@Boston Bruins

Game 4 Florida Panthers vs Boston Bruins LIVE NHL hockey Playoffs

Game 4 Florida Panthers vs Boston Bruins LIVE NHL hockey Playoffs

[Music] [Music] d sh [Music] d [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] welcome to the samel B12 experience where we have you covered for all the NHL action play byplay news and [Music] [Applause] [Music] more make sure to subscribe today [Music] [Music] you’re watching the samw be [Music] experience hey what’s going on everybody Happy Mother’s Day happy Sunday here we are happy hockey day it’s the Panthers the Bruins going at it again this Series has been a banger and I am so stoked that we get to do it all again so welcome in everyone PM steezy what’s going on good to see you Andre welcome in yummy hello there welcome to the show David Brady what’s up great to see you Gerard hello Travis welcome in JJ how’s it going welcome in Eagles Margaret hello there welcome welcome welcome Daniel Barry Jonathan what’s going on good to see everybody here Stevie Lee welcome to the show Zoran how’s it going Winds of Summer welcome in Joey welcome in everyone this is going to be awesome Riding the Storm good to see you again happy Mother’s Day to all and for those that have a tough time on days like today we are with you so we hope everyone is having a decent day and we’re ready to up that day and have a phenomenal time tonight because we are here to continue this unbelievable Series so let’s not waste another moment talking about it let’s jump right into it what are the keys for tonight’s game what are the standout ideas that we have to talk about first and foremost Boston Bruins you need to find a way without your captain Brad Marshawn is not in today’s lineup let me hear it Again Brad let me say it again Brad Marshawn not in today’s lineup he is knocked out courtesy of the little haah by Sam Bennett Bennett putting that little snap ER that little jab shot in knocking marshy out so he is gone how will the brunes find a way who’s going to play that role and I’ll tell you what I bet it’s going to be Jake de Brusque because he can certainly get up there like anybody and mess around be a little cheap but is such a good player Paulie what’s going on welcome to the show uh for key number two keep that four check coming why oh why oh why has the Panthers been dominating like they have why because they for check like crazy Brad Leon David welcome in it 100% was a dirty hit but hey what goes around comes around right exactly but the Panthers they got to keep that four check coming can they continue to dominate and bring that one in Simon sorty here my friend always always tough but uh thank you for being here hopefully we can help cheer you up a little bit uh James welcome in but yeah the Panthers keep that for check coming get in there win the races to the puck the battles on the boards that is going to be a big Advantage if the Panthers can keep it going B Disney Welcome in Knox welcome in good to see you Pastor is the new captain DP taking over uh key number three for the Bruins and Brad David maybe you can shed some light who’s the starting goalie today we do not know Swan allmark alark Swan who’s it g to be swan has been the guy but due to the way this team has changed and has not been performing will they turn it around will allar get the start today that is what we are waiting to see Duke how’s it going Jonah welcome in Spencer hello there good to see you welcome to the show so who’s it going to be San or allmark we’re going to find out in a very very very few moments uh we will have the best coverage of this game full call full stats all the fun so make sure you hit that subscribe button hit that like button and we’re going to get this party started Syndicate welcoming leaning towards allmark that’s that’s kind of where I’m going as well I kind of think think allar is going to get that start tonight Jeff welcome in I think uhar makes yeah looks like a lot of us a lot of us have that same mentality right we’re all going along with allmark psych guy what’s going on Glam Maran is not playing today yes sir scary Harry what’s going on welcome in uh we are watching on sportset east sportset east in Ontario is where we are watching this game no goalie today six on five could you imagine my goodness super bummed about Colorado Dallas game last night overly killed yeah Dallas with a big game with a big game for sure all right let’s hop into the lineups as we’re going through the lineups make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up as you’re coming in what we expect to see now we have seen some game time decisions mix this up so it’s not 100% but it’s pretty darn close we’re expected to see teras senko back with barov and Reinhardt Carter Veri he’s gonna be with Sam Bennett and Matt kachak of course Bennett having that massive return in the last game and making his impact felt right away list Ryan is going to be paired up with londelle and Evan Rodriguez and then we got lorence and stenland with ooso so some decent depth some great forward lines and there it is Brady confirming Swan so we were most of us wrong San looks like he’s going to get that start my goodness we’ll have to we’ll have to see I don’t believe anything until I see it actually in net before it starts because they fooled me once they fooled me twice it’s not going to happen again but Brady is going for it saying it’s just announced Swan is the guy uh on the dside for the Panthers forsling and eblad makola and Montour Oliver emman Larson with kulakov and of course Bobo cop defending the red line of the twine sery bosi is going to be the for the Florida Panthers no if and or buts about it for the Boston Bruins what we’re expecting to see tonight is the following Jake de Brusque with Morgan geeky and David Pastak Danton Heinen steps up on that second line with Charlie Cole and Trent Frederick we got jvr James Van rdik with pavl zaka and Justin brazzo and I got to tell you I’ve been really impressed with brazzo as these playoffs Move Along we got Loco with beer and Pat maroon then on the dside it’s Mason lorai with Charlie McAvoy lindol with Carlo forbert and pey and we’re gonna go Swan we’re gonna say swan is the guy who’s G to get that start but we’re going to find out in about five minutes or so when they’re on the ice and the anthems are getting going so those are the anticipated lineups today now as far as Brad Mara is concerned all they’re saying all that’s listed is an upper body injury if you missed it in the last game marshan coming up to hit Sam Bennett Sam Bennett with a little reverse hit but as he goes to put the shoulder in right the right hand the right cross comes up and pop he just popped them real quick so a dirty little shot but hey it’s two of the dirtiest players of the game and I’m not talking about Ric Flair being one of them so Sam Bennett coming in with the hit and a little shot if you didn’t see it we posted a short on the channel where we got an extreme close it’s a little fuzzy an extreme closeup but some slow motion and you can clearly see the hand coming up you can’t see the contact but you do see the hand coming up so make sure check out that short if you want an extreme closeup of it Bill what’s going on welcome in good to see you Vic in the house what’s up Vic uh can we trade macavoy oh not getting the love Victoria welcome in I tell you makoy struggled makoy has certainly struggled in this series he has been really good for a long time on this Boston team but certainly not uh not playing to his full potential at the current moment in time you know who is playing for their current potential for the Florida Panthers well that’s Maddie kachuck Carter Veri barov the big guns are being the big guns they are putting in some awesome goals they’re making the goenda offski is right there closing that door he’s been playing absolutely incredible when we look at it it’s kachuck he is leading the Panthers in points with 13 points one ahead of barov with 12 Carter vagi with 10 points Sam Reinhardt with eight points so they are getting it done their goals for heggy leading the win goals with six Reinhardt with four barov with four kachuck with four so again those big guns absolutely getting it going for the Bruins and this is why Mara is such a loss not only is he a pest not only does he draw penalties but he was leading the team with 10 points seven assists and three goals debras is number two eight points five goals and three assists Pastak three goals four assists for seven points Pastak had a slow start he didn’t get much done in the first series against Toronto but he certainly found a way to get it on now and get it going he’s leading the brunes in Shots by a lot 30 shots on net for pack the next closest is De brasque with 21 so pasta definitely getting the most shots out there now for the Panthers it’s Sam Reinhardt he’s got 35 shots Carter rehi 32 kachuck 31 it’s all pretty much spread around valdo how’s it going welcome in good to see you let me scroll back thought I saw some other Nam names coming in Thomas hello there welcome in Batman coming in what’s up Batman Dan s welcome in thanks everyone for tuning in as you are coming in make sure you’re smashing that thumbs up button for us hit that thumbs up we’re going to get things going in about I guess about four or five minutes when the anthems come on we’re going to switch over and get this one going Dean what’s up welcome in big rickster how’s it going all right let’s let’s get your predictions in the chat right now let’s see who is going to come out on top will the Panthers go up will they go up 3 to one or is Boston going to even this series two to2 I know there’s fans of each team here but don’t go with your heart go with what you actually think based on how these are going let’s see who you think is going to win this game Eric what’s going on welcome in uh let’s see here Bruns win by two Brady’s going by two Florida 3-1 Riding the Storm nice nice Panthers Panthers going to win 4-2 3-1 31 52 Panthers in five all right wow Panthers for a lot of Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Eric’s going Boston’s going to take it four to two a lot of five2 a lot of big scores Fernando keeping it keeping it pretty close three to2 Bruins Panthers wow it’s pretty split it’s pretty pretty split our script says we win that’s funny now what will will be interesting to watch for it’s going to be very interesting fourth line going out first shift nster are they going to come out and be like the Rangers Devil’s game we saw in the regular season when everyone just dropped the gloves right at the start of the game Lawrence welcome in I said it before I’ll said it again the refs will be a huge Factor okay we’re going to keep an eye out we’re going to watch for those refs today we’re going to see if the refs get this one done uh Sor was over at Max TV and dropped your link on their Facebook awesome Bill than thank you so very much for doing that really appreciate it Bruins Panthers I love it I love it we’re split we got such a a big group of split fans here it’s awesome jaay welcome in now some housekeeping you are free and I please I want you cheer for your team if you’re a brunes fan go brunes go cheer for those brunes if you’re a Panthers fan go cats go we want to see it you’re absolutely welcome to cheer on who whoever you want if you want a trash talk absolutely a okay keep it a little PG-13 we do have some younger viewers but have some fun with it be creative and the biggest thing all we ask in your trash talking and your cheering be respectful respectful to one another respectful towards myself respectful towards the channel we’re all going to get along just fine we’re gonna have a great time tonight we’re gon to have a lot of fun and there’s so much that we have coming up for you here tonight so makeing sure you’re you’re keeping it respectful and just have a good time now you might have just saw up in the corner some Boston Bruns Flags coming out and being waved you are able to do that you control the graphics you’re going to see tonight on the screen if you are in the chat you are earning points make sure you type exclamation mark points in the chat that will tell you exactly how many points you have earned then as you start accumulating more points every few minutes you’re going to add more and more points you can redeem those points to bring up Boston Graphics Florida Graphics there’s all kinds of stuff you can bring up to play with during the stream all night long now channel members you have the added bonus of being able to drop in the custom emojis and you can play with those all night as well the Bruins Graphics the Panthers Graphics there’s so much more it’s all there for you to cheer on your teams awesome all right so let’s go Lawrence say Florida’s going to win this series Mikey welcomeing Boston 3 Florida 3 going to overtime and the bees win 43 no I I like how you’re getting specific Amanda welcome and Amanda’s going for the cats nice well this one is going to be an absolute doozy again as you’re coming in make sure you hit that thumbs up button for us we’re just waiting for them to switch over and then we’re going to bring in the anthems and get this game started we cannot wait it’s Mother’s Day it’s a little bit early today 6:30 start instead of the usual 7 now by the way if you’re hockey fans which I know you are that’s why you’re here the world hockey tournament is going on the international worlds of course Canada being led by John tavarus they’re looking pretty good Conor Bard is absolutely leading the way he’s getting a couple of points every single game um Team USA has some pretty amazing hockey players in it if you’re up early they got games all morning long I think it starts at 6:00 a.m. um depending on where you are and which network you have I know for me here in Ontario I get games at 6:00 AM uh 10: a.m. and then there’s a couple more in there I don’t know we got ton of games but they’re a lot of fun if you’re into international hockey a lot of players in there and it’s great uh Kirk what’s going on welcome in Dean getting it done thank you Dean appreciate it JJ’s going 42 auson Zan Florida wins 10 nothing could you imagine that would be huge all right the players are in the tunnel they’re going to be making their way to the ice momentarily the referees for tonight’s game because this is important Francis Chiron and Frederick I don’t even know how you pronounce that leco and then the lines person Ryan Daisy and Devin Berg uh so I’m not overly familiar with these officials but we’re going to have to see how they can potentially change the course in this game Jay what’s going on kachuck and Bennett are going to be taken out of the game tonight maroon has zero to lose that’s you know that’s a very interesting point and a lot of Boston fans on Twitter today are just going nuts saying this needs to be a war the brunes need to come out and just really go at the Panthers top players I’ll be honest I hope that’s not the case this is a national league you don’t do stuff like that we’re not we’re not you know watching game on shy season 3 here this is should be played the way any other game would be played no need to come and intentionally take players out because you’re not happy with what happened in the last game that’s I think what’s been the brunes problem to be honest the Bruins have not played a good game plan the Bruins have fallen away from their game plan and not played hockey they’ve been worried about the cheap tough rough stuff and that’s actually been to their uh deficit Fernando coming in with the 499 go Sun eyes go get those stick TAPS in for Fernando Fernando thank you so much for the Super Chat much appreciated Pat maroon by the way in warm-ups kind of skating very slowly back and forth around the red line he’s chatting at bobovski as bobovski was getting his warm-ups done kachuck on the line as well nothing kind of Brewing from it but conversations definitely taking place Taylor how’s it going welcoming TJ welcoming stormchaser welcoming Bruns win tonight but pan win the series this will be a chippy game nothing like the NHL playoffs stormchaser you are spot on that’s why we love NHL playoffs because it is the best type of hockey that we see Bar None anywhere all right they are on the ice Noah what’s going on welcome in let’s get things ready to roll zerus gaming welcome in all right time to switch over and we’ll bring this up ladies and gentlemen would you please rise and remove your caps for the singing of the national anthem accompanied by Bruins organist Ron poster please welcome Todd Angelie Todd Angelie who’s been outstanding here it is the national [Music] anthem light what so proudly we hate at the twilight’s last gleaming whose Brad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight for the ramp parts we wor who were so gently streaming and the rocket red glare the first in in G proof through the night that a flag was still there oh s us that star [Music] spangled for the land of the and the of [Music] the there it is excellent job he does such a phenomenal phenomenal job I got to tell you these NHL Anthem singers that do it recurringly are phenomenal so we are ready to get this game going welcome in one and all Nate welcome in Marky D good to see you welcome to the show Brady dropping some lyrics in thank you for that Brady jgt yeah it’ll be nice it’ll be nice when we finally get a Canadian anthem in for those Stanley Cup finals can not wait it is going to be awesome welcome in as we’re just getting started here we’re just about at 100 likes make sure you hit that thumbs up and of course make sure you come in and hit that subscribe we are here every night calling hockey for you our goal today we want to get to 20,800 can we hit 40 more 39 more subscribers today to get over 2800 anything on top of that is a bonus we appreciate y’all first period starts right now they’re set ready to drop this puck barov in and it’s going to be the Bruins that win the opening Faceoff they’re going to send this one down around putting it down deep poring going to play this around the boards Bruin’s there to hold it in they’re going to try and strike first and strike early it’s taken away look out a huge hit Charlie makoy stepping in as Sam Reinhardt knocking him into another galaxy what a shot the brues coming out not playing games taking names and kicking you know what this one coming around in the corner Montour he falls trying to get this Puck Bruins fall player falls down in the corner Panthers going to play it right out in front a shot bosi with a save kachuck going in the corner trying to tip it past wether spoon he’s going to play it back in kachak around going to tip it to the boards and Out Here Comes Veri Veri going to play this one it’s going into the corner Bennett in after it he’s going to take a piece of the Boston Defender Here Comes Coyle Coyle on the move trying to come up and around down in the corner this one coming in Frederick he’s going to get bumped off the puck there’s a shot to Rodriguez going down the Panthers pick this up and flip it down the ice Charlie McAvoy starting this game off with a bang down in the Corner Frederick coming in bumping around it’s laughable welcome in this one coming around trying to get this one through here they come dumping it through quick shot that one’s knocked down Racing for Panthers trying to get here Panther’s going to put it a little low but