@Boston Bruins

The #1 Junior Golfer in the World! (15-Years-Old)

The #1 Junior Golfer in the World! (15-Years-Old)

I set out with one goal in mind to find the best Junior golfer in the world one night I was sitting on my couch and I was looking at all of the junior golf rankings agga junior golf scoreboard all of the different ranking systems and there was one kid that stood out his name miles Russell he has recently just broken tiger woods’ record to become the youngest agga Rolex player of the year and I believe he’s the best Junior golfer in the world and it’s not even close he’s currently number one for 15-year-olds we’re going to meet him today I couldn’t even get in touch with him he does not even know what YouTube golf is we got in touch through tailor made guys this is his first YouTube golf video ever you will see him one day on the PGA tour we were about to go meet him for the first time in playing 18 hole 1 V one this is a little bit of a different YouTube video than I’m used to because as you guys know miles he’s not here to entertain but he’s here to play some good golf let’s get right into this you guys are going to see a 15-year-old kid today I just met him on the Range that is more mature than a lot of 30-year-olds that’s all I’m going to say it it literally feels like I’m talking to a 30-year-old professional golfer he is currently if you guys look right here Rolex Ranking he’s number one in the Rolex Aja junior golf rankings he was the youngest he broke one of tiger woods’ record for being the youngest to do it I’m so excited for you guys to watch this I just know it’s he’s going to be serious he’s going to be locked in today before this round he didn’t even know what YouTube golf was that just goes to show you how locked in miles is I he had actually had to look up some of the YouTube videos to like know what he’s getting into so this is just a different breed I’m so excited for you guys to watch this today 18 holes 1 V one you guys are going to be seeing this kid one day on TV dude you’re you better announce your ball to me on the first team man you better make sure we’re not playing the same ball you got a bunch of markings on your ball yeah so so it’s tail made yeah so I go through the go through the tail made and then I just toss a blue dot on it because it’s a little boring with just red yeah but I use the I use that as like my line but then like you see the seam that runs through there yeah so when I sometimes on Fast screens when it hit and putts So Soft I feel like I hit it and it can kind of get offline quickly because the dimple yeah it hits the seam it can go left it can go right or just start like Bryson was telling me about that like it’s weird like I just talked to my coach about I’m like what do you think of the the line like the seam he’s like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t put short little three Footers downhill with it I didn’t even notice that it kind of confirms my there’s a seam on the ball some some have and some don’t yeah I feel like well there’s the seam right down there and the what I’ve noticed my I’ve never noticed that little SE it’s all so the dimples are pretty much the same on mine like the two dimples there it’s identical yeah kind of just get in the same SP time and it’s Prett consistent so like yeah so if if you’re not hitting it on that seam you you’re telling me I know if you if you say you hit the edge of it it could squirt a little left instead of starting it just a little bit but that’s wild if that’s what fast screens I mean I think it I guess it yeah it does matter all right guys we have made it here to the first hole of Tora if you guys look behind me that is the clubhouse here it is like an absolute Mansion but we have an 18 hole 1V one with the number one 15-year-old Junior golfer in the world miles thanks for coming man thank you straight up 1 V one an 18 hole stroke play does that sound good to you yeah it’s going to be fun all right let’s jump right into it all right okay all right God miles lead us off brother see it so this is this is your first YouTube golf video it is of your life going to see how it goes today all right here we go is that water what do we think pretty carryable there on the left yeah yeah you should be able to carry it you can go see those little birds just like left of those birds yeah that’s fine that’s fine that’s just fine it’s a little bit on the windy side today but we’re going it’s going to be a good match this is going to be some some serious golf for you guys we’re going to learn a lot about miles though cuz you guys are going to be seeing him one day so it’s going to be cool to get the kind of the first look at him oh good that’ll be fine be fine yeah that’s a fairway guys good start to this video when you grip the club you’re actually like this thumb goes down the side there like see the thumb’s not actually on the club it’s like off to the side nobody nobody really knows and everybody I play with don’t really notice it but I noticed it right away I interlock and that thumb goes down and this one turn off the side yeah6 into the wind what do you think like a 10 102 shot oh yeah I think that’s good I don’t know see maybe a little long yeah kind of It kind of came out no spin