@Boston Bruins

Where do the Bruins Go From Here? | Bruins Beat

Where do the Bruins Go From Here? | Bruins Beat

and then I agree with you on duah I don’t think that that is the move um and if again it should be a perfect fit well like if the guy’s gonna be freaking miserable in La after shooting himself out of two other franchises I don’t know what to do then [ __ ] off go play Junior Hockey somewhere go go to Europe then exactly well the other thing is like if you’re not gonna laugh so frustrating I I get pissed off thinking of p d because like the guy just is miserable everywhere he goes and now I’m miserable thanks Pierre now we’re now we’re miserable [Music] and welcome into the Bruins beat presented by prize pick in game time go use that promo code at prize pick clns to get up to $100 matched on that first deposit and go to game time use promo code clns to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply I’m Evan marowski that’s Conor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great it is our first podcast of the off season the off season and it’s feels weird to say it’s done we’re done and it’s also kind of weird because some people consider this the start of the next season so like technically now it’s the start of the 2425 season and I I just I can’t wrap my brain around that I’m still like I was at the mass hockey Festival this weekend and the whole thing is like oh this is the official start of the 2425 season and I’m like it shouldn’t be like this is the end of 2324 but um anyways how are you doing what do you got going on anything cool this weekend yeah I went to a uh a wedding down in Raleigh North Carolina on Saturday so I had a pretty uh hectic schedule I the breu season ends Friday night um get a nice two hours of sleep catch a 7 a.m. flight down to Raleigh um uh that morning so all worked out it was a fantastic wedding um but yeah I you look at how that schedule went if it was Bruins Panthers game seven I would have gone from Boston down to Raleigh down to a early morning flight on Sunday to uh go to Sunrise would have been a good good problem to have but alas BR season ends on Friday but uh it opens the door to what I think is going to be a fascinating offseason do you agree Evan I agree and we say this every year it’s a fascinating off season but I think this one guys this one’s really fascinating is this one it’s not and even looking back at last year right like last year was fascinating because we didn’t know what berson and Cree were going to do we didn’t know like we thought they were definitely resigning Tyler brusi that was one thing we thought like all right that’s going to be a priority for them they’re going to want to do that they’re going to do that and instead it turned into let’s take that very small cap space and turn it into to you know multiple depth players which they did and for the most part it worked out I mean obviously there were some guys in there that that didn’t pan out for different reasons um but uh for the most part you know geeky oquist shaton Kirk uh am I forgetting anybody Heinen there definitely others I might be forgetting James jvr yeah yeah like worked out um this season this offseason though I got a lot of money to spend and before we get into that I just want to say thank you to everybody usually we say the thank yous at the end uh this I thought about this Connor before we started recording uh you and I started doing these consistently in the 201920 season which feels like it was yesterday but is lowkey five seasons ago you and I have been doing podcasts together for five full seasons now um so first of all thank you Connor for always doing these and thank you to the listeners for being so kind always listening so yes and thank you Evan for all of your your great work uh whether it be at a high school rink at the Bruins wherever you go I know everyone sings your praises and deservedly so because you do a great job and everything you do and to Echo what you said um to all of our fans who listen uh for us the opportunity to talk about hockey for a living and talk about the Bruins and talk about our offseason predictions which will probably be woefully incorrect but it’s still fun to at this stage at this stage of the off season um it’s something we don’t take for granted we have a great time doing it and it wouldn’t be possible without everyone listening in uh week in and week out so yes as as Evan says thank you all for listening every step of the way yeah it really wouldn’t be possible and it is one of those things that we are both blessed to be able to do and to you also for the great work you’ve did you did this year uh with and the globe um phenomenal Bruins coverage and in past years I mean you you’re a star you’ve kicked ass and it just kind of continues to get better and better every year and it’s been an honor to be uh on this uh on this trip with you um this offseason though a lot of money to spend but F I want to start with at a different spot just kind of our final thoughts on the season as a whole um you know I know there’s you talked about this and you obviously had that poke the bear the other night at like 3 in the morning after the Friday game uh oh my God you must been Delirious uh in a full suit yes did know uh how I was stringing sentences together I was checking my phone half the time and I had like the reserved Uber ride to Logan Airport that was like