@Vancouver Canucks

Oilers complained to NHL about the Canucks’ Green Men: report

Oilers complained to NHL about the Canucks’ Green Men: report

by kaabistar


  1. awayfromcanuck

    So incredibly soft by the Oilers and Kane.

  2. helixflush

    >“We were told the Edmonton Oilers complained to the NHL in the last round about the Green Men because the Green Men had an Evander Kane sign about gambling,” 

    But remember, this powerplay is brought to you by Bet365

  3. PieRat351

    As if this oilers team could get any less likeable. 

  4. It’s stuff like this that I wish Oilers never win a cup with McDavid and Draisaitl. They are the most arrogant and entitled franchise and I hope nothing but failure for them.

  5. TheFriendlyBagel

    Yeah but Paul Coffey is totally fine to be a complete racist bigot to the fans and that’s no problem.

  6. tailkinman

    Softer than a pillow factory made out of velour and marshmallows.

  7. I hate that we lost game 7. This was such an annoying and whiney team. Complained about everything when every call was going their way lol

  8. insignificance424

    And then they wonder why Canucks fans don’t want the Oilers to bring the cup home. As if their team couldn’t get any more unlikeable.

  9. At least our guys are in the seats… the oilers had their clowns on the ice

  10. AllOutRaptors

    Edmonton is the softest team I’ve ever fucking seen holy

  11. ChangeControll

    Oilers really do make it difficult to want to cheer for them

  12. web_explorer

    So the Oilers are not happy about a joke on a sign, but they are more than happy to hire the actual guy whose laundry list of controversies spans an entire wikipedia section. OK.

  13. At this point just tell me when McDavid or Spearsaitl don’t complain about something

  14. Smashley027

    Them – Vancouver is such a no fun city

    Green Men – let’s have some cheeky fun

    Them – ew not like that

  15. No_Character_5315

    I know one of the original green men he was from north van he quit doing it because his kid was getting older…. heard the kid is playing in Chicago now named Connor supposed to be decent als this is complete bs but I wish it was true

  16. Of course they whined about it. It’s so hard to get behind this team as a Canadian.

  17. SuddenlyChineseFood

    This is where we would all post our zadorov_wah.gif if gifs were enabled

  18. Night_Hawk-2023

    What an effing baby. The Oiler fans think Canucks are the whiniest bunch and then you see this. The irony.

  19. mmavcanuck

    It’s not about Kane. It’s about the Canucks and the league saying “gambling addiction is a joke.”

    The oilers were right to call it out. If Kane was a piece of shit with an eating disorder, it wouldn’t be ok to make fun of that.

    If Kane was a piece of shit with an alcohol addiction it wouldn’t be ok to make fun of that.

    If Kane were a piece of shit with a gambling addiction, it shouldn’t be ok to make fun of that.

  20. JealousArt1118

    The Oilers had gambling ads on their players’ fucking helmets.

  21. jaded-optimist

    Of course they did. The Oilers sub right now is complaining how Drai got snubbed for Selke votes. The most disillusioned fan base in the league.

  22. Gooner604

    Poor baby. Someone call him the WAAAAAAAAmbulance

  23. The Oilers are the whiniest team in the league. McDavid and the fans are perfect for each other lmao.

  24. CheesecakeOdd2087

    Lmao of course they did. That core group of players in Edmonton has to be the whiniest and most entitled in the entire league. 

  25. nite_awol

    Everything about the oilers are cringe. They’re just mad they don’t have a fan base like ours that is funny, passionate, and creative and have a huge online presence like ours. They even copied the green guys, our anthem singing tradition and even tried to shit on our towel power only to have pom poms at their games 😂.

  26. Nier_Perfect

    The more I find out about the Oilers the more I hate them.

  27. Creeping_python

    Little cry babies, wah wah wah. Get fucked.

    Maybe the league should get the gambling sponsors dicks outta their mouths so we can actually start dealing with the problem?

  28. its_the_luge

    I don’t even remember the flames fans being as bad oilers fans when we lost to Calgary in 2015. Oilers fans truly cemented themselves as the absolute worst after this series.

  29. Voltage604

    Anyone got the video of the trash oiler fan yelling and swearing at Zads in the box?

    He get told he couldn’t attend anymore games as well?

  30. smokinBatman

    Fuck man. I really hope Dallas takes care of them

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