@Boston Bruins

Bruins Academy: Season 9 Ep 2

Bruins Academy: Season 9 Ep 2

I’m charie Moore this is Bruins [Music] [Music] [Music] Academy class is in session hey everybody I’m Charlie Moore it’s time for the greatest hockey show on planet Earth that’s right it’s time to drop the puck on a brand new episode of Bruins Academy and let me tell you we got a great show for you tonight we got a salute to Captain Brad Marshon in his 1,000 game in the NHL as a Boston Bruin way to go Brad Jacob Lao and Oscar Steen get geared up and learn how to be a Boston firefighter very cool stuff plus we find out what it’s like to be a member of the Boston Bruins equipment staff but hey first things first here on Bruins Academy listen I love ice hockey but I really really love street hockey up next on ba we’re going to play just that ice no no street hockey I almost forgot which one recently Bruins centers Morgan geeki and Trent Frederick visited the Salvation Army’s Croc center and doorchester to donate some gear and hold a kids street hockey Clinic you can just kind of push it back and forth that’s like dribbling in soccer or basketball we’re uh going to play a little bit of uh floor hockey here I heard it’s Freddy specialty so we’re going to have uh we’re going to have lots of fun put your hand down yeah and there does that feel right work your angle like math y nice good save this event is so good because it allows our children to get exposed to a sport that they don’t probably necessarily always play ready let’s play hockey go after some tips from the Boston Bruins players it was game on for the kids because after all there’s no better way to have fun and make friends than playing the sport of hockey do you have a do you have a favorite hockey player yeah this guy right here yeah to have our longstanding partners the Boston BRS come and and just uh give the children another exposure to another sport it means the world to us I think we’re going to record this on TV yeah do you want to be on TV yeah yeah okay right here he’s on TV what do you want to say I’m Alex and I’m neg thank you for having us on ruins Academy yeah perfect I like hockey you should play it too street hockey is some really fun stuff I love it try it if you haven’t done it yet up next on Bruins Academy we’re going to salute the captain that’s right number 63 Brad Marshon as he reaches a milestone 1,000 games in the NHL all with your Boston Bruins congratulations [Music] Brad [Music] maron’s got a breakaway a chance for his first NHL goal Marshon deakes and scores save the puck the Boston Bruins drafted Brad Marshon in 2006 he played his first NHL game in October of 2009 since then Brad has gone on to become the team captain of your Boston Bruins marshan goes against Carlson and scores a shorthanded goal that’s history for Brad Marshon tying Rick Middleton with his [Applause] [Music] 25th here’s San back to Maron hatrick ho ho ho first hattick of his career maoy and Maran maoy scor that’s assist 500 for Brad Maran got some H marshan CS in back in hand he scores Brad Maran a short-handed goal Wow first run to Maran he scores Brad [Applause] Maran along with reaching 1,000 games he is also the all time Bruins leader in overtime and short-handed goals Plus in the top five for goals in points and number 63 isn’t even close to being done just yet Co with Mar into the Zone SC Maran does it again Hoster knock in it across scar what a shot by Maran Maran took it back off the boards he got by Edler to the net scores what a goal knocked down by Martian this Puck is free for posto sent out in front club by Martian they SC Brad Maran wins it in overtime for the [Music] Bruins welcome back to Bruins Academy everybody I’m your host Charlie Moore hope you’re enjoying the show so far listen we all love our Boston Bruins we like watching Boston Bruins score goals we love Boston Bruins hockey however I bet you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to the Boston Bruins equipment [Music] staff hi I’m Keith Robinson the head equipment manager of the Boston Bruins my dad and my Uncle Earl jenkinson worked in the visitors room at the old Garden before I was born 13 14 I started going in game nights doing the water bottles on the bench and stuff like that history and tradition run deep in the Boston Bruins organization and nobody demonstrates that better than the hardworking team behind the team the equipment staff I’ve known your dad since I was 14 really you there’s a bunch of us mattye Falconer and Keith Babino and Tyler Sweeney we get here 7 in the morning and start getting ready for morning skates or practice day and then some nights you have travel post game so basically 7:00 in the morning to 11: 12 at night depending game night the intensity level comes up a little bit Matt n on the bench mat’s watching for broken sticks which is important aspect of the game now go ahead go ahead of course one of the biggest and most important jobs for the equipment staff is taking in the Bruins gear on the rad but