@Boston Bruins

How to stay in control when sailing fast: Q+A Live

How to stay in control when sailing fast: Q+A Live

hello yes that’s right it’s Joe here live for Joy Rider TV back with some more q and a um we’ve got some hot topics to dive into uh this afternoon or this morning depending on where you are of course and when you’re watching this um so I thought I would just jump straight in to what is the Hot Topic on today’s um q& a which was how to stay in control when you’re sailing really fast when you’re going for the full send um yeah so it may you know if you’ve been watching the videos of uh the big speed runs um I think I did post one uh this week just a short video just like a a clip made from um the LA last year’s World Record speedrun video and um it does look pretty exciting and it did raise the question which came in from Fiona um which said um that looks amazing how can you react fast enough at that speed to the changes uh that occur in the wind direction and strength this is a fine question which is why I thought um I would answer it so and along with that we’re just going to look at how to stay in control and attached to the boat at those sort of speeds so I think first thing that um let’s just have a little bit of a before you even contemplate going for that sort of speed um you know one of those speed especially on the trapeze or or not on the trapes either way absolutely essential is that you are really comfortable with how your main sheet is set like the angle of the cleat so I’m just going to draw a quick picture um here’s the guy on the trapeze arm foot uh side of the boat back Cross Beam it’s a very accurate picture and there is the bottom main sheet block and the top main sheet block you need to make sure that you’ve set the angle of the cleat so that let’s just have the main sheet in a different color because we like to do that because it is of the greatest importance that you are really comfortable to get the main sheet out of the cleat but it’s also if you really want to get um the boat up to full speed it is very important that you are able to get it in the cleat when you want to because that is going to really facilitate you getting the main sheet in more and and if you’re having to kind of hold it all of the time you’re going to fatigue quicker which means the likelihood of you playing the main sheet enough is going to be less so as I’ve said before playing the main sheet is the way that you are staying in control this is number one playing the main sheet if you’re not playing the main sheet and you’re just kind of staring for the differences in the wind then you really are um just subject to the will of the Gods and eventually you’re going to be sticking the nose in really hard or capsizing sideways or just not achieving what is the potential um in those conditions so this is why um over the winter I use a main sheet training simulator which apparently I was told by Thanos um os3 sales that the fin Sailors were doing that back um the Olympic guys were doing that back in the 70s uh for training so he was quite tickled that I was keeping that dream alive of doing a bit of main sheet training in the winter just both for the strength that it takes to play the main sheet enough but also for the grip strength gripping the Rope so in my main sheet training simulator um I’m using a thinner rope than I would do on the boat which actually requires more grip uh which I think is really good um practice so number one make sure that you’re able to play the main sheet as effectively as possible now if you’re sailing with a crew that you really trust then yeah by all means give the main sheet to the crew and they can work that bad boy like it’s going out fashion they can just be cranking it until smoke starts coming off the blocks it’s going in and out so much but if your crew is playing the main sheet like that then who is in control of the jib that is a good question um if as the helm you can be in control of the jib because at times it is going to become necessary to let the jib out like if you get the monster gust then letting the jib out is certainly going to reduce the risk of you sticking the nose in that’s for sure or reduce the risk of the the sideways cap size so number one playing the main sheet I think uh this is absolutely critical so um when you’re setting the angle of your cleat just be aware that the angle of the cleat and your ability to either cleat or unle is relative to the height of the trapeze um so when you’ve got the trapeze shorter so you’re trapezing higher up it will make your cleat appear to be lower down so it’s going to be easier to get it in but more difficult to get it out of the cleat this is very important to consider because along with that what happens is um here’s our boat um we’ve decided that we can use these as a little trapezing chap oh look he’s even got a little face there um so as when you’re further forwards on the boat because you’re physically closer to where the trapeze wire is anchored on the Mast you’ll be trapezing lower so if you move towards the back of the boat um with the trapeze wire set at the same length you’re going to be as you go right to the back you’re going to be trapezing a fair bit higher which is going to make your cleat feel like it’s lower down so when you’re Set uh perhaps when you’re on the land set your boat up so that you can trape on the land at the height that you like to Trapeze and then just um you know experiment with the height of the cleat and see if you can work with it when you’re further forwards for sailing upwind and when you’re further uh back for um giving it the full send because it will feel like a different angle so it will feel like it’s lower down as you come back uh to the back of the boat which is going to make it more tricky to Uncle H yeah that is consideration number one all right so consideration number two is you know if you are going full send it’s not absolutely essential