Boston getting in and turning a round quick lindol going to play this one up to zaka zaka spinning away and going to play this one down here comes geeky with this he’s going to hang on to it being watched here by aoso a couple minutes gone and boy oh boy what a fast pace to this game narv welcom in here come the Bruins down the near side going to dump it in the crowd already cheering let’s go Bruins and as bobovski stops the puck we got a whistle holy moly this Sam Reinhardt he just got obliterated here at the start he didn’t have his head looking straight ahead he was looking towards the puck and as the pass came mavo just stepped into him big time that’s right big rer no laugh attacks this time no laugh attacks that was hysterical the last time so 18 minutes two game two minutes done and we have probably the hardest hit of this entire series face off at Center ice and again the Bruns going to win this one back here’s makoy with it he’s going to play this up it’s all the way down barov trying to get there jumping around is Loco he’s going to pick this one up he’s looking around looking for someone to pass it to being worked over in the corner this coming around down low in the corner beer he can’t get it this coming around to flad eblad he gets pushed away by Maroon tereno he’s going to move this around back to forsling forsling going to slow this one down Ashley how’s it going welcome in Long pass Breakaway Florida tereno what a move he tried to go the datsuk with one hand on the deak and swayan making a nice stop tereno did not have a lot of real estate to go through and he tried to go around with the one hand reach around and just ran out of space risky move there by tereno but a great pass and a great reception but he just tried to get fancy and SW and going down in those splits able to defend it and just like we’re talking just by the toe nice stop here by Swan but a very fancy move by tereno face off Veri going to win this one back Maka is going to pick this one up he’s going to take a sharp angle shot Frederick is going to steal and it’s Stripped Away by the Panthers kachak in the corner Bennett is with him he’s going to send this around Far Side no Panther is there Peak is going to pick it up and Bennett comes down with a hit on him only caught a small piece Bruins putting it around Florida they’re going to pick up this Puck going off the glass it’s going to bounce towards the middle of the ice is picked up by Veri Veri with speed now he’s going to slow up turn around sends it in front for the tip by Bennett that one trickled just past the post wow Woody’s way welcome in Lucas welcome in sheep Hunter welcome in mola with a bump and then he’s going to take a hit by himself this one g to come up Montour playing it through the neutral zone Here Comes Pastak Pastak over the line a shot that one’s blocked going in the corner round behind the net mola up on his man going to force him into the boards Montour going to play it around Boston holding it in at the line trying to play it up the middle and that’s intercepted by londal and sent down it’s a race lisin and trying to get in there around lyol can’t do it picked up by Carlo he’s going to send it around the board Bruins playing this across here comes the Panthers londell over the line little flip they’re walking in with a shot swayan with a great save on Evan Rodriguez imp Pastor neck turns and gives londell a shot right to the face a cheap shot Ed of the blue David Pastor neck after the whistle sees lundell standing there past neck just goes oh hey Wham you can’t do that past to schmuck he’s going to the Box David past wow you can’t do that this isn’t the WWF I guess the WWE ASAC just turned and sucker punched Lindell twice got him once got him another time unbelievable Gary Harry very dumb move so pack trying to fill in for his partner Maran who’s not in today’s lineup turning and just giving a whack and you can’t do that Panthers looking to make them pay here on the power play through my eyes welcome in imagine that it’s it’s really tough it’s really tough to picture that happening again welcoming everybody thanks for hitting that subscribe hitting that thumbs up keep it going this one down around behind the net coming over to Veri Veri sting it around Panthers trying to set it up barov with this one now barov going to go down low back to the bark he misses it to the line Montour to barov going down low kachuck tried to swing in front comes to mour he shoots side of the net Veri trying to put in front kachuck a couple waack at it barov back with this one at the line for Montour a broken play but the Panthers Come Away with a couple opportunities back to mour Paul what’s going on Mike how’s it going Montour cross ice pass taking a look kachuck he’s going to feed this back and hits the skate and comes out down the ice if you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying that’s great here comes barov just about a minute left in the power play Panther is going to put this one down in the corner Tom what’s going on he’s just upsetting a thrott like Chuck last game yeah Tom I don’t disagree the 96 ABS yeah those were pretty sweet that was a good team back then Ben what’s going on I’m fantastic hope you’re doing well JC says games double OT oh boy that would be pretty sweet the Rangers would would have a tough a tough tired opponent after that this coming all the way down 35 seconds to go Tyson what’s going on welcome in of course the Rangers rangers did not play well yesterday looking to regroup tomorrow tereno he’s going to chase this one down in the corner with 20 seconds left emman Larsson sending it around the boards Florida trying to get things set up here Bennett can’t get it Frederick is going to turn and Hammer this one down the ice all the way down the ice bosi coming out of his net to play it he’s going to send it ahead mini hockey what’s going on behind their own Net 5 Seconds to go on the power play Sam congratulations on your graduation what a milestone we are so happy for you let’s pop some champagne get those champagne emojis in the chat for Sam Wilson who just went through his University graduation phenomenal Sam that is awesome way to go congrats to you and the family Gregory howo and Moonlight welcome in thank you all for being here we’re coming up to 150 likes let’s get it up to 200 all you have to do is smash that thumbs up for us there it is Ricker’s got it going off the draw Panthers going to hammer this one right down and in in the corner this coming around Boston cycling it Florida pinching up as eblad trying to keep it in he does gonna flip it not deep it’s just just inside the line the Bru’s GNA easily bring that one up near side this coming in the corner Pat maroon gets in there first playing it out in front comes back to maroon maroon he’s going to bank this one off the boards down low sterland was on him trying to get this one back around and here comes the Panthers the Panthers on the Move poring he’s going to skate it all the way up to the red line dump this one in here comes the Panthers for check they got to get this one going bring it around behind the net stany coming in there on maroon maroon is going to play it up and the Bruns just flip it up and all the way down the ice vour going to play it up Panthers now back over the red line going to carry this one right in Reinhardt nice little stick handling coming around to tereno tereno getting driven into the boards here’s barov with it around the net barov off the boards to the point this one is kept in Florida Panthers coming back to barov Misses the pass and this one is coming all the way down the ice Sergeant salty what’s going on Mr snow welcome in this one coming out Bruins trying to get it in the slot this going to come off the boards here come the Panthers pass to barov again this one tipped down though barov picking it up he’s turning and getting worked over he’s so strong on his skates unbelievable Peak was trying to do a number on barov and he couldn’t even budge him emman Larson with a little pinch there 12 and a half minutes to go in a crazy wild first period Chris what’s going on welcome in just a few Sams in the chat not necessary welcome this one coming in kak going to play this one back emman Larson with this now lson he’s going to play this one setting it up back to emman Larson he’s going to take a look now he’s going to scooch back the bro’s doing a good job forcing him getting it to the red line Boston to chip this one back in Eckman Larson has it he’s coming around behind the net he’s going to play this up to the line Panthers get it out and down the ice not hard enough for icing so the brues back to get a move on Boston going to pass this back and forth Carlo chipping this up here comes Loco setting it in the corner eblad is going to pull this Puck away he’s going to get put in the corner by Maroon pass in front doesn’t connect this one comes out Lal Racing for it he’s going to get it here come the Panthers little tow drag quick shot right on nice move there by Evan Rodriguez and it’s sitting right there in the crease swayan didn’t see it he had to dive across the Panthers is coming close and here come the bees trying to drive in here’s a quick shot by loo that one is stopped in the Florida Panthers going to touch up and go to the box as the Bruins now are going to the Power Play Rick how’s it going Mara is not playing Rick no Mara tonight and they are going to a commercial break and holy moly what a first period this has been incredible now I do want to welcome everybody in 560 people here with us my name is Sam I Am your host and we love our hockey so thank you for being here we are here every single night calling hockey games for you we’re going to be back here tomorrow where the Rangers are going to look to get it done in New York we’d love for you to hang out with us for the duration of the playoffs make sure you crush that subscribe button help us out as we continue to grow and we will be here bringing you all the coverage so thank you so much for tuning in again we’re almost at 150 likes as well so keep hitting that like button there it is 30 Subs away now 30 Subs away so thank you all so much we are looking to get to 20,800 subscribers here tonight oh Randolph welcome in go be’s Enos welcome in as well JC in the house Robert welcome in thank you very much this this has been an outstanding start Steve what’s going on welcome in love love love this series I got to tell you I knew this was going to be a good series for me right now this has been the series of the playoffs the hockey has been incredible we’ve had goals we’ve had huge hits we’ve had big saves this has had everything EST coming in with that subscribe thank you so much EST by the way when you hit subscribe I believe you do get bonus points as well so if you’re in the chat exclamation mark point to check your points and of course if you just subscribed you should get some bonus points so just wanted to call that out now I do want to say uh I don’t know if you’re in the chat today but Dan had sent us a PayPal the other day and I hadn’t seen him in the chat so I did want to say thank you again just in case you are in the chat here today so again uh sorry John not Dan John if you are here and you sent us that PayPal for the other day thank you very much for that yeah Travis it really really has been outstanding all right so it’s Aaron eblad that goes to the box I’m not so sure about that one but hey ref’s trying to even it up Bruins off the draw going to send this back to the line Boston setting it up now this one going to come out here’s a one-time they score [Music] though a bad call by the officials leads to a bro’s goal we’ve seen this story before and it’s David pack who finally puts this one home pack has gotten close a lot he’s been frustrated and he takes this one timer from the face off dot just beats bobovski what a be coach what’s going on welcome coach coach I hope you’re doing all right of course we’re thinking about you my friend we’re thinking about you thank you for coming in you go what’s going on a great shot by Pastor neck just under the arm as bobovski kicks out the pad and reaches under it that goes right out of his arm my goodness Pizza Sam Bennett should be suspended Pizza no different than what that Brad Marshawn does on a daily basis I agree it should have been a penalty I don’t know about a suspension but hey if you’re going to dish it out you know someone’s going to do it right back to you past’s fourth goal of the playoffs Here Comes barov barov coming in gonna send this one around Rick I agree and welcome in Rick it was pretty clean Jimmy how’s it going welcome in here’s a shot from the point this one going wide Florida going to keep it in deflection they can’t pick that one up Linda hello welcome in this in the corner spinning around here’s tereno tereno trying to bring it in front and Boston going to knock that one down back to the line here’s a shot deflected into the corner so far it’s six shots seven shots for the Panthers only three for Boston Here Comes makoy makoy had that huge hit to start this game he’s going to be hit himself there Puck is going to skip wide of the neck eblad with it eblad gets hauled down here’s Bennett going to play this one across Florida Down The Far Side Up over the line going to drop it to Veri Veri with a shot nice save swim bubles it now he gets it Coy and Frederick the gloves up in the face of kachuck there’s some conversations taking place there I would love one of those guys to be miked up because I want to know what they’re saying Charlie how’s it going yes I agree surf buom what’s up that was an absolute rocket they are going to commercial break yet again they’re taking all the commercials they can wow Burns need a win otherwise yeah listen if B Austin can’t figure out a win a night if Florida goes up 3-1 going back to Florida I think this game this series is all but done so this is a must-win game for the Boston Bruins cam what’s going on welcome in hope everybody is having a phenomenal weekend uh this has been absolutely crazy I love love love the hockey we’re seeing we couldn’t ask for anything more so thank you for coming in that there we go past 150 now on the way to 200 likes make sure if you haven’t hit that thumbs up for us you’re hitting that thumbs up and thank you for all the subscribers 22 away now from 2800 so thank you all so very much this has been so good I love this uh you have any animals scary hary I do not not myself not myself so hang on one second let’s go here wow so yeah no animals no animals here for us but grew up with animals you know most of my life so I’ve I’ve had my fix uh if only Carolina won games two and three they would have been up through cam I know and they deserved it right the Rangers got lucky with those OT goals but I tell you Carolina has been playing some ridiculous hockey they have really really been going hard so that series is getting heated up all right they are coming back here Matt what’s going on Canada hockey fan hate the Bruins even me you hate me Matt if you hate me why you here well we’re happy to have you whether you like me or hate me as long as you’re here having fun that’s what it’s all about that’s right Sergeant salty you got that right so back from commercial break one nothing brunes with the lead let’s go if I was in NHL commissioner I’d find the refs if they didn’t make the call Tristan absolutely welcome in amuse gter snake welcome in as well this one coming in the corner trying to work down here they come over the line cross ice pass londell in trying to bring this through lerin and across and sing is going to grab that one up I said you hate the br oh deep down oh oh oh got you Matt gotcha I got you Matt I do I do I’m not going to lie I’m not a brunes fan by any means it’s Austin welcome in welcome in welcome in listen the brues brues today are kind of like the Phillies of back in the day right Boston fans for the most part love Boston love the brooms but if you go outside of Boston their fan base drops drastically they still have fans all around but it’s not like some of the other teams where there’s a lot of fans in the all the cities here they come off the draw Florida bring this one down here’s farkov down around behind the net playing this up here’s a shot by eblad that one hits a body and comes out Eder welcome in thanks Matt appreciate it this one coming through Boston makoy going to play this one up it’s offside Panthers going to tag up nice little play by tereno coming across spinning away from the hit forsling sending it up the middle looking for the tip it’s not there this coming the other way Boston over the line that was offside no call Pastak going to pass this one across to the point it’s tipped out nine minutes to go nine minutes left to go Peak going to pass this one all the way up the ice trying to tip this one in Panther’s going to move it back in here we go trying to get this one through is there a way to combine points um like between it counts Austin I don’t think so here comes Florida Bennett he’s going to spin around bringing this to the line the booze coming out for Bennett as he touches the puck Peak going to send this around Florida up to pinch this in they do they played in the slot but no one was there that could get it the brunes going to send it out through the neutral zone there’s a hit by coil he’s going to send I didn’t see who it was sending the panther down to the ice this one coming around kulakov going to play it up hits the skate of Bennett this going to come out for hiy trying to catch up to what he can’t Arnold how’s it going welcome in Detroit loves the Bruins over the line here’s kachak taking a shot right in the chest to San and as in here comes lco with some cross checks to Ekman Larson after the whistle again so after the whistles go the brunes getting up in the Panthers grills and here we go this is getting going early in this hockey game want the Panthers versus the Rangers that would be it would be great series regardless either of these two teams would be great against the Rangers and here go maroon is going to go to the box High sticking call so maroon kachuck kachuck takes the shot maroon comes in with a little bit of a late hit but gets the stick up in the face of kachak so Pat maroon is going to go to the box it’s Adrian calling Sam Reinhardt for the game-winning goal that would be a beauty so here we go there we got a power play for the Florida Panthers let’s see how they can turn this one around Boston ahead one nothing barkov in to take this draw cartoons what’s going on welcome in I got to tell you these announcers are driving me bonkers off the draw barov going to win this back that smells so good playing this one around here comes Boston they pick up the loose Puck clearing it ahead Coyle coming up short-handed he’s going to spin around he’s going to continue to play centering right in front short-handed a shot and they miss kachuck back with it he’s going to play it off the boards no Panther there walking in a shot that one goes just wide wake up Florida they got to get going here here comes the Panthers finally they’re going to get their ax together together and slow it down 30 seconds in going to drop this one back here comes barov up over the line going to play it to kachuck he’s just going to dump this one in for hiy he’s going up on it going to send it back in the corner coming right back out to Reinhardt