popping up which is always like it’s booked get ready and it was like 3:00 a.m. like I’m gonna have absolutely no sleep between now and then but powered through but yes uh I think was able to hit on a few points that I’m sure we’re going to talk about now about just how to I think maybe view this Bruin season as a whole and and you’re 100% uh correct on that and I think to view the my view of this Brun season is yes there were missed opportunities in that second round against Florida we’ve talked about that a lot um there were missed opportunities in game six game four um as a whole good season and I know that that’s boring I know that’s you know people want us to come on and be like blow it up trade Charlie McAvoy trade David poock the team needs to be gutted it doesn’t it doesn’t um this was supposed to be kind of a transition year first year post berson first year post Cree returning um you lost Hall you lost bruzi you lost orloff and you were in first place basically all year you finish in second you win around against the Leafs and you put up a fight against a much better Panthers team the better team won like I I and I think in terms of guys who like Mason lowai Jeremy Swan you know now those two guys are legit this goes back aways I we got injured but Matt ptra you know that now all right this is not just a prospect this is a guy who could potentially be a top six center someday in the NHL you know and I think even at 19 the fact he was able to come in and do what he did was impressive and so I think as a whole I like the season what about you yeah I agree I mean I think if you looked at where Bruins phants were maybe in like July let’s say like after like they don’t resign Tyler bzi and he goes to the maple check in like back at that point and if you told Bruins fans back then that the Bruins were going to go to the second round fight back against a better Florida Panthers team and again like there you could talk about game four you know game four and the goenda inference and those kinds of things but like at the end of the day the better team won you can do the should have Coulda Woulda any series when you’re the team that comes up short um but if you said that that this team was going to be in first place all year as you said um get past the Leafs have an instant classic game seven that again like doesn’t lead to a a championship run but like that post not goal is going to be on a lot of highlight reels moving forward in ter of people looking back at that game um and again you look at just that everyone was expecting it to be a bridge year it was in terms of just the the cap uh Crunch and what this team had uh you know limited wise in terms of resources and spending power and to you know be in contention have a fun run that people were buying into um to have younger players step up and develop it’s not like how you know we’ve mentioned this before but every offseason we’re like is this the year where Fabian lysel and Mer will have step into M you know top six roles that’d be great it’s like you don’t have to have those kind of like wild projections you’ll take it if it’s a guy like Mary love or someone who has good camp but now you have guys like lorai and ptra and even like you know a beeer and a brazzo who you know gained valuable experience and now they’re not like these Fringe players are like oh could these guys make the team like you’re going to next year expecting lorai to be a possible top four guy uh you’re expecting even like beer and brezo like you’ve got two guys that should be locked in in bottom six roles that should continue to grow moving forward even ptra who has a full year of experience now in terms of what to expect at the NHL level still just 20 years old um and that’s a a really useful asset to have moving forward so if you’re a brunes fan you look back at where you were in July and where you are right now I think there’s a lot to be excited about just how the went and I think what you’ve seen Evan is again as season ends everyone’s bummed out everyone wishes they could have gone further as the case every single year but it does feel like a lot of like the initial you know shock and sadness that comes with every team when their season ends wore off pretty quickly and I think people are like oh we’re in a good spot all of a sudden the Bruns have a lot of money to spend they’ve got a good foundation they’ve got younger guys on cheap deals that should continue to grow and develop and all a sudden they now have at least 20 million could be a lot more uh this offseason to spend an add to this team and address what are some pretty obvious flaws that you know they have the means to do so so I I just think if you look at where the Bruins are and even like looking at the last two years right like they losing Carolina and you’re like [ __ ] is this berson’s last year is this window closed you look at last year like [ __ ] is this berson and C’s last year is the window closed and now you’re like ah damn wow we got a lot of caps face like this team this team showed us something and we’re we have the means to get better I think if you’re brunes you should be excited and again we’ll see check in in September to see how they allocated that money and who’s available and whatnot but I think you look at where the Bruins are we mentioned this with like teams that are in a cons state of rebuild like Detroit or Buffalo what have you