that you get into this position on the trapeze at the back of the boat you can do it with the crew out on the trapes helm sat on the boat um as far back as possible but you’re always going to go faster if it’s windy enough when you’re double trapezing so um yeah so it’s not essential but you’re going to go faster if you are going to be double trapezing as the helm on the trapeze very important is you get yourself into a position where you feel really secure so that is going to be for me what that is is back foot right under right up against is a trusty Rudder stock um so back foot is right up against would it be that bit yeah oh that bits on top yeah so right up against there so with your back foot pushing against there that’s locked in so if your back foot does get hit by any waves it’s not going to you know if it was slightly further forwards and you get hit by a wave that’s going to bend your back foot backwards which could I I know from experience that can be quite painful when your back foot gets sent back into the rudder stock or the rudder pin at the top there it’s nice to have a bit of extra reinforcement on your sailing boots on the outside so if you do go into there it’s you’re going to have a bit of protection so that’s the back foot and then the front foot you want to have a fair angle between your legs so that you’ve got really good stability and um and then just playing the main sheet from that position and steering as is necessary so we’ve got the control coming from the main sheet we’re secure at the back of the boat um crw should be if you’re sailing double-handed then crw should be as close to the helm as possible and to keep the crew feeling secure um if they’re not playing the main sheet which I I think if you are if you’ve got the power to play the main sheet you are so much more connected to what’s going on because the steering and the main sheet A lot of the time need to happen simultaneously maybe I’ll actually do a video this is really putting one’s head into the Jaws of the metaphorical lion but um if I go out on a speed run and let the crew take the main sheet oh golly gosh that is going to require some Faith uh that they will um play the main sheet there will certainly be a lot of shouting of Pull It in let it out pull it in let it out um let it out let it out let it out sort of thing um because of the fear of it not going out when it needs to go out so uh yeah that’ll be a really fun video maybe in fact that will be one of the next ones that I make once I’m back on the water um very exciting um yeah so uh where was I yeah crew playing the main sheet so to keep the crew secure a good shout if they’re not playing the main sheet is in the backand to hold on to the traveler rope front hand on to the jib sheet now I have seen a reasonable amount of and um I don’t know if it’s just um here with people on holiday going sailing but if this is the Shroud here she won’t stick oh she will um there’s been a lot of people holding the jib sheet around the front of the Shroud that I’ve noticed on these speeduns and that doesn’t work for me because if you’ve got the jib sheet round the front of the shroud how on Earth are you going to unle that bad boy in the event of that bad boy needing to be uned you’re not going to be able to you’re just going to be stuck um so always directly I know it sounds to me it seems obvious but I’ve seen quite a lot of it going on and um so maybe it isn’t as obvious as it seems there we go um all right so back to to Fiona’s original question of how do you deal with those gusts and lulls and changes in wind direction so if we now uh change scale to the small boat so as we’ve discussed quite often wind coming from the top here when we’re going on um we trying to go sail fast we’re going to generally start off on a beam RI um or possibly even closer to the wind because it’s just a bit easier you know if we’re not sailing round a course uh racing um then it’s definitely easier to get settled on the trapeze when the boat’s not going so fast so if we sail more on an upwind close reaching course we’re gonna find getting settled on the trapes much easier and then once we’re settled we can then take her having moved to the back of the boat onto a beam reach and then what we’re doing as we have discussed many times apologies if this is a bit of a repeat is if the hole lifts then we can go for more speed by turning more down wind as I’ve said before every time when it’s windy every time we turn downwind more we need to ease the main sheet at the same time other wise we are really just asking for that lewood bow to go under the water and we will be upside down before you know it um so by turning more downwind we’re transferring that healing pressure into more boat speed and by sailing fast this is actually um making it if anything quite a lot easier because as we’re coming down here um how should we illustrate this um we’re going to be sailing through different bits of wind yeah we’re going to be sailing through different bits of wind at the same time we’re going fast you know if we’re doing 20 knots of boat speed we’re producing 20 knots of induced wind coming straight on at us and what that induced wind is going to do as we sail through these variations in uh wind direction and strength if we’re sailing fast it’s almost going to act kind of like wind suspension it’s going to be smoothing out those changes to the actual wind because we’re creating so much induced wind um that we’re not going to feel the gusts the lulls and the wind shifts as much because we’ve got this consistent headwind that we’re creating by sailing very fast the other thing we’ve sailing fast is we’re going to be going in and out of these different bits of wind much more quickly so um they’re not going to have as much time to affect us as we sail into those changes in the wind strength and when we’re sailing so fast there is also going to be much less load in the rig because if the