he takes a hit and goes down barov going to play this around here’s kachuck Far Side going to play it back to Montour across to Veri Veri the middle of the Ice taking a shot big rebound it’s there in front and swayan pounces on it barov had a chance but he couldn’t pull the trigger could not get that shot off wow thanks Ben I appreciate it good pace of Play Good action going on again welcome in if you’re just coming in make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up for us and that subscribe as well Reinhardt was in good positioning barkov in good positioning but Boston just able to control this Puck on the penalty kill Jack how’s it going welcome in this is off the draw Boston going to bring it makoy short-handed another Rush by Boston short-handed they’re going to take a shot over rovski he’s going to grab this and here comes Boston right on top of bosski makoy inadvertently tried to hold up and kind of bumps into boosi and boy makoy has quite the Shiner on his right eye they’re coming in here and Gina welcome in so this this is the best game we’ve seen makoy in this series so far this is absolutely incredible Ben I only have one request they need to let me bring you the chat along for the ride off the draw emman Larson with it he goes around behind the net Boston really playing aggressive on this penalty kill we have not seen this from them all series Here Comes Bennett over the line going to play it to tereno back to Bennett hands come high as the hit comes into Sam Bennett tereno in the corner on wther spoon he’s going to get the puck win that battle back to the line emman Larsson going to play it across here’s a high no londell passes it off thought he was going to shoot that emman Larson he doesn’t shoot either somebody you got to shoot the puck high slot they’re going to pass it away again tereno with a shot that one hits the shoulder and goes high and at a play my goodness they have to get things going they need to get some shots they can’t just keep passing it off this is crazy hockey Raymond what’s going on welcome in no Duke do what you need to do my friend do what you need to do Richard what’s up Richard coming in with some gifted memberships thank you Richard congratulations Jeff Arnold Paul surf bomb David congratulations to the new gifted members and Richard thank you so much get those stick Taps going for Richard supporting our channel to the end of the Earth and back Richard thank you so much for everything thank you so much happy Mother’s Day do everyone in their families this coming around dumped in 3 seconds to go and we got a whistle as it was dumped in on the offside wow Boston really doing a much better job on this penalty kill Florida seems a little flat footed right now a little flat footed they got to figure out and get things going Curtis welcome in Road Warriors good to see you Bas off at Center ice in Florida going to win this back but the power play is now officially over eblad going to spin this one around trying to hold this one in playing it up along thank you Michael hitting that subscribe Welcome to our community in the corner eblad going to play this up 20 Subs away now this coming all the way down the ice racing forward AO he’s going in there lorai has him pinned up along the boards lorai has been another one who’s improving every single game aoso sending it to the line bumped right back in coming around behind the net Florida can’t catch up to it maroon goes in and gets it he’s going to send it around behind the net lorai again with a head on a swivel going to play this up and down the ice forsling picks it up he dumps it right back this coming around lorai digs it out of his feet he’s going to use the net for some shielding coming around Damien hitting that subscribe thank you so much welcome to the channel going to put this one through emman Larson and brzo battle for it in the corner kulakov with it James Van reik comes up on him off the line they can’t hold it in Boston bringing it back around brazzo he’s going to send this one in Joey what’s going on what a maroon that’s funny down along kulikov up to londell londell playing in the middle hit Escape coming back they shoot they [Music] score the Boston Bruins finding away a broken play in the shot taken from the point and wow Florida down by two here in the first period the Bruins two goals on five shots kulakov he tried to get this one out around a bad pass came to zaka who brought it out was able to bring it around and right back in So zaka with a heads up play they come along Carlo yes I don’t think this was tip Carlos sending it in in this Puck a little bit of a knuckle Puck finds its way through three goals and four points in these playoffs for Carlo the Bruins going ahead two goals To None wow big difference in this game from what we saw in the last couple back around here comes mola mola GNA send this one in it’s deflected in down in the line Jonathan what’s going on it doesn’t matter Rangers in five Jonathan that is awesome welcome in this one coming Florida with this they’re going to back it up spinning it off the boards trying to bring it out the brues chipping it through the neutral zone back around and all the way down trying to pick it up here by forsling and to play it around Boston gobbling up these Pucks in the neutral zone they’re going to send this one up I’m telling you Bruns by two we will see when this is all said and done this coming around holding it behind the net Here Comes kachuck looking going to play it over to forsling forsling cross ice pass misses ver hey this is going to be an icing call so that’s one of the problems with Florida right now these passes way too long and as they’re coming up the ice maroon is turning and having an extracurricular conversation with the panther player I wish the uh I wish the cameraman wouldn’t pull away from some of these conversations so this was a total knuckle Puck a Rolling Puck fluttering end overend kind of Dipping down as the puck was shot it was kind of doing this through the air and at the last moment kind of dips down normally when a puck is shot it kind of spins straight but this was going end overend all the way in and funny things are going to happen maroon he’s going to now leave the ice under four minutes to go here in the first period of play face off in the Panther Zone off the draw Panthers can’t pick this one up pter neck a little little sweater grab there that never hurt anybody coming this down Dallas what’s going on here’s a long shot right on rebound is there nice block by lorai lorai probably saved the goal Panthers coming around Bennett sending it across big battle going on in front of the net kachuck behind ver hey bringing it in drops it for Bennett coming around back to the point point for forsling sending it around lorai is all over kach Veri with another chance and he fans on it the brunes going to carry this one up they’re going to cycle around San and kachu having a little altercation there as the play moves up ice eblad going into the corner he gets hit hard here come the Panthers Lawrence he’s going to bring it down couldn’t hit aoso with the pass Boston going to turn setting this up that’s going to be an ice and call and that was the exact same play where they hit Toronto for that OT goal where they put the puck into the corner and it bounces right out in front of the net so they did it exactly the same thing here but this time they were just in offside wow that’s wild talk about knowing your boards and how to use them that was crazy welcome in everybody thank you for joining us here today great play this Boston team is fired up no Marshawn he is out tez wel in they absolutely are they this is a very very different look Bruns team than we’ve seen Swan he set face off in the Boston zone three minutes to go in the period scramble draw Florida’s going to come away with it they’re going to spin and put this one down in the corner hit the stanson didn’t come out in front listan trying to get it he’s going to get hit up high this one coming in Panther is going to Bobble it between the legs what a move oh and a nice defensive play Rodriguez with a glorious chance and I didn’t see I didn’t catch the number but one of the Boston players made a sweet move to tie his stick up as he was shooting it might have been jvr not known for his defensive Paralis that was a great stop in the corner zaka hanging on to it Rodriguez and kulakov pull it out back to the line here’s a long shot San’s going to GL GL grab that in the glove what a beauty save yes playoff hockey is incredible they are going to take another commercial break we love playoff hockey why because you never know what is going to happen these guys are playing unbelievable hockey now we got more and more people piling in so I’ll take a quick moment and introduce myself Paul you’re very very welcome that’s what we’re here for we’re here to bring you hockey coverage every single day we’ve only missed one night since the playoffs have started we have been here every day sometimes we’ve done two in three games so we’re bringing all the playoff coverage my name is Sam I’ve been doing this on YouTube for just about three seasons this is the end of our third season we absolutely love what we do I love hockey I don’t care which teams are playing if I’m sitting down and a game’s on TV I will put it on and watch it but I am a maple eafs fan I hate to say it because they lost but I am a maple eafs fan and of course the Florida Panthers are my number two team so we got two teams that I cheer for but again I just love hockey so thank you all for being here it’s a little bit about myself and again we’re here every day we’ll be back tomorrow with the Rangers and the Carolina Hurricanes so so much fun and we appreciate your support simply just by hitting that thumbs up hitting that subscribe sharing us out and helping our community grow uh Northern farm girl what’s going on welcome in hope you’re doing well hope you had a great weekend uh I’m fantastic why I got my hockey going on hey you what’s going on welcome in Triton and of course for everyone just coming in happy Mother’s Day hope you all had a good weekend and they’re just coming back from commercial break this has been a great one pack of course kicked it off with a sucker punch taking a penalty and then coming out and he scores on an absolutely rocket shot Brenan Carlo he came in with another shot and scored and there’s a conversation going on with Paul Maurice the referee having a conversation with Paul Maurice Fernando says that’s all the brunes are getting three straight by the Panthers they’re still going to win this one the crowd is loud they’re waving their towels they’re going at it we got 24 to go here in Period number one off the draw this one coming back and they’re going to bring this one out trying to get this one through Reinhardt going to stop it the UK are playing the world hockey championships by Finland yesterday Richard yes indeed but hey it’s so much fun to watch and I’m sure those games are a whole lot better for you in regards of timing this one coming through here’s a blast forsing right on and San with an unbelievable save on okay I got to lower my voice a little bit getting a little too excited but this this game man I love this game love it so much the Bruins have come out playing and Swan that smile the swan smile has been unbelievable every time he makes that stop you look they get the closeup and under the mask you see that big smile for he in to talk take this draw against Coyle linesman says hey get set we’re going to drop this one off the drw it’s a scramble Panther’s going to bring it back to the line Maka playing this one across here’s a long shot almost deflected nice job there by the brunes to keep the player in front of the net away from tipping that puck Panthers bringing it all the way back in their own Zone going to move this one forward here they come back in Panthers just flipping this one in the corner I like to see the PK has been strong this game yeah Damen much better on the PK this one in the corner swaying going to flip this one Bruins hanging on to it going to play it across now they’re going to move this one out comes right back in Frederick bringing it in it’s offside Panthers have to tag up Bruins with it behind their own net 11 10 to go 110 to go in Period number one this one coming all the way down the ice Bovi he’s out to play this one h no Ben I haven’t I haven’t seen the the Sheldon Keef rage quitting video down behind the net trying to bring this one around in the corner digging away at it trying to pull it out of the feet they do kulakov he’s going to take a bump he can’t get it out Puck going to come in the front and this swung all the way down the ice right on S San is going to swing and play this across here comes Florida with a Chance londell going short Side San making that save Boston going to turn a move 30 seconds to go they’re going to flip this all the way down the ice no icing called emman Larson back to bring this one around Darius what’s going on welcome in here comes liserin in he’s over the line going to roll this into the corner comes to Rodriguez Cuts towards the middle he shoots oh and it bobbles just away from the side of the net leran again Panthers coming close huge battle in front of the net back across forsing he’s going to take a blast that hits a player and there’s list R and thrown to the ice here comes brazzo he’s going to play this one out hops going to over Puck hops over Zack a stick as the horn goes and period number one has come to a close if you’re just coming in make sure you hit those likes we’re now on our way to 250 likes and we are 11 subscribers away from 2 800 but great playing here by the Panthers so many chances coming close but the Boston Bruns just shutting things down all right let’s go to the intermission here and we’re going to we’re going to get this all situated and sorted out all right here we go our stats coming across the Boston Bruins have the points where it counts two nothing Boston end of the first period look at these shots though 15- five again the brues only putting up five shots on net in the first period the fact that they scored two goals on five shots is crazy when we look all the way back into the Toronto series through game five and six Boston did not shoot the puck and they got blown away those two games in game three uh two and three in this series against the Panthers the brues did not shoot the puck and Florida annihilated them here Florida putting 15 shots on net San has been absolutely exceptional he’s working to steal this game the two goals that they scored I don’t blame Bovi but the second one he probably should have had the knuckle pucks are hard to read let’s keep going down the stats the hits are just about equal 17 hits for the Bruins 16 for the Panthers those are are so close faceoffs super close 109 Bruins go one for one on the power play Panthers have not been able to score with the man Advantage giveaways are equal 33 the Panthers with two takeaways and the block shots are even close four to three all of the auxiliary stats here are super super close but again Boston has scored twice and that is all that matters now why the question is why why are the Panthers struggling to score so let’s break it down in this first period like I said swan has been exceptional covering the angles not giving up big juicy rebounds but it goes even further than what swan is doing the defense of Boston is showing up the defense is playing spectacular Jose what’s going on welcome in Ryan welcome in this must be a win yes this is a must- win for the Bruins for sure I think the series going seven games neither team makes it past the Rangers Pizza I’m with you I actually had the Panthers and I kind of I think I said six not seven but I have it going the distance uh I I was taking the Panthers to to take this series but it has been an absolute doozy doozy of a series uh let’s see what other question let me make sure I didn’t miss anything Bill what’s going on welcom in being outshot 3 to one is not looking good for Boston and how long can they sustain taking on shots like that now what the Bruins are doing well is the way they’re playing defensively both on the power play when they’re killing a power play and when the Panthers have the advantage and they’re blasting Pucks in they’re blocking shots they’re getting in those shooting Lanes they’re getting the sticks in the passing Lanes if they can continue with that defensive style of play it’s going to take them far in this hockey game uh Rangers look way too strong Richard they they do except you know what last night against the Hurricanes they looked very human um they did not look exceptional and I’ll tell you in games two and three as well Carolina had outplayed the Rangers big time the Rangers picked up those overtime goals were able to win those games um but I’ll be honest I I thought Carolina should have won they deserve to win game two and game three and game four so the Rangers I think are are a little lucky but hey luck does come into play for sure so if the Bruins can continue playing well defensively that’s going to help I absolutely love the aggressiveness on the penalty kill Dominic welcome in absolutely love the aggressiveness on the penalty kill they’re getting up on the panther players not giving them a chance to shoot I also love the fact that they are forcing them to play defensively Boston with a couple rushes is short-handed has been great he said a quote Marner just cries on the bench William neander had a headache and didn’t want to play so Ben I don’t think that’s real I don’t think that’s legit um seeing the nice message that Keef sent uh and all the postgame and post series conversations I think that’s an AI kind of reimagining of kei’s shout so or kei’s uh situation so yeah I don’t think any that is legit uh Triton coming in with the 299 a Triton shout out birthday girl Dallas yes happy birthday Dallas big happy birthday we had a big a big embarrassment party for Dallas last night at the end of the stream but a big happy birthday to Dallas uh Damian all we know is it’s an upper body injury I will tell you when the situation happened when he took that shot and was sitting on the bench he looked like he was on a different plan um so hopefully cuz I never want to see anybody hurt seriously even him uh hopefully he’s all right um I have a feeling there might be some concussion like symptoms so it might be a wait and see with him but uh yeah he he looked he looked pretty rocked he looked pretty pretty darn rocked uh varas welcome in weather Bennett smoke Mara with his right mid or not you gave him a reason to turn it yeah mark uh listen absolutely right uh listen you never want to see somebody get hurt but again when When Brad goes in and starts pulling a lot of the shenanigans he does um you don’t like that uh God is gracious so Brad Marshawn in the last game took a cheap shot he got rocked and was out in this game starting it off David pack stepped into Reinhardt with an absolute oh excuse me not Pastor neck um McAvoy stepped into Reinhardt with an absolutely Beauty open Ice hit and just crushed him so it was it was absolutely great no worries Triton no worries that’s right get get those big big big birthday cakes in there for Dallas of course celebrating her birthday Hustler we need Cam Neely yeah gotta man Cam Neely boy would he make a difference to this