where the Bruins are pushing a good Florida team to to game six and then have all this money to spend now whole lot of teams would love to be in your position going into this uh going into this summer I I I go back to this with this team like and you mentioned like the last two years and I feel like especially at the end of 2122 it was very much like all right this window is definitely closed this team probably is headed for a couple down years don’t really know what they’re you know you know you have makoy and posto but goenda guy is omark like what do you do there they tried to bring Ras back was no that was was did they try to bring Ras back in 2122 2122 yes it was it was that year cuz he had the surgery um and then even at the end of last year it’s like holy crap how do you recover from this now granted obviously if they lost and blown that 31 lead to Toronto we’d be singing a much different tune of like holy crap they need to figure something out but I I I go back to like they’re on the up they’re on the upward trajectory and I think that’s an impressive thing I think they as you said they have the core pieces you have an elite 50 goal caliber Winger and David poster franchise player you have a franchise defens with makavo I know he didn’t have the best playoff run but the basis of of you know you’re not trading him because of that like the basis of makoy of being a top 10 defenseman in the NHL like that’s what you need and that’s what you have if you trade him what like what are you gonna do back there what’s the what is the the motive like so that’s that’s another part of it too so I think they’re in a good spot and then now you know Jeremy Swan’s the guy like now you know damn well and we’re going to talk about what to do in the off season I think we can just hit it on it now like they’re going to give Swan a fat check they’re gonna get that man’s gonna get paid no more no more arbitration I don’t think no no more arbit if he was on the Red Sox though he’d be dealt he’ be dealt like tomorrow um be gone Get Ready Get Ready To Know Cincinnati Reds buddy get ready to learn Kansas City Royals pal um but I want to get into the off season I want to get into what they need to do because there are as as much of an upward trajectory as they are on part of that hinge is on making the Right Moves this offseason U because there are some big holes we’ll get to that in a sec though quick word from our friends over at prize picks quick break in the action to tell you about my good friends over at prize piics prize picks is the best way to get action on Sports in more than 30 States across the country including California Texas and Georgia want to play alongside some of prize pick’s favorite players like Meek Mill and sugar Shan Ali you can now find Community plays under the promos tab of the app to view entries from some of the biggest names in the prize piix Community each week and prize piix even offers injury insurance so that your entries stay in play even if one of your players gets injured for basketball games if you have a player who exits the game in the first half and does not return in the second prize pick will have your back 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um at breakup Day on Sunday you know mentioning hey I know I I wasn’t playing because the guy next to me was like the best goalie in the playoffs at least he realizes that um he mentions he wants to have a revenge tour here I don’t know if he’s I don’t know if he’s 100% on that just given that if he stays here like what how much are you playing he’s do a new contract next year so I or the year after next so I would think that you would want to maximize your value playing 50 55 games I don’t know if that’s happening here um I think om Mark has to be dealt when you get the cap space out of it what do you think yeah no I agree and it’s not a knock against omark and how he’s handled things and how much he’s helped out swming I think he you know if this is his last year he’s left a great legacy over three years in terms of winning a vzna being a supportive teammate to swing and helping him along um listen he’s a pro athlete even mentioned like it’s tough sitting on the sidelines right where you know sitting on the bench when you’re playing at a high level and he only played one game and lost it but like defense was terrible in front of him that game and Matthews took over like not going to fault him he wasn’t a detriment to this team in the slightest so no but it is but it is a business um if you’re the Bruins and you just look at your cap situation and the fact that you have to pay San deservedly so you just can’t have you know you know 13 million allocated to the go tending position when one of your two guys is going to be on the bench in every single game right that just you just can’t have it like that um so yeah it again it comes down to uh finding the right trade partner for him navigating that that uh no trade list that he has which I believe goes down to 15 teams this upcoming year um and seeing what you get out of them what will the price be I have no idea I always feel to to hinge more on the side of like uh pessimism in terms of what you’re really going to get like maybe it is just a draft pick um it’s going to be so underwhelming again in in a perfect world you get like an impact player with term or something like that right like you know people mention like New