true wind is coming from this direction and we’re going as fast as the wind that means that there’s very little pressure in that direction and that’s the direction which is going to trying to force the bow under the water um So the faster that we’re going the less pressure that we’ve got trying to force the boughs in which actually is going to make it so much easier and it’s kind of like a um whatever you’d call the opposite of a vicious circle maybe it’s a happy circle of the faster you go the easier it gets really but you’ve got to just have the confidence to let the boat go that fast because certainly um for me about when would it have been about 10 years ago um I made the video where I was sailing with dom Dominic and um it’s one of the early videos so it’s before I was doing the proper commentary but you could hear the chat back in those days every time we started getting like 23 knots or something I was kind of starting to feel a bit out of control and like how is this going to end and pretty much bottling it every time um bottling it is a I don’t know if it translates to American or Australian but in English it means um when you get scared and you kind of abort Mission a bit so to bottle it would be if you’re thinking of jumping over a a small River and just before you get to the edge you think oh no and it’s like a refusal in horse racing there we go I like to explain um possible um of course we do have to be uh Vigilant looking out for the variations in wind direction because sometimes like um you might have seen in the videos as we get um which way we actually going there so the wind’s coming from there so as we get close to this mountain that we sail alongside in vasiliki Bay there are many gullies that come down the mountain and this wind does vary quite a lot as you know it comes down the gullies perhaps more aggressively but um which means that there might be areas where there’s quite a big difference in Wind strength but again because we’re sailing so fast um it Smooths it all out and makes it a lot easier than it actually appears but you have to unlock that with confidence there we go so I hope that is a good answer to that question we’re actually going to go into this a little bit more in a second with the next preloaded question all we could um but before we do that just uh going to check in with everybody who’s checking in live all right so we got Phillip tuning in from Ireland all right Phillip I hope you’re getting some sunshine by now um I think last week uh you weren’t too impressed with the weather we’ve got Hanny Channel member hany um I would guess uh tuning in from Amsterdam or somewhere close by uh Jason’s with us hello Jason uh we’ve got Channel member Ryan uh tuning in from Maui in the Hawaiian Islands nice to have you with us as always Ryan at the crack of dawn uh Justin is um with us from South Padre Island Texas never been but it sounds nice anything called something Island always sounds uh pretty nice umk um he says thanks for everything you do for this community it’s really greatly appreciated thanks very much Justin and it is because knowing that people are actually using some of maybe not all of the information that I’m handing out here on Joy Rider TV but some of it and it’s make it’s improving the quality of people’s life on the water um it really does motivate me to um continue on this mission that I’m on to spread the word of um catamaran sailing and uh how much fun it is uh and that’s one of the nice things when I went to Ocean Springs Mississippi and met a lot of people who had been watching a lot of the videos and just the vibe there was fantastic all these people United just by the sh sheer joy that they get from catamaran sailing and eating shrimp yeah um nice all right we got s on board um from the Cayman Islands nice to have you with us there Simon uh Steven’s on board I believe Steven would be somewhere in the region of graph and water uh sort of fairly close to Cambridge in the UK we’ve got Mark and Janet on board in Ohio I believe USA all right Justin’s in with a question all right this I get the impression this is a tricky one all right why is it some of my friends boats seem to be able to sail closer to the wind than I able to with my Mast red back further than theirs yeah this is uh this is a tricky one there’s quite a lot of elements that come into it um in no particular order um it might depend let’s just go boat set up first actually so if your Mast is is red further back than your friend’s boats and they’re sailing close to the wind there is a chance that perhaps uh this is without seeing any pictures or anything of what’s been going on but maybe you’ve got too much Mast rake which actually means if um if we rake the Mast back too much then you’re not able to get as much tension into the leech of the main sale and the ability to point does come somewhat from the tension in the leech of the main sale and it has been said that the most gifted Sailors on the upwind course are those who are able to carry the most tension in the leech of the main cell but without over sheeting and stalling um so if you put your mask back too much then perhaps there’s just not enough space between the boom and the back beam to be able to get the tension in the main sheet that would be number one so perhaps if your friends are um willing to cooperate R and um maybe at the moment they’re enjoying the fact that they can point higher than you but um perhaps what would be a good starting point would be to copy their rig setup um so that your uh Mast rake and rig tension is identical to theirs then go out sailing and um see if that makes any of a any difference and then if they’re still out pointing you on the up wind then you know that it’s not actually the Mast rake which is um the contributing factor here perhaps it’s um it might be the way you’ve got your Rudders set up perhaps if you’ve got too much Mast rake and the Rudders aren’t trimmed under the