team he would certainly certainly make a difference Cam Neely again definitely one of the best Bruns of all time which is awesome um so again like I said if if Boston can continue doing those elements being aggressive on the penalty kill because I assume if they keep playing the way they are they’re going to take a lot more penalties and that’s kind of what they’ve done over the last couple of games so if they can play on the attack short-handed that’s going to be great it’s going to be great for this team now I will say on on the flip side Florida knew Boston was going to come out like a tower of power today we knew Boston was going to come out hitting doing everything they needed to do to kind of punish the Panthers for taking out their Captain so I think the Panthers have kind of weathered the storm here now they’ve gotten through this first period so Florida is gonna up their game and I think they’re going to bring even more in Period number two don’t forget the Florida Panthers are the comeback C there’s no holding them back I expect to see a lot more from this team now that they’ve gotten through the first time to get things going zambonis let’s get a Zamboni chck going CA gotta love the zambonis like this is my favorite my favorite graphic of of the season is the the zambon just going around it’s awesome I know Mara is upset wants to pull a Paul Korea for the win there is a name from the past Paul Korea man I haven’t heard that in a while God Paul Korea was awesome he was so good uh Swan and bobovski anything in between or just pawns Travis you know you’re not wrong there these goalies are outstanding you know yes bobovi wasn’t overly sharp I wonder I wonder if I can find these can we find these here real quick what are the odds if I can pull these up maybe we’ll we’ll demonstrate here so that oh here’s a there’s the reverse angle trying to see if I can find this this hit because what I can do is I can I can bring this up and show you real real quickly wow the whole feed is like the the Maran shot from the last game let’s see if we can pull this this hit up here because I’d love to show you this was one of the best open Heist hits I’ve seen um All Season here we go here we go all right let’s see bear with me a moment let me bring this up bear with me uh I’m gonna I’m GNA set this up and try and bring this in to show a little little replay action here and then we’ll we’ll talk about it because I think this is this is something definitely definitely worth uh having a conversation about this was absolutely gang Buster so give me a second all right here we go so we’re gonna we’re going to run this all right so it should be up on the screen now so what happens in this play you is you see at the bottom of your screen I don’t think you can see my my mouse coming through oh you can so down here at the bottom of the screen here’s makoy and Reinhardt going to come up through the middle see the puck the puck is being played ahead right McAvoy Reinhardt here he’s looking at the puck mcvoy is coming directly at him and this this is kind of what transpires here ready boom oh my goodness what a shot what a hit boom just absolutely destroys him just destroys him do we get another slow-mo no but look as he comes in slow motion here let’s do this to make it even even more fun can I can I adjust look at this ready let’s we’re going to bring this in tight and we’re going to blow this up oh no don’t do that uhoh uhoh I lost my screen there we go all right let’s blow this up look at this right here he comes monster hit B oh I just missed it okay hang on I’ll fix I’ll fix this just crunches him right just obliterates him what an open Ice hit whmo that’s how you set the tone that is how you set the tone and get things going it was crazy it was close enough to the puck I mean that was one thing I first looked at right is he didn’t have the puck you know so it technically could have been an interference call now the puck was passed to him and you know the ref from the ref’s perspective because the ref is far back in the corner he sees him going for the puck but the puck was right there makoy steps into so he actually can’t pick up that puck but it was a monster monster hit so what it comes down to is you know that distance of the the puck to the puck to the uh the player and I think it was close enough I mean it could have gone either way it’s just the start of the game it could have been called as an interference penalty but it was let go and that was absolutely a monster he did technically touch [ __ ] absolutely it was great I’m afraid the Bruins will try to Scot Stephen Bill they’re they’re trying they are trying but that that was a beauty oh Mr Paul’s yes feder off feder off was one of the best so that was that was huge hit just came out an hour ago uh yamy what just came out an hour ago Stevens messed up lindross he certainly did I tell you Scott Stevens would not be able to do today what he did back then he wouldn’t be able to do it no chance um will Alex oetkin break Wayne Gretzky’s record yes unfortunately he will uh I absolutely think he will do that why is Norris punching me Chuck Norris protecting the stream he’s he’s fending off the brunes he wanted to get into it just thankful the rests aren’t like vtu oh you know what sometimes sometimes the refs are extremely frustrating to watch oil collector what’s going on sometimes they are absolutely extremely frustrating to watch but I will I’ll give them credit right sometimes they get it right the play does happen super fast on the ice super fast and you can’t see everything in real time especially when you’re sitting you know at opposite ends from where the play is happening um so you know I do give them some credit but when a play happens and you see the ref is looking directly at it and it happens right in front of them and they don’t call it then you’re like what are you doing you know you got to make that call uh so let’s see he want me a lot of money in my video days that’s federov and mcgil yes Alex mcgil Alex mcy uh he actually lived when he was in Toronto lived very near to a family friend of ours we never got to see him he always uh stayed in his house Jordan tutu another one what happened to Jordan tut2 I wonder I wonder what happened to good old Jordan 22 all right let me scroll back through goats go there are two refs not one yes Gordon there are two refs but you know again they’re on opposite sides one is forward one is back they’re usually watching different aspects of the play um and you will get a call you will get a call where the ref where it happens right in front of doesn’t call it and then the back ref blows it down um but you know there’s still unfortunately in the two ref system a lot of of missed plays of missed calls so it does happen um where where you just get that and there’s nothing as fans that we could do about it you know I’ve been I’ve been saying for a couple years now it would be great if they put them out in the front of the media let them have to explain themselves what’s going on but uh I can’t imagine that’s going to happen Bible win tonight it seems to me in the score will be about 5-2 well welcome in going with the 52 prediction thanks for joining us Jay what’s going on Dale Hunter oh yeah Hunter was Hunter was a beast too really was uh Bray was said to be the face of hockey in his era till he made the mother of all elbows you know it you got to be careful like we get it Superstars are superstars right they’re going to play they’re going to play their Superstar way but even Superstars get frustrated right we saw it um we saw it just here David Pastak Allstar start of the game right turn around with a punch right to the face of lundell out of the blue for no reason at all we saw Austin Matthews a couple years back at the Heritage Classic Game cross check Dalene from Buffalo cross check him in the neck right these we’ve seen Conor McDavid get frustrated and he’s taking shots at people hockey is a frustrating game and emotions get high and what happens when referees don’t keep things settled when they don’t keep things playing the way the game should be things get out of hand and even Superstars will will take wax you know back in the day the Gretzky the lemuse the Eiser they didn’t need to do that right they had people to do it for them in today’s day and age they got to protect themselves all right let’s get set period number two is just about to get going will we see a lot more of what we saw in Period number one carry over Daryl how’s it going jda what’s going on brother welcome in Hayden I don’t know if I said hello to you but welcome to the show uh Marsha tellum what’s up buffer welcome in Greg hello there the slots hate me slots are tough they are tough to win for sure but good luck uh okay let’s get things ready to rock and roll Linda hello Jordan 22 left hockey to address his addictions which he credits for his life today awesome thank you Linda I knew I knew he had left uh I’d never kind of heard what happened to the end of the Jordan 22 Saga so thank you for that I appreciate it Mr Buck welcome in Festivus Florida 5 in 56 Max ww hello there who’s ready to play some hockey here number two starts right now Max welcome in it should have been Detroit Max I agree the Red Wings kind of got hosed the short stick here they come the Panthers Reinhardt bringing this one in he’s going to play this ahead Panthers going to break in the referee getting in the way there Reinhardt behind the net going to send it back to the line they’re going to play this around letting it go back into the corner that this was a little bit of a broken play by Florida they had good Puck possession going to pass it here comes Boston picking up that puck de brus with a shot bosi going to make the save de brus trying to pick up the loose Puck going to flip this one around here’s barov going to pass it off getting it back barov now going to skate near side cutting towards the middle dropping it off to Reinhardt Reinhardt going to play it around behind the net coming out in front San the little poke check giving it up to Pastak the brunes going to dump this one down the ice back to pick it up as eblad he’s going to play this dangerously up the middle Florida wh speed over the line here’s Bennett with a wrist shot high and over he’s going into the corner trying to work this one through thank you coming in hitting that subscribe Mr Paul’s opinion thank you for joining our Channel he blad down in the corner going to work this one through Boston coming in intercept the Bruins trying to work it around now they are really really putting the pressure on Boston back with it here’s a shot from the point that one’s going wide this one coming around Boston back to the line intercepted by kchu he’s going to play this across Panthers down and Over The Line Veri coming in goes inside outside between the legs nice move Veri down around behind the net over to kachuck kachuck taking a look he’s setting it up passing into the high slot for heggy turns it over and he’s going to chop down zaka penalty coming up here to Florida as kulikov touches it Carter Veri is going to go to the box Tony what’s going on welcome in so Veri goes to the Box not a not a good play they turn it over he gets a slash on zaka zaka goes down on the trip that was a little easy but a slash nonetheless it was a penalty nonetheless so Boston going to go back to the power play of course Pastak scored the first goal on of the game on the power play and at just a couple of seconds in threw my eyes yeah that was that was kind of kind of weak Utah Batman’s trust fun that’s funny off the draw stenin can’t win it past your back with it going to play it up to makoy makoy down low it’s let go around behind the net Florida going to bump off coming to try and get it as forsling it’s in his feet jvr pinning him up against supports stanland going to get it taken his man down this trying to come out stanland chips it to the line not out Boston putting it right back in the corner eblad with it he’s going to turn and send this all the way down the ice Pastak back to pick it up he’s going to set it up here there you go 9.8 on that dive Run’s going to bring this one in Florida eblad waited too long de brusk steals de Brusque feeding back to the line coming around taking a look here’s a long pass up this one knocked down the hardford Whalers that’s awesome p are not going to hold it in now the Panthers get this one out and down the ice one minute to go in the brunes power play all the way down picking this one up here comes makoy makoy going to dump this one back and they are on the move up over the line here they come wheeling and dealing walking in back with it this going to hit the leg and come all the way out and down the ice here comes list Ryan he’s coming in this one’s cycling around in the corner trying to feed this one out knocking it down this coming around here we go on the Move lorai he’s going to dump this one in bosski trying to stop it and play it in the corner they’re digging for it this going to come around they’re going to work it through kulakov flipping this out and down the ice back around coming out in front broken stick Panthers with a man with a broken stick nice handoff here’s a shot right in front kulakov gonna play it to the quarter great play stenland gave kulakov his stick and he was able to play that into the corner mola in there battling as well 4 seconds to go on the power play and the Panthers can’t get it out zaka keeping it in power play has now expired back at even strength this one working through and this coming to the line being held in Lindholm playing this one up here’s a shot big shot block finally the Panthers going to bring this one out they’re going to bounce it off the boards and down everyone’s going to change up Jared what’s going on to be honest I have no faith against the Panthers because they are the better team and here they come Bennett steals it passes it across here’s a shot right on in a nice save back in front for Veri he can’t pull the trigger again down low kachuck around behind the net to Bennett Bennett a big run uh de Bross taking a run at Bennett he can’t get him back over to Veri Veri he sticks around he gets hit now kachuck sending it through looking for the back door Play Bennett couldn’t get it this going to be cycled back Bennett going to hold the line and it’s going to come out here’s de brasque passing it across to beer beer in over the line he’s going to drive wide he continues to go Montour slashing at him to the line Boston going to play this one back in they’re setting it up here’s a shot right on hovi makes the save with Pat maroon standing right on top of him and this one is going to be held just about 5 minutes gone in this first period the intensity certainly not at the same level it was in the first but both these teams starting to tighten up their games George depending on the re region you’re in here it’s we’re watching on sportset I believe TNT is also covering it but this has been an unbelievable Gam Pat maroon doing his job what he’s exactly supposed to do Standing On Top of boosi again welcome in if you’re just coming in make sure you hit that thumbs up we’re now going towards 300 likes and if you haven’t already subscribed we’re now at 2800 smash that subscribe as we’re on our way towards 21k there’s an offside as Florida just coming in team Florida so good job good play you know what I think we’re GNA do a little bit of a giveaway I think we’re GNA do a little bit of a giveaway if uh one of our mods could prep for the giveaway at the next commercial break I’m going to open up this giveaway announce what we’re doing and again all we ask is to support our Channel by hitting that subscribe button and we’re gonna we’re going to give a lucky viewer a little something this coming around at the side San has been tonight br’s going to swing this one out trying to bring it down over the line Boston walking right in coming in great save bobovski what a save by bobovski that was outstanding absolutely outstanding this one coming around over the corner shot right on man they are playing spectacular all right so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to give away it’s Mother’s Day it’s always nice to give your mother something special or a spouse something special but it doesn’t always have to be on Mother’s Day so we want to help you here’s a blast from the point it’s knock down we want to help you be able to get something nice for someone special so we are going to open up a contest for a $20 Amazon gift card here’s a pass coming around Florida going to knock this one out a $20 Amazon gift card this one coming around will be over the line Boston trying to work this one through down in again all we ask is you hit that subscribe to support us we’re going to open it up at the next whistle in the corner aoso he has it he’s digging this one in the corner trying to pull this one away now he does AO he’s going to bring this one out shayen what’s going on Robert don’t poke the bear all the way down the ice in the corner they’re going to play this around of course you will have to be in the chat in the third period when we announc the winner Here Comes lorai going to hit the line he’s going to dump this one in bosi is going to stop it and he bobbled it so bosi looking a little shaky behind the net with that puck going to play it up off the boards and here comes londell he’s going to chip it in but again not deep Lind Holm going to turn around he’s going to send this up and going to chip this one past stopped by forsling look out he runs into Rodriguez the Panthers completely running into each other right now the cats are out of control here’s a loose Puck Rodriguez has it he’s going to run this up up over the line going to come through and a nice stop there by Swan my goodness all right we got a whistle so let’s open it up giveaway for a $20 Amazon gift card is now underway they’re going to commercial break you will see it in the chat you will see it in the chat all you have to do is enter the command exclamation mark gift make sure you’re subscribed to the channel exclamation mark gift to enter the contest it is 100% free to enter for everybody so it’s 100% free and we are going to give away a $20 Amazon gift card so thank you all so much for supporting our Channel again we know Mother’s day was today and it’s not going to help you buy something nice today but it’s nice sometimes to give your mother or give your significant other something nice so why not pick up something from Amazon and send it their way so again exclamation mark gift come in and enter and we will pull the name we’ll pull the name in the third period and for your chance to win of course we also have our Mega 20K contest underway where we’re giving away the third Jersey from the Toronto map Leafs a black John tavarus Captain Jersey that is giving away plus we have some Samuel B12 t-shirts our friend and partner Channel Jordan’s Disney Adventures giving away a $50 shopping credit as well our partners and friends at the Florida Park explorers give giving away a theme park treat box so with lots of giveaways underway for that one make sure that you check us out on our website Sam wb12 contest and fill out the form to win one of five prizes we’re giving away for that and again thank you for being here we’re here every single day Callin hockey and we will be all the way till the Stanley Cup is handed out