@Boston Bruins

What Will Bruins Offseason Look Like? | Pucks with Haggs

What Will Bruins Offseason Look Like? | Pucks with Haggs

um and that’s why I think somebody’s going to pay him if the Bruins don’t like somebody sees the playoff performances somebody sees the skill and the ability that he has and somebody’s gonna give him a lot of money um dupes your thoughts on Jake de brasque well you’ve both convinced me five years at 9 million hey if you’re going to go five years you’re definitely going to have to pay more in uh for year right exactly exactly welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast powered by prize pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network this is I believe the 92nd episode of the pucks with hags podcast we’ve got the Boston Globes Kevin Paul Dupont the Boston Herold Steve Conroy with us to you know kick the Bruins dead body around a little bit we’ll have an autopsy you know go over what happened with this season uh where things went wrong in the playoffs and and what the offseason looks like uh ahead of of us uh we doing recording this podcast the day before we uh talked to Bruin’s management and the coaching staff and all that stuff so um I want to get to first to our uh sponsors let’s thank them prize picks the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports instead of Bing thousands of other players that could be Pros or sharks simply pick more than less than on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll right in it’s fun and pretty simple download the prize picks app today use the code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 that’s download the prize pick app today and use the code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 uh I also want to thank game time our new uh sponsor uh that is if you’re looking for it on the web or you can download the game time app um it is uh a place where you can get your NBA Playoff tickets uh last minute tickets Flash Deals Zone deals all that kinds of good stuff save up to 60% off buying last minute for 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convincing win by Florida yeah yeah we can have a a lot of chatter around the the disputed goal which I still find hard to believe that that was ruled not go tender interference um and you know yes the margins are thin but I think by and large the better team won in the end they were touch and go to beat Toronto and we we know Toronto’s got its many fo foibles uh so I don’t I don’t think contrary to a lot of at least a lot of the players and you never know what they’re saying and what they’re really thinking but they think they’re really close they think they’re right there I don’t and I think Sweeney and Neely have a lot of work to do this summer and I also think a lot of fans think it’s just as easy to go out and buy a couple of players plug them in and everything is great it’s not that easy but that that’s where I am with it I I I enjoyed it I always enjoy it uh I don’t know if I’d enjoy it as the paying customer to see how it ended yeah I I mean obviously with the free agency stuff and we’ll get to that it’s not like you’re saying it’s not as easy as just you have cash you have cap space and you bring in Impact players all over the place that are right fits I mean just look at David bakus look at Matt boleski look at some of the big ticket um free agency signings that Don Sweeney’s had during his time running the Bruins and those have not always been hits like he’s done really good with the smaller money guys and under the radar signings and the trades have been good the signing those guys to extensions the one place where they haven’t always hit is is in free agency with they’ve had a lot of money so that is going to be a challenge that they’re going to face uh in the off season but I agree with you I think um they hit they hit they hit their potential like they made a positive step from last year just getting a a round win for a lot of the younger guys for this new Core Group this new leadership group this new group of transitioning from David crae Rees perser on the Old Guard to what the new core and the new group is going to be getting a series playoff series win over Toronto getting to the second round losing to a better team having a good regular season I think there was a lot of positive steps here you’re right though when they played Florida when they couldn’t get the puck out of the Zone again when they couldn’t play in the offensive zone when they were getting dominated for the middle part of that series after the first game when clearly Florida was Rusty and they were still riding the momentum of the game seven win over the Toronto Maple Leafs you could see the IMB and the quality of the team the depth of the team all that stuff they were definitely playing a superior team and and really Jeremy Swan was one of the the only things that was keeping them uh alive to game six in that Series so there is definitely work uh to be done no question about it but I don’t think there’s going to be as big a disappointment and I don’t sense as big a disappointment from the players frankly or the fans or anybody as it was last year when they had a loaded team and and they lost in the first round of the Florida Panthers Steve your your overriding thoughts and feelings uh from the end of the season here yeah I mean as a transition year it was a success you know they lost they not only lost Bon and Cree they lost Taylor Hall they lost Nic Molino they lost Demetri Olaf they they lost uh who else there yeah and halfway that’s a that’s a you know a big chunk of your team there and if even if they had replaced those guys with all all stars from all different teams there was still no guarantee that it was that they’re going to make the playoffs and get 109 points you never know how it all comes together and you know Montgomery had his issues in the playoffs you know there a couple of you know questionable decisions but you know he did a pretty good job by and large of of bringing this team together and make it making it a cohesive unit um and you know as you guys have said you know they got beaten by a better team you know they had their chances to make it even a little more competitive you know I thought in game two in Florida you know they could have been up three or four to nothing in the first period and it would this would have been a completely different series um they they missed on you know three or four grade A opportunities which they did in game six and that was the story and that’s that’s what they have to address in the off season they need a Bonafide goal scorer to take some pressure off off David Pak and that’s not to to you know absolve past the ACT he had some some great chances that he just didn’t bury and that’s what he paid $1 million to do uh but they need another guy at least one more guy who who is a legitimate goalscoring threat yeah there’s no doubt um they finished averaging 2.38 goals per game in the playoffs that ranked 12th out of the 16 playoff teams that’s just not going to get it done you know that that again underscores how big Jeremy Swan was in getting them to where they got to uh because they were not scoring um it’s funny though like I I I definitely think they need a score I think you’re right I think they need a wing that can score goals uh a sniper as as dupes would like to say that we need around here they definitely need we need one of those but I think honestly um after watching that Series against Florida and to a degree watching that Series against Toronto too I do as good as zaka and were during the regular season at filling in the vacancies in the top two Center spots I still feel like they have a huge need for a number one Frontline center after watching the playoffs watching barov just absolutely dominate them like just that was a world class Frontline Center on a Stanley Cup contending team that was eating the lunch of the other guys and you need a better Center to combat somebody like that if you want to beat a team like that and I just don’t think Coyle and zaka were good enough they need to be slotted down or or maybe zaka needs to be on the wing they need to figure that out but I think Coyle needs to be slotted down a little bit I think you definitely need to go out and try to find a number one Frontline Center easier said than done but I feel who is that guy and where is he that’s yeah I feel like that is that is a huge priority and a huge need uh going forward as well after watching the faceoff struggles after watching them having a hard time transporting the puck uh from the dzone to the offensive zone like the centers play a huge role in all of that stuff and I think it was very much lacking in the uh this the second round of the playoffs definitely yeah like would you like to have a Sasha Bob on your team of course you would but you know I don’t even think Elias lindome is that guy never mind you know you know anybody else he’s a good he’s a good player right now he’s a third line Center on a team that just got bounced in the second round as well but is he better than zaka and Coyle I guess that’s the question you know like would he allow them to kind of slot down into different because I think you need to find somebody that is better in them can that can allow them to sort of slot into different spots that that’s just you know that’s what I I think I think if you go get another Center that that means you’re moving zacha over to the wing you you I I mean who knows