little steep what is it 92 92 okay 92 yards going with a 56° let’s try and make Birdie on this first doll wow I got up in the Wind it’s all right I mean when it’s windy like that it’s you got to flight them down and I didn’t flight it too good there I have a goal today I want to shoot in the 60s today that is my goal my game feels like it’s in a really good spot so that’s my goal miles is probably going to shoot something really good so I’m just excited to watch him it’s almost like I’m watching the next Scotty shuffler the next big name to come it’s what it feels like today well it’s a good lie in here Let It Go oh my gosh wow fast nice good shot are you disappointed with that I rode out a little farther than I was expecting yeah all right up the hill right to left for the birdie here let’s start out hot good pot oh my goodness I thought right at the last second that was going to curve in there nice pot oh my gosh ice in the veins like first Hall has a SF footer for par just cans it in the Cent I don’t want all those all day that could be could be a little tiring yeah you just recently beat one of Tiger’s records I saw I did Tiger Woods record that that’s cool to be able to say you beat one of Tiger Woods’s records what was that the youngest it was the youngest for AJ Junior player of the year as a junior golfer I never played in ajj those were like I played in the south Florida junior tournaments around here but ajja were always like you needed points to get in you need to actually be next level and I never made it to that [Music] level if you hit a good drive here you’ll you’ll have a three wood into the green I think okay how far do you hit your driver normally um cuz you were even with me on the last I carry like I don’t know 280 is and then depend on the roll can go 300 or 280 how’s that even like possible he was neck and neck with me on the last s we’re about same distance I feel like I hit that good oh my gosh that is so good what a swing man great shot I mean you hit it in between the chimneys where we’re looking going it’s fine all right where I wanted to be sit there fine we’re going to go drive her off the deck here we got a good lie 260 to the pen oh no sit there right there right there come on get lucky I think that’s fine some bushes over there but might be findable should be findable I think hopefully it’s findable that was aggressive play I don’t mind I don’t know what’s up there but I think we can draw it oh my oh we hit it so good nice you’re fine okay saw bounce that was so you would you use that in a tournament like that I don’t know about in a tournament yeah but I do do it at home yeah I feel like it’s easy to hit a driver off the deck when there’s not much not a ton of pressure I could just be hanging around in these bushes here a little farther maybe I feel like if anything it pluged all right guys well it is somewhere right here wasn’t that that far right we just searched 5 minutes for it and could not find it we’re going to take a drop here make part of the hard way on this part five 64 yd it oh my gosh see it oh that came out so nice too almost dunked it I know we almost flew it in are you going with a flop shot here no I think we’re going to try to bump something get it right up in here and get just on I think it’ll trickle down oh my gosh it it that was crazy I mean look how close you were I know almost dunked it I flew it that close to the pen and it didn’t spin even in the slightest which is kind of wild I thought it was going to spin a good bit oh it went left it’s fine should be just a little right to left good speed oh my God last roll it just went like this I mean it literally just like it stopped for a second I thought I left the short I thought I it was a foot short snuck it two shot swing there I’m one over miles is one under after two I feel good though my game like I said guys probably couldn’t feel too much better at the moment I just got to now execute [Music] the right edge of that bunker is 240 yeah like the the long one there yeah fivewood or three wood whatever Three Wood it’s just not nothing you can go past it a little bit so good nice swing I mean that was good man thanks really good that was a 3-wood that was it was a little thin that’s why it kind of rose up looked like an airplane taken off [Music] yeah yeah that’s it it’s fine little bit perfect you good feel like everything’s been straight into the wind I know so far we’ve been playing almost into the wind I’m going to go with a 50° flight it down nice there it is and nice sound thank you 108 108 108 back into the breeze oh I forget you’re a lefty I’m sorry D that’s on me I keep parking the cart right here hopefully yall are enjoying this it’s a different kind of video you know I’m really just wanting him to feel comfortable and go out here and play some insane Golf and just show you how good he is cuz he know scores in junior golf and they’re silly we can come out here today and should have really love score for it oh my gosh no so flighted that thing’s going to spin like crazy okay not his best shot but right through the wind you flighted that it was flighted is that I mean that was like that was the idea that was low this was a great pen for me did not take advantage all right should be fast no