@Boston Bruins

Marchand injured by Bennett – this was a head shot (with commentary)

Marchand injured by Bennett – this was a head shot (with commentary)

Brad Marchand was injured on this contact with Sam Bennett. It’s listed as an upper body injury, and I’m almost certain it’s a head injury.

Tough Call
Tough Call Review
Brad Marchand
Sam Bennett


  1. Karma is a bitch – Marchand is about the dirtiest cheap shot taking trash talking POS in the NHL . Punk ran into a guy who's a foot taller than him boo hoo

  2. Could not happen to a better guy, Marchand is a little bitch always backstabbing behing the play. Good on you Bennett, too bad you couldnt have got in a left hook to as he was falling.

  3. Marchand is a rat. I was a huge fan of his when the Bruins played the Leafs, because I hate the Leafs more than anything else. Marchand was useful to me in that series, much like a used condom or maxi-pad is. When its usefulness is over, you get rid of it. Marchand's usefulness was over as soon as the Leafs lost that series. As a Blackhawks fan, I don't want the Bruins to win another Stanley Cup because both Original Six teams are tied at 6 each. That is the real reason btw lol.

  4. Couldn't have happened to a better person better be a clean hit on the dirtiest player in the nhl.. Brad should've been ejected from the mhl years ago anyways

  5. Full disclosure here Marshawn is a complete douchebag and so is bennet. But that was definitely a headshot and Bennett should have got a suspension no question.

  6. ah the ole duncan keith trick … swing your stick into the other guys face and say you didnt mean it …. even more despicable, the bruins allow their best players to be targeted by the florida goons and do nothing about it

  7. The league is thinking " At least the kids didnt see it." Lol. Gotta Sneaky little wimp sport going now. No consequences

  8. Yeah marchand taking a run at bennet and gets out scumbagged, if marchand landed that late hit and injured bennet bruins fans wouldnt be saying shit

  9. Everything you say is right except there is no way Bennett hit him in the face initially. That is happening way too fast for that to be initial. He was just trying to avoid the hit and things happen at that speed when players are making hits. SUCK IT BRUINS. They never get beat, it's always someone has cheated them. Freakin' crybabies!

  10. I am not going to say Marchand was deserving of the hit, but how many times has Marchand's on ice antics has created palpable hate among his opponents towards Marchand? Sometimes Karma comes back to bite a player such as Marchand. Cause and effect is a beotch!

  11. Florida has scored 3 goals, in games 2 and 3 because Marchand was too busy trying to finish the hit instead of playing the puck. Lesson hopefully learned but probably not 🤷🏿‍♂️

  12. For the record, Marchand was looking to take out Bennett. Marchand was initiating contact on Bennett who had released the pass and the puck was away long enough for Bennett to see the hit coming, get his hands up and protect himself. It may be roughing by Bennett but he was the one receiving the hit. It is as much a late hit call on Marchand as it is roughing on Bennett's however this is NHL playoff hockey.

  13. Marchand is a rat. Hes undercuts players, uses slew foots, takes out knees and the league never penalizes/punishes him. It's about time someone did a rat move on him nice job, Bennett!!! If Marchand plays again in this series, I hope Bennett connects with a left fist, too.

  14. Nevermind what the Dept. Of Player Safety has to say… how does the players union allow those assaults happen. They should be the most furious. Nothing about that is a hockey play.

  15. Bro, you are a moron for your opinion on this hit. Totally clean….Marchand is coming in and initiates contact with Bennett….Lol, you ever watch hockey dude??? smh

  16. This might be a Jaw Fx. Regarding the usual dissing of Marchand here; if you had him on your team, you'd love him. Marchand is a very complete player, and was the points leader in the playoffs with ten (10), btw. Just sayin'… 🏒🏒🏒

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