maybe maybe Parra is in Providence next year who knows but y I’d like to see what he can do again after you know a full summer of of weight training and all that so you know they right now they’ve got three centerman uh you know four if you want to count beer um and so if you get if you get another like a like a top six centerman that means you you ship zaka over to the wing I think which is fine I mean I think that’s something they is definitely doable and they could do and you know they they could still have some hybrid thing where you know zaka is playing Center like for defensive responsibilities and you know the other guys taking faceoffs and and you know they seem to play around with that with beer a little bit too and boquist when they’re playing together uh just sort of like having them play to their strengths as far as like playing the center position dupes your thoughts just on where they are as far as the biggest needs you saw and the biggest upgrades they need with all this money that they’re going to have in free agency and what you watched during the playoffs in the regular season oh my Guiding Light here would be they’ve got to play harder and faster uh and under that you know the the subtext there is okay so what makes them play harder and faster it it’s it’s got to be a center with with more Jam uh I I don’t know exactly how what they’ve got really lines up I I you know if we we roll back a year Coyle was an excellent number three Center y he he showed more than I thought he had so good on him yes he did absolutely is he number one Elite Center he’s not not gonna be so I think I think he’s established himself as a number two the number one isn’t there uh you know now you start going down is zaka the number three you know paying him more to you’re paying him more to be the number three I think geeky fills that role real well I like geeky a lot yep I do too and I would try to develop him as my number three and maybe ptra surprises me but I still don’t have that candidate for up top Drive the line set the tone basically be the marshand in the middle right be be the guy who’s got got the presence and and they they clearly lack that uh and and this is n you know this next part of the topic in my mind isn’t necessarily that guy but it does talk to attitude which is out of the 13 playoff games three of them we watched three of them start with either one shot in the first period two shots in the first period or three that’s the Bounty yeah I mean absolutely in my mind unacceptable and and and you know I asked this in the in the in one of the hansum things with Sweeney I said isn’t that preparation and he he immediately went well we’re a low volume team I I did not like that answer at all it doesn’t get much more low volume than an average of of Two Shots we’re quality over quantity I’m like you nobody wants to hear that when it’s three shots in the first yeah there were Monty was a little sensitive of that too on game five that they won where they where they did throw pucks to the net and yeah you know it It produced something yeah and he was a little sensitive like you know when I asked him about you know about shots to the net he said well it wasn’t just shots to the net you know we’ve made smart plays okay yeah and again I think there there’s truth in all of it right because that that’s the beauty of this war you can argue it from one end to the other but but they they do they need more shots they got to get out they got to come out faster they got to come out harder they have to sustain and again that’s that’s very much the formula of Florida and now Florida can flame out here in the third round I don’t know but I I think that’s the model you have to bring if you bring this model again you’re going to fail again because they’re they were too slow to get out they don’t have enough shots you know the old adage of traffic to the net they don’t have that I I did notice on their last power play after going you know they finished one for 20 over their last nine games on the power play they finally had Jake throw it deep to the wall and Chase it on on one of the early power plays in the last game you know what when it’s not working you might not like that method you got to try something else why don’t you go and get the prize pick app prize pick is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports instead of battling thousands of other players that could be 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hang on to the puck too much and that they’re passing too much and that they’re not shooting the puck enough there’s got to be some like perfect marriage or The Sweet Spot to get to where you’re shooting a little bit more I mean Charlie makoy is the guy we always point to and he passes up shots all the time uh in spots where he really needs to shoot the puck but he’s not the only one they’re there’s a lot of those Bruins players that have good shooting Lanes to the net uh could create a rebound shoot wide create action Around the Net and they just don’t do it enough and that’s because I think in part at least that’s what the coaching staff is preaching to them yeah and you know it’s funny you and I’m not absolving this guy of not converting his chances he missed on a lot of chances this year uh in tight but they hire a guy like jvr who’s you know known for you know a dozen years of being a great tip guy you know a great guy around the net and he had he had some chances but not you know getting getting pucks to the net more when he’s in your lineup is you know kind of you know odd I think especially on the power play right you got at some point you got to get volume and and I I agree with the hags on on the whole topic here about be more shot ready the big issue with Charlie is he’s your $ N9 million guy he’s the number one every time he’s the number one guy on the power play point the only guy on the point yeah you know at some point use my mother’s expression the penny has to drop here right yeah you got you gotta shoot the thing uh yeah and he was doing it right to the end you know right to the end where I would say oh here it comes no it doesn’t right back down low so and and the one game they beat Florida he had three shots on net in the first period I think he had six shots in the game he was all over it and he was very aggressive shooting the puck and you know they won that game and and they were effective and and it to pulling back from a longer perspective looking at the way this team is going the trends all that stuff like at some point Mason lorai is going to be running point on that top power play he is built to be a number one power play quarterback like shoots the puck creates offensively can work with your best offensive players has the right instincts in the balance of when to do the right thing like he just has that offensive mind uh to flourish in that role and I think we saw enough from him to think he may even be a full-time uh guy in Boston next year based on the way he performed in the playoffs sure he’s going to need more work in the dzone and you know there he’s never going to be a shutdown D I don’t think you’re always going to have to put him with a guy that’s a little more of a a stay-at-home sort of type but like I I I think you know Charlie McAvoy is going to have to come to a place where he has uh the ability to share some of those responsibilities and doesn’t feel like he needs to be carrying this full uh workload of all these different situations and all these responsibilities because I think we see in the playoffs that are trying to do everything kind of wears him down too yeah uh yeah one thing with Charlie is he’s never been a slapshot guy never been a one-time guy and that’s a that’s a a tool that is you know really useful on the power play um he’s he gets his points by driving the net Driving Around the Net and and taking that that hard risk from from the high slot um so you know maybe it will be time for for lorai to take over that first Power Play unit and he’s also a left shot too so you know you know that it’s never quite been the same since uh since Krug left I think y um so you know maybe that he he fits better with pck on pass for p onetime um we’ll see but yeah I mean where are we going with this uh makavo is a terrific player you know he’s he’s a you know a physical player he had his problems with the puck you know at off and on uh during the uh during the playoffs this year but I have no no big problem that he’s he’s uh you know a minus player for you uh he’s he’s a very good player he’s just not what you C what you hope he’s going to be he’s not Ray Bor he’s not not a guy who’s going to pound 12 shots a you know a night um as far as the the most interesting things uh from breakup day Lena alark obviously uh got a big audience got a lot of people a lot of questions and was ready to answer them all and uh and it was ready forthcoming with decent amount of information um where do we feel like this is how do we feel like this is going to play out this summer do we feel like lenus alark uh dupes is definitely gone and he’s going to be traded how much of a complication is his contractual rights and the no trade provision that he has and and I’m sure the Strategic way that he’s put teams on there uh to try to like keep it so that he can stay in Boston because it seems pretty clear he doesn’t want to go anywhere and he feels like he’s going to be back in Boston next year but how do you think this ultimately plays out having seen uh many