yes we have my favorite team right now it’s the Panthers they’re my last team here in this Stanley Cup playoffs as the Leafs were eliminated if the Bruins take out the Panthers we will still be here bringing you games all throughout so it doesn’t matter whatever teams go on we will be here calling games and we’d love you to be here along for the ride this picked up here comes Boston setting this one down Panthers turn and bump this one back out they’re going to dump this one in Panthers have not been able to defeat swayan here yet haven’t been able to put a puck past him they’re going to work this one through Frederick going to bump this one in the middle kulakov racing back to pick this one up 74 welcome in down in the corner trying to cycle this one around here comes long pass kachuck going to bounce it back over the line here’s kachuck again he’s going to cut towards the middle he gets taken down but got a solid shot off San made a nice save eblad going to put it back to the line here’s emman Larson far side across here’s Ry he shoots and he puts it just over the net my goodness James welcome in Jeff what’s going on call Happy welcome in again thank you everybody for being here thank you for supporting us big time the Panthers starting to bring the pressure they’re getting through this Boston aggressiveness assertiveness and they’re getting some nice shots off ver just missing did not miss by much Sam being hey Chris if somebody sends me a brunes jersey and Boston wins this series I would wear that Jersey I do not have a Boston Bruns Jersey nor do I plan on purchasing one in the near future but hey if somebody says Sam if the brues win I want you to wear this jersey and they sent it I would wear it this coming around down in the corner Boston with this one trying to pull it up down in the corner digging digging still digging still digging working this one trying to pull this one out now barov comes away with it back to the line tereno putting it across he wants it back he gets it back turning spinning shooting right on San making that save down in the corner this one coming out look out holy moly forsing stepping up with a big time hit there and the Bro player just saw it at the last minute here they come Reinhart bringing it in over the line taking a look trying to cut through behind Reinhardt he’s spinning around trying to get going down in the corner Julius what’s going on ever wonder why Boston is called the Bruins not the BS they’re babies nice 247 what’s going on coming in as the 300th like excellent job thank you everybody there’s a shot right on Pastak taking Montour into the end boards the panther is going to flip this one out and down the ice tereno gonna bat this one right on on San he’s going to hang on to it and Carlo gonna take Rodriguez down hard my goodness absolutely crazy crazy play Mama Bear is their spirit animal there you go Austin is just just throwing the Panthers around right now Kevin how’s it going welcome in uh no one going to spend some time with the family tonight look at that makoy as they’re in there makoy gives two shots to the back of the leg of barov and he just keeps going keeps battling that’s right if you’re looking for games check our main Channel page if you go to the samel B12 experience uh YouTube page we will have all the games scheduled we are doing there we also say make sure you have your notifications on so if we turn on uh another stream you will get that notification this coming around back to the point here’s a shot going just wide back in the corner here’s a shot right on nice move this coming back into the Bruins going to reverse it what a pass James Van reik with no stick he’s going to use his feet coming up now he’s got to step over the bench linesman going to blow this one down I think it’s going to be a I think this is just an offside call Great play by James Van re St there to use his feet to kick this Puck up it happens you know you lose your stick it was a a pass by brazo he didn’t realize jvr didn’t have a stick and he kind of kicks it up to the panther Blue Line nice play there there you go control coming in getting that entry and we are giving away a $20 Amazon gift card off the draw Boston going to win this back 10 minutes left to go here in Period number two and again this is going to be blown down as the puck is dumped in let’s play a clean game for once Randall there’s there’s a lot of dirtiness going on in all the series and you know I’m wondering I’m wondering if it’s because the officials let a lot go so people now have the expectation that they can get a lot get away with a lot and they’re just being able to really get going and and do what they want to do so it’s it’s pretty crazy you know that when they when they don’t call stuff and they let stuff go it it gives people that idea that they can really do a whole lot this coming around back going to be dumped in Panthers coming in here on the four check their four check has not been as successful as they have been in previous games pack coming around here comes the brues walking right in it’s Loco he’s being forced into the corner nice defensive play there by the Panthers but how did he get so open that’s right Chrissy playoff hockey absolutely but I this year it’s it’s a little worse than what we’ve seen in the past Nick what’s going on welcome in down around Florida going to work this one up trying to knock it out and it hits the ooso and it went over and the linesman away doing this to show that there was contact so they continue going if we take a look they’re going to go to commercial break if we take a look right now hits 32 hits for Boston pardon me 32 hits for Boston 30 hits for the Florida Panthers the Panthers was seven shots in this period only five shots for the Boston Bruins so shots are starting to get up there again Panthers have doubled up the Bruins 22 shots to 10 overall Boston still leading in the faceoffs leading of course in Power Play Goals and in hits but the hits pretty pretty close I agree ref ref’s games at times yeah Randall like it’s crazy right it’s sometimes it just gets a little little too much I used to play with the cardboard in my socks on the basketball court and an orange ball oh those orange balls those orange street hockey balls were crazy hard I mean if you got hit by one of those and weren’t wearing any padding man did that really sting yes TJ we will be announcing the winners of our 20K giveaway we’ll be announcing later this week so we will be notifying the winners through email we will also be calling it out on stream to let everybody know what they’ve won for our 20K giveaway because we have five different prizes going out um for those ones it’s not going to be the same as our in chat giveaways so we will notify the winners directly so welcome in everybody thanks for being here thanks for tuning in uh we are moving on up we are now closing in on 350 likes so make sure to tap that thumbs up for us and of course hit that subscribe we’re almost up to 8050 and of course you will get a chance to enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card there it is Miley coming in hitting that subscribe thank you Miley make sure you do enter the contest for your chance to win so here comes Reinhardt Reinhardt he’s coming in to take this draw face off in the panther Zone zaka coming in as well B off the draw this going to be thrown out and all the way down the ice this is going to be an icing call so just like that it’s coming all the way back as the brunes fans singing some Bon Joy which it’s so awesome whenever this the fans get together and start singing along I absolutely love it it is great I K what’s going on welcome in I apologize I don’t know how to pronounce that so if it’s if it’s okay I’ll just call you ik K the Rangers are named like the Texas Rangers off the draw Boston’s going to win this one back here’s lorai he’s going to take a half slapper that one’s going to go around off the shinpad Reinhardt down into the corner barov going to pull it away nine minutes to go this one going to be played ahead through the neutral zone and Boston going to steal this one right back here comes Pastak he cannot break through Panther steel they’re going to put off the boards but they can’t get this one deep Marcel how’s it going welcome in Boston Pac again hav taken away here comes baroff he’s playing this across to Reinhardt Reinhardt gonna play this right up it comes on Swan swayan gonna stop it and lorai gonna give Reinhardt the shove and say get away from my tender Gio coming in hitting that subscribe all right thank you Joshua I’ll take a look later on tonight of course after tonight’s stream we’re going to spend some family time together have a little bit of a late Paul Maurice looking very serious right now I haven’t seen Paul Maurice look this serious in quite some time so here comes the faceoff beer in the take it against Veri Boston figured out the secret formula to have a chance shooting the puck and you know what they still haven’t shot the puck well we’re more than halfway through this game the brunes only 10 shots this one coming through Veri trying to steal the puck Frederick’s going to fall down comes back to where they soon wther spoon he’s going to play this one up here comes Boston Frederick up the middle coming across bosi shutting the door another shot and this one’s going to go wide the brues putting on the pressure with 815 to go here in the second period what pressure this coming along Boston with this cycling around going to knock this one out the p pan do worther spoon bringing this one back this one coming around dumped Mika going in the corner to pick this one up he’s going to take a look around the net and here come the Panthers there’s a brunes player falling mikola hits the red line dumping it in Panthers forche almost non-existent on this Rush coming out in the middle Bru’s going to play it back Rodriguez trying to go for the steel cannot do it that’s right Tony pressure pressure pressure here come the Panthers through the middle stick breaks and the BR get it out Panther’s going to turn and try and bring this up again list Ryan he’s going to turn around and dump this one in he has not had a decent game tonight trying to come through gold medal game us vers Canada parah hockey game is on YouTube free citizens sweet I’m glad they’re getting I’m glad they’re getting some love by the community good for them anytime Canada and us get together it is going to be a huge game but a nice job here by the brues to continue the pressure I got to tell you I’m impressed I’m impressed uh no big rickster the 20K giveaway we’re going to announce next week during the week uh we’re going to let the winners know and then we’ll announce them live on the streams uh tonight we’re giving away a $20 Amazon gift card just as a thank you this one coming around all the way down in the corner trying to dig this through the bro’s going to send it around if you haven’t already entered our giveaway make sure you hit that subscribe button and then join up so you have your chance to win an Amazon gift card we’re going to pull the name in Period number three and you do have to be in the chat to win that if you your name is called and you’re not here we will draw another so seven minutes to go here in this second period Boston continuing to keep the at Bay San has played absolutely spectacular hockey tonight off the draw eblad he gets it at the point a shot hitting tereno in the back and he goes down and he’s hurt he’s going right to the bench teraso making his way to the bench in the slot what a save Sam Reinhardt where he scolded 50 goals from pulls the trigger in a beauty save there by San tereno talking to the trainer on the bench eblad he just blasts it and it hits him can’t tell if that’s the ankle or the back of the leg the way he jumped into it but that hit him hard and a nice onetime Sam Reinhardt from barkov he scored a ton from there but San was locked in and he was ready to go Brad Wood’s going on welcome uh Jace Hawks came away with the first pick where did the Raptors get where did the Raptors end up getting off the draw back to the line going to dump this one in the corner ruins a to cut it off they’re going to SP send this one around in the corner can’t pull it out this one coming back here’s Veri he shoots and it hits San up high but again he holds on to it and again there’s some some pushing and shoving in front of the net Linda coming in thank you Linda thank you Ronnie so kachuck is on his knees he’s helmet his bucket pushed over the front of his eyes uh William there’s been a few but it has not been as bad as it has been in the past lasers got N9 of 14 Raptors got e oh but it goes to the Spurs because of the trade oh that’s terrible 19th pick for the Raptors oh my goodness H I thought I thought the Raptors were like supposed to get two three or four and they end up down at 19 well next year will be a right off again for the Raptors again wow we are four Subs away from well make that three subs thank you Ronnie 2847 yeah make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up hitting that subscribe for us off the draw Boston with this one in the corner brunes going to come around Long pass up six and a half minutes brunes coming in all alone with a shot and he puts it over nice job there by Charlie Coy just put it high and over back down Florida going to send it into the corner trying to scoop this one up Chuck comes in there with a big hit Puck coming around Boston going to get it Carlo going to play this one ahead brunes spinning it up over the line Veri watching his man Boston Danton Heinen down around putting it in front a shot right on and bobovski getting the paddle down and squeezing it he’s going to make that save Boston continues to bring the pressure Florida struggling what if Florida loses if Florida loses the series is all tied up two two and hey that’s okay that is perfectly okay this is a must-win game for the Bruins you do not want to go down 3 to one now we’ve seen teams come back like hey the Leafs were down 3-1 and they came back to tie it up 33 but your odds of winning the series diminish substantially made a couple of really nice saves after he let that long in from Carlo but it’s part of the trade it goes to the Spurs yeah that’s a shame off the draw coming around brunes with it to the line here’s lorai passes it up Bruin’s coming in with a chance that’s going to go wide kulakov he’s going to send it around the boards Florida going to flip this one out again the brunes going to put it right back in but the Panthers they cycle it down they bring this now into the broom Zone the four check is coming around aoso in the corner he gets tripped up everybody’s falling over everybody in the corner this one shoveled around Ed coming in hitting that subscribe thank you Ed appreciate it here comes beer he can’t get through little tip class stenin walking in over the line going to flip this in the corner Kevin stenin he’s trying to go in and get this one he can’t aoso comes in with a big time hit listan now he’s coming back 520 to go 520 to go xlab sending this one in the corner the Panthers would love to get one the end of this period and they do they score londell the Panthers the Panthers pull out a goal right as we say they’d love to get one londell the guy who took the sucker punch in the face he is able to slide this underneath the Bender wow San is looking behind the net it comes out in front oh you know it didn’t go between the legs it just squeezed short side so a nice play a great play the Panthers find a way here’s the the net cam it just went under the blocker over the pad exactly where the second goal on bobovski went putting it in wow I’d say this I’m a Boston fan by due respect the Panthers think they deserve to win last year I’m glad they are approving people they are a strong team yeah absolutely and welcome in cloaked thank you for being here this is a hockey game two to one now over the line coming in the corner Reinhardt sending it through trying to kick this one free they can score in bunches Rodriguez in eblad picking up the assists this one coming around down low Panther almost score again yeah the puck can take funny hops those posts keep the puck out tereno putting it across back to the line forsling with a blast nice save there by San Boston on the move going to put it up the boards now they come past your neck over the line debrusk he slides it through and he can’t put it in De brus with a glorious opportunity and he can’t capitalize unbelievable in the corner Boston holding this one again the Panthers trying to clear they’re going to steal they’re going to chip this one out it’s a race for it fory can’t get there worther spoon gets there first he’s going to turn and send this one up unbelievable chipped in going down in the corner forsley going to turn and spin he’s going to get bumped off this one kachuck getting it to the line not out Boston holding this one in it’s sent up it did not hit the mesh it stays in play this comes around the side cowi with it picked up here by the Panthers long pass across to kachuck he can’t pick it up little stick lift there Bennett can’t get it now he does going to play it back to the defense they are setting it up they’re hanging on to this one let’s go there it is 350 likes great job everybody if you’re just joining us make sure you hit that like and of course hit that subscribe make sure once you’ve subbed up you do exclamation mark gift in the chat for your chance to win a 20 Amazon gift card this coming down in the corner digging it free cats with it Rodriguez spinning in the corner list R and he’s going to chip this one around back with it is londell londell he’s going to take a look trying to bring it in front cannot so close back to the line here’s monter with a blast and how on Earth did San see that as Rodriguez was standing directly in front of him great save by San that’s right John Let’s tie it up cat unbelievable they they came real close they put it off the post the Panthers continuing to drive this Puck towards zanette and that’s what you got to do right it all starts with winning the puck battles it all starts with coming in and getting those shots and they are absolutely doing that they are doing real real good things with this Puck it took the Panthers a little bit to get going now that they’ve been on the attack Boston was actually um kind of stepping back a little bit uh the drawing will close during Second intermission and then we’ll pull the winner into the third period we will pull that name for the gift card in Period number three NHL looks down on any team that isn’t the Maple Leafs Chris I can tell you they’re not looking at the Maple Leafs at all the man Daman he is playing absolutely incredible I gotta tell you he with Swan being a restricted free agent and a Payday coming his way I am so curious to see you know is he gonna get five million is he gonna get eight million I mean San definitely deserves a spectacular payday he has been amazing here down the stretch and boosi has been pretty darn good as well all right sorry I had to take a little little sippy Doo Blue Jays finally won yes they did Blue Jays have been tough tough to watch this year real tough you know as the Panthers scored they then hit the post brusk had a chance he puts it just wide Coyle had a chance chances at both ends that’s right the invisible bottle got to love the invisible bottles Bruns