boat enough you’re going to be getting more weather Helm which is going to stop you from being able to point perhaps it’s your position on the boat um depending on the Wind strength maybe you’re a bit too far back in the light winds and maybe a bit too far forwards in the strong winds there are a lot of variables here um it might be if the wind is well up to probably about 16 to 18 KN 16 knots of wind let’s say a lighter team is going to have the upper hand um on the upwind point of sale because once you’re starting to lift the hole um the Windwood Hull then I think pretty much regardless of what type of boat you’re sailing once you’re getting that Windward hole lifting then you’re going to go faster and as you go faster you’re going to get more lift and more lift is going to allow you to sail closer to the wind so there are some factors to start with um are you able to get enough tension in the in the foot of your jib um because if you’re sailing you know knowing nothing about your boat or anything but if you’re sailing a slightly older boat like anything I’d say pre 85 and you’re putting a lot of M rake on it the jib is not going to um like the way that I’ve been explaining how to set the jib up on Joy Rider TV videos is not actually going to work with an older jib with that amount of M rake because you’re not going to be able to sheet in hard enough so is it really easy to get your jib absolutely blocked you know uh when I say blocked I mean with the blocks so you can’t physically pull it in anymore is that really easy to do if it is then do you want to keep the same amount of M rake then the kind of the only workaround you can do there is to actually move the tack of the jib the front bottom corner upwards and that will actually make distance between uh the tack of the jib and where the jib sheets um pull from it’s going to make that distance greater so you will be able able to get more tension into the foot of the jib so there’s a few ideas for you Justin not a cure or a reason but there are some factors that will have gone into that somewhat all right so moving on uh through the live chat we uh Stephen um says I usually give the crew the main traveler as a get out of jail card when going for the send yeah so um by the crew having the traveler when we’re doing this sort of Caper it means they’ve got an anchor at the back of the boat so if the boat does slow down suddenly they’re not going to go flying forwards because they’ve got this anchor at the back of the boat just uh for those of you um so if that’s the crew there’s his little head um and then be nice if I had some sort of string that I could use here but I don’t um then by them holding on to the traveler there at the back that’s the traveler rope that means if the boat stops suddenly they’ve got that to stop them from flying forwards with a um nose dive or pitch pole situation unless it is really really windy I would say five or six maybe even seven times out of 10 if the nose stick in and it ends up with a cap size those times the cap size is actually caused by the weight of the sailors going flying forwards and actually pulling the boat over on top of them yeah there we are all right we’ve got Glon uh on board in Brazil great to have you with us um I’ve been doing what I can and I’ve actually found a workaround let me know if it’s been working because um I can’t really check the um subtitles very effectively in Portuguese but um but I’ve all the recent videos now should have um subtitles and um in I go for seven eight languages as standard if um do let me know if your language that would make it really so much easier to understand the video is not getting subtitled and other languages are uh just let me know what language would make it easier for you and I’ll be sure to um include that when subtitling um by the way I’ve just been asked by YouTube to draw your attention to Super Chat and super stickers which you’ll find um this is this is where my live chat is in fact can we this will be weird if I take the um the old camera they’ll probably see an end yeah so here’s the live chat uh like here and then at the bottom you see this one if you click on that it means that you can show the the answer to the questions been to you liking by chucking us a little bit of cheddar uh with which I could buy some more cameras or a I’m getting towards the time in my old trusty um this is the old trusty it’s this is a GoPro hero8 and I think she’s on her last legs so um yeah I’m looking at alternatives to replace that bad boy anyway um so cuckol here nice to see you um have a nice day to everyone please push the like button yeah that’s uh very solid advice uh that really does support the Channel all right thanks to Ryan for banging in there with a super sticker um or I don’t know if that’s a super sticker or super chat but uh very kind of you especially at that time in the morning all right dereck’s on board from Summerland is Summerland actually a place if it is I think it’s a place where you will want to be um it’s certainly some summertime here in Greece uh it’s pretty warm at the moment and hope well I’m almost certainly going to be getting back on the water next week um because I have been having a bit of a knee issue but um just GNA have to work around it because um they say that knees uh you know you could just replace them yeah um all right Fiona’s there who um it was Fiona who raised that question on the topic of um staying in control at great speed thanks very much that question I um I love that sort of chat uh fascinating never understood what the apparent wind was and why it mattered now I understand why things got easier as it went faster yeah it kind of just Smooths everything out oh thanks very much Stephen for your super sticker or Super Chat very kind of you and it’s all G to go to a good cause and that cause is going to be improving the qualities of the video because I don’t want to have to go back to using the My Hero 5 uh