situations like this over the years dupes well I i’ I’d like them to keep him I but but I also think he’s the luxury they can’t afford at the moment right because they’re going to have to pay Swan uh and and frankly if I was sing I’d be looking at I would be looking at all those deals in Ottawa that are eight years times 8 million that that would that that would be my Mark if I was him yep um so you know that said I I I had seven years in seven but we’re right in the same neighborhood yeah it’s going to be something like that it’s somewhere I think between six and a half million and 8 million right and then it’s on term how it’s structured and all of that that that’s how I now that said I thought I thought last summer they’d try to get him like around three years at five uh they wanted to play the hard ball thing in the in the arbitration so that’s that’s what they get um and I you know you can you can argue you know that’s prudent business or whatever but but I think we all see now he’s the guy uh and he’s he’s young enough that he can handle 55 games you can bring up busy and have him be the backup and you can move off omark’s $5 million that said I I do I regret that because it works so well and the most important thing for them this year was their goal tending uh because of because of all the stuff we’ve talked about about the guys leaving and the guys coming in and out you know plugging in with the million dooll stocking stuffers all of that goal tending goal tending goal tending so I think he’s gone I don’t see that the his uh his ding list if you will is an impediment they can trade him to half the teams in the league uh I also think that if there’s a sticking point here that it ends up I use the example of New Jersey I think New Jersey would love to get him uh if he doesn’t want to go there if Tom Fitz says well yeah you know come here and we’ll give you a fiveyear extension at six seven then it’s a done deal I I I believe that so I don’t think that’s a big deal I I I think he will be gone reluctant to see him leave and and it as much as I love San we that that’s the only kind of next step to find out about him which is can he be a 55 if they need him upward of 60 although it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a Bruins gender handle that much work but if his understudy isn’t as good as we think he may have to he may have to do more and we don’t know that but based on what we’ve seen he can handle it yeah I I think after watching him in the playoffs everybody should feel a lot more confident that he’s going to be able to you know handle a heavier workload during the regular season and maintain his consistency and performance and you know you you never know about health uh you know anything can happen to anybody but I think you you you can extrapolate what he did from these playoffs into the regular season and think maybe he’s capable of playing 55 to 60 games but to your point you won’t know until he actually see it and he maintains performance and is able to you know to to handle that kind of uh rigors uh Steve how do you think uh this whole thing plays out uh this offseason with all Mark yeah I think everybody grabbed on to that quote where where he said something to the effect of my list is my list and and I don’t have to apologize for it and people took it like you know he he wouldn’t you know you know wave for certain teams I I think he you know he wants to find the right situation for him he’d love to stay here but you know if he’s if he relegated to being a backup I don’t see how it works out for him he has one one one more year left on the deal um and you know it’s it he’s not going to increase his value by by you know playing you know 30 games this year yeah wearing a baseball hat on the bench absolutely yeah I I I really think you know I’m sure there are some places he doesn’t want to go and he’ll stick to that but I I think they will really you know I think he will be a little more amenable than than what people think uh he’s going to be uh to to wave uncertain situations um but yeah you know and I think they have to I you know they have to to move him um because you know it’s like Kevin said it’s a you know he’s a luxury right now they can’t afford just like you know when it’s time for Tory crew to get paid paid big bucks he was a luxury they could no longer afford um so you know Swan proved himself to be the guy um you know again you know we’ll see if he can play 55 games and that’s that’s pretty much I think the you know the cut off point I think you know when Tim Thomas had his you know great ears that that’s about where he was um uh so yeah I think they they they have to move him I don’t know what they’ll get back beyond the cap space for him just because there’s you know there’s only you know so many teams looking for a number one goalie um so you know they may have to move him basically for the cap space and and you know maybe maybe a draft pick uh but we’ll see but yeah I think they I think they can and will move him yeah the returns for goalies in the NHL in trades is always underwhelming you’re not going to get as much for goalies as you think you would even a guy that’s got a vzna trophy on on his resume and you know part of it also depends on how many other goalies are available this off season it seems like there’s always a few in that sort of Carousel uh that might be available in trades um I I agree I I you know it it would be nice to have the two of them together for one more year but I once you once you pay San is 7 eight million you can’t start you know spending 11 12 13 million bucks in salary cap space and goal tending when you have you know so many other needs uh on this team that you need to fill uh trading all mark would put you around 25 million uh in salary cap space this offseason minus whatever you’re going to pay San on a new contract and that’s that’s a significant amount of money to either make trades sign free agents uh flexibility to do whatever you need to do to make significant impact improvements uh to the team but before we get to that let’s just go through the other ufas um right now that are going to be facing an offseason of uncertainty here most likely uh we’ll go one at a time just you know give me your thoughts on each of them and whether you think they’re going to come back uh let’s start with uh Kevin shaton Kirk uh dupes uh you know he’s such a lowbudget higher you could but I I I I just don’t see it I think they’ll they’ll either go with one of their kids or you know by committee the there’s just not enough need for him didn’t use him in the playoffs when maybe that would have helped who knows uh so no I don’t I don’t see Kevin back Steve yeah no he you know he he provided a spark at times when they needed it you know on the back end you know offensively but I think they probably need to get a a more hard-nosed guy um you know to compete with Paca wild the spoon for that you know third left shot D yeah good leadership guy good power play guy he definitely served a really good role this year uh at a low uh price tag no question about it but I I think that’s absolutely correct uh they’ll find you know a younger sort of different um player to serve that role next year uh Danton Heinen uh Steve I I think this is a guy that you know played really well played for Montgomery in college obviously played with the Bruins before was versatile did a lot of things was banged up in the playoffs so probably wasn’t at his you know 100% health and Effectiveness uh in the postseason as he was playing through something but I think that’s a guy uh that could end up coming back on a you know a low figure you know multi-year deal and could be a guy that could play a lot of different spots in your lineup and be helpful to the team yeah I like him I like what he was able to do um I think it depends on what else they can do what else they think they can do um but he’s a valuable guy who who can play you know fourth line left wi or in a pinch first line rightwing yeah I mean those are those are valuable guys and I would I would definitely think about you know bringing him back and you know I I wouldn’t you know you know break the bank to bring him back um but I would consider like give him a second year at least to to you know to bring him back doops this is Heinen yep yeah sorry I blipped out there for a second uh I definitely have him back I I I would go two or three years with him I’d go low to mid two millions on him uh I think he’s you know he’s you know he he’s got a really good shot I wish he’d use it more that seems to be a redundant theme here uh he’s smart enough you yeah just like Steve said versal can play him up and down so yeah I think given his age given how he fit how he fits specifically with Montgomery all of that I think he’s an easy return uh versus some of these older guys definitely good value good two-way player I also think he’s more assertive in some ways offensively than he was the first time around here a more confident sort of well-rounded player so you’re getting all of that uh and you know it it would have to make sense for him but I would think he’d be amendable to a a team-friendly deal to come back to since this a place he’s really comfortable with and a coach he’s comfortable uh playing for so I I’d be on board with bringing him back too if the the contract was right um James Van Reams Dy uh dupes he you know had his good moments this year was obviously part of the Bargain Basement shopping and free agency