@Boston Bruins

Game 6: Florida Panthers vs Boston Bruins LIVE NHL hockey Playoffs coverage

Game 6: Florida Panthers vs Boston Bruins LIVE NHL hockey Playoffs coverage

[Music] [Music] d d [Music] d [Music] d [Music] [Applause] welcome to the Samuel B12 experience where we have you covered for all the NHL action play byplay news and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] more make sure to subscribe today [Music] he [Music] you’re watching the Sam experience woo what’s going on everybody welcome to the show here we go it’s game time Boston Florida they are going head-to-head toe-to-toe Boston looking to push game seven Florida looking to say hey hey no no it’s Tom Boston you got to go they’re getting set and this is going to be one of the great game six we saw a huge one yesterday a massive one as the Rangers finally closed out is it time now to go upstairs and have the Panthers move along to meet the Rangers in the next round it’s going to be a doozy it’s going to be a great one but welcome anyone and all thank you for being here make sure you’re smashing that thumbs up as you’re coming in but what’s up Lucas how’s it going Skyler welcome in Gerard good to see you what’s up Steve Michael how’s it going Mike what’s up what’s good Ben welcome into the show sus how’s it going good to see you back yet again Beverly hello there welcome in Brady good to see you Hayden and let’s go where we going next Elliott welcoming Elliott Michael hello there Daniel in the house lost anchor what is up Jay welcome in void good to see you and we are set we are ready to rock and roll oh I can’t wait big rickster in the house what’s up man hope all is well with one and all again thank you so much for all the hellos if I missed you you know we’ll get you as we go but make sure you are clicking that thumbs up let’s get down to business because there is business to get down to Charlie hello there welcome in first coming back making his return Al cppy Brad Maron marshy is back today and that is key because he’s had 10 points in 10 playoff games before the little oh Mike Tyson KO action so marshy is back tonight but I gotta tell you I’m a little nervous Joey what’s going on if you didn’t see our short if you didn’t see the marshan press conference he came out and says listen playoff hockey is all about hurting your opponent it’s about going in and hurting as many players as he can and I was not a fan of hearing him Cen say this it’s been known everybody knows this is what happens right we’ve seen it time and time again but to actually come out in the media and say we’re coming and we’re going to hurt you and we’re going to hurt as many players as we can and the key is to hurt more than they hurt us I’m like that’s not what hockey is all about man so I’m not a fan of that statement by Marshawn but I can’t wait to see what’s he he is going to bring out what this team is going to bring out all together Mike how’s how’s it going welcome in good to see you let’s get this game rolling absolutely sus Kazi what’s going on welcome in this is why I love Brad oh you guys are awesome all right key number two big thing tonight four checking pressure four checking pressure say it with me four checking pressure both teams have to get in on that four check Nicholas how’s it going welcome in you are very welcome Florida has done a great job for the most part in this series with their four checking pressure this past game the last game game five that kind of went away so Panthers need to get the four check back now Boston did a great job on the four check in the last game and it’s the first time in probably about five or six games we saw their for check come through right outside of that game seven in Toronto so this is going to be key whoever gets the four check rolling will come out on top now last but not least oh oh what a rush the Road Warriors if you’re WWF fan you know the Road Warriors and that is what this is all about Florida the Road Warriors absolutely unbelievable on the road and they have that potential Advantage tonight the Bruins are two and four at home in these playoffs so can the Panthers capitalize that and continue to play well on the road we know they can but will they show up tonight not necessar well welome in yeah will they will they because he’s in as well so let’s jump into it here’s our expected lineup for the Florida Panthers tonight Corey what’s going on gaming boys what’s up Shaw welcome in as well so here it is Panthers lineup tereno barov Sam Reinhardt my man we’re representing got the Jersey Carter Veri with Sam Bennett and Maddie kchu Lista Ryan with londell and Evan Rodriguez and then some change of pace here on the fourth line lomberg finds his way back in Kevin stenin is in and Nick cousins finding his way back in as well Loren out aoso out uh and of course those are the two big ones right those are the two big ones aoso out lorence out and lomberg cousins finding their way back into the lineup on the dside forsling in eblad mola Montour emman Larson OV these D have been awesome and no doubt Sergey bosski back between the pipes to night Stitch what’s going