@Boston Bruins

Bruins’ Breakup Day Injury and Contract News | The Skate Pod, Ep. 321

Bruins’ Breakup Day Injury and Contract News | The Skate Pod, Ep. 321

welcome into episode 321 of the scape podcast I’m Brian D Fel joined by Bridget PR and Scott mclin Bridget Scott this is probably the kickoff of the offseason episodes before we get into the opening shifts we got four teams remaining in the NHL season we got Florida and the Rangers in the East we have Dallas and Edmonton in the west Bridget and Scott if you could handpick the most entertaining Stanley Cup Final of these combinations What would you like to see and do you have a a team you’d like to see win the cup the most out of the teams remaining ratings wise absolutely it would be Edmonton New York um that would be the ideal situation I think for uh TV and for the NHL because you have a really strong Rangers team with a huge TV Market um and then you got Conor McDavid and I see I don’t know because I’m not from Canada does the rest of Canada start rooting for whatever the last Canadian team is because they haven’t won in so long it might take the Canucks fans a while to come around but maybe not the Canuck fans but like Toronto and like Ottawa well it it depends because in 2011 like the entire rest of Canada was rooting for the Bruins except for like Montreal and Vancouver because they all hated the Canucks so yeah I think it kind of depends on the team so I’m seeing like I do think a lhip like I do think a lot of them would want McDavid to win though I would think I yes because they’re such big McDavid fans I feel like that would be so anyway that’s my answer I think that would be kind of dramatic because McDavid has never uh really had had a chance and uh the Rangers are really strong right now and I think that would be pretty entertaining yeah I think New York Dallas would actually be better for Ratings just because Dallas is is a major American Market um but New York Edmonton is what I want to see I feel like that’s the most entertaining series I want to see McDavid have that shot uh New York obviously you know huge Market star power on that team so that would be the most that’d be the one I’d want to see the most is Dallas really a major media market for hockey though it’s big enough it’s much better than Edmonton despite bigger than can like Canada as a whole I guess Canadians the American Market in general is so much bigger and and Canadian teams just don’t draw on American television is even even one with McDavid on it which you know it’s it’s a whole separate problem of the NHL not being able to or willing to Market Stars the way that you know the NBA or NFL does like hockey has such this culture of it’s all about the team and let’s be honest Conor McDavid is kind of a boring individual anyways um but yeah know taking shots at Conor McDavid today well I mean listen all you have to do is watch like literally any interview with with them like remember at the award show a couple years ago when uh they were like trying to have fun with him and he just like couldn’t even be bothered to play along and it was just like the most like lame answers and I was like well guys you tried like nice try but sorry he’s just not he’s just not an entertaining personality um pasta is pasta is very entertaining yeah I I think it’s gonna my my picks are Dallas Florida though and and Dallas to win it all I think they’re the most Dallas Florida and Brian you had Dallas before the season started didn’t you yeah I did as Scott mentioned on a previous episode my Eastern Conference pick is laughable uh I wasn’t alone in thinking New Jersey would go far but they didn’t even make the playoffs so I did pick Dallas over New Jersey but I do think um I look at this this conference final at West and Dallas has just so much more depth than than the Oilers especially after you know they’re they’re two top guys and I the way Dallas has constructed their roster with youth uh grit veteran skill uh buyin I I I I like Dallas I I I think it’ll be Dallas and the Rangers in the finals um but I obviously it’d be great for the league for McDavid to win a cup but then um who who cares as far as competitiveness I I think Dallas the Rangers would be a great series um yeah I think to be clear that I thought that Edmonton Rangers would be fun fun to watch and it would be a very interesting like Dynamic storyline with McDavid there but I do think Dallas is is the best team left um it’s to watch it’s fun to watch when 97’s out there and when 29’s out there but Simon’s good yeah you know it’s like half of half of the or’s forward core is just like yeah it’s kind of it’s not that great so whereas Dallas’s third line is Mason marshman Tyler San of getting nadon off like or what’s his last name the donov um so it’s like there’s just a little bit more depth than Dallas I think and there’s depth in New York so and there’s depth in Florida so I think like goal tending is as long as long as the Oilers don’t make the finals the other three teams absolutely deserve to win the ceing cup on their depth alone like I can see any one of these teams winning and if the Oilers win it’ll be clearly because of having two of the best players on planet Earth so but that’s what anyone think that uh anyone think Florida could win yeah yeah definitely any of the four left could win like I I don’t think there’s a huge gap really between any of them and and Florida again like they have a depth they all they don’t have you know a superstar like uh McDavid or paner but I mean barov Reinhardt kachuck vagi like even Bennett even though he doesn’t put up as many points like that it’s a damn good team and forsling is is a true number one defenseman like he’s amazing yeah he’s absolutely amazing I mean I know I know people were saying heading into the series against the Bruins that forsling is is somebody to to Really keep an eye on he’s extremely underrated he he really is an amazing defenseman very impressive with his Gap control his skating his vision um defensive ability like very very underrated defenseman absolutely by the way have you and I hear people say this all the time I’m not of the same mindset but uh are you got either of you guys people who think once you’re like once your team gets knocked out you root for the team that knocked you out because then that means you know you you lost to the best because I hear that all the time but I personally just don’t no I always when I was younger I always wanted the team to beat the Bruins to just lose the next round yeah I think like I think you want them to make at the very least make it a long Series against the Rangers like you you don’t want the Panthers to lose in five because then as a Bruins fan then I think you feel like you’re you’re even further away because it’s like well you couldn’t get past the Panthers and then the Panthers were overmatched by the Rangers and you start to play that game of like one two three steps removed whereas you know if the Panthers make a real series of it or obviously if they went out to win it at all like you feel like okay like we were close you know we get a couple more more bounces we’re in a game seven against them and you can you can do what some Bruins did on breakup day which by the way we are going to get into that’s gonna be the bulk of this this episode but you know you can play the game of like we were right there like we’re not that far off it it kind of depends uh it’s not black and white it kind of depends on on how good the Bruins were what what was their path afterwards how likable was the team they played against like I remember in 2009 when Scott Walker and The Hurricanes beat the Bruins in game s um they couldn’t have gotten swept fast enough against Pittsburgh I I I I hated that Hurricane’s team um they couldn’t have gotten swept quick enough this Florida team um yeah I mean like I I thought they played a good a good Hard series obviously there was a lot of controversy but um it just depends on the series and and how how far I think the Bruins probably would have gone anyway like that flyer Series in 2010 like you’re you’re up three to the Flyers 3 in game seven you lose your Conference Final opponent that year would have been an underdog Montreal Canadian team uh if the Bruins beat the Flyers that year do they go on to beat the Canadians and then the Blackhawks probably not because they had some injuries of their own up front in Boston but um in general it’s you don’t yeah I think what Scott says accurate like you don’t want them to get swept except for the 09 hurricanes