I don’t see him coming back you you know he he got into the lineup for the majority of the playoffs but and he and he he did a good job he got his a thousandth game this year with the Bruins uh had a nice year with them but I think it’s going to be one and out for him yeah specialty role and they didn’t make much of the specialty uh his game petered out whether was he did get sick and you know I can’t hold that against him he got sick had needed time to regenerate really never got back to where we thought we’d see him you know let’s face it we thought the role he was in he was going to be maybe a guy maybe a guy who could who could push 25 goals 28 goals uh get get anywhere from eight to 10 of those on the power play uh it that just didn’t work out I think given his age uh given that what I hope they come out of this with is easier said than done is a Harder Faster team at his age I don’t see I don’t see that fitting the Paradigm yep Steve great guy uh I don’t think so hey you know he just he had uh you know like I said he had a lot of opportunities Around the Net that he just didn’t cash in and you know that that’s what he was brought in for and you know I just I I think they can they can uh Shore up there agreed um this is an inter interesting one uh Pat maroon uh you know made indications he’d like to come back to Boston said he had a yeah he said something along the lines of like I had the time of my life with this team or or something along something like that where it was he was saying it was the greatest like time of his life which is hard for me to believe given that he’s won cups with other teams and some of the other stuff that he’s done but I I like the sentiment of him saying that clearly he enjoyed himself and he wants to come back and he sort of you know wants to show what he can do when he’s healthy and and you know I’d be willing to bring him back especially if it was on like one of those veteran sort of like bargain deal kind of things uh because like players like him don’t grow on trees they need somebody that’s tough that’s a presence um that is that sort of Big Brother type that’s in the lineup that’s going to make everybody else a little braver and more courageous out there and will scare the other team and and intimidate them a little bit and I think he brings that even if it wasn’t always there in the playoffs um but I think a fully healthy maroon I think makes a lot ofense for the Bruins to bring back Steve yes I agree uh you know depending on the price of course you know but uh yeah and you know obviously you know he’s not Fleet of foot but if you’re playing him on a fourth line with say boist and Beacher and that mitigates it a little bit and you know he brings a presence and that’s what they were looking for go going into this season when they hired Lich Y and you know obviously we know what happened there but you know they need that guy um you know just to you know D any shenanigans that could go on in in a game you know he’ll keep you from getting bullied uh it’s I I I think it would be behoove them to bring him back dupes does he fit into your faster harder uh version of the Bruins next year he’s got the hard stuff uh and again we’re raiding him off of having back surgery and we didn’t didn’t get to see the best of him there’s a there is a lot to like about him and as you guys are talking I I can be convinced uh I’m I’m just not at the moment I also think you know he’s going to go somewhere for a million bucks he’ll he’ll he’ll he’ll find a team it may be this one y and if it isn’t this one they can they can trade for him again come deadline time let’s face it he’s he’s holding he’s holding the luch chair right this was the job that they went out and Milan Lich and luch frankly would have done the job better uh because he’s got you know he’s got more more game left but we all know where that went um so so there’s that need what what I would like to think is going back to you know the whole thing is is that they they come out of this with a team that’s got more compete top to bottom so you’re not relying on this kind of specialty piece to come in and provide that for you you you’d like to see I’d like to see that distributed across 12 other forwards it’s it’s never going to be right that’s never past thex game uh I know we haven’t gone to Jake so we’ll go there in a minute but yes he’s coming yeah there you know this there’s what do we like about him let’s be frank we like that he’s got testosterone right that that he shaves at 8 AM he’s got to shave again at noon and they just don’t have enough of that in this and and and maybe maybe there is a rub off effect there maybe having that guy around gets these guys to kind of think that more I think I think we see a little of that in just the way he plays in Lor’s game you know lur Lor comes in saying you know what we’re here to play Let’s Get at it you got too many guys and I I unfairly tip typify this as the college game they got too much college game in them this that you know this this is time to get in there and you know get to the pipes yeah I agree and and but I also think it’s it it’s probably going to be too much of an undertaking to completely install that uh into your team you know going from one year to the other absolutely like you’re not going to have that like top to bottom in the lineup next year so I do think having somebody that pulls that out of you or having a few players that pull that out of you is is going to be mandatory is going to be important on on the team until you can get to that point um and it it’s hard to get teams where everybody’s sort of on board to do that like FL that’s what makes Florida so effective is they have players top to bottom everybody’s playing that way and and you know that’s a hard team to beat in the playoffs uh when they’re all playing that way so I I just feel like you might as well be the team that’s going to give maroon the one year and $1 million and have him for you know from jump at the beginning of next year have his influence have his ability and his toughness a factor uh for the entire season um if you already know what the price tag is going to be and you have the money to spend on it and I think that’s a fair deal for him uh so I I would think he there’s interest in bringing him back I I would hope the Bruins are going to bring him back um Derek forbort um you know I don’t think he’s he’s another one that think he’s going to return among the defenseman I think they kind of are mostly set they probably have one defenseman spot where they can bring somebody else in uh but they have a lot of guys coming back next year on the back end um and for fought through injuries credit him fully for coming back in the playoffs when nobody expected him to play coming back from the groin surgeries and the and the thumb surgery and he did his best he’s obviously a penalty killer and a good stay-at-home defenseman and a big strong dman um but dupes you know he’s he’s also slow and and not very Adept at moving the puck and I think they need to find younger you know faster versions of a guy like forbort maybe even meaner because forbort was a big physical guy but he didn’t have that sort of meanness to him uh that you really need uh in your defenseman that I think the Bruins frankly need a little more of and they started to bring it like uh Andrew Peak definitely qualifies in that category I think he plays with some mean and I like that he’s going to be on that back end for a while but um forbo’s a guy that I think did really well while he was here but he’s probably not coming back no I don’t see him what I want is a $5 million version of him so he’s a he’s a $3 million player as a third pairing defenseman and and again you have to link money to all all the this entire discussion because of the cap so he’s a three he’s a $3 million third pairing defenseman and he does have assets there’s no question assets and talents but I can’t afford that at that position uh so I think it’s covered with spoon I think it’s covered Peak and and and credit to and again credit to where it’s due here at front office for identifying those guys they come in and they play and they play well so I I think I think they’ve got enough candidates down there and frankly I consider grizzli as one of them uh which is another discussion I know so we’ll save that but what I want is to take that $3 million that they’re paying a third pairing defenseman upgrade it to about five million for a top four guy who’s not a top four guy in the sense of that he’s a big Point guy right one is a top four guy who can plug in with the three other guys Carlo and the two big boys and get more out of them by delivering if if you will kind of lower tier top four uh talents which is I keep get this goes way back so I guess it’s irrelevant but in my mind kind of like Brad Brad McMan you know solid big enough body not not going to get your points but can can provide kind of a reset in their top four that’s not forbert and and and again if forber wanted to come back for cheap money that’s a different story for a third pairing but they need they need a solidifying factor in that top four in my mind to make those guys better help help those guys be better players Steve uh thoughts on that and forbo yeah I I agree with Kevin I you know and I don’t know if this guy exist I I would like a guy who could play in the top four but it wouldn’t kill you if Mason lorai jumps over him that’s some point you know um y That’s what I was gonna say is