right to left down the hill all right oh my oh my God just R out of speed yeah looks like these greens are a little grainier how do you read grain is it just like see the cup you see the edge right where the edge is so most of the grain is going left but so that’s going to make it break more just a little bit especially as it dies okay cuz the grass is just growing so it’s just going to kind of keep going okay I mean I don’t see too much break like right with the wind maybe if the greens were a little faster the one might be a little more of a bigger part but I probably got it maybe just outside just outside yeah depending on the depending on speed but you could go right edge with a little bit of speed oh I pulled it I pulled it I could feel it right off the blade just came a little left on me it’s all right that’s a par not miles’s fault just uh user air there we one over after the first three miles is one under par 390 Y what are you going with Miles I got five iron okay thinking just like a little low one it’s 0 into the winds I think it’s probably like a 205 shot that doesn’t get quite up into it that was insane nice shot man thank you that was a five iron that was five iron you just kept that so unbelievably low I got to try and do that now felt really good little long little long and left feel like that was the right strike just got going with the wind yeah it got going with the Wind man I wish I I got to learn how to hit it low like that like that was Next Level you you kept that thing it was almost like a stinger like a shallow Stinger we’re just here on the left side up and down for par good lie let’s see what we got go go oh man that was not it that was not it kind of chunked it a little bit pretty long par putut here I think I’m still out what a PO huge that feels good you need one of those around you just need one of those par saving momentum putts all right miles for the birdie oh it didn’t move pole it’s all right now would you say that you was at like a stroke or a misre um that must just felt like it came off little right so maybe just a little pull but yeah golf is funny cuz you’re playing a game that’s so imperfect you’re hitting a ball that has dimples on it imperfect grass ass you know there’s so many little things that can happen you can’t always blame yourself a lot of variables so you’re saying when you’re on the road traveling you don’t recover as well as when you’re in your own bed no I don’t I don’t know if it’s just the how good I feel in my bed like how comfy it is but the way everything matches up like my pillow to my bed just it’s nothing like like a hotel oh yeah my hotel recovery is so much worse than what I’ll be in my open yeah I mean when I get to a hotel I crank that AC down freeze it oh yeah it’s like a good 6 66 in there oh yeah we’re on the fifth hole here 421 y you have the honors driver for Miles here wind’s out the right I mean I think it’s just kind of like a low cut off the off the bunker got a lot of room left suits it pretty well my to it good swing bunker is that bunker I think so it’s a little towy I think it’s fine oh miles it’s right with you man it’s some good Car golf it’s turning no we both just flew it in that bunker I guess we needed to go way left that room left dang I feel like I hit that nice too nice nice Hy draw see what we got here I mean now it’s like do we have the lip or’s a plug see one there we only going to have there’s two right next to each other 46 downwind probably 40 38 shot oh yeah wow dude that was cool what’ you hit there that was a little wedge pitching wedge M and you’re making me rethink I have a nine iron there’s some wind there you just flighted a pitching wedge out of the bunker that was kind of wild that was like a low pitching wedge oh my gosh go go oh oh it almost made it sit there I just caught it in inch fat and that’s all it takes out of the bunker you just catch a grain of sand right behind it oh man thank you yeah I’ve played with a lot of people and that was like a low draw out of the sand pretty wild to watch he’s got a 40 I just see his wet this is Miles as wedge he’s got a 45° wedge it’s all rusted that’s what he just hit there so I guess that’s his pitching wedge 45° how far does this wedge go 123 43 43 he says it goes 143 not 140 he says it goes 143 when you hit it full it’s going to go 143 should yeah I’m usually pretty good at distance control I feel like that’s one of my strong suits in golf but I’m definitely don’t have it down to the yard of what my clubs go is that from hitting on like trackman and seeing the numbers yeah I have a a full swing that I do a lot of work with gotcha here we go miles is in there close for another birdie luck I mean he’s had a birdie luck just about every single hole live in the first hole let’s see if we can get this up and down little 56° here oh my sit that bounce yeah that took a nice hop forward we got a little work now for par dang I thought we pulled it off another right to left up hill break a little good might be a little slow pull just a little bit it’s right where I aimed the car I take par for that drive good par thank you that’s a simple par for miles after a two shot in the bunker I know he’ll take that turn oh my gosh I thought we had it good thought it was going