but you don’t really want them this to to to go too too far at least I don’t all right you want to get into our opening shifts now that we’ve gone on on our other NHL our out of town topics sure why don’t you start soft Bridget yeah so my opening shift and these are all going to be keys from from breakup day just news that came out um forward-looking topics as well but mine is kind of uh it has to do with the injuries that guys we’re dealing with throughout the season that we didn’t know until they started talking about it after the season ended so breakup day was on Sunday Scott and I where it was literally the exact time of Sunday skate it was 9: to noon which was the same time as Sunday skate so we went back we listened to all of the interviews and and whatnot um would have been nice to be there because I did have some questions that I didn’t hear anyone ask but um so I guess the big injury stuff to come out there was nothing like huge like okay this person played with a broken foot or whatever but some of the the updates were interesting I didn’t realize Lind Holm had played in February he got injured a knee injury against Dallas and he had been playing with a knee brace on for a bit after that um so ly Holm had a lower body injury uh they they had uh well forbert said that his surgeries were in fact groin and thumb so those were his two surg both Gro yes sorry both groins and thumb so you know he he had it probably the hardest we knew he had gone through surgeries we had thought that it was growing injury CU he had a lingering one but I think there’s this it was surprising to hear that poock was going through something uh lingering with his groin on and off through throughout the season and he said it wasn’t affecting him in the playoffs but growing injuries sometimes they just they come back and they nag and you know I don’t know if it if his is enough to need surgery he said it wasn’t bothering him in the playoffs which makes me think maybe he it’s just heal it’ll heal in the offseason and it should be fine but um but yeah and I had thought that maybe Brennan Carlo had an injury towards the end of the playoffs but he said he healthwise felt fine so uh if he’s if he’s being upfront about it he I guess maybe had fewer minutes because of situational uh something Montgomery wanted to do um or anyway yeah he didn’t he said he didn’t deal with any injuries this postseason yeah a couple others I I’ll no Charlie McAvoy said he was dealing with a a shoulder injury an AC joint injury that he he called Annoying and said it lingered like pretty much all year um but he he could play through it um you know I guess slightly concerning in the sense that he’s already had a major shoulder surgery in his career so anything shoulder related you know you just hope that heals 100% uh Matt grizzli when he missed this time back in October November he said there was a torn oblique um he was on long-term IR at the time and with was the one oh Danon Heinen we know missed some time in the playoffs he he didn’t want to go into it he just said it was like a lingering issue so um yeah we can maybe Circle back to some of that but uh my opening shift is another breakup day takeaway interesting um scrum was Lena Sark uh who you know obviously was was asked about trade rumors and and what his future looks like and at first he answered in kind of classic elmark fashion saying um my future here I have one more year uh I’m excited about what’s to come obviously he knows what the the question was getting at and he did open up more as uh his press availability went went on and aled about how you know he doesn’t want to be traded because he likes it here and his family likes it here and he’s been treated well and he likes his teammates um but he also acknowledged the reality that he only has so much control over it he has a currently a 16 team no trade clause goes down to 15 teams on July 1 so he you know he said he negotiated for that list for a reason the teams that are on it are on there for a reason so it sounds like there are at least some teams that he would still block a trade to um even though you know getting traded over the summer is easier than H getting traded in season but clearly there’s still some places he he wouldn’t want to go and he you know he negotiated for that like he earned that right yeah I guess it’s probably well it’s it’s more well known among players which organizations you kind of just don’t want to go to like guys have certain things on their list because and I heard SW and like say you know how happy he is to be here because he knows that not every team and not every player in the NHL feels the same way about being where they are and and being at in a certain organization so like clearly there’s behind the scenes like guys talk and they know like okay I wouldn’t want to go to x organization because this is what they act what it’s actually like there um and it’s not like Boston so and allmark by the way he did also mention uh about the trade talks during uh during the trade deadline um so I mean I think it’s pretty clear at this point that the situation that was reported on was true um because all Mark even himself confirmed that like that’s the first time he’s ever been part of trade talks um and had to get you know obviously got called in and he had to either confirm or deny the trade and and we all know he stayed in Boston so I think that that was a very accurate report um based on you know all Mark’s own comments so uh and he’s he’s probably going to be dealing with the same thing this offseason okay so we’ll definitely yeah sorry Scott do you have anything else left there no that that was that was pretty much it um you know again just like he did eventually acknowledge you know there’s only so much he can do and um we we will definitely be getting into like you know I think we we all think the Bruins will and probably should trade him this off season but how that looks and how it plays out is going to be fascinating I do feel bad because the human side of it is like he clearly wants to be here but there’s just no way contract wise you fit both those guys in after this season and um like in an Ideal World this is where he wants to play and I do think that though he was kind of seeing it in a little bit of a joking way the well I have one more year like deep down I think he hopes that he is here this the whole final year of his contract um but I I think like realistically like you said like he only has so much control over it yeah and there’s definitely a lot to talk about with that and you know to that last comment Bridget I I think you know from a family perspective and a and a a regional perspective he might love the area he might love where his kids are in school he might love his home so maybe reasons like that he doesn’t want to leave from the hockey perspective side of things he might prefer to be a number one guy somewhere else and and and not not play a second fiddle to sway and going forward so but I think that in his mind he thinks like I could just as easily win the job back he yeah he might think that so like if they go through another regular season of them almost being 5050 alternating that that’s not like he was clearly comfortable with that and happy with that so then he just thinks at the end of the season if I’m just if I just outdo him then it’s me in net for the playoffs you know what I mean like in his mind that’s probably a fair future of like what what he would want and what he thinks could be possible and then move on the following year but it’s we we’ve seen it before right taras won the job from Tim Thomas and then Tim Thomas won it back and won a cup the next season but again Jeremy Swan’s you know we all hope gonna get signed this summer and so he’s locked up long he’ll be locked up long term hopefully and so if allar does feel that way Bridget and he might it would be forward looking to 245 and I think after that he would know he’s done so it’s more of just it’s in inevit I think and he’s going to have to probably get warm to the idea of him playing outside of Boston whether it’s next year or the year the years to come um so we’ll get back into that I I want to start with with Jake de Brusque and clarify uh my opinion on him based on something I said last episode because Bridget and Scott we we do three episodes a week somewhere between four to six hours of content depending on the episode lengths and what we’re talking about it is occasional that you know I will say something and misspeak or use the wrong word or whatnot so