@Montreal Canadiens

Craig Button’s 2024 Draft’s rankings

Craig Button’s 2024 Draft’s rankings

by jimmym007


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  2. Old-Unit-8159

    Now we have to worry about Iginla being gone before our pick?? DAMNIT!!

  3. Plane-Ad4820

    I haven’t a fucking clue where Eiserman is going to go

  4. squattingsquid

    Lindstrom at 10? Are his injuries that scary?

  5. He has Silayev at 16. And this list misspells Dickinson haha.

    I mean I guess I get it with Silayev, especially since this is more of a projection in a few years than a mock draft (though I always wonder what the difference really is minus teams drafting for fit) because he may take a long time to really settle in, but still to have so many forwards above the top D-men in this class is a bit strange.

    Strange list, but based on what we’ve seen and heard, this class is going to be extremely unpredictable so I suppose I can’t be too harsh for now.

  6. Perry4761

    This is the lowest I’ve seen Levshunov and Silayev ranked

  7. This is going to be a crazy exciting draft day. Hope there is lots of action.

  8. Seems like the entire media is pushing the Iginla to MTL agenda. Personally, I’d be a bit weary of late risers considering they don’t seem to pan out (especially for us). I’d much rather have Catton or Lindstrom at 5 even if it doesn’t seem to be the consensus.

  9. hockeynoticehockey

    So this has gone from a D dominated draft to a F dominated draft? MacKenzie was right. 2-10 is anyone’s guess.

  10. HotHuckleberry8904

    OMG, Tij Iginla jumped so far up in the ranks on that list.

  11. silk_1233

    For the first time in recent memory i dont care who we get.

    Meaning there are so many good options we can pick from a position of strength rather than reaching for a “position of need”

  12. KoreanPhones

    Would be such a Habs pick to go for Helenius 🤣

  13. JeanJacquesDatsyuk


    SJ – Celebrini

    CHI – Dickinson

    ANA – Levshunov

    CBJ – Silayev

    MTL – Demidov

    UTAH – Buium

    OTT – Parekh

    SEA – Lindstrom

    CGY – Iginla

    NJ – Helenius

  14. boutch255

    Hey if demidov is gone I’m all in for Helenius, really like him in the U-20 world championship (he’s ranked between 3 and 19)

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