Jersey and you got like Dawson Mercer who’s you know a young controllable asset who could be a guy that can add some scoring that makes sense I know like a couple people have mentioned on Twitter I know uh like even Ty Anderson has mentioned it like Marty NIS right with Carolina who’s his rights are going to be up and he’s do a new contract if you’re able to flip that that is a top six center yeah that is a guy that if you’re looking at again like and if you’re the brues and you have to be creative this offseason and you’re able to add a guy like him even though you’re the one signing to a long a long-term deal but you got the money for it like that would be fantastic again maybe it is just uh an insert player here and like a second round pick or maybe just a first round pick which is helpful right like you’ll take that and the biggest priority right is pring up the cap space to use elsewhere like if you’re able to get a controllable asset on top of it it’s a cherry on top but you know moving omark carving out a path for Swan and most importantly freeing up that cap space so you have you know maybe 27 million available I think that can go a long way and again you got to be smart with it too like is he moving you know I don’t know if he would go back to LA or something like that because that was a rumored deal but like I want nothing to do with P Luke deis even if there’s money retained I don’t want anything with that again a guy that if you got [ __ ] together would be a perfect Bruin 64 center physical great player he’s been a dog everywhere he’s been I I don’t think the Brun should go anywhere near a guy like P Luke DUIs but again going off subject a little bit but at the end of the day it comes down to moving ol Mark freeing up that cast face and any asset you can get back will help you in that regard oh NES would be great imagine a zaka Nas uh posto just all checkline is back cook it would cook man it would cook it would SA posto that line would be good move everybody back a bit 25 years old I think right he may not even be 25 man that would be Peak and maybe again maybe a team like Carolina does it Carolina’s window is open right now and it’s it hinges on a goalie and maybe that’s that’s the move they they want you know like they I know they have Freddy Anderson and and you know that’s been okay um but I think omark would help them greatly and then New Jersey obviously needs a goalie they were kind of a franchise that had a huge step back this year a little bit in turmoil Tom fer lost his mind when no one would just give him a free goalie the deadline that’s right like we’re being extorted I’m like maybe you should have a [ __ ] goalie on your team that would to the season that might help um so I don’t know I mean again like I think you know you mentioned like freeing up cap anark trade would be great for that and I think Carolina has their first second and third round picks uh in this upcoming draft like I you know I agree with you I would want like if it could be like a Marty nus Omar flip like I am all for it or just the rights to the player it’s not like it’s like you’re giving up Marty nus with two years at three million or something like that like if you’re just doing pure player rights for a player like that if you’re not going to sign him which I don’t know how Carolina’s going to make all the money work like you’re going to have to proba part ways with guys could be an option unless Carolina just does does not want to help the Bruins giving them a top TI centerman well that’s true and but what I mean is like that’s I that’s best case scenario but even if it is a first or a player in a second like I’m for that I’m still for it they need draft Capital like I’ve said this since last off season like you need to make picks you need to replenish the prospect pool like I’ve mentioned before like Colorado and it kind of sounds like omark wants to stay in the East but he would still compete in Colorado and my guess is he would have a very good season with the AVS and boost his stock even more for a contract going forward um and I think omark’s interesting case because usually when guys hit free agency their teams kind of don’t want them because they’re okay you know but he’s an interesting case where like if San was not as good as he was they would just resign Omar they would sign Omar to and Omar would have played the majority of games this year and all that stuff uh but swayman has emerged and been everything and more and so it’s time to move on so I think omark is a legitimate number one starting goalie potential top 10 guy in the NHL um but again if you know Colorado has a first I wouldn’t be angry if that was the return Burns picking in the first round again I’m okay with that and you get the the full five million in cap whereas like you know with nus they could end up canceling each other out or n makes more money so then that’s you know but that does solidify a need um but yeah it’s unfortunate Lena Sark was a great Bruin long live the goalie hugs but uh it’s it’s time to unfortunately move on for for Lena business it is a business whenever a player mentions it’s a business you know it is over uh for that player in that particular area um I want to get into the other big focal points of the offseason but first a quick word from our friends over at game time quick break to tell you about my good friends over at game time I am very