@Boston Bruins

Locker Room Raw: Jeremy Swayman

Locker Room Raw: Jeremy Swayman

anything about this season how it went for you personally I think a lot of growth and that’s what that’s what I’m most excited about and and to to be a part of a a longer playoff run to understand what it takes to be successful and and just how difficult it is to achieve the ultimate goal it’s uh that’s what I’m going to have in the back of my mind all summer long what was the the process for you this year in your mind uh physically mentally and seems to where you blossomed you took it to another level in the playoffs I think the experience I’ve had over the the four and a half years I’ve been here uh has allowed me to accumulate uh different ways to to cope with different situations during the season whether it’s a lot of travel back toback games understanding what I need to do to prepare my body and recover my body to perform at its best and and to see good results especially at the end of the year um that’s what I’m very excited about and and know that I can I can even be better and that’s uh that’s what I’m going to do how much do enjoy being a Boston breu and we’ve talked about this before but a lot of people talking about this the end of the year you know and just kind of I think a lot of people want to see you stay long term how about you yeah that would that’s everything to me uh I think it’s it’s obvious how much I care about this organization how much I care about this team and in this city and I wouldn’t want it to be any other way and so that’s what allowed me to come to rink every day and and just give my absolute all because I know I’m representing more than myself and and my family I’m representing the city and an organization and and a great history and you talk to guys around the league that don’t have that experience and I feel bad for him so I I couldn’t be more more happy to be a bruan are you hoping to sign longterm yeah had a tough arbitration fight last year I am and I’m confident that my agent and I and and management will we’ll figure out the details this summer and I’m looking forward to it what terms how much would you like for year everything [Laughter] else holy negotiating yeah that’s it yeah yeah I’ll get you in there I got you jery playoff hockey is so different for the skaters how is it different for the goalies I’m I’m a player I’m I’m a part of this team just as much as as the players are and what I’m in most off of is is how the guys in front of me battle every day come to the rink every day knowing to work and and especially in playoffs just the way that no one took no for an answer and to be a part of a a playoff run like this I I learned more about myself as an individual as a player in these last two months to month and a half uh probably my whole career and that’s what I’m most grateful for and and uh I know I can build a a lot more in these coming years and and it starts now so that’s what I’m looking forward to it’s probably tough to answer this in one answer but past three years with lenus you know what has that relationship been like and how have you guys pushed each other here throughout throughout oh man I mean I couldn’t have done uh this playoff run without him I can tell you that for sure and every year I’ve been with him it’s it’s been an absolute treat and and I couldn’t ask for a better partner uh better brother and and a better teammate uh you know him and his family mean the absolute world to me and and to come to the rink every day knowing that it’s more than just a teammate it’s it’s a brother that I would fight for in in the rank away from the rank and and I know that we’re going to be friends forever so I couldn’t be happier and and more thankful for every every moment we get to spend with each other what will you do this this offseason how you spend your time I’m going to stick around Boston uh there’s unbelievable training here and I’m able to work with obviously our staff and and extended staff around uh around the city that I’ve gotten to work with before so I know that it’s a great formula and some good golfing too so I’ll make sure to keep that on track but I just it just goes to show you know how how much this city has welcomed me and and I’ve obviously thrived in it and and loved every second so I I don’t want to leave when you say you couldn’t have done this playoff run without lenus what what did he do for you like what were your conversations like with him just endless positivity and and we we Thrive off that with each other and and knowing that it’s not easy um you know when you’re not playing games and and I’ve been in his shoes where you really are being the ultimate teammate and it was you know his his demeanor was to bring the compete every day understanding that if I wasn’t being my best he he could be in that net just as fast so my job was to maintain the competitiveness maintain the edge and not have any days off because if I did then again he could take that net just as fast so uh knowing that he’s such a quality goalie and a quality human it was such a privilege and and incredible thing that we had going because that’s only going to make one another better and of course indirectly our team better Jeremy now that you’ve played you know 10 or 11 games in a row under this intensity this is asking you for instant introspection here but what do you suppose the growth ring is for you from that just that experience the night to night one after the other I’ve been looking forward to this for so long and and pro hockey is is a different animal because of the schedule because of the travel and obviously the intensity of the games and and to know that I can maintain a high level of play throughout every other day play uh for weeks on end it’s it’s building confidence for myself and and the work I’ve put into my body and and how I treat it and and making sure that my recovery and and rest is is vital and and mental game is is just as important and so uh I’m really proud of that however I know that we didn’t attain the ultimate goal so there’s there’s more work to be done and and that’s my motivation from this point on is what can I do better to attain the ultimate goal and in the hindsight there was it more mental than physically you think it’s it’s the whole package dupes it’s it’s head to toe and uh what I’m so grateful for is to go through the ups and downs of of a playoff run now and and understand you’re waking up sore and you’re getting up and doing it again and and and that for me was the experience of a lifetime because now I I understand what it does take to to wake up every day in battle and and not take no for an answer and and thrive in that kind of Challenge and I think with my mindset of just wanting more and and wanting to run towards that that challenge uh made me happy to wake up and and do it every day awes

Bruins goaltender Jeremy Swayman speaks to the media on Sunday at Warrior Ice Arena for End of Season Availability.


  1. Jeremy Swayman was one of the few reasons the Bruins made it as far as they did!!! Hope he gets paid and good luck next season!!!

  2. a beast all series, incredible job! not only a brick wall but great personality and super fun to watch 🐻💛

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