GoPro which uh isn’t actually waterproof all right we’ve got armed Lion on board from New Jersey hoping to get the boat in the water soon very good um yeah uh I think this must be that sort of time for a lot of people uh getting the boat in the water now just a quick sub announcement on the topic of show us your cat the video series which everyone seems to like uh in varying degrees but um during the summer I’m not going to be making any more episodes of show us your cat basically because it takes such a long time I’d say it’s almost you may not believe this but it is true it takes almost two solid days of um work and putting it together making the script um um sorting through the photographs all that sort of thing uh to put together an episode of show us chat so by all means if you’re getting out on the water and you’re thinking this is some great footage for show us CH cat or if you’re getting out on the water you’ve got your camera rolling and somehow you flip the boat over or you have some sort of near Miss then um send me the footage for an episode of what went wrong um but what I’ll be doing is I’ll just be cating um like filing everybody’s footage and pictures until after the sailing season is finished here in Greece which will be in October and then hopefully if I get enough footage video uh pictures in then I will be able to start putting episodes of show shat out more regularly over the European winter months so there you go all right right so we’ve got um oh thanks very much Lee for your super sticker it is um very kind of you and yes I can feel that new uh camera coming already right we’ve got Ward on board it’s ward in Belgium uh great to have you with us we’ve got Griffin in Seattle USA who is a new Hobie owner and enjoying the channel yeah nice one Griffin and um there’s it’s got to be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life when they uh or when you say new Hobie owner I don’t know if you mean that you’ve just got a brand new one or you’ve just got your first catamaran um because what I was gonna say is the time when you get your first catamaran I think that is one of the most exciting times uh it certainly was the most exciting time of my life when I got my first boat I could not stay off it for a great many years uh so much fun all right Lee said oh it’s uh yeah Lee nice one um from Big Bear California and then we got Hans in Germany hello Hans you must be coming this way fairly soon um all right so at this point I’m going to just abandon the live chat for a second and uh just because I think I need another uh question to talk about rather than just checking in with everyone but I will continue to check in after we’ve talked about this next question this one comes from Sunset wingman um who I believe apologies if it’s not right but I believe somewhere in Florida um who says and this is a this is the question about the hob 16 just doing a bit of cleaning um he says how come it’s only the Hobe 16s that can pull off this kind of speed this is referring to the highspeed 26 knots um in heavy air and on a broad reach but they are so much slower than modern types of boats um in any other wind and any other point of sale okay so there’s a few reasons why but um let’s start at the top and the top I would say is talking about the rig so the rig on a Hobie 16 is what we would call low aspect so uh low aspect meaning that the majority of the sail area or yeah we could actually say the majority of the sail area is like the bottom third that’s where we’re really getting the juice from and having that and if we just compare this to a modern boat uh which could be pretty much anything um F16 F18 a class um bit of an exaggeration there but um there you can see there is much more sale area high up which so we call this a high aspect sale and the high aspect sales are so much more efficient for sailing up wind um this is because we’re able to keep the leech tension on a high aspect sale much tighter all the way up until we just get to the top three or four batons and then it starts to as the wind increases open up like a bird’s Wing um and that is what makes these so efficient upwind and if you look at kind of glider technology it’s the gliders that have the longest Wings which can go the furthest whereas with the short Wings if we talk Aviation here the short Wings much more maneuverable uh probably provide a lot more uh just grunt that torque that um initial lift but once it’s going it um it won’t Glide as far because um of science there we go said it science um I’m not particularly scientific as um I may have mentioned before but science does come into it so the higher aspect sale definitely better for upwind sailing are modern boats faster on a downwind course I would say for the size of the boat if you compared a Hobie 16 on a downwind course any wind strength with a more modern design which isn’t used us a spa or foiling I would say it’s not that much for the size of the boat I’d say it’s fairly even but with most modern boats they are either foiling these days or flying a spica and I think when you’re flying a spica it stands to reason that that is going to go much um faster and deeper downwind um cuz the low aspect sale plan is very powerful on a Hobie 16 so downwind um it’s much more just raw power which is just uh there now the the reason why the Hobie 16 as well as the raw power and grunt that gets delivered from this low aspect sale plan is the shape of the HS um we have spoke Spen about this before but we’ve got a perfectly flat outside and this curve on the inside and it’s the flat on the outside which is really interesting us because what we’re actually getting with this flat outside when we get to a certain speed um so if the boat was flat like this then it wouldn’t go tremendously fast it’ go pretty quickly but we’re that is just going to be pushing if this is the lewood one it’s going to be pushing this way into the water um which is going to give us some