I want to clear the air here while while I have the uh the microphone last episode I made a comment and I said I’m not sure if Jake debrusk is a Bonafide top six forward the key word there which I said was Bonafide unfortunately for me I misused the word because if you look up the word Bonafide it means genuine real legitimate and what I meant to say or what I should have said is I’m not sure if Jake debrusk is a top tier top six forward and I just want to break this down a little bit because generally speaking Jake debrusk is absolutely a top six forward in the NHL but when you guys and myself talk about Personnel for the Bruins I don’t know about you two but my prerequisite in my mind is for a championship roster right like we’re talking about for an optimal championship roster and if you look at the teams remaining in the NHL playoffs Jake debrusk would have a hard time being on the top six in Dallas with Jamie Ben and Jason Robertson on the left side he’d have a tough time being on a top six role in New York with artmi panan and Chris Cryder on the left side side he’d have a tough time being on the top six in Florida with carder HEI and Vladimir tereno on the left side he would probably be in Edmonton’s top six absolutely but I also like I said before think Edmonton has the least amount of depth so for a championship caliber roster I think Jake debrusk probably slides in on a second line or ideally a third line role now with that said when I said last episode I think I don’t know if Jake debrus is a Bonafide top six forward I objectively am wrong because I misused the word Bonafide he is a real genuine top six forward for 95% of the league but if you want to be that last team standing I’m not sure he is and I’m not sure he should be paid as such if you guys will indulge me I just want to read off a couple of Statistics to support that he is a top six forward in general he has 266 points in 465 regular season games that’s an 82 game average of 47 points under Bruce Cassidy he had 176 points in 321 games for an 82 game average of 45 points under Jim Montgomery he has 90 points in 144 games at an 82 game average of 51 points so under Jim Montgomery Jake deus’s 82 game average point total is six points more than the average under Bruce Cassidy still overall he’s a 47o guy at an average of 82 games in his career he’s making four million right now should he be making more than Brad Martian at 61 Chris Cryder at 65 the top guys there are certain top six forwards where no matter what team a roster they’re on there’s no doubt they’re a top six player on that team Jake debrusk I think is a top six forward on most teams but on the teams that have the most depth the championship depth I think he’s probably a third line guy that is making somewhere between five and five and a half million so if he wants to take that money on this next contract he is welcomed on my team any day of the week twice on Sunday if he wants to make Brad Martian money or more like the like the true true top six guys in the league where no matter what team they’re on they’re a top six forward I’m sorry he’s not getting it if I were Don Sweeney so look if you disagree with me that’s fine that’s ultimately my opinion on the player yeah I I do think he’s you know I think he’s playing on the second line on just about every team that’s left um Dallas maybe being the one exception because they are so load and so deep up front um but you know like like the Rangers have three top six wings so there’d be an obvious opening there I would take debrus over Tarasenko at this point um Edmonton you mentioned like yeah that’s that that that’s definitely one but to me like the the larger point there or you know to build off is De Brusque was or should have been or had to be the Bru’s thirdd best Winger this year behind Pak and marshand and that’s where it’s like you want and by the way you know we hate to say it but like maran’s not an elite scoring Winger anymore he’s still a very good one but you want ideally you want a second like really highend scoring Wing you know when you look at Florida it’s like Reinhardt could chuck and then even carder heg is the third Best Wing it’s like you don’t have that you know paner krider even laughing year coming on the strong year like you clearly need an upgrade there and the the question is whether you know can you like if you run it back with the the same Wings is that good enough we all agree they they need help at Center but even at Wing is that good enough or as I laid down in the last episode can you take the money you were gonna use on De Brusque and pour that into in you know instead of spending five6 million doll on him can that help you get an8 n10 million player who comes comes in with more pedigree who’s more proven who’s more consistent who’s done in the playoffs who’s one at that level like does that help you get that player because that would be the ideal scenario you know we can as we go continue to go through this episode and through the offseason we will discuss you know can you do that I have some questions but that would be like the perfect scenario it just comes down to money for me like if he’s if he’s making 6 million or more personally I I wouldn’t do it because he’s currently making four what has he done in the last two years to to gain a $2 million raise on his next contract like if if if he falls somewhere between five and five and a half like that’s great the Cap’s going up you have all this cap space like I’m I’m all for it uh so it’s not that I don’t like the player don’t want him on the team it’s like everybody it’s about you know make sure you’re paying you know uh you’re not overpaying for him that’s that’s the only situation and I think the other interesting part of all this is that they could have gotten an extension done during the season they could have gotten it done during last off season but they waited and they maybe you know might have to pay more than that now Brian because he’s had a good playoffs and and uh you know he was their leading Point scorer and goal scorer uh this year in the playoffs and he’s he’s had success in the playoffs in the past as well so maybe the price went up a little bit um might be inflated but uh compared to if they had tried to sign an extension earlier but Scott uh during breakup day he did speak about where his conversations have been where they’re at with the Bruins in terms of getting an extension I don’t know if you had the quote up in front of you but um obviously this was a big a big topic because he’s the the free a that’s coming available on your team that is of the most value I would say um and H probably has is going to get more offers from other teams um that could potentially Drive the price up yeah I mean he was he was asked straight up you know are you surprised there wasn’t a deal done already and he said yes he said if if you had told me at the beginning of the Season that I’d be standing here without a contract I would have thought you were lying so he clearly wanted to get a deal done during the season and and expected one to get done and it didn’t now listen people on both sides can canib a little um but it it sounds to me like he wanted to get something done and the Bruins were probably the ones who pushed it to the off season and usually if we look at Don Sun’s history usually when they let someone get to the off season especially one of their own guys not a deadline Edition usually they don’t bring them back that’s kind of been Don Sweeney’s MO is if you’re one of their own guys and they want to extend you they get it done during the year or or even a full year out so writing on the wall kind of looks to me like like he’s gone um but obviously there is still time between now in July 1 for them to negotiate before he hits the open market and I personally I think the Bruins should be negotiating and at least getting an understanding of like what the price Point’s going to be because again I said like yeah it’ be great if you you know hey if you let him walk and take that money turn around signed one of the big guys great the problem is is those guys have to get to the open market you know the Florida Panthers have cap space and I promise you they want to keep Sam Reinhardt Sam rein Reinhardt might not be there on July first um the Carolina hurri Kings gave up a lot to get Jake gensel he was great for them they have cap space I’m sure they’re gonna be talking to Jake gensel trying to get something done he might not get to the open market yeah and and he also has said he might want to