some guys like geeky and Frederick that have stepped up uh they can fill out middle six rolls and and be okay but first first and foremost find a way to get somebody that can you know Steer the ship from the center position 508 texter wants me I think this this comes up all the time and I I mean if you own a sports franchise I think you uh you do want you do want to be as successful as you can but 508 texter wants me to ask if you think the Jacobs want to win a cup or are they happy with uh round one round two of the playoffs round one round two of the playoffs is is you know I don’t know how the money shakes out as much as I once did but those those are the rounds that guarantee you a pretty successful Financial season and um the Jacobs family has been ready willing and able to spend to the absolute cap of of the NHL salaries over the last however long it’s been since it’s been in place so you can’t fault them that’s the the only thing you can ask from the owners is you know freehand and and the money to spend to build your team and they have given it uh freely over the last decade and then some to to the whoever was running the show and um so I at one time you could have said that it was you know they were stingy or whatever really you know watching the dollars flow but now that’s not the case it’s it’s just you can only spend so much and they’ve allowed them they’ve allowed the management to spend as much as they possibly could legally Mike I don’t know how often this happens in the NHL but we’ve seen it with New England where they made a mistake and tried to hire a guy that was a defensive mining guy to coach the offense is there a is there a change that you see them making at the coaching position especially bringing in a coach that is a defensive coach that maybe played at the NHL level that comes in that can help mavy lyol and the rest of those guys I I I think that’s an important I do think that’s an important component when I look at it I mean sometimes you have enough guys that have been around on the game long enough to know different positions whether they played forward or defense but I’m looking at a an Achilles heel here uh those guys are so critical they’re going to play each about 24 25 minutes a night which means they’re productivity has to be you know apparent and they haven’t been particularly apparent over the course of at least this last playoff season and I thought you know makoy really can skate he can shoot he can do everything but he seems to be it seems to be random at times he seems to be rambunctious and and defense has to be read and react and control no when to go no when to fold him and and he doesn’t seem to have that under control the other guy as I mentioned is just he just looks like he’s just Whistling Dixie he just needs a size 12 up his butt Mike we’ve been arguing about this he’s earned it we’ve been arguing about this uh all morning long but there was a video that surfaced online of the guy on a flight uh going somewhere enjoying some adult beverages playing a dice game I don’t know if you’ve seen it yet uh it seems like it’s Brandon Carlo is the focus of the video Wiggy’s upset that these guys look like they’re having a great time immediately after losing on Friday I have no issue with that I think that a lot of teams probably go on a trip of this type uh immediately after their departure from the postseason where do you fall I I you know the season’s over I don’t remember ever having a celebratory dice game or whatever when when it was over I remember a few teers once in a while but I I don’t remember immediately afterwards I mean if I I don’t know the timing of this thing it’s hard for me to judge less than 48 hours Mike and it looked like they were celebrating like they just won the cup it’s more than 48 hours no the video from yesterday we we talked about this a little bit yesterday because we played some audio from David poock where he was expressing that that this team it sounded like he feels like like you were talking about Jim Montgomery that he feels like this team overachieved like they weren’t even expected to make the playoffs is what he sounded like and that’s Wiggy’s issue is that fans are upset with the exit and these guys don’t seem to be Mike I I hear Wiggy’s Point here more than I hear Courtney’s point I mean I I I just I mean guys there’s a a whole bunch of reactions when you lose first of all there’s the disappointment there’s the sadness and there’s just the reflection on how did it happen and then and then in a little while later because there’s no other choice it’s just let’s move on I mean you have to move on but you still at least I did I had this hollow oness in the pit of my stomach and I wasn’t ready and I don’t ever remember being ready to within 48 Hours go out and get on a private plane and play dice but but I then again I wasn’t a multi millionaire at the time maybe I would have changed my mind if I could have flown a private jet to the Bahamas and and with my friends and had a as Courtney says an adult beverage yeah but I listen I I can’t I can’t judge that on the surface of it I mean it sounds a little disturbing but I I you know if they’re all thinking that they overachieved well you know shame on you I mean that’s overachieving is when you win the cup that’s when you overachieve not overachieving just getting past the the damn Maple Leafs again in the seventh game and overtime uh last one from a texter why are they strangely this texter refers to them as strangely so good during the regular season but anemic in the playoffs why so different well I they they’re they’re they’re not built for physicality correct and they weren’t built for you know domination down the the middle and those are two things that you have to have I mean it’s like in baseball you want catcher pitcher you know down the middle Short Stop second base and center field you got to have those guys right down the core of your your lineup and and they don’t have that but give them credit for stepping up and playing you know the way you should play every game to try to win during the regular season and give them credit for having done so well over the last two years but the realization is that this and and you know so they’re saying they didn’t live up to expectations they don’t have the right to do that you and I do you know we we we can see that they didn’t have the team that they should have had but they have to believe that they can win every game and for them to accept the fact that they were not good enough is a little tough for me to swallow well it is always our pleasure talking to you all season long I wish this one went further but appreciate you taking the time this morning and we may we may see you Thursday morning at the Flying Bridge is that is that accurate that’s possible or Wednesday night Wednesday night Wednesday night where you going Wednesday night Wednesday night for pregame we are at Liam Maguire’s we would love to see you there all right very good guys that’s been a pleasure all year as always and you guys take care and maybe we’ll see you later on this week sh I don’t know if you could you probably couldn’t see it but shye got overly excited when you mentioned a size 12 up the butt oh my God so wow I don’t know no I over excited I might actually I’m not available sh I might actually get to meet milbery in person yes yeah you never met you can meet them all right Mike Milbury thank you all right guys see you