on the Panthers will give the brunes the doomsday device oh set them up oh that would be awesome welcome in Stitch good to see you adventure for relics welcome in as well Nick good to see you welcome in everybody again as you’re coming in keep the thumbs up going let’s hit that 100 by puck drop so get those thumbs up Rolland all right so for the Boston Bruins who do we expect to see La La’s Place welcome in we’re going to see de Brusque with geeky and Pastak we got Mara with Coy and Frederick Danton Heinen with zaka in brazz zo then we got jvr James Van rdik with beeer in Pat maroon on the dside it’s Lind H home and McAvoy laori and Carlo worther spoon and Peak and Jeremy Swain getting that start tonight cam what’s going on Mike welcome in Boston’s come back and win the series would that be enough for you to root for them no no it probably would not be um but my good good try I got I gotta I always have to go against we got so many Bruins fans here I gotta go on the other side of the coin uh but I will say you know on the dside lorai lorai has been one of my favorites lorai just watching him continue to grow and develop game in and game out he has been so good username welcome in ready to smash the Bruins tonight um but lorai has been real good and I’m curious to see how much ice time Marshawn is gonna get is he 100% or is this one of those moves where he still kind of probably needs to sit out but hey it’s desperate times and the Bruins are going to put him in so will he have Li limited minutes or will he be playing a regular shift so we’re going to see that once they get going today um and of course huge huge news we’re going to talk about at the first intermission today the Toronto Maple Leafs have announced the signing of their brand new head coach Craig baru has officially been announced as the new Maple Leafs head coach is this good is this bad we’re going to break that down at the first intermission uh Daniel hello there welcome in Panther stream go Bennett thank you Daniel appreciate it glad to have you here Mark what’s going on I would never cheer for the Bruins it it would take a lot star time gaming welcome in thank you for giving M gifted me this channel rock star time you’re very welcome glad you’re able to hear Ron what’s going on he is playing tonight that’s right he is back in Marshy is back in lomberg is back in cousins is in so the fireworks will we see them you bet you bottom dollar we will you know from the moment this game gets underway there is going to be a lot of physical play going on and it is going to be much much needed Mara he’s been a pivotal piece of this team right he’s got seven assists he’s moving he moves the puck well he draws a lot of attention to himself so even just being on the ice really really really becomes an important piece of of the Bruins offense and how they move the puck around Oscar how’s it going welcome in Mr Buck good to see you I’m a Bruins fan but I like all the stuff you say and everything about the channel oh start time thank you I appreciate it yeah Adventures it’s going to be big time fireworks tonight and we saw it yesterday right Carolina Carolina brought it right they had a heck of a game the Rangers just found a way to win and I hate to say it I hate to say it because I I respect this golender so much but Freddy Anderson Freddy Anderson when he’s on he’s on but when he’s kind of mediocre he’s off and Freddy although he played okay just couldn’t get the job done I’m sure there was a goal there that he did not want to let go Daniel how’s it going I would be here watching the game with you guys tonight but I’m going to see baseball I’m Not Gon to focus on my screen Daniel I don’t blame you have a good time at the game Marcel welcome in Richard coming in dropping the 20 pounder one night last week I was in the cemetery looking at the gravestone when two girls pass someone you knew they asked and I turned to them and said no it just annoys me when they spell my surname wrong ah Richard thank you so much and welcome to the show and you know last night after all the times I went to grab and use my mouse and realizing it was dead I never charged it so we’re going to charge that up right now Richard thank you so much that is really funny U but good to see you thank you for for being here thank you for all the support all playoff long we really appreciate it stick Taps coming in for Richard and G welcome in good to see you long weekend finishing finishing the Derby up nice nice nice we’re going to get this game going very soon and I can’t wait for this to be finished up I’m about ready I’m about ready for the third round to get going white tail welcoming Psy guy welcoming Panthers taking this tonight my parlay is going to hit psychi who else do you have what’s your parlay looking like Dan welcom in thank you for being here we’re just waiting for them to come on the ice and then we’re going to switch this over and get it going now a couple other keys to watch I mean at this point we’re game six everybody knows who’s involved everybody knows the players to be paying attention to here but just in case you don’t