@New York Rangers

Did I wear a jersey all day in 87 degree heat to the UPS store, liquor store, the Vet, and walking my dogs in it? LFG YEA I DID IM SWEATING MY BALLS OFF BUT LFG

Did I wear a jersey all day in 87 degree heat to the UPS store, liquor store, the Vet, and walking my dogs in it? LFG YEA I DID IM SWEATING MY BALLS OFF BUT LFG

by Rooftop_Astronaut


  1. HighFruitToastie

    Strong heat wave. Strong balls. Strong dangle.

  2. lionson76

    I find myself liking that jersey more and more each time I see it… Also, nice sandals. Do they make them for men? ^(Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

  3. Gotta go Rempe style with no shirt under the jersey

  4. human_sweater_vest

    That’s why they call it a sweater 😅

  5. Accomplished-One7476

    i wore mine all day in Stony Point. I was soaked 🤣🤣🤣

    ohhh I also wore camo shorts

  6. jeffschiller

    The main reason I feel like I need to trim my beard and hair, despite it being Playoffs, is that I can’t stop sweating when I go out in the heat!

  7. big_als_nugz

    Fucking love those sweaters. Too bad mine doesnt leave the closet 😂

  8. Especial38

    I fee you brother. Playoffs are the best time in year but not for us hockey fans in central California where it gets into the 100s. But I swear it out anyways. Respect my brother, respect.

  9. Bruh get some Vans, or Hey Dudes or Flip Flops lol

  10. mudamuckinjedi

    I did the same thing man minus your errands of course did my own lol.

  11. Substantial_Serve_62

    Theo Fleury Jersey for me tonight signed 2x out on 31

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