how does Mason lowai factor into this because I think he yeah he’s he eventually and could very soon project into a top four defenseman I think he’s trending in that direction big time yeah yeah as far as forbit goes you know you know I gave him all the credit in the world for for coming back when nobody expected him to uh um I also think it was a questionable decision to kind of force him back into the lineup you know shoehorn him into the lineup at that time but you know so be it but yeah I I think it might be time to move on um he’s you know he he’s a guy who takes a beating and he’s he’s you know had injuries the past couple years and it’s just I I just don’t think his his time is here right now yeah I agree uh hugely popular with his teammates too they all very good guy like he deserves props for a lot of the things he does and the way that he played because it’s not a glory role that he plays blocking shots uh you know right breaking bones and his hands and thumbs and all the stuff that happens to him when he’s blocking shots and taking a beating and you know just going out there killing penalties and and all the things that he does not play a glory position in the defenseman spot so uh he deserves a lot of credit for what he did over the last few years uh another defenseman here and dupes just saluted to him Matt grizzli um you know didn’t play uh in the second round uh you know had a had a real rough moment in overtime uh against Toronto uh that led to a big goal um is constantly a guy that you know has been really good moving the puck over his career has had a really good career with the Bruins is obviously a great story comes from a great family local kid but I think it’s gotten to a point where he’s exploited too much defensively uh when he’s out there especially in big moments and like the injuries I think have caught up to him to the point where he has a hard time playing at the level that he once did as well um so I I would feel like a change of scenery might be the best thing for him and rather than keeping him around in a reduced role where he might not be as happy with it here I don’t know uh but Steve what what do you think Matt grizzli in the future holds for him yeah I I agree with all that you know I I it’s you know he’s had a good run here and like you say great family John’s you know we’ve all known him for decades um but you know the the model of him playing on the first peering in the regular season and then getting scratched for the playoffs it just doesn’t work for me you know it’s yep I I think they I think you’re right he could could do with a with a fresh start somewhere yeah I don’t care what the fancy stats say about Grizz and McAvoy playing together the regular season Steve yeah yeah it’s just not it just hasn’t worked and playoff um so yeah I would I would probably you know let him go dupes he’s an easy cut because he’s because of his money 3 point I think it’s 3.7 million thereabouts oh he would definitely if he was coming back he would absolutely be taking a big haircut there’s no question and and that and that’s kind of where I’m going to go with this I I because of who he is and and you know’s he’s a very good team guy yep um if if if there’s a fit here it’s to look at him as a regular season player and to look at him probably around a million and a half uh and if if if you’re getting into that mix because the other side of this is I don’t think he’s ever gonna make more than he just made no money I don’t think anybody’s gonna come out and say come with us Matt and we’ll give you five million a year for the next three or four I don’t think that’s going to be the case for him yeah he’s he’s he’s going to find it a kind of a lack of a better word a quirky market for him but he’s a quir work he fit at this point I do think and I I wrote this a number of times who got nowhere which is one of his one of his assets at be especially was walking the line and shooting on the power play uh they they never they never put it they did they gave they gave him very very short looks in that role uh so there may be something more there to him uh they they don’t see it they’ve never gone there I wouldn’t expect them to go there at this point but some somebody might think of him as maybe sort of in the Sean carali neighborhood of four years 10 million and say you know what we GNA come in we know you’re a good guy it’s going to be a good fit we’ll look at you more as a specialty player may maybe they’d get something more but right here to stay in Boston I think he’s probably probably a million and a half dollar player yeah no doubt and and probably you know looking at a seventh defenseman kind of you know role um on the team which you know if he was if that’s what he wanted to do I maybe there would be a pathway to him coming back but I I just feel like he’s probably going to end up getting a better offer both playing time and MoneyWise somewhere else uh because he can still skate you know he can still move the puck if you put him in a regular role he’s always going to have a hard time staying healthy just given his size and he’s always going to be picked on uh in the dzone in the playoffs when it gets to that point because that’s just what happens when you have smaller defenseman on your dmen core uh and we saw it in Toronto like when they Toronto was saw him on the ice Ryan Reeves was posting him up in front of the net like every single time and we saw it on that game winning goal with Matthew n John Darez saw that grizzli was the guy and just put his head down and bulled him to the net and the puck ends up in front and they score the game winning goal like that’s just what’s gonna happen um but you know either way I think he’s gonna he’s gonna find a good landing spot and he’s going to be okay because he’s a good player and a good teammate and he’s going to get nothing but glowing recommendations from the Bruins if anybody asked about him you getting excited about the Boston Celtics Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown the entire band of Celtics players uh looking like they have what it takes even if porzingis is uh hurt every once in a while and has to miss a few games uh they look like they’re going to put a blowtorch through the Eastern Conference and have a lot of exciting games if you want to get in on the action go to game time it’s an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NBA which makes getting playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off uh if you need to check out the website check out to see what it’s all about uh but there is uh lowest ticket price guarantees uh event cancellation protection 24-hour return guarantees job loss Assurance ontime ticket 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points in postseason or he had a good playoff I should say I don’t know if it was great but it was definitely good um it was after a regular season where it was kind of inconsistent he talked about he had a broken hand for about a month or so maybe a little more than that um he’s obviously proven that he can score 20 to 30 goals in the league uh has high-end skill um can play in a top six role maybe would be best served in a third line role on a really deep team uh but has the skills to in the SP skating and everything else the explosiveness and the gamebreaking of ability to play top six and play with high skilled players I I just think he would have signed and been signed with the Bruins if he was going to be signed with the Bruins and if they wanted him back I think it’s similar to other players where they’ve ended up just sort of letting them walk in free agency because they know they can’t you know give the term and give the money that it’s going to take to to keep that player I think they got the the Bruins probably feel like they’ve got the best out of Jake debrusk at this point and somebody else is going to overpay for him and realize the inconsistency and some of the you know flaw in his game even though the numbers are pretty good and you know there are parts that the Bruins are not going to be able to replace if they let him walk they’re going to have a hard time they’re gonna have to find somebody else that has his skating ability his finishing ability his game breaking ability all that stuff um Steve where do you think this uh plays out with Jake deque uh where it plays out how it plays out I don’t know like I say you know he’s not signed by now and know that’s a red flag um but and somebody’s gonna sh somebody’s gonna make him a big offer like some absolutely probably one of the Canadian markets maybe Lou maybe Louis buddies in Edmonton somebody’s gonna show him a lot of money because he’s a good player yeah you know he I mean I look at that deal that Owen Tipp cut and uh T tippet is two years younger than than U uh than debras and it’s $6.2 million for seven seven or eight years whatever it was the long term deal um and he’s averaging less few points a game than than Jake de bruss he doesn’t kill penalties like Jake de bruss um I I see a demarcation line in in Jay’s career from the time it became public that he made a a you know a trade request for some reason at that point he became a much better player he became a more complete player um he’s no longer that guy who’s if he’s not scoring goals for you he’s doing nothing for you he is he’s got speed he’s got length he covers ice um so yeah I would sign him in part of the that equation is if you don’t sign him uh you don’t have to sign One impact player