just in case you’ve been hiding under a rock you’re like you know what I don’t like watching playoff hockey until game five well we’re now in game six so here it is De Brusque on Boston Jake debrusk has been hot and cold he’s got 10 points but when he’s again when he’s hot he is going and he’s on ever dangerous you need to watch out for de Brusque we already talked about Mara I already talked about lorai the other Brun and there’s Pastor is there too but the other Brun that you might not think of that you really do need to pay attention to and watch is Trent Frederick Frederick has been so impressive hm welcome in are you surprised the result of the Vancouver Edmonton Series so far I’ll be honest I kind of thought Edmonton would be up 3-2 I had that series kind of going the distance a Havoc Going the Distance I thought the Oilers would kind of be in better control of the series Gotta Give it to Vancouver man those kanaks getting it done and uh they’re playing great hockey Gabe how’s it going welcome in andos welcome in go Canucks yeah those Canucks man they played awesome we’re gonna have Vancouver Edmonton coming up tomorrow night 8 o’ it’s an 8 o’clock Eastern game finally it’s an early game well a little bit early so 8 o’clock tomorrow we’re gonna have Vancouver and Edmonton they are looking to close it out or will we get game seven in that Series going to be a doozy Pizza what’s going on Sergeant salty welcome in RK well I be singing The Anthem tonight no probably not uh spanny how’s it going welcome in Debbie hello there hello there welcome in Debbie getting the growl on uh this is going to be a fun one E2 welcome in going for the bees now we got a lot of fans on both sides of the coin you can see in the chat there’s a lot of brunes fans here there’s a lot of panthers fans here there’s a lot of folks ninja watching along first of all if you’re on a tablet or a computer and you’re watching along you have access to the chat come on in say hello get involved in the conversation because it’s going to get crazy it’s going to get to be a lot of fun now some ground rules you’ve been here before you’ve heard me say it before you want to cheer for Boston go ahead you want to cheer for the Panthers go ahead you want to trash talk and bring it all together go ahead just keep it somewhat like PG-13 all we ask is that you be respectful Jen what’s going on welcomeing be respectful to each other to the channel to the chat and myself we do got some younger viewers watching as well so just that’s why we say PG-13 and we keep it respectful we’re all going to have a lot of fun we have had some un believable conversations in this chat both sides coming together unifying showing the unity the love for The Passion of the game of hockey but also coming together over the hatred of the officials the officials have been an atrocity in these playoffs we’ve seen so many terrible terrible calls Leanne welcome in good to see you and somebody else came in there Stetson hello there Rick what’s up mini hockey welcome in Bill welcome in the officials have been atrocious will the referees oh there he is I love my guy I love my guy he’s so good um will the officials come into play today are they going to let them play or are they going to get involved and and really just make some bad calls we we saw it kind of in the ranger can’s game for the most part they let them play there were a few bad calls but they were okay I know there was a big controversial call uh with pon in the oiler Vancouver game last night getting called on a charge In fairness Patterson left his feet he jumped you can’t do it so I think it was the right call but it was very controversial so let’s see how the referees are going to get involved in this game tonight Briggs welcome in this has been a good hockey playoff series Briggs this has been awesome Chase welcome in all right they’re in the tunnel they’re getting set to come out they’re they’re jumping around they’re getting their last second stretches on and love to see this there’s some kids in the tunnel the players that Pat maroon going up to the kid saying a couple words I wonder if that’s one of the players kids uh but always cool to see we saw it last night Chris kryder scoring a hattrick and as he leaves the ice hands a stick over to a a young fan in the in the crowd it was absolutely awesome I can’t say what I feel because your rules won’t let me there you go Charlie I I I I get you Hank what’s going on welcome in Lanna yes Marsha is playing he is in the lineup tonight so is lomberg and cousins they are both in as well so will Marshawn be playing full minutes tonight or will he be playing somewhat limited time will tell of course we don’t know is if he’s 100% okay or if he still is suffering a little bit but let’s uh here come the Panthers on the ice the booze raining out let’s switch over and get ready to listen in and here come the Bruins we going to get some big cheers big eruption big eruption Curtis welcome in B Disney Welcome in NHL shorts welcome in the Bruins coming out the crowd is going wild they got their yellow rally towels giving it away they’re