@Edmonton Oilers

I need to be honest about the Oilers…

I want to talk about whether I have an Oilers bias, as we break down the Dallas Stars vs the Edmonton Oilers on today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. Eck,
    Not sure where all the hate is coming from. I've been following your videos all year and you always criticize teams fairly. Which at times can frustrate me, but at other times, I took pleasure in seeing you grill a team like Toronto who just can not get out of their own way. IMHO I know you're doing a great job when I'm equally upset and enjoy/respect your commentary about the games I'm watching. Its obvious to me this is a clear sign you're pretty even handed in your takes.

    Don't ever stop what you're doing man, as a huge hockey fan, I NEED this channel! 😁

  2. That’s what i love about your videos Eck, that’s exactly why when i started getting into hockey i came across your channel. It’s like a person you’d talk to about the sport and what’s been going on. Most of my friends don’t watch hockey, just me, so coming to watch your videos after a long day is always chill

  3. I thought calling McDavid a goon repeatedly was hilarious 😂 Oilers fan forever here. He's not an Albertan, we can't expect him to be perfect 🙃

  4. Hey hockey fan here. Just wanted to say that I’m the one that hates the oilers not you. Every comment you see that’s shitting on the oilers, yeah that’s me. Fuck the oilers.

  5. I have to say I’ve been a fan of your channels since you first started covering (for me) Star Wars years ago on your other channel as well as basketball recently, and fully understand why there has been a bit of a lack in content from the Oilers in the playoffs in particular. What I was slightly frustrated about last vid was the sort of lack in coverage of the actual game which there was so much to talk about. Rather you talked about a penalty that wasn’t even that controversial to begin with. I didn’t really see any Oilers fans complaining about the call really at all. Anyways I always have appreciated your insight and videos, and I think most fans of your channel(s) are but I think the comments on last video were a bit of a boiling point of frustration from most Oilers fans.

  6. Your content is great; however, last video with your words like “spear”, for something that was definitely not a spear felt biased. That’s just one example, and where the complaints were coming from.

  7. There’s been A LOT of 10 ply oilers fans online since the Vancouver series, and it seems they’ve rolled over into this WCF.

  8. As a Flames fan, it’s my duty to hate the Oilers. That said, you’ve been pretty fair overall. And the McJokes were clearly jokes. The rest of the league’s fanbases got the jokes, but the Oilers fans were super triggered over it. Not a rarity either, might I add… 👀

  9. Whenever you say Mcgoon, I laugh! I’m a fan of mcdavid and didn’t see that as chirping in anyway. The kid flys around the ice dangling and high sticking everyone😂😂 that name is perfect

  10. As a San Jose sharks fan, I still watch every video including non shark videos. I like the complete unfiltered opinions. You have a life outside of hockey lol can’t expect you to view every video… I only take an issue when someplace like sports net doesn’t give sharks games highlights till the day after but you guys always put awesome work in!

  11. Hey eck it’s ok lol we don’t care about anything you say we just want to see how you see the oilers I’ll sometimes spam go oilers Womp womp Vancouver it’s ok idc

  12. For what its worth I love watching your channel because i feel like a friend is teaching me about hockey and venting with me about how dumb some of the decisions, plays, and calls are

  13. Love your vids, as a fan of general sports it's just the right amount to keep up with my friends who love hockey. Keep it up my man you're doing great and to me it's always the perfect amount. You're right if i wanted more i'd be watching sportsnet or tsn, but i'm not, Eck is what i want to be watching.

  14. Just wanted to say as a hockey fan in general and Oilers fan specifically, thank you both for making these and for being upfront and honest about your perspectives and opinions. Sorry the follow fans have been a bit saltier than usual lately. A true friend is honest even with the truth isn't pretty, and that's what you've always been. Keep up the good work, go Oilers, and I hope we meet the Rangers in the Finals soon.

  15. Please don't look too deep into the comments. You're doing great and just ignore all the noise

  16. Honestly the comments of your last video just came across as a bunch of butt hurt oilers fans. your entitled to your opinion and although I don't think McDavid is a goon, I understood what the video was trying to say and I was in total agreement with your opinion. that being said I understand other fans passion and opinions too. Don't let the reaction to the last video affect the way you deliver content because your Videos are always enjoyable bite size watches on different things going on in the NHL. Love your vids, keep up the good work!!

  17. Oilers fan Here i'm Glad Oilers as least got the Split but after game 2 i'm kinda worried hopefully Oilers will respond. Dallas is a Really Good Road Team another thing i'm worried about. also sorry to hear what happened with some oilers fan. i can take jokes about the Team and Players. Keep up the Good Work

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