excited about the NBA playoffs and what’s awesome is here in Boston Celtics fans make TD Garden the best at atmosphere for a playoff game game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace at the NBA which makes playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the tip off with killer last minute 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last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed now back to the show and so this offseason uh trading old Marcus a part of it we touched on it a little bit uh talking about like NIS and pl DUIs but this team needs a number one Center I think that became very obvious in both series um you know Charlie Coyle is a great shutdown guy I don’t know if you can count on him to produce all the time uh Morgan geeki ended up being your number one Center and you know Pavo zaka had a pretty tough postseason run uh looks like he might be better suited on the wing going forward a number one Center has got to be the number one focus of this off season yeah uh without a doubt I think not only the fact that you just need more of a scoring punch up front which a top six center would provide but um if you’re able to get a guy that helps you in faceoffs uh and I I think just the domino effect of pushing guys further down the lineup and it it stinks that you know I think guys like zaka and Co you know are getting a lot of criticism and deservedly so for guys who were so good in the regular season just couldn’t carry it over but they you know these are still very good players that if they’re putting a a spot you know maybe further down the lineup or if it’s Zak’s case push to the wing um their value should I think really continue to to Skyrocket I think for this team like I I look at whoever it is if you’re able to land a top six center through free agency or trade and you’re able to push like a guy like Coyle down to a third line with Trent Frederick and Morgan geeky a lot to like about that kind of third line right like that’s all of a sudden it’s again it’s it’s like when Cree came back last year and the piece has fall into place as to what guys are you know where they’re best suited so um I agree I think top six center has to be the top priority there in terms of outside help and what you need to get um just remains to we’ve seen how they do it I think people look at uh le lindol as the obvious candidate I know there’s some polarizing opinions on him as to whether he’s worth the money I’m curious to see what his contract is going to be um it’s he a guy that’s going to be a 40 goal scorer 85 90 point guy like he did that one year in Calgary where just everyone went off I don’t think so but if he can give you 65 plus points um great defensively great in faceoffs and does those things and again the domino effect of pushing guys further down the lineup that makes a lot of sense that being said he’s the he’s the top option out there so a lot of teams will be going after him I feel like we could very much have a a podcast Evan in early or mid July where we’re like well lindol signed for nine and a half million Bruins weren’t going to match that but what’s next right like that very well could be the case right um I I could totally see it and then after that it kind of drops off a bit like you know you’ve got Stam Co who I I love Sten Stam CO as like a veteran signing I don’t know I don’t know if he’s gonna leave Tampa I don’t know what that contract will be he like stampco just reminds me of like if you can’t get a lindol and you’re just looking for a short shortterm option there’s a lot to like about veteran guy a guy that still produces can help on your power play kind of reminds me a little bit of like when Dallas signed Joe pavelski a few years ago and I was like B is still good but I don’t know if you want giving him that contract oh oh he’s still really [ __ ] good this boy producing yeah so that could be an option as well then you got like again Chandler Stevenson who I really like as a player but I don’t know that’s just kind of more of the same of what you have of like a really good 2C 3C that you can Elevate him if need be but I don’t know if you want to bring a guy like that to the mix uh with that kind of money so then it becomes like do you get creative is it a guy like Marty NIS are you if you’re the Bruins do you again look at plld as an option which I I still just don’t want anything to do with that but um the brons I think will have to be creative because it’s the most glaring obvious thing and you can look at more scoring punch you can look at Talent on the wings and all that um but if you don’t have a center that can push other guys further down the line up it it just feels like things don’t exactly fall into place if you run it back with zaka and and coy and you add another scoring Winger you know like a Tuli or something that absolutely helps right and maybe that pushes you over the the top a little bit but having a center I think is just what you need to make the rest of your lineup really Elevate around whoever you bring in and you need to drive play are you saying you mentioned coil on third line are you mentioning keeping zaka at Center is 2C yeah so again if you want to push one of those guys down like and if it’s Coy who I think is better suited for that kind of role then I think that could all a sudden make your third line even more dangerous there so again like I I like coil