go back to Pittsburgh so uh you know he you’re probably not his fir like Boston’s probably not his first option I mean I’m sure Boston becomes as first option if you offer the most money but you know again like the the Bruns have cap space right now 20 21 to 22 million possibly add five million more onto that if you trade elar but you know are you gonna throw are you gonna be willing to throw 10 million of it to Jake gensel to make sure you blow the other offers it’s it’s a tough way to do business there’s a reason that you know free agent Champs don’t usually win the stand up yeah and something else to consider too and and um you also while talking about uh Scott you mentioned that you’d probably prefer debrus over terce Seno and and that you think he would be a top six on most of these teams again it’s it’s not he probably could be I mean he he was a top six forward on the 2019 Bruins that were a game away from winning the Stanley Cup and if anybody was on that line that wasn’t a top six forward it was Carson kman uh or David bis at that point and D Jake de BR was also in the top six of a team last year that had the G record in history of the NHL um and lost in the first round not due to a lack of offense and Jake debrus was also I think as I said for the last month the Bruins best forward I think in the playoffs from start to finish at least one of them so it just comes down to Dollars and cents for me and it’s about the right the right dollar amount for the right player and there’s there’s it’s not as easy and simple as go sign Sam Reinhardt like you’re talking about Scott teams have the like the Bruins might be in a situation where they might have to overpay Jake debrusk to to to keep that that caliber of players so there’s there’s a lot of factors that play here and it makes it difficult to discuss um but yeah it’s definitely it’s definitely a oh what I was going to say was uh if the Bruins decid to go out and get a top two Center Charlie Coyle is not going to go to the wing I think it’s he’s going to probably stay at Center Ice I think you know maybe Pavo Zach is uh moved over to the left side and you you have a you have a top top six left wing already in house next year because you bring in a top a true top two Center and that moves him to the left side so and then maybe debrus goes to the right side so again it I just want the Bruins to properly spend on what players are based on on how they performed that’s all yeah and and prioritize probably Center over paying a whole lot of money to a Winger um but we’re I mean we’re going to have other other shows about this I want to have a show specifically about like centers and centers to that might be available um Sydney Crosby Sydney Crosby of course high on the list um Crosby and gensel get them in the other black and gold yeah see here here’s the thing like I was always a big Sydney Crosby fan so I I but I know that that’s impossible but you know 16-year-old Bridget would have been thrilled if if that had happened at some point but uh but no so I want to do a whole a whole indepth look at realistic Center options for for Boston this offseason at some point because I think it’s important and I also don’t really I’m not sold on zaka as one of my top two centers um I like them better maybe as a wing option which is you know a whole conversation uh in and of itself so yeah I don’t know if there’s anything else you wanted to talk about with de Brusque or you want to move on to some other contracts that were talked about on breakup day that um and where the negotiations would be for those yeah the one last point I would make on De brusk is Brian as you said like getting it at the right value that’s also where there’s value in negotiating now you know and not letting him get to the open market because if if he really wants to be here like he says maybe he takes five and a half you know five five years five and a half if that’s on the table right now but if you wait till July 1 because you think you want to make a run at someone else all right well that means someone else could swoop in and offer him six and a half and now all of a sudden the price gone has gone up and de bruss says hey you know what I I did want to stay in Boston but now I have this offer sitting here and the Bruins are you know they’re out chasing whoever I think I’m just gonna sign this this is pretty good this is what I want so like there’s also that risk of you know but be careful what you wish for like you let him get to the open market because you want to chase something better there is might end up in a situation where you end up with nothing and now you’re going oh crap who else is out there but there is actually a pretty large market for free agent left Wingers this year like if you if you look at the other names that are available but everyone has cap well if you look at the list a lot more a lot more teams have cap space this year than last year so yes there there’s players out there but like I think it’s gonna I think it’s gonna be a much more active free agent period than last year where I think guys are gonna come off the boards pretty quick because teams have money to spend if if news comes down tomorrow that the Bruins have reached an agreement with Jake debrusk uh and it’s and it’s a fair value deal somewhere in the $5 million range again he’s making four now so to jump from four to six based on his last couple of years it’s it’s I I don’t know how I don’t know how anybody could think that that’s that’s fair to the Bruins so if you can if they reach a deal tomorrow and it’s somewhere in the $5 million range then maybe five five and a half like I’m I’m I’m thrilled about that so it’s all about the value here and Pavo zaka you mentioned Bridget um not being a pot not being sold him being a top two Center that that’s totally valid and but what you do have in him right now is a just about a 60o guy in his in his 10 year under Boston in the regular season so that that’s a good player to have happy with I’d be happy with him on the wing just as much as like if you are able to find a good match for a center you could put next to pasta and keep that keep zaka out there as a as a Winger on that line and and have like a really strong zaka you know Elias linol poer knock line that that would be something that I think would be huge positive if if you could roll something like that out next season um so what I’m saying is I don’t necessarily see him as only a center so like I think he’s in the top six but he might not be one of your two centers you might be on your wing so um that’s what I meant by that but in terms of the other contracts that or free agents that the Bruins have upcoming uh grizzli was interesting he said he had not had any conversations with the Bruins involving in extension so I feel like that tells us everything we really need to know um they if they don’t even throw him an offer like I I’d be a little surprised if they don’t even you know but maybe they just really know that the future for him isn’t here I would I wouldn’t be surprised at all like I just mean like Mason Mason lorai took his job I don’t think he’s giving it back and you probably want more size and physicality lower in your lineup so I’m not I wouldn’t be surprised based on performance wise and Fit I don’t think the fits here but he’s you know just maybe more of just a meeting rather than a offer on like hey this is what we are looking for in the future and sorry like but you you know when free agency hits like go ahead and negotiate wherever you want um yeah I mean they have those meetings with everyone they just hadn’t happened yet by Sunday morning yeah so that’ll probably happen but I I mean I think those are all later in the day like I I think Sunday morning was breakup day media and then as that because that they were all at Warrior all day so as the day went on I think that’s when all the meeting the one-on-one meetings with were as the day went on I do think that pasta and zaka might have taken a flight out at some point after the media session though like maybe they went early in their meetings with Sweeney because I know they flew out to Prague uh to be with a Czech national team so uh but yeah it’s it’s a long day that that day is a real long day for them um and now they’re somewhere on a flight or yesterday on a flight to somewhere TBD we don’t know all we know is they’re all on a plane together besides zaka and pasta um and they’re having fun and some people hate that they are having fun it really bothers me because as like I was never you