lift to Windward but that’s all but when it gets really interesting and fast is when we start flying the hull that is why we wait until we’re flying the hull on a beam rig before we send it down the M shaft to get the big speed and um just need to make a bit space Oh I could go lower down here we go um so when we get the whole flight this is a huge exaggeration we we wouldn’t fly the hole that high but when we get the hole flying like this then because the pressure is pushing that way the boat doesn’t care which way up or down is it just cares about where the force is pushing and um like a wind surf board has a very flat bottom and the pressure is pushing down like this and the wind surf board planes which means it overtakes its bow wave which gives it effectively an un limited top speed the thing that really determines the speed is the ability to stay in control which is kind of determined to some degree by on a wind surf board the Finn but on our catamaran uh by the Rudders and the skill of the people sailing the boat um so but when we get the whole flying and we’re getting this planing on that outside uh flat Edge then the actual amount of speed that we could get out of the Hobe 16 is unlimited but it is limited like I said by the ability to stay in control by the Rudders um and um and yeah and that’s that is it that is why the Hobe 16 goes so fast when we throw a load of wind at it the other thing is the more modern boats are designed for sailing round um a course in racing conditions now race uh most races most classes won’t start a race in more like a world championships for example in more than like 25 knots of wind so they are designed to be as efficient as possible in that kind of like 8 to 16 knot wind range um which means in the lighter wind the more modern boats are going to be more efficient because that’s how they’ve been designed and like if we continue with the ho shape this um exaggerated ho shape massive dagger board um is going to be so efficient for sailing upwind on um a modern uh formula style boat um compared to the old Hobie 16 which doesn’t have much volume as well so volume comes into it the amount of liters of air inside the hole means in the light wind um the people on the boat with not much volume the boat is just going to sink down into the water more so it’s going to be more drag whereas on the modern boat especially these with the flat bottom that flat bottom is really providing loads of resistance against going into the water it’s just going to sit on top so we’ve got very little drag loads of lift from these massive foils foils by the way are what we’re calling the dagger boards and if there’s our boat dagger board and the Rudders so um there is some a little bit of confusion these days when talking about foils because of the Advent of foiling boats but uh foiling yes it uses these curved foils to lift up out of the water but any Rudders or dagger boards are also in this category of foils I can see why it would be confusing because it is there we go um what more can we say about why um I think we pretty much said it there so that is why the Hobe 16 is an absolute rocket ship now what I would be really interested to have a go on would be something like a Prindle 16 or maybe a Prindle 18 classic one um which have a similar hole shape but a much taller hole because they don’t have the raised trampoline now I believe if the um the Rudders on these prindles are as good as the Rudders on the hobes then the potential for the prindles going really fast as well is there that’s what I believe so there we go thank you very much uh Sunset wingman for your thought-provoking question I enjoyed it and I hope everybody else did too thank you um what was my other by the way by the way yeah this is a question to the community um and with this particular question if you could put the answers your response to this question in the comments section rather than in the live chat that would be really good but um so this week I put out a video quite a long video for me on the topic of racing and it was pretty much everything you need to know before you hit the race course video and um I’ve had a lot of great uh response from that that people found it really really useful people of all levels so people who haven’t raced before and people who’ve done a fair bit of racing but weren’t really sure if what they was doing was the right thing or not um now what my question is is are there other videos that you would like to see on Joy rid of TV even if maybe I’ve made them before but in this kind of let’s call it the classroom format so kind of like what we’re doing here but organized into a video form what would be uh what would interest you stick it in the comments and I will see what is feasible to do um so there you go thank you in advance all right back to the live chat um all right so Ward says um back in resp response to Justin who’s not pointing very well um Ward says on his F16 which is one of these modern boats um he puts a bit less tension on the diamond wires so Less prebend in the Mast this is going to put more curve into the sail and that helps with the pointing uh on his particular boat very good all right we’ve got Scott dropping it is in to the slot as he does nice to have you with us Scott hope it’s all going well um for you and I would would I guess that your sailing season has started now at Cultus Lake um answers on a postcard all right Justin says thanks for your response I will play with a few adjustments when I’m out next and yes it’s an older boat it’s a very older boat 1978 that is an old boat uh so I’ll apply your recommendations with the jib block placement yeah so um actually putting the tack of the jib higher up so um where we’ve got the um the chain plate I don’t know why I’m doing this actually uh where you’ve got the chain plate where you attach the jib at the bridal wise so the back of the jib um just start moving it up like maybe um you’ve been having