on or not Coy zaka on the wing but if you got to pick and choose which one of those guys to push down I think Coyle fits more with what you’re looking for in that third line so oh yeah no Coyle is more of a third line guy than zaka for sure I think I just I like with the landscape of guys out there I would love for them to roll in next year with zaka posto we can talk about debrusk in a second um and marshand on the wings and then you have you go out and number one Center and then potentially have Coyle as your uh second line Center a lot in part because you have so I think you have a lot of guys on that third line who are gonna be buying for that third line center rle right like ptra does he does is he in Providence next year Morgan geeki as a prime candidate Trent Frederick so like you have those guys I think Coyle’s kind of elevated past that whereas I agree he would totally be a great third line Center like you know he’s that’s if he’s your third line Center you’re like a Sure Fire Stanley Cup Contender um but to kind of hit on the point you made about like Chandler Stevenson like Coyle put up 60 points this year zaka put up 59 I don’t want another one of those like borderline Top Line centers which is like where Stevenson goes into um lindol is an interesting one because he is 30 so like you’re handing a long-term deal to someone at 30 that’s not always like the smartest move but as you said good on draws this team needs that good defensively this team needs that um higher Point ceiling I think than both zaka and Coyle um you know does he fit well with a guy like posto that remains to be seen um and so I think it’s an interesting option and then I agree with you on dub I don’t think that that is the move um and if like again it it should be a perfect fit well like if the guy’s gonna be freaking miserable in La after shooting himself out of two other franchises and I don’t know what to do then [ __ ] off go play Junior Hockey where go go to Europe exactly well the other thing is like if you’re not going to laugh so frustrating I I get pissed off thinking of P duah because like the guy just is miserable everywhere he goes now I’m miserable thanks Pierre now we’re now we’re miserable um and the other part is like he has so many tools 64 big physical skilled like all that stuff it’s like you’ve got it you know like it I I see so many prospects uh kids who have heart and all that stuff and when when people have the tools but don’t have the heart I always get really annoyed so I’m with you now I’m miserable too um thanks Pierre exactly thanks Pierre Pier Luke not Pierre Maguire no Pier we Pier McGuire is great um he is the Pierre he Pierre McGuire is the Pierre I think we’ve we’ve established um and LeBron um other names for number one Center I mean obviously like Lind Holm mentioned nus um Stam Coast I oh idea of stepen stampco here would rock that would rock um and if he did play the wing I feel like that’s like sort of a Jerome ainet type signing where it’s like you’re getting him um uh obviously it’ll be it would be longer term would not be one year uh but a guy who can come in and Veteran presence he’s one two cups would help out um outside of that I mean I think a trade like the Bruins are the king of making these trades for players you didn’t see coming so like that also wouldn’t shock me like if we were doing like odds on it you know the favorite would be Lind Holm but then after that I think it gets kind of uh wishy-washy but they have to do something they they have to I don’t think like you mentioned like running it back with Coy and zaka and then like if you went out and got like a gensel or someone like that like that’s great but you need some Center Iceman or you need at least one um for sure I mentioned Jake debrusk and going into the playoffs I was pretty against bringing him back I wanted them to move on he’s too inconsistent and I think he obviously had a pretty good postseason run he led the team in points like that’s no small feat um but I also think it’s sort of that like you know seeing how much cap they have if they got him on like at you know five to five and a half million per I’m okay with that because you know you’re going to at least get like 40 points out of him you know he kills penalties he works hard I’m okay with that like the ceiling is you take the the floor you take and the ceiling okay this guy could potentially put up you know 60 points 30 goals whereas like you know you look back at like Matt boleski uh guys like that that you signed as Wingers like maybe the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t because you also could maybe go out and get another Winger too like I don’t think it’s de Brusque or nothing like I I I I’m okay with resigning to brisque what about you yeah I agree I I just think that you’re making more headaches for yourself if you just let him walk away and again it comes down to what the contract is if he’s like his agent’s like I can get six and a half million on the open market like all right man like God speed I guess but ideally I think you bring him back right because we’ve talked about this before even when we were discussing like trade rumors involving him where it’s you know he’s already got a very high floor in terms of what he can do he’s not a detriment to your defense game or he’s not freelancing or anything like that it’s not like a brzi situation where you’re like