will sign Sway and all Mark we’ll take the team you think they’ll take I I don’t know if they’ll take a Team friendly deal it would be pretty amazing if they traded him would you trade San for Marner I curious Boston fans would you make that deal probably not would make that deal face off in the Brun Zone it’s won by the Panthers this comes back to the line here’s a long shot this sails just wi give the boy 10 mil pay he’ll show his skills absolutely Melissa coming in welcome in here come the brunes bringing this right back down a little bubbly water are you Ted l no we’re going with the with the perryer today a little perryer for us sway is s yeah Tony swayan has been the he’s been out standing down in the corner Steven says he would make that all right done deal long pass up this one chipped all the way down the ice bosi he’s going to come out of net he’s going to swing it around but James Van reik is there brunes have it BOS boski barov leaning on him this still coming around back long shot bosi makes the first save a second save it’s still there and he’s going to hang on to it great action back and forth it’s definitely slowed down right now from where it was but phenomenal action with two minutes left to go in Period number two it’s a 2-1 hockey game this has been outstanding great great hockey game and I got to tell you the chippiness that we saw off the start has all but gone away there’s still a few cheap shots here and there but it’s not dominating this game these two teams are now playing hockey and I love it luxurious welcome in setting it up for the drop again $20 Amazon gift card on the line off the draw Panther is going to win this one back they’re going to flip it up and down the ice back with it Boston has it two minutes to go two minutes to go Run’s going to turn and they’re going to carry this one up again a last call to enter the giveaway make sure you hit that subscribe come into the chat and do exclamation mark gift for your chance to get an entry ticket last call to get your entry done and then we’re going to close it up and we’re going to pull the name in Period number three this one coming out over the line Bruns with it here comes Boston walking in with a Chance nice play by forsing on debrusk but debrus still puts it in front right back to debrusk he fires and that one is deflected wide Panthers is going to flip this off the glass they get it to the line Bruns hold it in they’re going to send this one down in the corner Pastak trying to get there eblad is up on him this one coming through again no no real penalties being called just a couple each the ref’s letting them play Panther’s going to flip this one out and down the ice last minute of play last minute of play and this is an icing call against Florida so this is coming all the way back to Panther territory me and my uncle are going to do an NBA my granddad as well oh nice jaay we’ll probably be live for the NHL draft uh we’ve been doing that every year it’s been a lot of fun uh so we’ll have to we’ll have to see uh See if we can do that again Dave what’s going on welcome in did hello there thanks for coming in draw in the panther Zone Boston’s going to win this one back to the point they’re going to try and play this around stening gets knocked down this coming right up in front digging at it trying to scoop this one aside it’s there and it’s pulled away here come the Panthers the Panthers going to flip this one down John how’s it going welcome in here comes stenin over the line he’s going to roll this in the corner they’re going to change it up they’re going to work this one around here comes Boston Boston going to play this off and here they come Frederick over the line trying to come through down in the corner Boston going to put it right out in front they shoot another save by bobovski this going to play it up and down the ice kachuck is Racing for it he’s going to dance around the Bruns defenseman they take it away from him 13 seconds to go this one over trying to come through that shot is going to go wide into the corner five seconds to go and that’s going to do it penalty penalty period has come to an end will there be a penalty here as Frederick have some conversations with emman Larson and they’re going to be split up all right so let’s end this again last call the entries are now officially closed the entries are officially closed good luck to everybody who’s had a chance to enter we’re going to run it during period number three all right let’s go to the intermission let’s break this one down there we go look at these stats let’s break down what we have been seeing thank you very much mods appreciate it Panthers 28 shots Boston 13 shots in this period alone 13 10 are the shots so much better for Boston but that first period was brutal 39 hits to 37 hits so the hits they’re coming across playing well faceoffs again extremely close 2219 one for two the Bruins on the power play 0 for two go the Panthers giveaways equal five a piece Panthers four takeaways one for Boston eight block shots a piece and that’s crazy that number of block shots because in previous games the Bruins block shots have really been through the absolute roof so not blocking as many shots today as they have previously all right let’s get things set up uh let’s continue to go now when we take a look at the goal scores again we didn’t really do this in the first period so there’s only a couple we’ll go through them all now Dave Avid past he picked up his fourth on the power play with an absolute laser from De Brusque and Van rdik brenon Carlo picked up his third with a knuckle Puck from the blue line that found its way in and then lundell here in the second period scores from Rodriguez and eblad the Panthers definitely improved their game they absolutely have improved their game a whole lot uh which is which is really good have not not heard much of of Bennett is he in a safe house he’s been playing he’s been in there uh he has not had the impact that he had in the last game not been involved much in the plays but he’s still uh he’s still playing a a a key role you know when we look at this because both teams have been playing hard and we’ll we’ll start by the Panthers because they’re the road team carder haggy 1355 time on ice kachuck 1233 Reinhardt 12 minutes barov just under 12 minutes and there’s Bennett with 1148 for the time on ice for the defenseman it’s eblad leading the way at 1544 forsling at 1526 mour 1428 and then it drops way down for the other three 11 minutes for emman Larson 10 minutes well almost 11 minutes for Maka kulakov at almost nine minutes so big big load being carried by the top three defense for the Panthers the same that fourth line stenin aoso and Lawrence um haven’t played a lot Lawrence and aoso Lawrence is about five minutes aoso is about six minutes stanlin is about eight minutes um landelle is at nine minutes linan and Rodriguez are coming up on 10 minutes so again a bulk of the load being carried by the top two lines of the Florida Panthers um in regards to the hits Bennett with enlist ran leading the way four hits a piece ooso there with three from the defensive side forsling with six hits eblad with five mola with five now on the brunes side of the Ice uh Coyle leading the way 13 minutes of ice time Pastak at 12 A2 geeki at 11:44 Heinen at 11 A2 zaka at 11 de Brusque at just under 11 Frederick at 10 and a half so it looks like the the top three lines really rolling regularly for the Bruins spreading that ice time around uh van Reams DK is just about 9 Minutes brazzo at 8 beer at 7 and a half maroon at 7 and Lao at 520 from the defensive side time on Ice McAvoy leads away at 16 minutes Carlo at 13 and a half as is lindol um from the hit side of it McAvoy with six hits tonight pey has or Peak has two from the forwards lco had five hits the guy has barely played he’s played five minutes tonight but he’s got five hits Frederick he’s got four hits Coy with three hits maroon with three hits so that’s kind of how some of the time and time and hits go hand in hand together we are coming up to 400 likes if you haven’t hit that thumbs up yet give that thumbs up a hit and again the likes aren’t for the game the game is always fun but the likes are for the channel if you’re enjoying what we do and you want to help us hit that thumbs up it’s free and it tells YouTube hey this is kind of a cool stream and they will help share us out even more so thank you so much for hitting that uh you think the Panthers score again yes I do uh the Panthers were coming back quite a lot they had a much much better wow that was a bunch all at once thank you guys so much for doing that um just subs or have to be members uh Dean for the contests you you don’t have to be a member the contests are perfectly free to enter um uh let’s see where was I going oh yes um will the Panthers come back they have really been playing much better hockey in this second period they contined to put a lot of shots on that but what they were doing is they were putting bodies in front causing a screen they weren’t just taking random shots where San could see all the way in front of them so they put a body in front getting those shots off that is a that is a big thing picking number one in 20 tell me must be a whole number uh Jace I go 12 I know everybody shocked I picked 12 um if they continue doing that they will have some success the Boston Bruins while they continue to be aggressive and they continue to play really really well um what I found is they would throw a hit and if Florida could elude that first hit or they could kind of move the puck away and absorb that hit Boston kind of let up on the plane they could still move through it right so Florida is finding little ways to win battles and they got to keep doing that the Bruins every time there’s an opportunity are taking a run at uh at a Florida player and if they take a run at them that means that player gets moved at a position and the Panthers make a short pass and they open it up the Panthers I believe are dominating the offensive zone time in this hockey game so if they keep doing what they’re doing the goals will come swan has been outstanding right no doubt he has been outstanding uh big rickster I did not see the Northern Lights the last couple days it’s been extremely cloudy uh where we are so we did not get a chance to uh see them but I’ve seen on social media people posting pictures and it looked absolutely gorgeous uh Andreas welcome in good evening uh big rickster did you get a chance to see them uh couldn’t see them from Ottawa yeah Dan I bet you guys probably had a lot of the cloud cover that we did as well so I’m excited to see if the Panthers can maintain their composure because it is looking real real good Sam can I drop um Bill we don’t we don’t uh we don’t drop um other links so I don’t I’ll be honest I don’t know exactly what that is but if you want to email me the link I can take a little review of it we don’t really drop any links to anything that I haven’t reviewed um just because we want to make sure anything we’re sharing um it’s not a illegal and that it fits the brand and and what we want to promote so yeah if you send me a link to my email I’ll be happy to check it out maybe we could do that uh down in the future U but I I appreciate you uh you asking I’m located in v I saw them but not really that clearly they’re beautiful nice I see Florida is a little more tired yeah you know Tony that’s a great observation they are certainly a little slower than they have been right um I think the constant pounding of Boston took a lot of energy out of them in that first period they definitely were starting to slow down towards the uh the end here uh Britney what’s going on welcome in the question now that Britney’s here the question Britney who did you take tonight uh Bruns better come out strong they have to keep going they have to keep pressing it so if they can continue to press they will make good things happen yall check out the Coachella AHL no Jay I haven’t seen it yeah the brunin have been giving them some brutal hits they really have Britney’s got the Panthers tonight so if Britney takes the Panthers there is a chance they could could come back and make this happen it’s called respect uh Z cultist welcome in it’s been super awesome fun of your channel it’s a lot more fun and laid-back than others I’ve seen having fun with the rivalries rather than making it personal absolutely and thank you for the kind words and saying that you’re bang on that’s uh that’s exactly what we we love to do here we love to have fun I like to call the game the best I can I like to have fun with it and we like to encourage the engagement I love when you some of our conversations some of our chats have been absolutely incredible so well yes I’m here calling the game you guys and gals in the chat are the show your conversations are spectacular Darren McCarthy what’s going on will there be anything left of either of these teams to play the Rangers in the next round I doubt it you know that’s a great great point because these teams are beating up each other pretty darn good um now if if Florida finds a way if Florida finds a way and they pull out a win tonight if they come back and win they go up 3-1 if they then close it out back in Florida they’ll have some time to rest and recover the Rangers looking to do the same thing that’s the boat they’re in with Carolina right now they’re up 3-1 and you know both these teams will get a chance to rest and recover um I like the way Florida and the Rangers you know stand up to each other but they are going to be they are just going to be absolutely incredible and we’re making the assumption that the Rangers are going to go on to the next round I think they will but the way the Rangers played in games two three and four don’t be surprised if Carolina makes it more of a series because there’s a there’s a lot that’s going to continue to build there and we’ll find out tomorrow night right tomorrow night game five in New York guess what we’ll be live we’ll be in it I believe it’s 7:00 game time that stream is scheduled on the channel right now so make sure when this ends you’re going to be whisked over to that stream you can hit the like button early and of course there should be a little button that says remind me and so that will pop up and remind you when that game is going to go live tomorrow um but that is going to be a phenomenal one back in New York Ranger fans are going to be going cray cray so glad you’re here I have some one to blame Britney that is outstanding uh awesome the kind of chaffer Bill yes indeed and uh and I appreciate it um you know when I I was sick back in when was it January come back from vacation I got really sick I had no voice I barely could get off the couch like I was down for the count and we kept streaming and we kind of did an audio only uh type of stream while I was recovering and I was in the chat chatting with with everybody and I I actually forgot the game was going on I was having so much fun chatting along with everybody that was once I got healthy the hardest thing to do was to come back and do this the way we wanted to because I missed being able to catch and respond to every comment so I appreciate everybody in the chat for what you bring to the chat because the conversation is phenomenal for 99% of you we’ll say that uh it will be all over but the Prim for the prunes if they lose oh Chrissy I I will tell you Noah what’s going on welcome in uh Max lets me drop your link bro but Carolina is no joke need to close it out yeah absolutely uh Knox Rangers got one game uh let’s see secondary team I have a secondary team if Boston loses there you Dallas you’re going with Dallas does Dallas actually was impressive last night I’m not going to lie um very impressive uh let’s see the world heavyweight champion of hockey I love that one um we’ll not lose the script says we tie it up Brad you’re still in the lead you guys are still winning I don’t think I’ve ever met another woman named Dallas before definitely unique there you go um but I will I will tell you you know one thing I’ve learned in these playoffs playoffs are like watching Big Brother always expect the unexpected you never know what’s going to happen all it could take is you know guy gets hurt something happens look Boston Boston played two pretty brutal games where they got blown out of the water Marshawn goes down with whatever his upper body injury is and look how this Boston team rallied if Marshawn doesn’t take that cheap shot if Marshawn doesn’t go down does this Boston team still play the same way they have I bet you they don’t uh let’s see if you’re not a member do your points carry yes so Greg uh regardless of your membership status the points will carry over from stream to stream you will continue to build up the points now we will reset the points every once in a while like at the start of the playoffs we reset the points at the end of the playoffs we’ll probably reset the points and then we’ll reset them again before the regular season starts so the points will carry over and when we do reset the points we will post it in our community section we will let everybody know um when it’s going to going to happen so Jay the question is will they actually play Ry in the next game Ry hasn’t played the last couple of games so will they put him back in the lineup will Ry be in there tomorrow expect the unexpected Patty maroon with the goal in the third period Pizza that would be the unexpected for sure if you have Pat maroon to score a third period goal in this game on your bingo card that’s good for you I I would be shocked uh what’s your take on the brunes regular season overtime record um listen the the Bruns I’d have to look it up I don’t I don’t know it off the top of my head but you can’t count out this team right the brues had what do they have like 20 some OD overtime games um they lost about half of them um they are a seriously skilled team you know take Mara out of the question question for a second between Pastor neck you know Frederick I give him a lot of credit you know you have uh de Brusque who’s up there McAvoy you know when he can play there’s a ton of Talent on this team uh even if you go further down and look at some of the defense you know Lori there’s a lot of talent here on this squad and of course with swayan backfilling it Boston can turn around and do things look what they did in that OT game against Toronto nobody called the bank shot off the boards into the front of the net for Pastak to score you know nobody called that one to happen so Boston can make things happen you can’t count them out you need to watch the when their backs are against the wall which is I believe where they are right now needing to win this hockey game they can do unbelievable things uh how’s the job Brad DW that’s funny uh Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap yes indeed uh glad I found the channel definitely will continue to stop in for future kings great country and the viewers interaction and most importantly no screaming Damian thank you very much you know what I and and we do get a little loud you know we do get a little loud at times when appropriate um we try to be as natural you know if I scream it’s because I’m genuinely excited that something happened if you’re looking for some guy to stick his face in the camera and make faces and shake my cheeks and scream at the top of my lungs