@Calgary Flames

Ding dong the Marc is gone

Ding dong the Marc is gone

by Alarmed-dictator


  1. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    Oh no whatever will we do without Marc running the Powerplay

  2. tristan1616

    I can’t remember the last time this team had a consistently good power play. Surely the next person’s system can’t be any worse than Savard’s cause goddamn that was bad

  3. Old_Escape_7966

    I hope he’s not done and he’s learned what he needed to learn from this experience. Hopefully next year our PP can figure it out though.

  4. tritongamez

    That experiment couldn’t have gone much worse lol

  5. And to think that he’ll probably go on Toronto’s powerplay… lol

  6. abrandnewsharpie

    Picture Iginla behind the bench in his place

  7. LionManMan

    The powerplay finally starts clicking and Savard is gone.

  8. lastlatvian

    Who is going to fill his role, do we have a internal candidate or is this a external search?

  9. El_Cactus_Loco

    Boys, allow me to be the first to say


  10. arashinoko

    We need to come up with a backup excuse in case the power play still sucks without him.

  11. A_Plan_B_you_C

    We’ll miss you Marc!

    Sure as hell won’t miss that power play, though.

  12. Certain-Item8324

    If we get a solid PP coach + potentially having CSEC connect with the fans a bit better now that DeCicco is coming in, maybe we’ll start to get things rolling here the next few years? If Huby gets going again with the young guns, could be exciting.

    idk I’m grasping at straws here. Just give me something to get excited about soon Conny! Aside from the ’04 Cinderella run and watching Johnny, Bennett, Tkachuk and the gang develop then leave, I’m getting desperate here 😂

  13. Chemical_Signal2753

    The powerplay looked really stiff this season. It was like they were trying to set up fixed plays and when something went wrong they were lost. In contrast, most of the top power plays seemed to thrive when their play would break down as the players would recognize and exploit their opponents getting out of position. 

    I’m not sure how much of this is Savard’s fault and how much is the Flames not having the right players to have a good powerplay. I can’t let him off the hook because he should recognize he doesn’t have the players to run the powerplay the way he wanted.

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