all right he’s producing but we’s this down the other end of the ice dude’s passing to the other team in his own Zone yeah like you’re not you’re not getting that from De Brusque um again the Flor is a 40-point guy that when he’s healthy and things are right could be a you know we’re always talking about that inevitable 30 goal season maybe he’s just 25 goals but 4550 points for what he brings you’ll take that but I think especially the the the issu is you let him walk you’re just one that’s another hole you have to fill with a guy that again see where that fits this guy is available I don’t think the Bruins are going to be in the mix for a guy like gensel or Reinhardt who are gonna be making you know nine nine and a half 10 million like Reinhard might get 10 million by some team they’re desperate enough right that will happen that that’ll be like it won’t I mean he’s a great player he’s great defensively like he’s a very Reinhardt is an awesome awesome player just I don’t think the Bruins is going to be the team that’s um going to be poning up that much money to get him but D brus what he brings in terms of yeah his two-way game his Baseline numbers would you expect to be around 20 goals 40 points can’t have more if you know he was dealing with a broken hand this year um can contribute on the PK on the power play and I think you even notice like in the playoffs one thing that I think the Bruins Can’t Let Go in terms of their their talent up front is speed and I think you’re seeing right like if there’s one thing that every team’s different about how they assemble their team for the Stanley Cup team that are successful but I think the two Trends you see quite a bit size on the back end a lot of big defensemen and forwards that can move it’s not like a plotting game and I know people say the ice shrinks in the playoffs deserve you know and that makes total sense but when you have a guy like the Pres who can you know generate off the rush but even just like just having that speed to get to lose pucks win Puck battles like and extend ozone time and all of a sudden you recover a puck the defense is under duress the structure kind of breaks a little bit all a sudden the guys uh you know at in great AI like I just like you look at what de bruss brings in terms of that speed and how much that’s coveted in the playoffs you know even if you replace him with a guy like I don’t know bruzi who’s not as fast or like tley who’s a good goal scorer but doesn’t have that gear I think you’re you’re limiting yourself from a a a part of the game that I think teams really covet especially in the playoffs right like it’s it’s physical its size that’s kind of been the name of the game in the playoffs but speed is especially up front is something that can when ice shrinks and you have a guy that can win a puck can put teams under duress um that is that comes in handy in the playoffs and you’ve seen it Bas on the way he’s just has uh you know become a consistent goal scorer a consistent Point producer in the playoffs as well so I just think what he brings as a whole package if you’re the brones you have to do everything you can to to sign him unless the deal becomes crazy if it’s six six and a half seven great run but I don’t think they’re going to Pony up that kind of money to keep him I agree with you I think it’s got to be within a certain budget but you know what you’re getting and and and you’ve had players in the past who don’t produce in the playoffs he’s a guy who consistently seems to and he plays a 200 foot game you know he’s gonna he likes it here he’s expressed that multiple times now you keep him you keep him and there’s the other end of it where it’s like that’s the one 2015 first round pick that they hit on and I don’t think they’re going to be like dying for 10 years later to have none of those guys in the system so there’s also that so I’m Pro resigning de Brusque I think they should do it I think they’ll be better off next year uh from doing it and it kind of goes back to like the bki thing right where it’s like you know you go out and you get a I’m looking at the free agent list like a mantha or a bruzi terrain’s kind of feel like outside that price range um or like a teras Sano or TFI and those are nice pieces but for what de brus can do and what he’s able to do I think you you keep the guy you have um it’s interesting because you know it’ll be interesting to see how the money Works um you know you don’t want to go too crazy with it you do want to leave yourself a little bit of cap space but I do wonder if they’re able to do a number one Center resign de Brusque sign swayan and then maybe have a little bit room for another potent Winger like I’m I’m curious what like T foi gets it’s not going to be cheap uh but I do Wonder like what what he gets because like if you if you did somehow and I I don’t have the money working in front of me but if you did have a top six let’s just say even like Lind ellias lindol is your number one center with you know zaka and posto and then you had you know marshan coil de Brusque and then to F Le’s like on your third line or something like that that’s good scoring depth now MoneyWise I don’t know if you can make that work but it’s a cool idea I you know and I think that there is there are enough Wingers out there who are interesting that maybe you could pull something off like that you don’t need any more bottom like