it in number three but maybe just try putting it in the top uh unless your four stays in there in which case put it one down from the top and just see if you can get more tension into the foot of the sail of course with an older boat um if the people if you’re friends with their boats have are much newer there is a chance that an old boat is just going to be heavier so uh like we were saying here with this drag to lift kind of stuff if your boat’s heavier it’s going to sit down more in the water creating more drag which means you’re not going to be getting as much lift from that flat side and the Rudders uh which means you’re not going to be um able to point as high it’s just the sad truth sorry all right so um Kevin nice to have you with us Kevin in Illinois USA um Glon says uh that principle works for the 14 to yes absolutely the same uh for the Hobe 14 uh the 16 and the 14 and uh uh almost identical apart from the fact that you wouldn’t want to put two grown-ups on a uh Hobie 4 unless they were very small all right all right so Fiona says sorry cannot find the comments oh yeah so I don’t know maybe it’s because this is live at the moment that the comments bit or hasn’t actually appeared yet until this is there for people to watch afterwards so uh Fiona’s video request how to lay the mark so that you shave it every time night nice all right I’m just can I do that no um all right I’ll just have to type that up afterwards but thank you Fiona for your um suggestion all right so next one in the preloaded questions and actually we’ve been going 53 minutes um now and it’s almost certainly in um Greek time uh time for a beer so um no more questions in the live chat please um if you have got a burning question for the live chat if it’s accompanied by a super sticker or super chat then yes we can go for it otherwise I’ve just got one more pre-loaded question and that is from F Yates um and this is going to require a bit of board space but um this is in response to I’m guessing that most people will have seen the um video I made quite a long time ago just when um I was starting to make more organized videos the video on how to fly the hull uh the older the oldest one on how to fly the hull and Fates asks how did I get that amazing footage this is of course what a boat looks like uh um and um so you’ll have seen in that video that I used a few different um camera mounts but the one which was the really good one was the one at the um Bridal wires so what I do uh I still use the same Mount but not in the same way so I’ve got a mount that kind of Clips onto the chain plate where a camera can be attached uh pointing back at the boat but um the reason it was so good in that video I’ve actually prepared you’re not going to believe it is um this is the Mount um that I used and this is the Mount that I still use so um if what this these are just some bits of I just put in a Google search on E not eBay search sorry for GoPro mounting extensions and um it found me these bad boys which I’ve had for a long time now um and so what I um oh yeah missing a bit here we go so um the way this mounts is where you’ve got the chain plate at the front of the boat this slots through the chain plate and then I’ve made my own kind of what I call a fast pin so that goes through and then I’ve tied a loop of elastic this makes it really fast to put it on the boat um you can watch this bit of the video over and over again uh so you can make your own um so it pins in like that fairly secure and then I’ve got the all important security line which I wind round uh just to apps absolutely make sure that there’s no chance it can fall off then for um that video it was just after I got this device this is called the WG wearable gimbal from F Tech um it cost about 150 I’m just going to turn it on and this is the um GoPro Hero 5 that I spoke about earlier I can’t use this anymore cuz it’s not waterproof um and in fact this gimbal isn’t waterproof either but it is so good because it just takes all of the movement out of the camera and what’s really cool so pay attention please camera when the boat flies a hole if you think this is as cool as I think this is uh say I think that’s cool um when we fly a hole look at that the camera stays absolutely locked in now with the more modern cameras they lock it in using AI but having it locked in mechanically I think just for some reason couldn’t say what that reason is I think it looks better so there you go the fut Tech WG which keeps the camera absolutely locked in look at that amazing in fact it’s working better now than it was earlier um so there we go I might try using it again um but I I can’t cap size because it would be ruined it’s not waterproof um all right so there we go I think that is very exciting indeed uh I was so excited at the time of course all right we’ve got Russell on board uh dialed No7 nice to have you with us Russell wondering if you followed any of the warl 1000 this year which is happening now yeah I have been um i’ just been seeing the posts which you’re on Facebook and um it’s uh amazing to see how well um Brett bville is absolutely um smashing it on the uh wind Rush Edge um Brett is of course a great tornado sailor he’s been world champion in the past and he is the owner and Builder wind Rush catamarans and um yeah he is such a good sailor and yeah looks cool and it really is um an ambition of mine to do the warl I would absolutely love it it ticks all the boxes for me I love long distance racing and that stretch of Coastline looks absolutely amazing so if um if anybody watching this is thinking oh joy ryer TV doing the warl that sounds like a good idea how much is it going to cost answer a lot and um even though it may not be the most um what would you call it the most competitive boat or the most practical but the the Cirus 901 is ticking all the boxes for me on a big downwind race uh like that kite up a lot of the way yes please uh deal me in I would love to uh