up front you have to sign two impact players up front right um and I’m not sure that they can do that yeah I would be it would be hard if I were the Bruins I would have to think long and hard about going like seven or eight years uh upwards of six million for de Brusque but the the other side of that coin as you’re talking about is if you’re not going to give it to him who are you gonna end up giving it to yeah you know sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t especially where I agree with you I think the last couple years he’s been a more effective more complete player more competitive um you know goes harder to the net like will actually finish off some checks when he’s trying to fight for the puck on the four check uh kills penalties you know has even blocked some shots like doing some things now um that maybe you didn’t see earlier on his career he’s got a like a a little bit more of a harder Edge to his game in addition to the skill game that he has uh and you know he’s played through injuries at points too like we talked about playing through the broken hand this season but still I I think you gota think a little bit about that kind of investment for that kind of term and that kind of money another part of the equation on him he shows up in the playoffs usually well that’s he’s not afraid he’s not afraid of the big moment yep and he showed it again this year like LED them in points it wasn’t wasn’t David posnick that led the Bruins in points in in the St playoffs it wasn’t any some of your other uh you know big money Players it was it was Jake debrusk um and that’s why I think somebody’s gonna pay him if the Bruins don’t like somebody sees the playoff performances somebody sees the skill and the ability that he has and somebody’s G to give him a lot of money um dupes your thoughts on Jake de brasque well you’ve both convince me five years at N9 million hey if you’re going to go five years you’re definitely going to have to pay more uh per year right exactly exactly no I had to give you an answer you didn’t expect uh my answer is I you know I I would give him two more years at four four and a half million that that that’s where I would go with them that which is what he got right I think he was this last deal was two years times four million yeah uh he would be a Utah coyote by yeah exactly well there you go yeah exactly right and and uh you know the the you you guys have brought up great points about him and his game uh what what I never see from Jake two things I never see from him are you know sort of the Carter vagi element of of guy who’s just going to be out there hard and nasty and and getting it done that that’ll never be Jake so we’re always looking at these guys through what they aren’t at least I am and and that that’s and that’s just the fact of life he’s not going to be that guy he’s also not going to be which is where I think he doesn’t get his money he’s not be he’s not going to be that guy who really enhances the line now typically you want that from the center uh and that’s the role but when you get to point of paying guys six and7 million you really want them to be not every night but the guy who can be that I I I don’t ever see that in Jake uh his you know what what does he got he’s got great legs uh he’s got great sent of when to Dart in and out uh but um and so for me the money is making today is where I would keep them and I think the market will take take him elsewhere uh so you got to use his four million probably into kind of what I was uh suggesting with forbert to to go to A7 million guy that you have the faith that he is going to play or build into that harder faster game you’re not going to get faster Than Jake but you can get harder and I think that’s what they’ve got to do yeah and and like that’s why I mentioned like if you’re sure that you you know you’re G to move on from Jake debrus and you’re not willing to invest the term in in the aav that some other teams definitely will if he hits July 1 you better make sure you have somebody you’re going to bring in or plans of a couple of guys you want to bring in that you think are upgrades to a harder version you know even if he’s not as fast or as skilled if he’s got most of the speed and the skill and he plays a harder game you know because we we’re giving debrus credit for playing harder than he did before but that’s somewhat Dam damning him with faint praise there because he really didn’t play hard at all you know the first what five six years of his career here whatever it was you know he’s learning the game he’s learning the game he he’s started to play a little bit harder the last couple but like there are much harder players out there with you know the same amount of skill production all that stuff uh that you could try to go out and get I mean and I’ll say one more thing in defense of Jake last year when he played with um with berson and Martian yep more often than than not he was driving that line he absolutely was he was great with them no no he was great with them there’s no question about it like uh you know but it is also telling though Steve like when you take him away from that line that he’s not nearly the player he was on that line that tells you that he was benefiting from the other two guys as well I agree with you sure but like that’s Ian maybe you get the best the best of them by playing them more good players yeah that’s the cat bird seed is if you’re playing with those two the only one that couldn’t handle that was Brett connley when they brought him in from uh Tampa Bay like seven or eight years ago whatever that was um all right that that leads me actually to the the you know one of the last questions here um who do you see as possible big game Targets in the UFA with the 20 plus million or 25 million if Lena uh if Len Mark has traded uh this summer with the salary cap space that they have um I I you know there’s a lot of names out there there’s some decent names in free agency certainly there may be trades uh and and names out there that we haven’t really seen uh develop yet but like one name that I think is interesting he’s a hard player he’s a skill player he’s puts up put up a lot of goals this year he plays for the team that just eliminated you in the playoffs Sam Reinhardt is the kind of guy I think you would look at and you would show a lot of money to if the Bruins to bring him here cuz not only is it going is he a faster harder just better player than what you have you’re also like the double whammy of weakening the Panthers uh if you make that move and if you pay him and bring him to Boston dupes Sam I I I love him yeah I love him uh whether boy you know i’ I just think he’s gonna get a whole whack of money yep uh I think he’ll really want to stay where he is so he’ll he’ll take a little less to stay there they’ve got a really good thing going there so but uh yeah I mean I like him because he’s young enough he’s talented enough he fits he fits a he checks a lot of these boxes um I just don’t know that for for them to land him would be investing so much I don’t know if they’re going to be able to do anything else uh and you know we don’t know where all the those pieces go we don’t know what the final budget is we know Sweeney likes to keep two or three million in his pocket which I think is wise um he he would be I mean the guy who’s been in my mind but I know it’s got caveats all over it is stos yeah that’s another name of culture and ability and skill and Harder Faster all of that but when you get into that over 30 Market it’s it it can be a tough one yeah and you know he’s not going to cost you nearly as much as Reinhardt would obviously and and you know turn that’s a short money you know maybe you maybe you get him if you offer from a few years and Tampa is maybe only offering him one or something like that you know when when it gets when push comes to shove but I you know he’s definitely on the list the short list of interesting candidates the Bruins could bring in that would bring a lot uh and and would fit fit a need for them do uh Steve your thoughts on just like uh the UFA Market good fits for the Bruins who you think they should be targeting uh Reinhardt is would be perfect because he can play Wing or Center y um I like gensel yep gel you know he’s the guy who’s shown up in the playoffs he’s played a fast game under under Mike Sullivan um you know really excelled in the playoffs you know in those two cup runs by Pittsburgh um goal scor he gives a good counterweight to to pass the neck um he’d be the guy that I would Target but you know Reinhardt like like Kevin said I don’t know if if um if Reinhardt would want to move move away from what they’ve got built in in Florida right now um and stamp Coast you know I don’t know if he’s ever gonna leave Tampa yeah you know it’s just even you know he does seem pretty annoyed that Tampa didn’t take care of him during the year though yeah yeah yeah I know I know but do do you really want to sell your house and all that you know you know for an extra half a million dollars you know I don’t know I you know I’ll I’ll believe it when I see it you know um but you know I like I like that Reinhardt I like real like gensel yeah and to your point like it speaks a lot and speaks very well of Jake gensel that Sydney Crosby was so pissed when he got traded from the uh Pittsburgh to Carolina you know yeah you don’t see him that IR rate publicly uh at the organization very often and he was not happy so that tells you all you need