at this point Keith and his team yeah they’re a well oiled machine if we practice at 11 11:30 we’ll have the Game Gear all packed up grab all their skates the goalie equipment sticks we’ll head out to the airport as soon as possible we’re always trying to beat the bus so we’re in place and ready when the team is I’m very fortunate to you know have idolized this team since birth basically it’s pretty pretty special place to be with these great people thanks for having me on Bruins [Music] Academy good stuff right there on ba up next on Bruins Academy a few Boston Bruins players are coming off the ice to join the Boston fire department for some cool interaction good stuff up next on [Music] baob nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you we’re gonna set you up with some gear Bruins forwards Jacob Lao and Oscar Steen spent some time at the Boston Fire Department Training Academy where they learn that being a firefighter is a lot like being on a hockey team we operate as a team like you guys when we go to a fire we send three fire engines our forwards they rush in they knock down the fire and then we send two ladder trucks they’re almost like a defense always keep an eyee on the engine companies and if we don’t operate as a team we don’t have a good record after the pregame speech the boys got a chance to experience some of the life-saving techniques and equipment that firemen use listen pretty cool stuff but it’s definitely not easy you have we know this is a hybrid so you know you have gasoline and you know you have electric the first thing we introduced them to was extrication of cars the tools that we use we have to operate and get a person out of that car in a couple of minutes there we go tools are like super super heavy super hard to to move around and it’s uh it’s like it’s not easy job the next Evolution we showed him was to hold the holes line and the power that that generates the last scenario that we showed was going through the Maze and to navigate your way through a space that you can’t see that you’ve never been in before if you can’t see your feet where you going to be on my on my knees stay on this wall no matter what you can’t really breathe that uh well and you have to work Under Pressure so yeah huge respect to the guys at doing that feel around oh look at that [Laughter] Christmas was harder than I expected they are team right like they’re going they’re going to action just like us going to work together and really I get a big respect for those guys [Music] hey everybody welcome back to Bruins Academy the show all about knowing growing and loving the sport of hockey especially the Boston Bruins baby okay we ask you the fans to send in some videos of you playing hockey and you did and you’re good well let’s kick things off with seven-year-old PJ Gardner from the birk Bruins okay wait pause the video now from watching film I know this goalie is weak low blocker side let’s see what PJ can do roll that video W that’s right Santa Claus PJ looks shoots and scores just how we drew it up nice goal PJ ation I mean Garder next up we have 8-year-old John reachi from the Canton Mighty M who sticks with the play and back hands home the loose Puck nice goal Johnny Woo Johnny Be Good how about that s here’s 10-year-old Owen Decoto playing for the reading Rockets who takes a nice speed up the middle he rips it top shout for the goal hey how about that pass this is 12-year-old Cal O’Brien in the east coast Wizards with the u12 girls Champion chip on the line Kell moves in nice move she shoots she scores give me that Championship s Kelly congratulations Kelly and the Wizards and lastly why wouldn’t we end it on a goalie hug with six-year-old Ryan Lawler from Hollis New Hampshire nice work everyone hugs all around well there you have it those right there with some really good hockey videos now listen up if you want to appear on the very next episode of Bruins Academy send in your hockey videos anything related to hockey street hockey pond hockey anything and who knows you may appear on the very next episode of Bruins Academy up next on Bruins Academy well it’s that time of year again yep you guessed it it’s time for this year’s be fit [Music] [Music] challenge 3 2 1 let’s go recently the Boston Bruins and the Boston Bruins Foundation hosted the eighth annual B fit challenge powered by National Grid where teams of First Responders from across New England Run a course around the TD Garden to promote health and wellness plus they raise money for charity a successful event is Raising 3040 $50,000 they over $840,000 today all the money being raised are going back to the heroes of every town first responder ch ities military fire police and they’re all out here raising the money and involved as well so I’m so excited to be part of it [Music] again giving back to your community as a fir fighter police officer military it’s something that we need to stick together I’m excited it it seems like a really like family oriented challenge so I’m excited