to curl right in there okay that’s a bogey for me that takes me to two over miles has a stressfree one under round through five holes on his hands feel like we’re we’re settled in now we got all the bad shots out of our system let’s try and rechar all to day we’re going to shoot in the’ 60s what is the right now what’s one of the biggest tournaments that you’ve won is with the junior players yeah what’s one of your most notable accomplishments in golf so far I think Junior players is a good one won the junior PJ too Junior PJ and the junior players you won how many people were out there watching probably seven really that was a lot was that did that get like the nerves going or was it just like you liked it I liked it I mean hey built for the crowd man I like the crowd it’s like helping if you turn it with it hurting if you go into it 150 see what he does here he’s got a solid round going so far nothing crazy has happened yet I think there’s a little hurt into there we going to slice an a into it I think 150 on the dot you said yeah it’s went right out there a little bit get up oh my gosh I landed on a sprinkler your PIN High just a little bit all right just laugh nice thank you there it is nice draw right up into it pretty was the shot shape that we wanted watched your shot and then it gave me some confidence to pull that off yeah I think you did hit a on the drain yeah but I mean that’s not a bad I think it’s a good break yeah there’s nice scuff on it from the drain you have a scuff on your ball nice Brown gray so it did get caught that right back there that right there all right right here it trickle down this is what I’d like to see right here oh my gosh dude you just knock the bottom under it rolled out a little bit did that was like you spun that on the down slope yeah that was landed it where I was trying to just just firm let’s see if we can make this this looks almost dead straight it’s kind of crazy to say feels like I have a dead straight birdie putt just pulled it again slight pull dang it dang it dang it okay see if you can save this mil all right that’s a three nice pot rock rock solid great pot I mean that those are the ones that keep the round going you know well guys mil stays one under after six holes that keeps me at two over after missing that unfortunately we’re going to figure it out though just going to start hitting my [Applause] [Music] lines seventh hole here par 4 downwind I mean it’s not a driver off this hole you just want to keep it short of the hazard out there some stuff up there so nice shot that was so good great swing all right that was a five that was a 5 wood that went really far like really really far oh I didn’t hit it good off the toe it’s going to work though softly yeah I know that’s it maybe wow that thing was moving all right bounce fine we’re both going to be I mean miles is probably going to have a little flip wedge in he had a great shot I like this 106 I feel like just flight a little 50 in there yeah let’s go with a little 50 I’m going to flight this in there we got 106 yards 106 flight this down a little [Music] bit come off that hill come on keep coming come on keep coming all right little long swins more down than across yeah it’s kind of it’s almost helping on that shot right there prob like an 88 just a little 3/4 3/4 lob wedge should come out nice and low oh my gosh that came out low oh my gosh dude what what that shot thank you little Skipper that was wild that thing came out like pin high mg4 is right there that’s what they do go that thing’s that close what a shot man thank you that was impressive did you want it to come out that low or did yeah you expected it I was expecting it I mean the down slope and then there’s pretty good Li to it catch you pretty good it should come out dud the thing went like guys it it was almost like a stinger that’s how low it came out with spin a ton of spin I it it’s probably SP at 10,000 the way these screens have been they just kind of take a big hop then the grain it kind of like grabs that was skips and then to control that yardage though off the down slope is wild it’s cool miles has got like 4 feet for birdie to get to two under I got to start doing something now turn turn turn no way it’s a good run at it right center just moved a little left as it came by good pot really nice birdie yep four shots back of miles right now heading on to a par five that we can easily get there in two shots guys I almost forgot I got I got I got something in here I got to show you I got these two flavors of Celsius we got a peach Vibe and we have raspberry peach now I wish I had somebody to give like an unbiased you know taste test review cuz I love these so much but there’s a guy over there look at him I feel like that guy could help us out I just met him actually what I doing and I need you for a taste test okay come on over here which which hand right or left uh we’ll go left okay PE five okay you want me to try this yeah give it a little give a little taste taste all right I’ve never had this before unbiased unbiased yeah you let let us know yeah yeah oh no I’m going to let you know the truth Sparkling Peach [Music] Vibe could be colder yeah yeah it was it was in my bag for a couple days yeah it’s a it’s a little warm but