know a professional athlete I wasn’t even a college athlete but like so when you know you’re never going to have the same group of people together again because obviously some people are leaving from free agency and and what have you like and you’re just all genuinely close to each other why can’t you just have one last trip together and and you know enjoy the time that you have I don’t know it that take bothers me because these guys it’s just about them being friends with each other it’s not about being sad the whole summer that you lost in the second round like I don’t know they’re they’re take it as as a positive thing that they actually like each other and they’re happy to be together and they and they want to spend time with each other I was going to say would you rather have the team where the season ends and everyone can’t wait to get away from each other because there’s infighting and guys don’t get along and like you can have that team if you want yeah I I have no issue with it and the brunes have done it for a few years now yeah last year they went to a Premier League soccer game yeah and yeah it’s it’s a little like on the one hand I get it the fans want to see athletes look like as as miserable or as down as they are when the season ends but I think you got that too like if you watch the if you watch like the guy’s press conferences after game six that night or on breakup day like I I think you got a lot of disappointment and like I I don’t that’s not for show like that that is how those guys feel but they are also wired and conditioned differently because you can’t be a pro a aete if you can’t turn the page quickly on stuff like whether that’s ingame whether it’s a bad game whether whatever it is like you have to put stuff in the past quickly and move on and so no there like sorry that they’re not going to be miserable for three weeks after the season ends they are going to blow off some steam and be able to have a good time and smile and like that doesn’t mean they don’t care it doesn’t mean they’re happy the season’s over like it doesn’t mean any of that it just means they can compartmentalize and get away from the games and like not dwell on it as long as maybe some fans do which I know is frustrating yeah but I I just doubt fans are have sat around these last you know however many days since the season ended and were sad the whole time like theyve probably gone out went out for drinks on Saturday and like I used to this is the first time the light’s been on since the [Laughter] season so and we know that they’re on their way somewhere because Parker weather spoon posted a video of them on the plane uh playing some sort of game and then and we just don’t know where they’re where the planes landed last year was Europe so who knows where they’re going this year but yeah I mean um there’s nothing they can do about it like the season’s over it’s going to be it’s it’s going to be a new group these these guys have a couple of months and then they going to get back into training um probably sometime in maybe Late July or early August and then it’s camp and then it’s see what are they supposed to not go to any Memorial Day cookouts or fourth of July parties they’re supposed to Suk all summer it yeah they can do so much done and some of some of these guys are going to be traded or signing elsewhere very soon so it’s like like either you do it now or or you don’t do it at all really yeah right yeah I mean some guys are legit yeah exactly Scott people are going to be looking for new new homes new apartments new schools for their families based on free agency or whatnot so and also just flying back to their country like Lin Holm will go back to Sweden for a little bit like guys will go back to their hometowns and not be in Boston like some guys stick around Boston but most people at least spend some time back home with their families see their parents see their friends and whatnot so so yeah I mean any hysteria over this is just you know it’s just silly um Scott do we want to go back to the allmark conversation or was there something else in between I’m good with going back to allmark I think it’s yeah I think allmark and Swan contracts are probably next on the list for us here yeah and obviously those two were tied together and you know I led with allar but Swan also talked about his future and uh said that he he wants a long-term extension and he expects one to get done um I also expect that to get done I don’t know what the exact timing will be um you know obviously his playoff changes some of it like obviously gives him and his agent a stronger like to stand on so the price probably went up a little and they have to figure out you know they were probably I think those negotiations had already been happening so now it’s just the Readjustment of okay how much did they go up and figuring that out and then related to that you have to decide how much money you want invested in the goalie position total because if Swan jumps up to say it comes in at eight million like say it really is one of those high-end contracts um that’s 13 million and I just think that’s too much with with what they have to add offensively like you want you probably want that money to go is upgrading your offense and so yeah they’re they’re great friends and Lena alark loves it here and you want players who want to be here but it’s also a business and Don swing’s job is to build the best roster and having you know a $5 million 1B goalie when you now have a onea that that you trust in the playoffs that you’ve seen do it in the playoffs is I think think it’s hard to make the case that you know that that’s what’s best for next year’s team yeah like if you think about where the $5 million could go could go to a top six forward um it could go to maybe adding two good forwards um if that’s what you deem that you need which I think they do so it’s really about it’s about and it’s thinks like you do need to get a good return for him like you’re not trading him and that’s why he hasn’t been traded yet is because first of all they weren’t in the last off season they weren’t getting offers that they thought were Fair a fair deal for him they thought he was worth more than what they were um than the deals that they were getting so they didn’t do it then and then obviously they shopped around at the trade deadline found something they liked but it didn’t go through so back to the drawing board for them and and what their what their value is for him probably I mean he potentially could have gone down after he sat this playoff run though I think everybody still understands that uh he is that same goalie from last year he didn’t have a down year I think you guys will both agree with me that he didn’t have a down year he just got got uh in a situation where they had another really good goalie that ran with it so um I think teams still valuee really highly in terms of a goalie Market but you still want to see what you can get maybe you recoup a draft pick because we we’re joking on Sunday skate they have their earliest pick of this draft is in the fourth round so maybe you can recruit something there uh or get get maybe a prospect or something but a big part of it is the ability to have that extra $5 million available somewhere else Brian you are muted oh sorry probably to the pleasure of many uh so there’s the uh there’s the the benefit the cap benefit right now now we’ve come to find out it seems like the Bruins despite having two really good goenda postseason they probably will never really go to the full goalie rotation platoon in the playoffs from what we’ve seen so that kind of tells us that in the postseason they’ll probably go with one guy okay so in the regular season if if if Lena Sark is no longer around and he can’t carry you know the 45 games or whatever that he played this past year split the games with Jeremy Swan uh what what’s the proper do what’s the proper um start load for Jeremy swan in an 82 Game season without Lena solark are you still looking to have a season where he’s starting 4550 games or do you want him to start 20 and and and somebody starts 22 how does life change without all mark would and and do you think they have somebody in the system that could potentially play 40 45% of the games Razer said that the answer is not within the system when we talk to him well and obviously Razer knows goalies better than I do I will also say Razer is a overbake the pro prospects type of guy like he he wants those guys to like be in the AHL until it’s like Beyond clear that they’re ready