to do [Music] it well I think it’s important to give back what you get you know we’ve uh been so fortunate as as players and even even as alumni um the support that we get from the community and uh anytime you can get a chance to to show that love back uh you want to take that opportunity everyone chips in to help out at this event including Bruins alumni and the nessen broadcast team so naturally things get a little competitive mcquade’s big and fast and I’m a little worried about him Andrew’s a goalie we can beat him I’m up next I’m up next so I’m getting nervous as I sit here and watch these guys it’s about 25 minutes if you’re cooking probably 45 minutes for me it’s a great day and I’m going to try not to pass out had some amazing times here and I know what makes this City’s heartbeat and it’s all these people that are in this building today [Music] welcome back to Bruins Academy everybody I’m your host Charlie Moore up next on ba we have make a wish and nessen joining hands to make a young lady’s wish come true cool [Applause] stuff it’s showtime Leila D Batista is a cancer survivor and a huge Bruins fan recently nesson and the team work together to Grant her wish of working behind the scenes for a game at the TD Garden the Bruins have meant a lot to me especially during my treatment it was a great distraction when I got diagnosed in 2021 and I would watch every Bruins game there was 2022 the Bruins played the Devils on April 8th and that’s the day I found out I was cancer free so this game is very important so you ready to rock I’m so ready to rock all right let’s do it Lela is a senior in high school and wants to pursue a career in sports broadcasting tonight her dream was to interview Bruin’s Captain Brad Marshon live on nessen with the help from nessen analyst Adam Pellerin all right so you have a long home stand coming up how important is it to you to take advantage of it yeah we uh you know it’s always great to I definitely have been looking into working in Sports obviously hockey is my first choice and just seeing what everyone does on neston I think it’s so interesting and I just love everything that goes behind the scenes and on air good job thank you thank you it’s really cool to see somebody like Lea who instead of you know thinking about her diagnosis and thinking about her battle with cancer she’s thinking about her future she’s thinking about what’s next I can tell you she’s a natural I mean She interviewed Brad Marsha on the bench she asked a great question and so she’s well on her way feeling great uh think in April I’ll be two years cancer free so it’s great I’m ready for college next year so everything’s kind of going my way well done Adam well done nessen and Well Done make a wish really good stuff up next on Bruins Academy the women well they’re taking over that’s right they’re taking over the TD Garden [Music] I’m lizar gento and I produced women in sports night I’m Lauren King and I directed the video board show for women in sports night I’m Michaela Johnson and I was the PA announcer for women in sports night at a recent Bruins home game it was women in sports night presented by rapid 7 the team highlighted women who work in sports and get this for the first time in club history Fe featured an all female control room and an all female production staff I think it was fantastic I mean about time that we do a total female Takeover in the control room we have so much talent here particularly by women myself being in that PA role I just wanted to do my best to represent the Bruins weal sweet being able to walk into the room room and see a room full of women was exciting I think everybody was really proud to be a part of that moment I know I was there’s a lot of talented women working in sports around New England and around the country so being recognized by the Boston Bruins meant a lot to this group it also sets the stage for more opportunities in the future being able to direct tonight’s show is great because it allows me or affords me the opportunity to potentially do this again in the future it’s really important that we support all different kinds of initiatives specifically women in sports night Sports is such a male-dominated industry and showing the representation throughout uh the control room TD Garden is so important advice I’d give to young girls or even women looking to make their way in this career I think just go for it let’s go [Applause] Bruin well that’s it that’s a wrap on episode 88 of Bruins Academy hey before we go did you learn a thing or two about the Bruins and the sport of hockey more importantly did you have fun after all hockey is fun from all of us here at the TD Garden the Boston Bruins I’m Charlie Moore thanks for watching Bruins Academy gold Bruins woo yeah [Music] [Music] baby [Music] [Music]

We celebrate #Marchy1000, while a couple of guys learn what it takes to be a Boston firefighter, and more on the latest episode of Bruins Academy.


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