besides that it’s pretty good and then guys I have the raspberry peach sparkling rasp raspberry peach let’s give that a little something that little sound you get there that one’s good really that one’s good yeah yeah we got a lot of peach going on we got raspberry peach and we got Sparkling Peach guys I have been loving these Celsius These celsi Eyes thank you to Celsius for being a huge sponsor of the channel now let’s get back to the video we have a par five downwind hole number eight miles is two under and this is Eagle territory oh my gosh what a shot dude that was pounded that one was hit Nice Shot you even know about the Tracer man you don’t like you don’t watch front of the Tracer yeah you were thinking hey man before I go into this video I can’t ruin the Tracer I can’t ruin the Tracer especially when it’s a good I healed it it’s going to work though that work going it’s fine why you you don’t think that that’s how far we actually hit it you don’t think we hit 340 no I don’t think we hit 340 yeah it says we hit our drives 340 both of us I we’re about right next to each other miles got me by a little bit 230 downwind I’m going to try and get after this for iron see if I can get it there we’re playing lift cleaning place today in the Fairway get out let’s see if we can get it to the green oh come on come on get to the green oh yeah sit sit oh my God smoked it yeah smoked it I didn’t think that I could even get that there I kind of I caught it a little low and it came out with like no spin there’s like a knuckle ball down I didn’t even think I’d get a four iron there 207 to cover the bunker is that a four iron for you said normally it would be but after watching yours I might try to smoke a five smoke a five yeah try and get one going with the wind a little right doesn’t kill you oh my gosh dude to it’s right at it oh it’s on the front that was close front edge that is just crazy explosive it’s like Justin Thomas it was close all right guys I’m going to go first here we are kind of we’re in the hazard but we’re fine we’re up on some pine straw get up and down here make a birdie I like the shot oh yeah oh no oh no no no no no no stop okay man you miss the green out here and that that hurts okay that’s it that’s it okay that is oh it’s so tough oh man all right miles come on man I’m rud for you go go go Nice Shot man really good oh man this good pot stayed out there to the right that is a bogey on an easy par five just went for it and ended up in the mud and hurts but we’re three over good pot man thank you really good solid easy 3 under par that you’re at three under now right we are at three under he’s three under par after eight holes heading to our ninth hole I got so much work to do if I want to try and catch him or come back man I can’t do that can’t you got at least got to get it out somewhere on the green so you have a shot at [Music] 30 par 4 you got to only hit like a 230 shot cuz this giant Hazard comes into play what are you hitting off this Ste miles I got four iron four iron okay yeah maybe a little lower one let it run a little bit try to take a little bit of a wind out of it low Stinger down the right side it’s fine perfectly fine it work have a mid iron into that grein go a little left of that line should be just perfect a little low should be just fine go roll roll roll roll roll we’re back in play We’re six shots back of miles after eight holes we’re going to fight we’re going to fight hard so who do you play with on you know when you’re just going out so I play with a guy named Joe Russo and you give him stroke I do yes he’s probably a 2.5 maybe cap like I give him 14 normally 14 shots he’s a two handicap and you give him 14 shots yeah I I don’t like the handicap system but it works not sure how wait so he normally shoots like you know low 70s you’ll shoot yeah mid 70s and then you’re shooting at your home course what’s your average score there wow it works out until he get a heater one day and yeah I’m playing okay but for the most part comes down to 18 that’s crazy 14 shots and he’s a two handicap 56 downwind yeah downwind just a little bit not much win though I feel like think it’s helping us if anything though pretty smooth nine Nice Shot thank you little heavy what was the yards there 56 little punch nine yeah 3/4 right in there we have 139 yards after the t- shot I’m going to go with a pitching wedge stick one I mean we need a tap in sofl Nice Nice Shot cool thank you should be a good distance yeah I think that one’s pretty solid come on now so what’s your favorite horse you play favorite course I’ve played I would have to go Pebble Beach oh have to going yeah it truly was my favorite like you know it’s like a cliche one that everyone says but mhm it was that good hey shout out to to Soro for having us out today this is a golf course here in Port St Lucy Florida they in town check it out pretty awesome so yeah it’s really nice you know once I see this putt there’s no one to blame but myself cuz I know I’m basically I got a robot rolling it for me aggressive aggressive went that way that was aggressive good pot come on that’s big takes me to two over after nine holes not the worst not the best right pin is basically on this Ridge here and if you go past it it starts to shoot