fired up of course the big booze for the Florida Panthers as they were rolling out we are just moments away from puck drop if you’re just coming in make sure you’re smashing that thumbs up 17 away from 100 Sammy reinhardt’s tying his skates all Doug Gilmore Gilmore used to do that before each playoff game he kind of step over to the bench and tie up his skates before they got going but yeah hit that like button of course hit that subscribe we’re coming up on 21400 so Let’s uh let’s have a good game Let’s Crush those likes tonight let’s Crush those subscribes care care welcome in good to see you go Boston Florida Leafs I’m not sure who I want to win still mad at Boston oh everyone everyone feels well not everyone care care a lot of people feel the same way daily events welcome in we are set and ready to go the anthems coming up will the Panthers do this tonight we got a lot of people in here saying yes we got a lot of brunes fans saying No this is going one more game we are going to know in just a few minutes now the Panthers they struggled out of the gate in the last game they did not get a lot of shots so they got to shoot the puck a whole lot more we know when Boston plays poorly they also don’t get a lot of shots so watching to see who gets a lot of shots out of the gate is going to make a big difference Norm welcome in I am fantastic thank you for asking I am Sam welcome in good to see you then Michael welcome in as well there it is thank you for hitting that subscribe Colin Dave appreciate it here we go welcome Todd Ang Todd Angelie he has been outstanding let’s go [Music] by the dawn’s early light what so proudly we ha at the Twilight last gleaming whose Brad stripes and bright star through the perilous fight for the ramp parts we wor were so gently streaming and the rocket red glare the in he through through the night that a flag was still there The Spangled [Applause] of [Music] thee and [Music] the excellent excellent job yes indeed baru Craig baru is now the coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs depressed Sabers fan you heard correctly unpacked 80 plus oh mini hockey that’s awesome Norm you are very very welcome we’re just happy to have everyone along for the ride no one wants to see M to dirty play and whine about getting called out let’s let’s see will the Panthers end it tonight Dexter how’s it going 6 a.m in Bangkok good morning to you Dexter we are ready to rock and roll Paul good good evening welcome in let’s drop this Puck let’s get this game going I can’t wait anymore let’s go all right last opportunity before the puck is dropped drop it in the chat what are your predictions let’s see it put in your predictions because the first period starts right now Hershel welcom in off the draw Bruins going to come away with this Puck they’re going to put just inside the panther line Panthers back with it forsling in a turnaround Onyx how’s it going welcome INX that’s funny down in the corner tereno is going to steal it away trying to come out in front to Reinhardt Run’s going to knock that one down Wills walk in bees 47 bees bees wow a lot of Boston Beverly coming in with the Panthers in the corner around behind the net Boston really coming out on the attack here early barov with this he’s taking a hit the referee Takes a Tumble oh and the referee’s hurt referee took a high stick in the face he’s shaking that off southernland giving the little Shake he got taken out early Here Comes Bennett Bennett bringing this in around wther spoon backand right on YY welcome in here comes Boston picking it back up Far Side moving it ahead and again Panthers putting it right back in let’s try this again Boston says and again the panther is going to break it up in the neutral zone cats just have to weather the storm here in the early moments mikola he’s going to take a bump standing around the boards Panthers trying to work it around coil sending it down around behind the net Elizabeth welcome in Roger hello there trying to whack at it Mon and Boston comes away with it they over skated it Frederick loses the puck this GNA be played up to kachuck kachuck has it he’s going to flip this one high trying to get it to Verge it was over his head and this going back in the corner here comes worther spoon he’s going to carry this one out to the red line just going to dump this one in down in the corner pasta he can’t catch up to it Lindell trying to play this to the line he does and list Ron and trying to get it out it’s held in just in over the line pack almost had a great feed in front kulakov passes it around geeki he’s going to hold it in this time cats having a tough time breaking it out of their Zone Pastak on the far side going to cycle it down low for de Brusque this going to come back to the line and past keeps it in the shot that one goes just wide back in the corner Florida going to send this to the line held in again and it’s knocked down again here’s debrusk in the high slot they play it back here’s makoy going back door with a shot Bovi with a nice save Pastak was waiting there for it this finally going to come to the side Panthers they are facing