to know about him as a player teammate uh all of the above so I think he’s another one those are actually the three I looked at the most that could be very helpful to the Bruins or could be targets where Stam coast gunil and and uh Reinhardt and so like there are some good names in free agency with the money that they have that they’d be able to go after in addition to you know the the trade market as well the D Market is not nearly I think as robust and strong um but there are some forwards out there uh if you want to spend for them um should there be any changes to this Bruins coaching staff uh Steve Conroy you spoke to about Montgomery doing a good job and I agree I think he did a better job beginning to end this year than he did the year before because he had to do more coaching you know this was I think he he was much more involved there was more prodding and you know motivating and and making adjustments and and a lot of stuff going on and I think you know he really maybe put his imprint as a coach even more on this year’s team than he did last year um that being said uh you know I do feel like the seven too many men in the ice penalties in the playoffs was bad egregious like unacceptable all the above like that’s a real problem and you know maybe part of it was so much of the you know switching line switching pairing switching line combos switching players you know then you’ve got assignments of players they’re responsible for on the ice and a lot of the stuff that’s going on in the bench because it seemed like there was a lot of confusion on on the Bruins bench at times during these games uh with the too many men in the ice stuff and some of it was on the players for sure brain cramps just makeing mistakes but something else had to have been going on to have that many yeah and you’re right I think it that that probably goes to you know how he likes to change lines and you know that’s a you know that’s been a positive for the Bruins because that’s the way he’s changed momentum in games and it’s usually worked um so I’m not saying you have to live with seven Too Many Men on the ice calls in in 13 games that’s got to be rectified um there are a couple other things that you know I didn’t like in the playoffs um you know uh you know as I mentioned you know shoehorning um forbit into the lineup when you get when you’ve got Parker W thepoon there who who had played pretty well y um and another thing is you know going back to that topheavy first Power Play unit um it just it wasn’t working at the end of the season it didn’t work in the playoffs you know having having Maran panak and um and makoy together it was better when they split them up at the beginning of the Toronto series it worked better yeah um that all being said you got to look at the big picture 109 points on a team that lost a ton of talent um and you know they you know they almost won the division um you know with some pretty good teams in the division um I don’t think the Bruins should get into that um that cycle of a new coach every two years I don’t think they want to do that y um and I don’t think they need to do that um I think you know Montgomery overall is a pretty good coach there’s you know he does like to Tinker and sometimes that gets the best of him but I think he’s a very good coach that you know you know should be here I agree and they play hard for him too you can tell um you know the message gets through they I think they enjoy playing for him they enjoy the system that he that he has um there are definitely quibbles uh and issues um but like also like winning that Playoff round I think was huge for him as much as it was for the players having some success advancing getting that game seven win I think this would have been a much more sort of legitimate and a much more uh difficult question to answer if they had lost in the first round to the Toronto Maple Leafs and not Advanced uh to play the Panthers dupes your thoughts just on the coaching staff and if you think there needs to be any changes yeah there there has to be there has to be a change here uh and you’ve already hit on some of the some of the bigger points the Too Many Men thing was atrocious yeah uh not being prepared for three games coming out like that that’s in my mind inexcusable uh we you know we have to we we end up judging what they need by the playoffs so we come out of the playoffs saying they got to play harder and faster well when you’ve got voids like that you know the the too many men not being prepared handing the bench to marshand for the second period in Toronto uh I’ve never seen that ever um a a power play that was bad all year and then got worse I’m not saying bad all year we we know what happened they came out and they had a great stretch from October 5 up until Thanksgiving and then it then it was a team that lost as many as it won uh for the rest of the year right through the playoffs uh so they’ve got to they’ve got to figure out you know in in concert in concert voices that get this team shot out of the cannon from the start don’t make stupid mistakes one after the other on too many men right and overall can they preach harder and faster uh ultimately the harder and faster issue goes right back to Sweeny and Neely they’ve got to come up with those players but right now do I have faith that this group as presently constituted can get them better prepared to play uh fix the power play get the math right on the bench no I don’t be because we just watched it so if if they’re going to come back with the same reset there and I’m not saying dump this guy they’ve got to figure that out yeah that’s got to be a real hard look right now and that’s why I mean I wrote it wrote a column a couple days ago it wouldn’t wouldn’t have surprised me at all if they and again I come from watching Harry for all those years he fired the coach every year right I’m not saying that’s right but what what was damnable here was at least as bad as what they were what they were looking talked about getting getting great a getting guys in those positions preaching that game much you know this is a bigger set of facts against the current staff that was against Butch and they got rid of Butch right so it if it wouldn’t surprised me I don’t know if that’s the right move but there was enough damnable here that didn’t get done well it it’s going to be interesting right because I believe from what I was told Montgomery had was a three-year contract I don’t you know and this is the third year coming up right so it’ll be interesting if there’s an extension if like what happens I don’t know that it’s going to be a change this offseason with him uh but it’s going to be an interesting year going forward to see what happens just based on some of the things that you’re talking about dupes and the too many men in the ice thing is inexcusable like that that that needed to be adjusted that needed to be addressed um and fixed like mid at some point in the playoffs for for it to continue all the way to the end you basically average a too many men on the ice penalty every other game in the playoffs like all the other teams that they broke the record of were had all gone to the Stanley Cup finals and played four rounds of hockey in the playoffs like that’s just embarrassing um and and and you can’t just fluff it off on the players and say it was all their fault it’s defin defitely part you know the the coaches deserve uh plenty of responsibility and that wasn’t the only gripe as you guys mentioned there were other complaints as well that being said I think you you go into next year certainly with Jim Montgomery as the head coach and give him another year with you know the improvements you’re going to make this off season with free agency and bringing some other impactful players in I just wonder if maybe like some changes are made to you know the assistant coaches or the staff that he has um after some of the issues that they had uh in the playoffs with that uh moving forward that’s going to be interesting to watch uh it’ll be interesting to see what they say tomorrow as well uh dupes Steve thank you very much for joining us um let’s thank our sponsors prize picks is the largest daily fantasy SP Sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports uh instead of battling thousands of other players it could be Pros or sharks simply pick more or less than on two to six player sta projections and you watch the winnings roll right in it’s fun and pretty simple download the prize pick app today and use the code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 that’s download the prize picks app today and use the code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy let’s also thank game time uh this is the app uh where you can get NBA Playoff tickets the Celtics are still going strong pick out any specific games or matchups that you love to attend um save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater save even more with exclusive inapp deals on select seats select seats ahead of the game or event uh take the guest work out of buy an NBA tickets in the playoffs with Game Time download the game time app create an account use the code clns for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply but again create an account at game time and redeem the code clns for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed Steve dupes thank you very much I’ll see you tomorrow all right see you later thanks all right guys thanks for listening we’ll see you at the ring