I I am not like like I’m like that to an extent where like you know I don’t think it I don’t think this’s harm in spending extra time in the miners but I also feel like at some point you got to give guys a shot and you know if you have a competition for the backup goalie job between Brandon busy and Michael DPA d I’m okay like I’m okay with that and Ra’s point would be like well what if something happens to Swan well when you build a team that now has a number one goalie instead of a one a and one B that’s going to be an issue no matter what so I I gu I do like I do take razer’s point that there’s value in going and getting you know a million and a half dollar backup who’s at least played in the NHL and has the experience and and you think is going to be pretty solid but to me it’s like is there any guarantee that that guy if something happens to sing that that that guy is going to be better than busy or tph like not he kind of laughed at me when I brought it up I mentioned Brennon busy at the end I was like well could it be busy and he was like no like he’s never show if it’s not busy busy has to clear waivers to get sent down extra year so you might end up losing Brandon busy for nothing what what would Razer have said back in like 2014 15 whatever it was if two Ras went down and they had to go to Alex Al or they had to go to Chad Johnson like what was he saying then I mean the the idea of or yonis gustaffson or right exactly like like the idea of oh what if your goalie goes down and have yeah that’s that’s a that’s a problem that literally every NHL team besides the Bruins pretty much have ever yeah and by the way uh you do have to at some point see what you have in brenon busy at the NHL level um and like Scott mentioned he’d have to clear waivers next year so uh you and he’s I to me from what I’ve seen from him small sample size but I think he’s pretty good like I I was pretty comfortable with with his progression so far and um is he G to be as good Asar no um should he is he at the point in his career where he could really benefit from getting ice time and being a backup in the NHL sure um I think he’s a good goalie Prospect and I think he has a he he has a lot of upside and um potential so and and I think I personally it’s a it’s your cheapest option uh it’s a it’s a bigger risk uh there’s no doubt about that but yeah if he does good in so if he does good in preseason I don’t know but obviously at that point in time you would have already had to have either brought in a a goalie a backup goalie you’re not really like you probably would have already made that deal some point in the off season so yeah just something to think about I think I’m a little bit higher on brenon busy than uh than Razer is but I can’t really question him in terms of the goal tending Department I usually just defer to him because obviously he has a way more deep background with with not not only just knowing the position but also knowing the the the guys in the league that are available so yeah I mean razer’s credibility is through the roof and and and his opinion should be held with very high regard he’s been there he’s done that but somebody who also has a ton of credibility is goalie goalie coach Bob asza and the Boston Bruins organization and I think when it comes to goal tending the Bruins as an organization in Bob as Senza have earned the trust of fans and Spectators and analysts that if the team decides to do something and move on from a goal tender and bring up a goal tender from the minor whatever they’ve at least earned the trust that they’ve earned the benefit of the do that like okay yeah yeah they probably are on to something and this goalie will probably Excel because goendale with the Boston Bruins and so while Razer has credibility from experience and and knowing the game and playing the game at that level and at a at a high level himself goalie coach Bob asza and the Bruins organization also have credibility as well yeah for for sure and yeah and like look you can always you can find a veteran who will you know not the million and a half guy that that Razer wants like a proven NHL backup but you can find some sort of Fringe veteran guy who can come play in the AHL for you and then like at least that’s you know like the Bruns have done that before like keiith k k Troy gnik someone like that who you know is is at least something other than a completely unproven kid um but yeah it I guess like at the end of the day I’m not opposed to signing a million and a half half dollar backup like that’s it’s you there are worse ways to to use money um I would just say like if the difference is hey that extra $800,000 can be used in my Pursuit Of A Center or Wing I’m using it there and like I I’ll gladly just filling goalie with with busing DPO and let them battle it out in Camp uh guys while we’re recording there also a trade in the National Hockey League worth mentioning nothing crazy but just maybe helps put things into perspective about what a player could go for at a point in their career so the Tampa Bay Lightning have received Ryan MCD from Nashville and a 244th round pick from Edmonton um and the Predators get uh a 20 25 second round pick and a 247th round pick so uh Ryan MCD good veteran defenseman goes back into the Bruins division um thoughts on on on that that trade Scott Bridget um is that uh too much for McDon too little is it a good you know and what what like how could that be a point of teams could be creative with with trades and whatnot I mean my initial reaction is you know a a second for MCD at this point in his career is is fairly steep but lightning definitely needed defense help and obviously they know mcdna he’s been there before he’s a leader all that so from that from that perspective like it makes sense to me that you know I think that makes a lot of sense for the lightning it feels like exactly the the kind of player they need and you know especially if you’re looking ahead at like there’s a chance that they’re going to lose Steven stamus this offseason I think everyone still expects him to get something done eventually but it hasn’t happened yet and he might end up on the open market then you would really need leadership and and mcdna can help there as well I wanted to ask you guys I want to pull up this tweet from John bigr I think it was earlier today or last night but basically it he listed off I’m trying to find it but he listed off a few different cities in in the NHL um Florida Vegas um Tampa Bay and Nashville and some others and just kind of talking about how um you know the the tax advantages that those teams have in a hard cap league and uh the responses were kind of funny it was a bunch of people being like yeah they should just they should just um get rid of all the state taxes Statewide just to accommodate the NHL but um I don’t know do you guys have any opinions on that just in general like competitive advantages for certain cities with with uh you know tax advantages for players signing well I think there’s competitive advantages for cities for different reasons Florida’s advantages the tax reasons uh I believe Texas also is pretty decent like it it’s not as bad there either um Boston is just a a destination for uh culture for uh Team culture I should say I’m not saying like southy culture is the best thing ever like uh masshole culture no I’m talking about it is it is yeah no it’s actually the the saly is the is the peak of human culture I I had a conversation with Rick Nash about how much he hated the traffic in Boston so that might be a negative but um but yeah there’s different reasons for for people to want to go different places we talked about European guys maybe being it being a little bit easier to keep in touch with your family or go see your family when you’re on the East Coast rather than West Coast weather in different states is awesome uh compared to like Winnipeg or you know uh some colder destinations so yeah there’s all sorts of stuff that goes in it I don’t think that I mean it does help it has to help Florida somewhat to be beautiful all year round and uh you not have to pay income tax so it definitely does again like you you just have to find like absolutely for hockey Boston has its own advantages you know and Bridget you mentioned some of them it’s you know it’s an original six team that is always in it they’re always competitive they have this culture that everyone speaks very highly of and like that’s you know all the people want to rip the Bruns you know for getting on a plane and hanging out together like well