that’s not going to happen that’s not me um but we’re happy to have everyone here to enjoy exactly what we’re doing don’t you resent my points don’t worry Britney you’ll be notified well in advance all right so again I apologize I didn’t get to all the comments CU you guys are absolutely amazing let’s get ready for period number three uh come here for the free water stay for the commentary SAR that’s great I love it uh jebie welcome in Panthers put away in the third Tuesday last game for Beantown yeah let’s see what happens here Jonathan coming up with that freeze thank you Jonathan There You Go Hannah that well said all right period number three starting right now and we got a a drop and a whistle so 8 seconds in we’re going to get a drop again Dave how’s it going welcome in all right we will be pulling our pulling the winner very shortly for our $20 Amazon gift card off the draw Florida going to bring this one back down in the corner going to start to move it around if you’re just coming in welcome to the stream thanks for joining us this one dumped in and that’s going to be held by Swan of course make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up button for us now let’s let’s go up to 450 and make sure you hit that subscribe as well we’re covering games every single night so if you’re having a good time if you’re enjoying our coverage make sure to come back back tomorrow for the Rangers and the canes and then of course we’ll be back on Tuesday I think it’s going to be Tuesday for these brunes and Panthers again I haven’t actually looked at the schedule for this week so I’m just assuming it’s going to be Tuesday uh Greg hit refresh YouTube for some reason YouTube does this weird thing where they only show you the likes up to where you start watching but if you hit refresh you’ll see the updated number Tuesday is the game thank you here’s Boston in the neutral zone going to turn this one over Panther’s going to play it back getting things set up here’s a long pass up over the line this coming down into the corner Bruins in there they’re going to try and play this around tereno cutting it off but it comes to debrus and he’s going to play this across Sam you are Legend the effort you put in Andreas thank you very much I’m just here for fun and I appreciate everybody for hanging out with me but thank you it it’s a lot of work and uh if I didn’t love it I wouldn’t do it but I love it so that’s why we’re here Here Comes Boston going to kick this one out we’ll take a little break little vacation after the playoffs this one coming around down Frederick in the corner cycling round Bennett behind the net got his arms up thinking he was going to be hit and the hit didn’t come here’s a long pass up intercepted here by Coy kulakov trying to dig it free he takes a hit Panthers are offside they got a tag up Boston going to work this through the neutral zone this dumped into the corner is back to get it Fredick is going to bump kulikov Frederick goes down his bucket pops off he’s got to put that back on here comes Ekman Larson passing this over to kachuck kachuck he’s going to spin around now he’s going to dump it down in the corner and we get a whistle penalty for interference so the Panthers going to the power play Hannah it’s the only way I know how to do it boy oh boy the Panthers on the power power play they had three or four Power Play Goals the other night they have not scored on the power play tonight so they are going to get an opportunity here to tie this game up let’s go cam thank you so much hope you’re doing well cam I love how you screenshotted trouba flying through the air that’s sick that’s great the Sone in the house all right here comes barov he’s in here Bruins they’re set Panthers are 0 for two they only have four shots on the power play Panthers off the drw going to bring this back to the point here’s Montour to Veri Veri going to go down low side of the net cross ice pass doesn’t complete it now it’s back around for barov barov behind the net bouncing it around for kachuck it hit the referee and bossing in play this but not with a lot of power kept in at the line here’s Veri to mour Montour across to kachuck to manour here’s a blast that hits a leg and the brunes going to flip this up and down the ice Montour back to pick this one up going to turn and play it ahead for HEI in over the line Veri walking in going to pass this down low he’s now going to turn around reposition gets the puck back Veri dancing around he’s taken down by coil the puck coming out everybody’s got to tag it up Brad I think they will I don’t know if it’ll be on this power play but I think they will eventually this coming in Veri playing it down barov can’t control and this thrown all the way down the ice one minute killed off one minute remaining in the panther power play here they come the Panthers through the neutral zone they’re going to play this one back kicking it over here they come up and over the line sending it in the corner banking it back then the B squad on now cross ice pass that misses Rodriguez back to the line what a play by Montour to keep it in giving it to tereno he misses it and the brues hammer this one down the ice white trash guy what’s going on Marshawn is doing a good job uh in the Press Box this one up and over the line nice pick by the Bruins Panthers got a tag up again Rodriguez he’s going to turn it over but he gets it right back Panthers in the high slot Rodriguez can’t control it he’s looking around playing this down in the corner Panthers cross ice pass here’s Bennett to the top tip between the legs here’s a shot blocked in front rebound right there side of the net and they score Sam Bennett ties it up oh Panther fans are going nuts Bruins fans do not [Music] like the Panthers putting this one in number nine Sam Bennett gets the goal we are all squared away at Deuces shot coming in that hit Peak hard Peak was down swimming on the ice squeezing away from it and this just came across it was batted out of the air falls down Sam Bennett chipping it in the empty net as Boston coming in crashing into the net falling on top of Swan Swan had zero chance whatsoever just Boston being overly aggressive taking out their own goenda the play here go tender interference let’s see now look the Boston player definitely collides in a San but was he shoved in initially Let’s see we need a we need a steady camera here so lell is in front pey falls into lelle no goer interference here yet still no goer interference did Sam Bennett shove Cole rewind that back I couldn’t tell I was looking at londell I wasn’t looking at Bennett so oh I don’t know about this Bennett definitely got the stick on coil’s back but I don’t think this is enough of a shove that would I I can’t tell if this is enough of a shove this is hard of course we don’t know exactly what they’re attempted to challenge here the stick did get put in the back of coil but there wasn’t there wasn’t a there’s not a crosschecking motion right you don’t see the shove so this this this is tough so there’s a little whack so in my opinion and I’m not saying this as a Panther fan in my opinion overall there definitely is a cross check but I think this is embellishment trying to draw a penalty bumping into San I don’t think there’s enough force in this cross check to move Cole the way he goes a s so I don’t think this is enough I I think this is a good goal let’s [Music] hear no goal tender interference we have a good goal so that means Boston is going to take a penalty now for challenging it so a lost challenge so I understand where Boston is coming from right they see it they they challenge it but you got to look at the risk you know that’s dangerous because now you put Florida back on the power play Florida’s going to have a chance to score again so we got a good goal we are all squared away here if you’re just coming in welcome in make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up for us we’re on our way to 450 likes if you haven’t summed up yet we’re on our way to 29k can we do it tonight 32 subscribers away we’d love for you to sub up so that is that is the issue right when when you’re reviewing it and you’re looking at it embellishment does come into play so that is that is a call and now we got another two minutes on the board for the Panthers and here they come up over the line kachuck is going to fall and he’s going to Bobble it the brunes going to send this down the ice poovi out to play this ahead here come the Panthers yeah bill I mean that was a risky one so Bennett picks up the goal which you know irks them even more this one in the corner trying to come through right in front the brunes going to clear this to the line Montour going to settle it down walking out here’s a shot side of the net TI just wide Boston going to throw this out and they can’t hold it in all the way down they’re going to put this one right back up setting up here’s Veri Veri with it has it knocked off his stick runes doing a nice job the ref you suck chant really exploding here Panther is going to carry this one in londell trying to put it to Rodriguez worther spoon intercepts and it comes around to Bennett Bennett loses it in his feet this londell going to play this one low again worther spoon steals it playing this up and this coming down the ice 50 seconds to go in the power play 15 minutes to go in number three no welcome in Dennis how’s it going I’m not sure if I said hello to you or not yet this one over coming through trying to dig it around it’s lost there it comes to the line it’s out it’s out emman Larson going to put it back in but the Panthers have to take up now worther spoon hammers this one all the way down the ice Panthers putting it off the boards thank you for hitting those subscribes scurvy coming in appreciate it this coming around all the way down thank you cool KAS hitting that sub all the way down again 10 seconds to go so this second power play doesn’t amount of M doesn’t amount to much for the Panthers forsling going to play this around to barov barov he’s going to bring this up over the line I thought Veri was offside there back here’s a blast tip in front Boston going to pick this one up they’re going to send it around power play has expired we’re now even five on Five hockey in a 22 hockey game in the third period 14 minutes left to go this is playoff hockey this one getting thrown all the way down the ice and that’s no icing call they wave icing off Mika sending it around brunes giving chase a little hook there it’s knocked over bringing it all the way back Brandon Montour going to play this one around here come the cats they’re going to bring it out bad passing now they pick it up they dump this one in Craig how’s it going Andrew what’s going on welcome in this going to come across make sure you’re live button is red make sure you’re up to live and that you haven’t buffered behind this coming around thank you so much honk hitting that subscribe all the way down the Ice Boston picking it up taking a look he’s being watched now they’re going to play this ahead here we go Bruins long pass that misses everybody bosi out to play it makes me nervous when he does that here comes londell londell coming down The Far Side he’s going to backhand this one in the corner San thought about it and he goes back in his net list ran can’t catch up to it Run’s going to throw this ahead zaka going cross ice they’re using the boards just like they did in the Toronto series again this coming in linan tripped up held in in the high slot here’s a shot oh off the crossbar off the crossbar again what a shot Tyler coming in with that subscribe thank you so much they’re gonna go to commercial break holy moly unbelievable all right it’s time we are going to pick the winner of our $20 Amazon gift card so again hopefully the winner is here so again the winner will get a $20 Amazon gift card and the winner is going to be well first are you ready let’s see some thumbs up in the chat if you’re ready for me to pick that winner let’s see those thumbs up flying through the chat fingers crossed there it is Triton Triton’s ready Dan’s ready daman’s ready I’m here I’m seeing the I’m here is the thumbs up there it goes all right we’re coming in all right here we go good luck Everybody by the way more giveaways to come so just because you don’t win today doesn’t mean that you won’t win in the future the winner [Music] is congratulations Brady congratulations Brady are you still here Brady we are counting down I gotta find my paper here is Brady still here Lee yes we posted it as a short we posted did a super closeup slow-mo shot of it Brady congratulations is Brady still here Brady’s been with us for a long time watching along enjoying the show let’s see if he’s still here otherwise we will draw another name and it doesn’t look like Brady is here all right he has until the next whistle and then we’re going to pull another name so they are coming back so at the next whistle the next stoppage we’re going to pull again yes satisfying we will be doing the Ranger game tomorrow we will be here tomorrow for the rangerous canes not here all right the next whistle we are going to be pulling another winner right off the draw a Scramble for it this one coming around that’s why don’t go anywhere this one over the line here comes barov barov driving in barov scores barov scores oh boy barov getting it done unbelievable driving right in and putting this one home home the crowd has gone silent they are stunned barov just carrying this one right in driving all the way through going blocker side again unbelievable all right there it is last call Brady last call Brady is not here so we’re gonna pick again and the new winner Julie what’s going on welcome in the next winner for a $20 Amazon gift card is is a Triton congratulations AA Triton after all these years you finally won a giveaway congratulations AA Triton unbelievable and he’s here congrats buddy unbelievable of all the years of all the not winnings you have finally won that is hysterical funnier than you know and the Bruins they going to take a penalty here a high shot coming in interference call interference call kachuck taking a high shot unbelievable that was so funny you have no idea all right though minor penalty interference is the call could Chuck taking the head shot Wow Let’s see so you know it’s funny because the puck goes behind him he didn’t touch the puck but the puck was just as close to kachuck as the puck was to Reinhardt when makoy plowed him at the beginning of the game so again the consistency Factor here not really the same if you’re not going to call the first one you probably shouldn’t have called this one or if you’re calling this one you probably should have called the other one whoever I vote for wins Britney holds all the power so the Panthers back to the power play for two minutes or less here we go if you’re just coming in and joining us welcome to the stream make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up for us and hit that subscribe 17 subscribers away from 20,900 can you make it happen tonight I challenge you this one coming back around is the board supposed to move no the board doesn’t move this one coming down low in the corner Panthers around behind the net bringing this back to the line Montour playing this ahead here’s kachuck going down low Panthers with it Bruins not being as aggressive Rodriguez Point Blank shot nice stop by San back to the line for Montour he ped this one across elel welcome in here’s Veri he’s side of the net deflection Chuck what a great tip and another save by swayan this one coming around LP you’re killing me down around the side trying to come through setting it up sending it back around I’m honest I’m a goalie and I don’t like Chuck for one reason he speared Jonathan Quick well back in the good oh yeah void I get that for sure for sure down in the corner kachuck with this kachuck trying to send it around for higy couldn’t capitalize back out in front Panthers in the corner cycling it around trying to put it back to the line Mark what’s going on here’s Veri back to the line here’s a blast right on digging at it side of the net San has it and Carlo and wers Spoon doing a number on kachuck and there’s a shot grabbing is at Veri verge’s got the side of his helmet wther spoon has the side of his helmet being pulled on Carlo still giving some shots to K and he’s just chewing on his mouth guard the Panthers are not falling for any of this stuff they’re playing their game and that is why they are continuing to play some real real good hockey the Veri he had it it was right there and just went off his stick so close but you know what I give kachak a little bit of credit he could have fallen over top of swayan he put his hand down on the back and stepped over the leg pad of San so not to fall on top of him so as dirty as he can be in front he did a a respectful move there and instead of flopping on top of him he tried to step around him Chrissy here’s londell off the draw back to emman Larson moving it around lson getting it back 30 seconds to go on the power play Lindell with a blast tereno with a blast San knocking those both down but how is that not gender interference um because was pushed wait you mean that play right then and there night king or the goal that stood so in order for it to be goal tender interference you have to either run into the goenda this one coming around back underway Bennett at the side going to play it back here’s a blast in San with a glove save 93 milph great great glove there by San what a block I mean what a hit I mean what a save I mean I don’t even know what I mean this game has it all there is so much going on right now Charley boy what’s going on uh we might not get to see Mar cry this game is insane we have 10 minutes left in Period number three Sam Bennett he scores on the power play from lelan Rodriguez and then Captain Alexander barov gets his fifth from aoso and teraso they have been outstanding if the brues pushed a Florida player into bobovski they would have called it on the bees if the brunes player pushed well so in this case what just happened with kachuck the two Boston players were pushing kachuck kachuck tachu into the goenda interference called there um uh let’s see uh Brady’s gone he got roasted yeah Blended what’s going on when Florida scored that third goal I heard every toilet in Boston FL lendon that’s funny uh but welcome in everybody thank you for being here Mark you got a new pup congrats Mark that’s awesome what kind of pup did you get unless I missed it um but what kind of what kind of pup did you get Boston playing dirty because Peter that’s that’s how they have played in this series right this one obviously much closer listen there’s a lot of hockey left to be played here 10 minutes to go 10 minutes to go here in the third period Boston who has been leading this whole game now finds himself down by one so they’re going to continue to press Boston cannot continue to get in the gutter and play the chippy game they have been they now need to focus on getting some shots on and and playing well uh the londelle you keep mentioning is not the guy who sells the pillows no Richard Anton londell um to my knowledge does not sell [Laughter] pillows all right they’re coming back from commercial break we got a face off in the Boston Zone this one off the draw Bru’s going to play this one out through the neutral zone Florida with this now they’re