@Vancouver Canucks

[Thomas Drance] Elias Pettersson says he’s been playing with a bad knee since January. “The longer it went, the more pain I felt,” Pettersson said. Doesn’t require any procedure this offseason, just time to rest.

[Thomas Drance] Elias Pettersson says he’s been playing with a bad knee since January. “The longer it went, the more pain I felt,” Pettersson said. Doesn’t require any procedure this offseason, just time to rest.

by PaperMoonShine


  1. TrollingBadger

    This makes total sense and definitely lines up with why he lost his speed and stopped moving his feet. I have no idea why they didn’t rest him more though…

  2. Anyone have a link to the presser? Trying to find it

  3. hiliikkkusss

    Heal up petey and have a bounce back year next season.

  4. Chaotic_Stasis

    So many bozos on this sub spent the past few months showing their entire ass re: Petey. The fact that his character, dedication, and skill were called into question constantly while obviously battling through a severely limiting injury trying to help the team is sickening to me.

  5. Why not take 2-3 weeks off back then? Or the last few games of the season? Why go to the All Star game?

  6. Why did he keep playing at the end of the season then? They should have just rested him

  7. cowfromjurassicpark

    Lmao of course. Let’s see the Hughes/hronek injuries

  8. A bad knee since January but the team didn’t rest him, he went to the ASG, etc?

  9. Deliximus

    They should’ve rested him! One of our 3 franchise players

  10. starcross24

    And he was laying hits in Game 7. What a chad

  11. bockscar7

    for months now i was confident that he had an injury (my theory – based on a bunch of factors – was a groin and/or wrist injury), and i was fighting tooth and nail with everyone that thought otherwise. on the one hand, this is validating.

    on the other, i dunno – i don’t like the idea of fans being repeatedly told that he was healthy, that he was *not injured in any way*, that his line-mates/psyche/etc. were to blame for his play.

    and yeah, the obvious questions now are *why wasn’t he rested? was it because he didn’t want the rest? and if not, why not? was it because he was so adamant about putting up bigger numbers in a contract year?*


    Lmao dude no procedure needed and he couldn’t sit out for a month? What was that gonna change? 4 wins? Ridiculous decision

  13. sokkas_intuition

    I get that he wanted to play and battle with his teammates, but why didn’t they rest him? Especially after the all-star break when they were clearly going to make the playoffs and they got lindholm who could’ve just slotted right in to the 2C role. Now we know now that lindholm was also going to get injured but still

  14. mudermarshmallows

    Obvious injury was obvious, though I figured it’d be the wrist. Hope things improve and the pain subsides.

  15. barelyincollege

    If the knee injury was so bad that it completely hampered his game for four months and got progressively worse, couldn’t we have used that to our advantage from a cap perspective leading up to the deadline?

    That’s $7.35M in LTIR cap room they could’ve created in the days between signing his extension and the trade deadline.

  16. blorgcumber

    With that coming to light, wtf was Tocc doing calling him out publicly? I guess he just thought Petey could still do better even with the knee?

  17. Chaotic_Stasis

    For those wondering why they didn’t rest him more: “The longer it went the more pain I felt.” He probably felt okay playing through it early and then, by the time he didn’t, it was too late to rest for playoffs.

  18. Signal-Rice-13

    Why on Earth did they not rest him? At all?

  19. The amount of text that has been spilled about Elias and his passion for the game, and it ends up being something easily explainable that most reasonable people assumed.

  20. Ok, I’m never believing anything they say during the playoffs again 😅 Edit: Wait WHY didn’t they rest him at the end of the regular season??!!

  21. lerkerfan


    True, he was over 100 pts per game pace until Feb.

  22. HanSolo5643

    From February on, you could tell that he looked a step slower. He wasn’t making all the moves we were used to seeing from him. One thing I don’t hope we see is some more of the physical play from him. But for now, hopefully, he rests and gets himself healthy because if he is, I could see him touching 100 points again.

  23. bluerain47

    Thought it was obvious he was injured when he’d hardly celebrate after a goal

  24. Greenarrowfan

    oiler rested mcdavid wgo was injuried we could have done the same

  25. canuck19191

    Why the heck did he play that basically meaningless game against Winnipeg at the end of the season?

  26. sacred_ace

    Y’know after hearing about some of the other injuries players have had over the last few years and how they were handled I’m beginning to have some concerns with this teams medical staff. Sounds like petey should have been sat for all-star game and maybe even sat once we clinched.

  27. Another thought I had was why couldn’t the team LTIR him for him to rest his knee before the TDL and use that capspace to acquire Guentzel/Toffoli and activate him to have a super loaded team for the playoffs?

  28. great_save_luongo

    So his knee has been bad enough since January to make him completely ineffective through the last part of the season and playoffs and they didn’t rest him at all? Absolutely bizarre.

  29. Not sure if anyone is watching the broadcast but Hronek got incredibly guarded when he was asked if he was playing through injury, and why he wasn’t producing

  30. RelevantJackWhite

    Okay, no problem.

    But why did the team (both Petey and Tocchet) go out of their way so hard to deny that Petey was injured? Why did he have a presser between game 4 and 5 to talk about poor play? Why was tocchet constantly talking about Petey needing to get his feet moving and stuff like that, if they both knew he was injured?

  31. its_the_luge

    You could tell with the way he was skating. Couldn’t turn as tight, holding back from really taking off, falling too easily from overcompensating with the other leg.

  32. ThaNotoriousBLT

    Should enjoy scooting around this summer

  33. TheAngryChickaD

    Why the fuck didnt we rest him then? Not like we were gonna fall out of the playoffs without him. Then we could have had a healthy Petey for playoffs. Who knows what could have happened then. We’d probably be in the wcf.

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