away from you but after the front nine I’m two over miles is two under onto a very very Gable back nine yeah those are probably the ones those three putts like that those irritate me the most I guarantee for you it’s like probably didn’t even I mean that was just weird where that pin was at it was basically if you got past it it just went straight down 4 was 10 exactly here we go guys we’re making the turn miles is two under I’m two over 10th hole power four I feel like we can get pretty close to the screen I mean the wind’s coming off you can take it on a pretty aggressive line basically at that green that bunker on the left there it’s kind of the line oh yeah yeah go that’s as good as I can hit it there that is as good as I can hit it perfect come on that’s all I got in the tank Nice Shot dude that was like a low Stinger great swing is that your low shot that was a low one yeah did you now did you what did you do different there did you Tee It Up te it a little lower choke down just a little bit a little farther back in the stance got maybe not quite as wide as The Stance either it came out like a little missile it was just wait so you just said that you have two different Putters one for fat fast screens and one for slow Green in your back sler a little slower a little Greener that is wild is it like something with the face insert no it’s just the L that’s cool we have 74 yards to the pin I’m going with a 60° man I almost need yeah I like a 60 74 yards go go go go go get up oh my gosh man I got HT I tried to flight it in there it’s still a little short but we got an uphill putt I got sprayed with dirt all right I think we have like 73 is right back into the wind tried to fly something in there low it’s going to spin okay little short too we didn’t get it back there quite there’s a lot of wind a lot of wind Oh Come left didn’t turn till after the hole I love when I hit a putton it’s it ends up perfectly in line with the cup oh that one stinks oh my goodness de straight yep par par start here on hole number 10 we’re headed on now to a par five that we’re probably going to be able to get after two shots so let’s try and make a birdie now M you just told me that the other day you would have been playing in a PJ Tour event you played in a Monday qualifier and you went to the playoff for a PJ Tour event this how many days ago is this it was on Monday no way so you went into a playoff for a PJ Tour event and you you lost in the playoff lost in the playoff I Bogi was that the most nervous you’ve been it’s probably up there yeah boogied him in last all the day shoot 5 under 6 under would have got me in dang and and then you bogied it and then you went into a playoff that’s crazy so would you would have been a 15-year-old plane in the Puerto Rico open m yeah wow we have the honors here par five 578 we are not getting there in two shots I take that back into the breeze into the breeze this is this is like a 600 yard par five with the driver going one well is that the line yeah I think so perfect huh it’s about as good as I can hit it there man two good drives to start out the back nth it’s just fine down the right side low draw Nice Shot thanks little toey H that’s the mess with the low one yeah if I’m not kind s though that was like a low hook that s you know favorite encour snack favorite encour snack it’s hard to say like a good chicken salad salad’s pretty pretty good um it’s hard man cuz I’m not a big hot dog guy like they’re good mhm I just know you just bad like I try try and eat somewhat healthy now it’s hard to say good hamburger I don’t know what it is about Golf Course chicken salad it’s usually pretty solid it’s kind of like the go-to it’s like you know what you’re going to get most of the [Music] time wow I think it’s going to work out it’s going to be really good nice oh yeah oh my [Music] God two parts two missed opportunities there I’m twoo over miles is to under I’ll do a par three [Music] nice stay there that’s [Music] fine great shot miles good pot thank you thought that was kind of my chance to gain one on him but I don’t think I’m going to be gaining shots on Miles today with pars that another missed opportunity two really good birdie looks feels like I’m hitting my lines but golf is just so everything’s so close just a game inches oh no it’s going to work oh yeah really really good shot perfect nice oh yeah oh my God pushed it right there with you go well guys we’re two under to two over unfortunate bir misses there keep it going try and finish strong here par five coming up really soon can reach it in two shots I know miles is going to take advantage that pretty much perfect there good swing thank you good swing there go go go go go go go go wow oh nice pot yeah two fours we’re grinding out here in these windy conditions hopefully y all are enjoying this couple more holes to go see what we can come in with we got a par five like I said coming up very shortly that’s getable it’s been such a crazy year I just want to say thank you thank you so much for watching the videos really appreciate it’s so cool to highlight kid like this and just play with him before you know he goes on the main [Music] stage all right miles ho 15 little dog leg to the right the Green’s actually over there so we