going to send it in oh Fernando Boston has a lot of skill they do have a lot Trevor welcome in Panthers not letting the leag go let’s see this one coming around side they’re digging it through two Panthers down I think it’s they’re on top of it and Pastak going to pull it away Pastak at the line going to pass this one up high slot great move defensively and the Boston broom player runs into bobovski geeki just runs right over bobovi he’s going to go to the box you cannot do that geeky and now the camera kind of didn’t really catch it but you can’t just run into the goenda backwards and bowls over bosi no push no shove bosi little bit of embellishment didn’t need the Superman flop but geeky you cannot do that that’s how Boston is trying to get bobasi off his game Wow Let’s Go cannot do that XY what’s going on welcome in again thanks for being here make sure you’re smashing that Thumbs Up Button we’re almost up to 500 likes let’s get there and the subscribes we’re almost at 20,900 14 subscribers away water King thank you for hitting that subscribe we will be back here tomorrow at 7 o’clock for the Rangers and the canes as the Rangers look to close out that series Puck comes off the panther skate and all the way back in their own Zone they’re going to look to set this one up Montour going to dump it back here comes barov barov on the move going to play it up over the red line they’re going to dump this one in the corner barov trying to get there took a funny hop off the St and came out in front the Bruins there to gobble it up they’re going to move this one around off the line coming across working through here’s a long shot and a nice save off the blocker Here Comes Boston short-handed Coyle gonna bring this one up he’s gonna play it Boston short-handed going to roll it right down in the corner doing a nice job killing off some time here here they come barov going to spin around they’re going to throw this one down forgey going to play the back Panthers Rodriguez sending it all the way back Florida getting set one minute gone on the power play they’re going to look to bring this one up and there it is 500 likes thank you all so much doing a great job hitting those likes and those subscribes over the line and it’s offside Jeb Tuesday night that that’s right Tuesday night will be the next for these two teams the Boston Bruins and the Florida Panthers and will it be an elimination game will the Panthers go up three to one will we get back-to- back elimination games with the Rangers kanes tomorrow and then Tuesday the Panthers brunes what will it be us Boston fans having last year’s flashbacks getting messy with the penalties yeah 820 to go 820 to go here comes Florida pass up going to be deflecting this one in teras senko going to move this one over the line he’s going to get knock down Bruns Come Away with it zacka a little backhand down the ice Florida trying to set this one up taking a look to bit what’s going on Happy Mother’s Day to one and all appreciate you all being here that’s right 38 shots for the Panthers 18 for the Bruns Bruns going to play this up tereno can’t keep it in but emman Larson does it’s thrown towards the net a he goes across what a save holy Swan Swan with a gorgeous split save there to keep it out Panthers in the slot again another shot Swan keeping the brues in this one here comes emman Larson goes across ice here’s a shot that one gets blocked another shot by emman Larson and this one is knocked to the corner holy cow Swan just kept the Panthers in this hockey game out of the box power play has expired Here Comes stenland passing it across here’s a shot by Lawrence that’s going to go wide to the line the brues keep it in a shot right on that goes wide seven minutes to go right now seven minutes behind the net the Panthers miss it this going in the corner for L ran he plays it back the Bru’s going to move it up there’s a trip there’s a [Applause] trip I don’t see an arm up a delayed penalty coming up to the Panthers the brunes going to carry this one back back an inadvertent trip is going to send the Panthers to the box brunes with this lorai cycling around he’s going to play this one up they’re going to pass us across brues with some good neutral zone play looking to get an opportunity to work their way in here comes past neck GNA play this one back lorai setting it up sixs on five right now as there’s a delayed penalty coming up and it’s all for nothing as Florida touches it up they’re going to go to the box so the Bruins getting a chance on the power play but oh man did Jeremy San saved the day off Bennett and teras senko they couldn’t put it in they continued to fire at him and he continued to make great saves clearly the game plan is shoot blocker side because that seems to be where everything is going Ben what’s going on welcome in welcome in everybody thank you for being here yeah I say it was inadvertent because he swung for the puck he missed the puck and he got the skate it wasn’t like he reached out and tried to pull it down so it was an accidental trip but it’s a trip nonetheless so to the Box the Panthers go Bruins are one for two tonight let’s go face off Boston’s going to win it back to the line Boston cross eyes to pasture neck he scored on the power play earlier de Brusque putting it across Jam play they couldn’t get it back to the line the Bruins playing this one up Pastak moving around he has that puck he’s looking looking goes top side here’s Coyle back down to past he’s going to give it to makoy makoy to past neack with a blast and that’s blocked he can’t hold the line it comes out Panthers going to change this one up quickly as the Bruins bring it all the way back they’re going to now move it up Far Side into the Zone they’re going to send this around the boards there’s Coyle waiting for it he’s going to keep it in they send it around the boards the other side past neack with it he’s going to get bumped and the Panthers recover and they send this all the way down the ice right on Swan San has to make that stop this coming back around if you’re just joining us welcome in let’s go 550 likes smash that thumbs up and hit that subscribe we’re six seven subscribers away from 20,900 and again the cat’s going to get this one out and down the ice 520 to go Nolan coming in with that subscribe thank you Nolan Run’s going to bring this up pass your Knack up and over the line zacha going to drop it back Panther’s going to steal and barov is going to play this out tried to hit stenin couldn’t do it Bruins with 38 seconds to go on the power play coming up over the line they’re going to send this one zaka with it putting it in the corner eblad watching it moving it around right in front here’s a chance nice save trying to go short side back around Boston going to swing this to the line it’s held in great job by lorai Bruins with another shot that’s blocked lorai holding it again taking a look trying to get a shooting Lane Florida doing a nice job they’re going to move this to zaka back to lorai he’s going to go cross ice geki can’t control it he’s going to send it in front and this time they can’t hold it in this comes out and Over The Line there it is 29 thank you everybody great job keep the subt train rolling and Florida’s going to steal it power play has expired jet cat Welcome in Jeff welcome Norwich welcome Andrew welcome thank you all for hitting that subscribe off the boards the Panthers going to play this down four minutes to go four minutes to go when will swayan head to the bench Panthers aoso he’s going to keep this one in down around going to play it back to the line fors lay across they’re going to just cycle it around the perimeter here’s aoso walking out from behind shot right on rebound they swipe at it again they have it down low in the corner this one brought through by makoy going to play it off the board stolen by Veri Veri can’t pass it around from his knees he plays it to aoso he takes a shot that goes wide in the corner barov going to keep this one in finally Boston going to get possession of this Puck playing it up through the neutral zone maroon with it barov takes it away from him he plays it up and takes a big shot thank you David appreciate it but this is all because of this amazing hockey community so thank you up Boston’s going to intercept they’re going to flip this one down in the corner kachuck is offside he’s got to peel out let’s go so here comes the brunes going to carry it up Noah hitting that subscribe thank you Noah up over the line turning around Panthers coming under three minutes to go list rining going to play this one in my goodness in the corner listen and Rodriguez both in there digging away for it 41 shots that’s right Saul hitting that subscribe Tom coming in thank you all so much this one coming around all the way back Boston going to flip this one through here comes Florida with a Chance Rodriguez cutting towards the middle he shoots what a save by San that could be a big time moment if this game gets tied up San has been solid leaan King what’s going on it has been a great game here come the brunes 216 to go up over the line geeky he’s going to play in the corner battles going on everywhere geeky is digging at it there’s a Boston player on his knees on top of the puck barov is trying to fish this one out geeky does sends it around makoy swings it across here’s a shot by Lindholm doesn’t miss by much Panthers going to pick this one up they can’t get the shot off it’s going to come to the line it’s held in that was close but they held it in 148 to go back to the line again thank you everyone for crushing those subscribes Boston walking out of the corner feeding it back Panthers tip it but they can’t get it out setting it up across empty net Boston six on five situation they pull their goalie and kachuck is going to steal he’s going to bank this off the boards but doesn’t go all the way down he didn’t want to chance the icing Bruin’s going to send it all the way down that is missed and it’s going to be icing with 123 left to go one two three yeah you know me 32 Florida Panthers 123 to go holy cow what a hockey game this is crazy right now thanks everybody for being here you’ve done an amazing job all night long with those subscribes with those likes we’ve passed 550 can we raise it to 600 if you haven’t hit that like yet Crush that like and of course hit those subscribes we’ll be here tomorrow night for the rain rers and the Hurricanes I hope you’ll join us for that game it’s going to be a blast and we’ll be right back here on Tuesday for game five is it game five game five between these two teams the Monday Tuesday action going to be a beauty Here Comes Boston they’re going to play this one up trying to swing it down Florida cuts it off in the neutral zone now Boston plays it down there goes Swan Florida has the puck Swan had to leave trying to hold it in they do now it comes out no they’re going to blow it down saying offside at the line with 101 to go here in this period Greg that’s right we are getting so close to 21k thank you everybody so much this hockey Community is outstanding Dexter thank you for the kind words I appreciate it thank you for being here we welcome everyone into our community I hope you’re enjoying this phenomenal playoff game I am loving every second of this of course Brad Marshawn not in this game tonight due to the Sucker Punch he took from Sam Bennett and just to rub salt in the wounds Sam Bennett scoring a goal here today the tying up goal to make it 22 before barov took the lead Jeremy San has been absolutely outstanding today for the Boston Bruins I think the biggest problem is the Bruins came out they were physical they were aggressive but that kind of slowed down and they got more into playing the chippy game than actually focused on the hockey game and they let the Panthers back in but this has been a phenomenal hockey game chances at both sides of the ice both goalies have been great so San stays on the bench 32 101 to go will the Panthers take this one home Moonlight you are very welcome thank you for for being here all right face off just outside the Panthers line 42 shots for the Florida Panthers 18 shots for the Boston Bruins Boston has only had two shots in this period that’s going to go in and out on the netting two shots in this third period by the Boston Bruins how crazy the Panthers have had 14 the Bruins two Florida leading in hits 47 hits Boston 44 hits they are being dominated right now L LCA Lopez welcome in off the draw Florida’s going to get it they’re going to flip this one up it’s an empty net for Boston Boston going to bring it down in the neutral zone Panthers bring this back up they’re going to take a little flip not deep enough because they’re not trying to get those icing calls so not taking a shot at the empty net past going to pass it up 40 seconds to go Boston coming in there’s a nice hit by the Panthers oh they’re not calling that a penalty you got to be kidding me what a ridiculous call they’re calling this interference so makoy dumps this in eblad comes in with a hit and they’re calling this interference this has been happening every dump in this entire game and now they’re calling it interference this is the referees managing the game this is atrocious terrible call with 34.8 seconds to go Boston’s going to go on the power play what a disaster call right now holy cow wow I’m I’m shocked shocked Elizabeth right Dan says it’s a good call Dan you they haven’t called that once all game how do they call that now that’s a terrible call adding some so they’re going to add now 36.4 seconds onto the clock unbelievable listen it’s a great game but I disagree with that off the draw Bru’s going to win it back here’s a shot it’s blocked and it’s going to go up and out of play shocked but then not shocked yeah I mean that is that is crazy nice set play by Boston shot comes off God love these referees [Music] right here we go face off again 32.8 seconds to go off the draw Florida’s going to win it they’re going to hammer it around the boards and this comes out and down the ice here come the Bruins over the ice Pastak going to carry this one in shooting it right on bosi he couldn’t cover it back to Pastak put it across they shoot what a save rebound and they can’t put it in 10 seconds to go it comes out and Over The Line 5 Seconds To Go Boston going to flipped this one in the corner three seconds to go this game is over it’s over the Florida Panthers take this one home the Panthers The Comeback cats they do it again a 31 series lead over the Boston Bruins on unbelievable unbelievable I cannot believe what we just witnessed here this was crazy I love sports coming in with that subscribe make sure you’re hitting that subscribe we’ll be back here tomorrow for the Rangers canes and then Tuesday for what could be the elimination game wow 31 Panthers take the series lead 32 on the scoreboard Bob coming in with that sub subscribe thank you so much wow this was crazy all right here are your goal scores in stats from everybody 3-2 is the final past your neack he opened up the scoring on the power play his fourth of the playoffs from De Brusque and Van reik Griffin coming in with that subscribe thank you Brandon Carlo he gets his third unassisted in the second period it was Anton lundell that’s right there you go Julie twice in Boston absolutely a beauty Julie uh good luck to you and the crew uh when this game comes back to Florida on Tuesday you guys are going to have a great crowd in the third period it was Sam Bennett he picks up his second on the power play from lundell and Rodriguez and then it’s Alex barov the game winner his Fifth fromo and ter senko this game was crazy it was chippy it was aggressive it was back and forth and I’ll tell you this score should have been a whole lot higher Jeremy Swan was outstanding absolutely outstanding your total stats for this game 42 shots on net for the Florida Panthers 18 shots for the Boston Bruins the shots by period 15 in the first for the Panthers five for the Bruins in the second period 13 for the Panthers 11 for the Bruins and in Period number three 14 shots for the Florida Panthers two for the Boston Bruins in the faceoff Circle the Panthers end up taking the lead 50.8% so it’s pretty darn close they probably won one more faceof over the Bruins Boston goes one for four on the power play Florida goes one for six hits 47 hits for Florida 44 hits for the Boston Bruins when we keep on looking 16 block shots for Boston nine block shots for Florida 13 giveaways for Boston nine for Florida this game has been crazy the Bruins winning the first game 5-1 Florida then 6-1 62 and now 3-2 the Bruins may have dominated the regular season but it has been the Florida Panthers who are giving it to them here in this playoffs I want to thank all of our moderators for coming in and hanging out and doing what they do best hockey mods on the tubes so thank you all so very very much to our gifters tonight Fernando Richard aaou thank you all so very much uh for the gifts the super chats the gifted memberships they really really help out our community and what we do so thank you we appreciate it to everybody who found us for the first time today thank you for stopping by and giving us a chance thank you for choosing to hang out and enjoy our style of game calling like I said we will be back tomorrow for the Rangers for the canes and I hope that you will join us for that we’re going to work on getting the rest of the week scheduled and up so make sure you’re checking our main YouTube page samel B12 experience so you can see what games we have scheduled make sure your notifications are on so when we do just randomly go live with a game or with a news story or something uh that you have that notification and you will get it it’s time for me to go spend some time with the family as we close out Mother’s Day but I do want to again thank everybody for all the support it has been a blast we’re here every single day and we will continue to be until somebody tells me otherwise uh or the Stanley Cup is handed out one or the other until tomorrow my friends have a great night for those watching the late game enjoy the game we’ll see you tomorrow sleep well stay safe go hockey go and I can’t wait good night everybody [Music]

Live game coverage of the Florida Panthers vs Boston Bruins NHL Playoffs game 3 – Happy Mothers Day! – Join the #1 LIVE HOCKEY community and cheer on your team, share your opinions, and have some fun. Live game coverage with audo play by play and engagement! NHL Playoffs Round 2 game 4 matchup

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Playoff Matchups for Round 2:
(1M) New York Rangers vs. (2M) Carolina Huricanes
(1A) Florida Panthers vs. (2A) Boston Bruins

(1P) Vancouver Canucks vs. (2P) Edmonton Oilers
(3C) Colorado Avalnche vs. (1C)Dallas  Stars

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  1. The NHL brain trust which includes the situation room in Toronto is no longer governed by the rulebook. It is obviously predetermined by the oddsmakers and the betting line, with such egregious inconsistency!!! Just ask Gary Bateman, it’s all about the money😢

  2. I haven't said a word about refs and made sure I never blamed them up until this game….this is a travesty and has too be addressed. Florida can't do anything wrong and apparently has been physically demolished by bruins causing a close to 3-1 pp adv

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