Mike Milbury joins the Greg Hill Show to discuss the Bruins loss to the Panthers, trading Linus Ullmark and the future of Jim Montgomery. #bruins #nhlplayoffs #nhl

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  1. they lost Bergy and Krejci and did not replace them. They didn't have the money. If you don't think they did great, you don't know the game. Now we have money Don's job is on the line next year!!!

  2. I really love Milbury. He gets it. I am furious seeing players and fans being thrilled with failure. This is a fucked up attitude you guys. There's something wrong with this picture. Accepting failure in a league where ultimate victory can only be achieved by desire, perseverance, and the will to fight is a guarantee this team will never win the cup. As fans, the only thing we can do is to refuse to support the team. Maybe when they start showing up for games with a half empty arena, they might start taking their heads out of their asses.
    The will to fight is the opposite of being content with failure. If this team is thrilled and content with losing, then why fuckin bother going to the games? Who wants to wear merchandise for a team that enjoys losing? I don't want to watch a bunch of assholes making $10,000,0000 a year, let alone support them financially by buying their gear and buying expensive tickets. If this acceptance of failure is the attitude of this team, then they will NEVER win the cup. We could wait decades for that attitude to be taken out of the team. This is really bad guys. It bothers me a lot actually. When the fans care more than the team cares, we have a fuckin problem!!!! If this turns out to be true, then I'm done with this team, and since there is no other team I care about, I would be done with hockey altogether.

  3. See I love that Milbury is saying what most half intelligent people knew all along.

    GM is to blame and it’s been obvious for years

  4. No wrong!!! All the things Swayman does you fools praises Rask for doing the opposite!!!!

    Swayman stays tall!! Cuts angles, doesn’t crouch down with his face on the ice acting like he’s looking for pucks and excuses. Rask always to low and in his net. Most overrated guy ever

    Thank you on the defenseman!!!!!!!

  5. luv Mike. He is Mr. Bruin still remember the shoe incident at Madison Square vividly! Anyway, would the Jacobs support Sweeney building the team through the draft, through Providence? Just look at the Canucks – sure they lost to McDavid but Hughes, Miller, Petterson, Boeser and Demko, Canucks core is young and acquired principally thru the draft. Jacobs family wont but that is what we need to do. Look at the Rangers core – through the draft. Where do we get a #1 and number #2 center, a legit centers. Why would any team give up on a legit # 1 or #2 center. Maybe Beecher could be a 1 or 2 but he needs time, playing time, to develop into that. Sweeney is good, talented at picking players. If Jacobs family gives Sweeney and his scouts time, we cold fill the void at center through the draft. We can acquiring picks through dealing Ullmark and Pastrnak. Yes, Pasternak. Pastrnak has played in 90 playoff game and has a +/ of 2!. Lucic, Bugeron, and Krejci had +/-s in the 30s, 40s and 20s respectively!! We could get a 1st round draft pick for Pasternak. We should do it!

  6. Milbury always seems to have all the answers, but his track record as a front office guy was quite poor. His opinions are antiquated, generally wrong, and he acts like he could do better than current coach or GM. I totally get why NBC canned him. WEEI should find someone better for these interviews.

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