just got to hit it down there it’s not nothing crazy just nice little driver I’m actually going to tee this down low right there down the left sit down nice F yeah good swing sit there I think you’re fine I think you’re fine not a great swimming just whack it see we can get out of here green make a car oh what a shot oh it’s short got up into the breeze the breeze must have got you it did I’m back down here and re yeah well probably wherever it crosss you can drop it up on the hill Oh it’s got to go again oh it’s up live you’re alive I got a bad live and I dropped it just not great he was like sitting down kind of just plugged yeah you kind giving me a chance right now I know I’m letting you back into it yeah you really are you’re letting me back into it it’s like you’re a paid actor or something you know all right I got there’s a ton of room over here yeah I know you could have gone I didn’t even know that you could have gone way making this so far left 165 y 165 y I like a seven iron here miles is giving me a chance to get back in [Music] this h nice thank you a little long I think but anywhere on the green 165 with this wind and this green it is tricky if you just miss it a little bit to the right you can go in the water all right it’s probably going to be 60 Nice Shot thanks good job is that for a six I think so okay we got a good chance here I mean this is not not an easy putt if we somehow make this we’ll one shot that no way that just straighten out I really did it was coming in there and kind of just straightened out on the crest bad hole for us guys all right well that drops me to three over miles is now even par onto a par five come on all right guys we’re going to try and finish strong here car five downwind 450 450 downwind you gave me a perfect chance and I wanted H door was open door was [Music] open we’re going to go just right of that bunker yep just left of the Bush line right of the bunker out there still have the honors three over to even par five can’t hit any better than that perfect can’t hit any better than that I should be fine stay short of that bunker might have just gone in it I don’t know really good swing there nice this Fairway is really tight 142 yds to the pin miles is down there he’s going to have like 1 30 really good looks for making an eagle I’m going the pitching wedge nice just a hair long well miles hit it so far here we’re almost he actually almost went through the Fairway into the water you 125 you said mhm probably thinking like a landed around 120 I mean that’s not win that could be like a probably 115 shot if he holds this that’s an albat got sand wedge all right Sand Wedge into a par five you don’t say that too often no no way that’s so good what a shot that’s close good look for E bounce back with an eagle we have two Eagle opportunities on this par five miles has like five four five ft for Eagle to bounce back after a double come on please oh come on good thought oh man that is a nice stressfree birdie it takes me to two over on the day I still got a solid round going today not too mad about it um just missed so many opportunities still a couple holes to go miles here for an eagle good Pa thank you that takes you back to two underpar after a double I always noticed one thing about really good players is they bounce back quick after a bad score if you watch it on the PGA tour if someone makes a double they usually bounce back with a birdie there’s actually like a stat for that bounce back percentage so that’s impressive he goes double makes an eagle two more holes to go in today’s video Let’s see what miles can shoot what he finishes at we’re going to try and finish as strong as we can but it’s been awesome to watch this hole is beautiful this one the signature holes I think you got the water behind it and then 18’s a great hole as well so two great finishing H it’s coming strong here this is pretty short Par 3 160 down kind of downwind back flag yeah back flag downwind 160 what are you hitting probably a little ner yeah I like that let it float With the Wind yeah I don’t have the honors anymore miles took it away with an eagle I might hit an eight it’s either an eight or nine it depends where this wind’s coming it’s kind of coming this way cuz that hole was downwind so yeah it’s coming off the right lead us off here miles come on man all right oh yeah get a bounce short shot oh it’s got a little short yeah I didn’t quite hit it great was that the nine it was a little heavy okay I think I’m going to go with an eight here like a little punch eight oh come on potential potential oh that was so close so close I just heard Sky yell I’m so oh my gosh that would have been my first to in one I know all my life I’ve never heard Sky yell like that in my life he just yelled Behind the Green videoing that dude would have been oh he was coming in there from the right soon as you H it too I’ve never in my life seen him or heard him yell like that yeah that was like crazy for skot jeez man he’s watching it back right now I can see him watching the foot back on the camera oh that would have been so good I saw it just like rolling towards the B I got so silent I was like oh my God that was perfect speed for it too I think oh it’s so close I can’t wait to hear what sky