On this edition of the Pucks with Haggs Podcast, Joe Haggerty is joined by Kevin Paul Dupont of the Boston Globe and Steve Conroy of the Boston Herald to discuss what could be in store for the Boston Bruins in an offseason with a lot of salary cap space.

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  1. Necas & Lindholm are more regular season players which we already have in surplus, we need grit for the post season. For Christ sakes my sister has more sandpaper.

  2. Def need a top 6 center no.matter what We needed strength up the middle. This year was a failure imo. No moral wins here. Im not content w winning 1 round. Looks like Bruins are and management…..just goes to show you the culture is very wrong and way off from being a real Cup contending team. I refuse to say got beaten by a better team!? We beat them 4 ganes in reg season!? It was the pressure and the up tick of play that these players couldnt match. They coukdnt step it up. Whether conditioning or drive or grit whatever it was this team sucked in playoffs and we have to start blaming the players and holding them accountable. Why couodnt they play better in playoffs why did we progressively become worse going into playoffs!? We need new players. Zacha sucks. Use him as trade bait. Coyke an Zacha are Center 3 or 4's. Not good imo.

  3. We need two establish centers who can score and win faceoffs and defenseman who can defend and push the puck to the net

  4. So let me get this straight…

    Don Sweeney drafts and develops so poorly, mismanages the Salary Cap so badly that they had to, yet again, piss away assets for nothing (Taylor Hall) but relief from the Cap Prison Don Sweeney built himself which also forced them to sign a bunch of PTO, league minimum guys while Sweeney's went 9 years without finding replacements for Krejci and Bergeron….

    And the take here is that Don Sweeney and Bruins did a great job again this year? 🙂

    Good F.N. grief. This past year was a transition year because Sweeney hasn't done his job properly, plain and simple

    The no draft capital thing and the horrible farm system thing would be 100% completely fine if the Bruins actually won in the playoffs. The problem, THEY HAVEN"T!!!

    -8 of 9 years Don Sweeney's Bruins have failed to win more than 1 playoff round

    -They've won only ONE, 2nd round series since Sweeney took over as GM in 2015-16, ONE!!!

    -The last 5 post season results? Two, 1st round chokes. Three, 2nd round exits

    The Bruins Farm System has never been ranked better than 26th under Don Sweeney and it's universally ranked 30th-32nd just about every where you can find presently, EVERYWHERE

    So to recount, no playoff winning under Sweeney, one of the NHL's worst farm systems if not the worst and 100% the NHL's worst draft capital situation while they also lack a real 1c, probably a real 2c because Zacha doesn't play the position anymore.

    -After this year the Bruins will now go 5 of the last 7 years without drafting in the 1st round

    -They don't have a 1st round pick again until 2025

    -They don't have a 2nd round pick until 2026

    -They don't draft until the 4th round in 2024, this year

    -They don't have their own 1st, 2nd and 3rd round picks in any singular draft again until 2026

    Excuse all of this away Bruins Homers or blame it on the "all-in" last season last year

    The Bruins don't have the NHL's worst draft capital or farm system because of just ONE all-in year. It took Don Sweeney all 9 years of his tenure to build that resume

    The Bruins also don't lack a 1c or a 2c because Don Sweeney went all-in last year.

    So the first thing the Bruins should do FIRE DON SWEENEY and again before you homers say no they shouldn't here are the RESULTS:

    Don Sweeney's Tenure as GM 2015-2024:

    -8 of 9 years they've failed to win more than 1 playoff round
    -One, 2nd round series win in 9 Years
    -NHL"s worst draft capital and it's not close
    -No real 1c or 2c because the GM didn't find replacements for 37 & 46 over his 9 years as GM
    -One of the NHL's worst farm systems, if not the worst that lacks stars

    These aren't OPINIONS, they are FACTS!!!

    No playoff winning. No real 1c or 2c. Crap farm system. No Draft Capital. These have been Don Sweeney's results!!!!

    Tampa Bay, who Bruins homers think the Bruins are:

    TB From 2015-2023:
    4 Finals
    6 ECFS
    2 Cups

    Boston Bruins from 2015-2023:
    1 Final
    1 ECF
    0 Cups

    Tampa Bay has a crap farm system and their draft capital stinks too (not as bad as Boston's though). The difference? Um, 4 Finals, 6 ECFs and 2 Cups. That's the DIFFERENCE!!!

    But let's be realistic, Don Sweeney isn't going anywhere

    So what do the Bruins need besides a new GM?

    They need a real 1c, at least one other Top 6 forward at center or at wing and they could use a legit, big, physical LD to pair with Peeke on their third pair to push Wotherspoon down to #7 on the blue line

    So either trade for Necas (Ullmark maybe?) or sign Elias Lindholm at center. Re-sign Debrusk or consider a guy like Tyler Toffoli at wing. Take a look at Nakita Zadorov for their third pair. And of course, re-sign Jeremy Swayman. That'd be a reasonable plan.

    2024-25 Boston Bruins:

    Marchand – Lindohlm/Necas Debrusk – Toffoli
    Zacha Coyle Pasta
    Frederic Geekie Brazeau
    Lauko Beecher who cares, find some 4th line RW

    Lindholm McAvoy
    Lohrei Carlo
    Zadorov Peeke


    Also, don't hold your breathe in terms of Don Sweeney spending their UFA money correctly

    The last time Sweeney had a fair amount of cap space he spent nearly $15M on UFAs Nick Foligno and Derek Forbort as well as re-signing Matt Grzelyck


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