or any other type of uh formula 18 would of course be fine perhaps the uh good old Aura would be a really nice choice as well or um not nothing against the NRA I’ve just I don’t I think I’ve only ever sailed a NRA once and that was back in probably 95 it was a necra 6.0 yeah old school all right yeah Glon says that’s cool and looks almost like witchcraft oh yes all right Scott says not a sailing question yet Lake oh not sailing yet okay sorry Lake just foring out from the winter question what GPS system do you feel provides the most accuracy I think um yeah so tough one I think the um I haven’t got one here now uh but the the velocitech speed Puck uh gives a lot of accuracy uh because it gives you a 10c average and then what I was doing with it um was after getting a 10c average if it was a good one um then I would plug the velocitech into the computer take the files off the velocitech which you could then find out what the actual top speed was within that 10 seconds so for me that seemed pretty accurate I could tell you what the least accurate is and unfortunately that is probably although I recommend it a lot is using something like straa be it isn’t the most accurate and you do get some GPS anomalies on straa um but the reason that I recommend it is because it’s the most widely accessible free app that people can just use on their telephone uh which is why but I dare say using something like a um a Garmin or similar is um a very good choice and I would have to say it is such a shame uh this is the loosy GW 60 which I used for I’d have to say pretty long time um but unfortunately it’s now given up it’s had a hard life uh but this for me definitely the most accurate and reliable bril well reliable until it stopped working so um yeah maybe I’ll get on to them and see if they can start I like the colors as well it’s nice um if they can start knocking those out again but that was good because as well as your top speed it would also give you the um 2C average 5c 10c average 500 meters average and so on which if your top speed says 20 knots but your 2C average um doesn’t agree with that then it’s quite a strong bit of evidence that that might have been a GPS glitch um so it it also gave you that challenge of trying to keep the big speeds going for um as long as possible there we go yeah okay all right Fiona says reminds me of when a Castel is hovering on the air and keeping its prey above its head uh dead still uh moving its body and wings boom all right I think I’m going to sign off there we’ve been going for an hour so thanks very much to everyone for tuning in live thanks to everyone uh for the Super Chat super sticker um do feel free to keep those coming of course uh so I can get down the shops um other than that um there’ll be part two of the miniat uh beginners sailing uh videos coming on Sunday now I don’t want anybody to think oh on how come it’s only the miniat that’s getting a look in um it’s just because I have been off the water and I film did some filming on the minicap before I was off the water so that’s all I’ve got at the moment which is new uh so I’m just going to finish putting that together uh tomorrow and getting that out for Sunday of course channel members and anybody who supports the channel on patreon you’ll already be able to see that video now in a unique new format so if you want to see that then uh hit the button that says uh join I think and uh you can become a channel member or head over to patreon and check that out over there thanks very much and I’ll see you soon with some more as I often do




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0:00 – Hello
0:35 – How to stay in control when going fast
15:50 – Using speed as a shock absorber for gusts
23:13 – Why can’t I sail as close to the wind as others?
34:15 – Is Show Us Your Cat! still happening?
37:43 – What is the Hobie 16 so fast only on a heavy wind broad reach?
55:00 – How did I get the shot in the hull flying video?
1:01:00 – What is the most accurate GPS?

Joyrider TV is one of the best channels on YouTube for catamaran sailing tutorials, maintenance, Q+As and great small cat sailing content.
Whether you sail a Hobie, Nacra, Aclass, acat, Prindle, Hurricane, Dart, Windrush, Tornado, Unicorn, F18, F16, Topcat, GETAWAY, Dragoon or even a Minicat, you’ll find something here to help you.



  1. That was so well explained thank you Joe.
    Super sticker

    If anyone agrees that Joe's gimballed gadget reminds them of a Kestrel when it hovers in the air when hunting its prey with its head not moving at all whilst its wings and body move , please tick here…..

  2. Would like to see a video of you giving up the main to crew 😅- it seems to be more sensible to give them the traveler- as you already suggested it seems one brain needs simultaneous control of tiller and main- it’s like giving the passenger your steering wheel but still working the accelerator/brakes – weird – but Brad sent me a vid of two sailors doing the opposite and they were killing it – but my question remains- why would you ever do it that way

  3. On the spinnaker boats, I've heard 2 thoughts. Run the pole tip higher up so the spin is higher up in better wind, And others say run it as low as possible to keep the center of effort low to carry more power. In the classes you've raced in like the tornado have people played around with that? Maybe light air move the spin up and heavy air carry it low?

  4. Went out to try to practice tacking from the wire. Can be awkward, but alarmingly quicker when successful. If in need of subject matter, a rundown on your method of doing this would be helpful – specifically- how to juggle the main, tiller, and pull yourself in, in a somewhat seamless manner

  5. Hi Joe, you probably did this life-chat while I was at Wildwind. Together with the lessons there this chat gave me the info to do some more Hocus Pocus on the Fx1 at home! Thnx!!

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