true bottom six guys like I Tyler Toole is not a bottom six guy that’s just kind of to point out like hey if if you did sign him he probably would be on your third line um but like you don’t need to go out and add you know like van reik can probably go I don’t think that that is someone that you have to keep um anyone like on this group of ufas the Bruins have like grizzli Heinen maroon um shaton Kirk is there anyone that you would be inclined to keep I just don’t see it realistic for a lot of those guys to be back in terms of the brues you know as far as who they can bring in um and you know maybe more affordable guys internally on the roster like I’m always a big grizzli fan but the writing’s on the wall there right in terms of lorise elevation you got weather spoon um they you know you can make the case they could add another like set third pairing left shot guy if the money’s there as well so I think maybe one guy I look at maybe is like Maroon if he’s available on a short term incentive Laden contract I think that guy brings value you kind of need one of those veteran guys who will get the ducks in a row uh and you know has been there before I didn’t hate what he brings especially off the ice just depends on just what the money is going to be there right yeah and is he going to be taking reps away from younger guys on that fourth line right um so I mean again I think they’re in a good spot they’ve just now you’ve got to perform now you’ve got to um improve the team because number one Center top six Wing you know and then I think there’s also like the element of they could use another left shot defenseman but I don’t think it’s a priority I’ve mentioned before like if you could get a veteran guy to pair with makoy for next year so then lowai can kind of have an easier Runway as hey you’ll be the third pairing guy with Peak if you perform great and continue to flourish we’ll move you up we’ll move that guy down but again their bigger needs if they don’t do that I’m okay with it um in a perfect world wild spoons your seventh defenseman and kind of a fill in um you know again I I I think they usually get creative with who they sign as left shot defenseman um they always again pick someone that we’re not looking at um but I think the priorities are trade all Mark number one Center and then a top six Wing or two like I I that to me is and signing Swan that would be that would be a good thing and again if they Trade Mark and don’t have and don’t and just get back draft Capital they’ll have 27.5 million in cap or they’re projected to at least so yeah it’s a lot of money to spend do you have any like outside the box ideas on what they might do do you have anything that we haven’t covered in this that you could see them doing yeah I mean like the NS one is really appealing but I’ll probably I I’ll cook up a few more ones EV but we got a long offseason to go so I was going to say I don’t want to I don’t want to waste all the ammo today my we got a long ways to go man it a long time long time we got like a month and a half for free agency and all that fun stuff and we got about a month until the draft um so yeah that’s that season’s over offseason is now in full swing um and now we got you know Panthers Rangers and we were doing this before game seven of kak Oilers that’ll be interesting to see and uh but yeah so anyway Connor what can the people forward to from you in this offseason over at Boston Globe and yeah we we’ll have you covered every step of the way this off season uh I’m almost said whether it be Recaps features no we won’t have game recaps in the offseason no there’s gonna be some game recaps there gonna be some game recaps but uh whether it’s you know trade rumors free agency uh roster building all that stuff throughout the offseason we’ll have you covered over at in the globe so you can read my stuff there you want to follow me on Twitter you can Conor Ryan 93 go do all all that again thank you for everything this season Connor Thank you for everything this season great listeners and viewers we’re presented by prize piix and game time that’s Conor Ryan I’m F marinovsky you Bruins me listeners have a great rest of your week [Music] [Music]

After the Bruins’ season came to an end after Game 6 of their series with the Florida Panthers, Evan Marinofsky and Conor Ryan take a look back at the centennial season. They also take an early look at what the B’s could do in, what should be, a busy offseason. That, and much more!


– How we view the season

– Perspective is key

– It’s time to trade Linus Ullmark

– A No. 1 center is a priority

– Making sense of Jake DeBrusk

– Other top six wingers?

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  1. Sell the team get 7th round picks and Marner for pasta trade swayman for PLD and trade Ullmark to the panthers

  2. We have 20 mil in cap space next season. Best bet would be to obviously resign swayman duh. Trade Ullmark for a late 1st round pick, resign debrusk, and go crazy on the free agency market. This was a so called bridge year trust.

  3. Jettison Zacha. He's too soft when the going gets tough. Unfortunately $4.75 per is a hefty contract for him.

  4. are you kidding me with Debrusk? Get his ass out of here tomorrow!! So, you want to give him a raise for scoring a few goals in the playoffs? I would take Bertuzzi in a second over him

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