that’s part of it players like part why people want to come here yeah exactly um so so yeah like like the tax stuff matters weather matter like but you just have to find the right player right like if you know you go into free agency and one guy that you might have been targeting his agent says oh yeah he’s looking for warm weather or he’s looking for low taxes all right then you’re out then you’re not getting that player go find the guy who wants to be in you know a big hockey market and wants to be on a team that’s competitive every year because there’s going to be plenty of guys who want that too yeah those are your two priorities I’m not sure how much um I would want to add you because like your your leading priorities should not be weather and taxes your leading priority should be fit it can it can be whatever you want it to be like yeah it can be but like it seems like those are th those are I would think that that you would want to add someone that’s highest motivation is to win uh and that that really just likes your org organization and wants to be you know um wants to be it can be both like Matthew kachuck wanted to go to Florida because of the weather and that a winning team that’s a winning team as well yeah uh so I was on bci’s Twitter right now because I couldn’t find the tweet and I’m like did I just wrongfully uh quote bchi for saying that but I so I typed it in the search bar I typed in some keywords and and his tweet did come up but it’s from June 30th 2019 so I don’t know I don’t know if somebody quote tweeted them and it was in my timeline or somebody retweeted it but it popped up in my timeline um the Tweet was from five years ago for some reason that’s why I couldn’t find it on his page recently but still stands the the Tweet said yeah it’s it’s a Timeless tweet it says the Panthers lightning stars Vegas predators and soon Seattle have all have no income tax advantage does that seem quite fair in a hard cap League unless I’m missing something um but yeah anyway the point stand you know I think for for for players that want to go to certain cities I think I think the the cities with the most sun and then the cities with the most history are the ones that as a player are the funnest to play in I know Toronto might not be the funnest city with the media but if you could if you could play for an original six team or or a team that you know you can wear sandals to the rink every day for practice uh tax advantage or not those are probably the most coveted teams to play for but anyway I guess it was a pretty random tweet that came up so yeah when I when I sign my next deal I’m I will be considering all those things yeah I mean it’s kind of relevant I mean we have free agency coming around the corner and stuff so it these are factors I play into it for sure um factors for Boston great school system for for people’s players kids um obviously the best hospitals in the country and best sports city I think in the country and I think a lot of them live in the North End a lot of them like that area of of the city where their food is great and and there’s a there’s a lot going on and the fact that there’s a basketball team and a baseball team and it’s just a good and then football team and a lot of the guys are soccer fans so they go to the revs um there’s a lot of other sports and athletes uh around as well so but anyway um was there anything else you wanted to talk about contract wise some guys we didn’t really touch on that are going to be free agents like forbert or maroon yeah I wanted I wanted to bring up maroon because boy did he lay it on thick like um obviously you know everyone is a pending free agent at least here usually says they want to stay you know they loved it here they like to sign an extension so you get a lot of that occasionally there’s there’s an exception you know I’ll never forget Anton bleed basically straight up telling us he was gone um but Pat maroon said I would love to stay I really enjoyed my time here time here has been amazing I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart this a good group of guys and a great organization in another part of his answer he said I had the best experience of my life in my career to be a part of this group and be a part of these guys that really truly care that’s been on three cup winning teams didn’t he also say he wish he he can go back in time to 2019 and play for the Bruins instead of the the blues didn’t he say that too in that quote Yeah like again like part of like we would have taken it back then yeah Cal obiously you know he’s like I said like he’s really laying it on thick but but even if that is like an exaggeration a little bit like I do think he genuinely wants to be here I do believe that part of it like the the just the basic yes or no does he want to stay I think the answer is yes uh I think uh I wonder what his reasons are uh but you know besides that the team and being close to the team I feel like he felt valued in the locker room I feel like people looked at him with a lot of respect I think he a just like the way he was treated I know that part of his answer too was about how he didn’t think he was able to give his best with the Bruins uh because he was just recovering from back surgery so he hopes that they bring him back next year and he can really bring um you know what what he actually does um because he was a little bit hindered by the fact that he was just coming right off an injury right into the lineup uh so so yeah I I personally think there’s there’s still value the same same value found for him this year I still exist exists next year because you do not have Milan Luchi who you brought in last off season who we all know what happened with and he’s no longer with the team but you it felt like there was a void for that kind of player he filled it there’s going to be another void if if he if he’s gone so uh you either resign him or you find someone that can can do it and maybe he’s a little bit younger but I don’t mind the idea of bringing him back I I don’t know if he’s looking for or or what the market is for him for like is a team gonna promise him like he gets to play a majority of the Season or is he okay kind of being like healthy scratch once it like once a month or twice a month or whatever like or or however much but yeah I like the idea of bringing him back I don’t think it’s going to cost a lot I think he’s a good fourth liner and he’s one of the only guys who sticks up uh or has the ability to make guys think twice about running your you know your star players so so Bridget you you just gave your opinion you would you would take him back um you know he was making a million dollars right so I can’t see him making more than a million going forward probably a million Scott uh a lot of people would say ah he’s too slow he can’t keep up he he he doesn’t impact the play enough um so I’m with Bridget if he’s making a million dollars around there maybe a little bit less hopefully um like look is he is is he the fastest player no in fact is he the slowest player he actually might be um but all theang over so much less than some of the other fourth liners that they’ve had over the the last few years that it’s like his value he makes up for it and when he’s on the boards when he has the puck he does the right thing with it every time whereas some of the guys they try to start the breakout and it turns right back into their Zone and it’s like no every time I’m watching him play a puck around the boards and try to get it out it’s like it’s out it’s it’s where it needs to go he he makes the right plays he’s not the fastest skater obviously but what he brings to a team on the ice and off the ice is veteran presence leadership Championship pedigree knowing what it takes to win and you mentioned to Bridget he can police the game from the Bruins perspective if anybody tries to take Liberties and yes another good point you made is he was coming off back surgery give him another full off season you’re not asking for him to be anybody more than what he is so Scott my question to you is is his lack of foot speed problematic enough for you to not want him next year to be resigned assuming it’s probably for a little money yeah I I’m fine with him coming back he’s also he’s eligible for 35 Plus contract which means you can on a one-year deal you can throw in bonuses so like you could maybe even get him for a veteran minimum cap hit and then say you know here’s an extra 300,000 in bonuses that you could earn with whatever you know 20 games played or 10 points or