says I got to see this how did that not go in half an inch Grand like I’m not oh man that hurts that really hurts how would have been the first one long one here terrible terrible shot I found one part three course with Michael block from 60 yards but it’s hard to count that I would have counted that as my first all right miles see what you got yours just like a birdie putt didn’t break much no it almost went right okay wonder if that had to do with the mow you can see like the mower yeah it’s always a good feeling still out you did that to me a couple times today so right center Center nice pot thank you all right what knock it in for birdie I tried to play it I thought it was going to go a little bit to the right why do we play this game we go from like Peak moment of having a hole in one I actually thought that was going to go a little left to [Music] right final hole of the day 18 miles is two under I’m two over four back with the last hole pretty much going at that Watchtower beautiful big Clubhouse in the background nice swing perfect that is perfect great swing thanks all right try and take it on that same line there perfect as good as I can hit it there there very nice oh it’s so frustrating when you feel like you’re hitting the ball good and you can’t scare the hole with the putter it’s definitely a more frustrating feeling hitting the ball good and missing putts than like hitting the ball horrible and then scrambling you know you feel like you’re winning when you’re getting up and down and scrambling but when you’re hitting it good and you’re like a four footer four five footer for birdie there I a couple of those today I had a couple I missed a lot of them you got to play almost every single one of these plts I’ve noticed is straight very like I tried to favor the left side there I missed it left maybe I pulled it but like I feel like every put today what we’re learning is don’t break no they’re very subtle so final opportunity here for a birdie not much going on 69 couple birdies here and there and just a very stressfree round to golf for you yeah okay here we go 120 yards we’re going with a 50° basically helping us the wind here oh coming so close to just like dunking these in the hole oh one of the times you know one of these times they’re going to just catch the hole you know up and down here for 69 miles let’s see if you can do it all right so 105 down Breeze probably like a 90 but six shot somewhere in there oh wind didn’t help it I did pin High all right that had a lot of spin on it it did that was a 460 yeah that thing came out you’re going to have a good look at birdie give it a probably weren’t happy with that but took one big a lot more a lot more wind out of the right than down yeah it’s swirling today all right we flew it right over top of the pin here we’re going to make a pot all day it’s going to be right here I know it m pulled it right through the brake come on Miles all right we need one more a little right to left the hill little bit outside right Edge oh my gosh finally made one let’s go dude come on hey that’s awesome that’s a 69 there for Miles what a clutch way to finish the round 3 under 69 I mean you left a lot of shots out there that’s what a double yeah going to go to the putting green after this hey miles thank you so much dude for coming on guys thank you so much for watching the video shout out to miles for driving I mean you drove 4 hours for this it was it was awesome yeah we’re going to link all of his socials in the description if you guys want to follow his Instagram and keep track of his success go ahead and do that the link will be in the description but guys thank you so much for watching I wish I could have gave it a better run but congrats 69 that’s a pretty solid round thank you it was playing tough today yeah it was with the win but thank you guys so so much [Music] [Music] peace

I took time to search for the #1 Junior Golfer in the World and successfully found him! You will be seeing this name one day on the PGA Tour. Let’s welcome Miles Russel to YouTube Golf!



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  1. john daly can play golf in his sleep on the limousine bus with a bar going 75mph talking on the phone giving tiger woods directions to the chinese restaurant , and you would never =know it

  2. There is no way a kid in today's world DOESN'T know what YouTube golf is .. and if it's true of this kid, then good for him and his parents for NOT raising ANOTHER phone drone…

  3. By the way Peach Vibe is my most not liked Celsius…I like the vibe flavors you can buy at Wal-Mart!

  4. So happy to see this kid is using that grip… 4:35 I use the same and I always thought it could be somehow negative for my swing…
    I have no excuse now… 😅😅

  5. Grants game looking like it needs life support. TJhe kid has game, but that swing will def need to evolve for him to compete at collegiate levels and beyond.

  6. I think this kid will go on to break all the records for wins on tour, including the most majors. You heard it here first. When he gets a little taller and puts some muscle on, he'll be hitting it 350. His body mechanics are incredibly good. He's like a machine with that putter too.

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