something um you know relatively attainable so I would be open to it as long as I’m not guarant as long as there’s a clear understanding that he’s not guaranteed an everyday spot because I do think at this point in his career he on on a true Contender he’s probably not an everyday player if he’s okay with that if he’s okay being in and out and sometimes being the 13th or even 14th forward I’d be okay with that if he wants to thr him a bonus that says if you do end up in the lineup for x amount of like games then like as you assuming because you’re playing well enough to have earned your your games and whatnot like that could be a bonus that you throw in for him well that that’s what I mean like that that’s what why I said like 20 games or something you know make it pretty easily attainable um but yeah like if he’s okay with that then then absolutely if he wants to go somewhere where he’s going to be guaranteed to play pretty much every day or if he wants more than a million then it might not work out like I’m certainly not going I’m not committing like any even 1.2 million like I’m at that point I would probably just walk away say you know thanks we loved having you but you know we’re gonna invest that money elsewhere do you think that there are a lot of teams that are going to guarantee him playing every day well what I yes but not cup contenders what I could see now different player Nick feno’s better but like the Blackhawks obviously way overpay Nick Felino they didn’t care because they’re so far under the cap they’re like we just need a leader which Nick Felino is so I yeah some bad team or some young team that needs some leadership and and some toughness yeah like someone could swoop in and give them two years two million a year because what the hell do they care like they’re not up against the cap so it doesn’t matter so that like that’s the choice he has to make is like does he want one last you know really solid paycheck or does he just want to be on a winning team and he’s okay not playing every day yeah hey you know I I’d be I’d be happy if he wanted to sign here uh so that’s just my opinion on it um and it sounds like he’s more than willing to so um I say bring him back but is there any other news that we missed from breakup day that you guys wanted to mention nothing off the top of my head other than the fact that we have uh another podcast this week which will be covering the ownership and management brass speaking Scott who exactly is speaking uh Charlie Jacobs Cam Neely Don Sweeney and Jim Montgomery and that’s that’s Wednesday afternoon so yeah probably I don’t know sometime maybe Thursday morning we’re recording okay great oh by the way guys since it’s the off season well not not quite yet because we’re still you know Scott’s moving over to some Celtics coverage I’m covering the pwhl uh so not like not offseason offseason but uh I do have a lot more time on my hands so I was working on some graphics and I don’t know if Scott noticed this that I added this and I’m gonna make one that I can pop up just directly on his face like over to the like neither was Scott did you see that one coming Scott no but I do like that it covers your face that I think I’m gonna I think I’m GNA move it to like per like on his third of the screen uh so that it just pops up and it’s just Scots pops for for those who are listening and not watching it’s Scott’s face over a popcorn which I also turn into stickers I turned into a popcorn container uh I’ve turned into a popcorn uh bag I I don’t know Scott his I stuck one in the office I gave some away my brother put one on a on a at a ski resort in Wyoming so they’re all over the world now somehow you got on a billboard on 95 South I don’t know how you did that and then I also think you should somehow reach out to home I can’t believe you use skate pod Budget on that Bridget yeah I’ll two sense of it and then this is this is what happens when I’m bored every time I’m bored it it negatively it has a negative effect on Scott feel like you walk there’s like there’s some psychological issues there that that you know I don’t I don’t think we have time to fully dive into but I wish I could make it so that if once I hit the button it also muted your mic so it just was your face like if any if anybody’s been at a been in a line at Marshalls or HomeGoods or whatever those stores are when like there’s the most random thing of like being sold caramel popcorn yeah like that’s exactly where these should be so I don’t know if we need to send an email to those stores Bridget TJ Maxx or whatever but well we’re trying we’re trying to get the Scots Pop Brand up and going so maybe at some point we we have our own side business of popcorn you know caramel corn and and it all just has Scott’s face on it this is also what it looks like when Scott calls me this is what pops up is mine is mine a picture of the nose bed yes yours is the black eyy I’ll tell you I’ll tell you that uh people think I took a I took a blow they should see how much damage the pole had um so should have seen the other guy yeah yeah anyway um anyway more to come because I’m bored this summer so more graphics on the way oh boy okay well that’ll wrap it up for this episode um to all of our listeners and I mean all of our listeners thank you very much for for tuning in and we will talk to you soon hey guys thanks for watching the skate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast don’t forget to follow us on social media and if you enjoyed this video please don’t forget to give us a thumbs up subscribe to our 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We discuss the new information about injuries and contract talks with Bruins players. What Ullmark, DeBrusk, Grzelcyk and Maroon said about where they stand with the Bruins. Plus, thoughts on the final four teams left in the playoffs and other news from around the NHL.

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Jump to:
00:00 – Which Stanley Cup matchup do you want to see?
10:00 – Bruins reveal injuries on breakup day
14:00 – What Ullmark said about his future with Boston
18:20 – Where contract talks stand with DeBrusk
42:00 – What the offseason holds for Ullmark and Swayman

Photo: Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

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  1. i am Canadian, born in 1987, been a bruins fan since i was a kid, 2011 was a little different vs canucks, i grew up with Paille and Horton and lots of Bruins fans came out then, for the cup days it was packed, welland/Niagara falls area what's about 1.5 hours from Toronto so i feel a lot cheered when those 2 were playing, even Jamie Tardif played a few games in 2013 also a Welland boy,

  2. Great points on debrusk. Good player and would def keep him for right $. Brian worded it great. He’s making 4 mil, what has he done over last 2 years for a 2 mil $ raise? Call it in the middle sign him for 5 and here we go

  3. I texted EEI on Sunday skate concerning extending Pat Maroon, wanted to add that 5 months of rehab on his recent back surgery should improve his game, The Bruins need the skills he brings, considering Milan Lucic is out of options.

  4. Not going to be very popular, but what about keeping Ullmark and trading Swayman? You save money because Sway is going to cost 6+ million dollars. He doesn't have any no trade clauses, and his trade value is higher than Ullmark. What do you think?

  5. He says points… Not all points are equal. Debrusk is heavier bias toward goals. Which are worth more. Plus these other guys signed years ago. You know the salaries go up over time right? Plus Marchy was a steal , he took a huge discount cause hes amazing. Debrusk is legit, and shows up for playoffs. A bit streaky but i want him back!

  6. 100% Stamkos gone after that trade. 2@6.75 for McDonough, Yuk. Also lets not forget Bruins have 21 million and do not have Swayman signed. So you sign Swayman at 8 per year, Now you have 13 Million. OK trade Ullmark gain 5 Million, now you have 18, without a Back-up signed. So you get one say 1 million. Your down to 17 in Cap space now. Be careful thinking, a lot of Cap Space. Lindholm? What's the term and price?

  7. Lucic and Boston are not officially over.I see you rushed to throw Lucic under the bus.He probably finished the episode in Boston,but one would think that he is not a Boston legend,and that he does not deserve a second chance?!Marroon is obviously a much better player,and brings more toughness,that must be it.

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