a big time Boston team who is just not not slowing down at all in these first couple minutes Rodriguez he’s going in there and he’s fighting for that puck this coming out over the line lomberg he’s racing back EAD is going to get there van re taking him into the corner e glad had a tough tough first period in the last game this one coming around back in the corner here comes maroon maroon going to cycle it around behind the net Florida was tied up couldn’t get in there eblad he can’t catch up to it now he goes around behind the net eblad with a hit on maroon but the Bro still with it maroon playing it right in front here’s a shot it hits a sprawling lomberg my goodness this count around behind the net jvr he’s cycling around trying to get through Carlo he’s waiting for it on the near side this comes to maroon maroon now he spots up to Carlo Carlo back to Maroon here’s a shot deflection right on bobovski is down he’s sprawling out we got a penalty coming up here to Florida and a nice save by bobovski it’s a hook called here Boston just too much to handle in these opening few minutes and it’s going to be eblad who takes the hooking call that’s going to get this crowd in this game going to keep them all fired up magic adors welcome in Gordon welcome in good puck possession Florida was just stuck they could not get anything working I don’t see the I don’t see a hook though eblad and beer no it’s eblad and Van rdik were all tied up but that’s a little bit of a weak call don’t see that hook in there but hey nonetheless Panthers short-handed here’s Boston quick shot and that one’s going to go wide in the corner Boston continuing the pressure Florida trying to get it out pass your neck he takes a shot it hits the panther player in the leg and barov flips us up and all the way down the ice matat welcome in let’s go here come the brunes up and over the line going to drop this one back past jck going to drop it again the double drop to brus now he’s going to flip this over the corner kulikov going in after it he’s going to get it to mola mola is going to get this out and Over The Line Panthers going to chip it ahead it’s a breakaway Florida coming in Reinhardt putting it across great save swayan Reinhardt doing nice work and he’s able to make a little flip pass across in the Panthers with a nice shot right on and swayman closes the door free life Welcome in son out his first roller hockey game today nice free life I hope they did okay I hope he had a good game but good racing here and good heads up play to jump in stenland jumping up on that play Florida’s going to win this back here’s a shot from the point kind of fann on it this one going in the corner cat’s battling list Ryan putting it down it’s going to come out in front list ran backand that hits the leg and goes to the corner good job to eat up a few seconds here’s lorai going to carry this one ahead they drop it back brues hitting the red line going to drop it back again geeky over the line he has it knocked away but the brunes brazo is there to pick it up this coming around behind the net going to play it to the half boards van reik still moving around we did not see Mara here on this power play which is which is very interesting lorai coming around behind he’s going to get this one going let’s see here he’s been on he’s been on the ice but he has not really there he is now he gets it and he fans on the shot I’m like where where has he been he finally comes on here with the second Squad gets an opportunity and fans on that shot down in the corner this one coming around G hello there welcome in makoy going to play this ahead Coy now up over the line seven seconds to go ghostly what’s going on welcome in Bennett with a nice job taking it away from debrusk emman Larsson in there as well it’s stuck in the feet emman Larson GNA send this one around the boards Bobo came way out no need for him to to play that poring pass gets cut off and a nice job by emman Larson he’s going to get it here come the Panthers Panthers Down The Far Side for hey up over the line he’s going to spin cycling it around to kachuck kachuck behind the net Montour waiting back at the point he takes the pass sending it towards the net looking for deflection that one goes wide end to end action forgey can’t get it Boston going to play this one up Montour stepping up kept it in only for a moment Coy going to bring this one out Boston going to flip this one in the corner Mar going in after it and kachak grabs this one Chrissy welcome in Nicholas welcome in Florida switching it up they’re going to bring this to the red line and flip this right in on San he’s going to make the Stop and now get regrouped here comes the brues and they almost gave it away coming through the neutral zone over list Ran’s shoulder he tried to glove it down the brunes going to play this one in forsling going back in the corner jvr is going to bump him the referee getting caught up in the puck again Bill hello welcome in this coming in here’s a shot right on big Rebound in front got caught up in the skates this coming back out Florida Panthers pass up that’s going to hit a Brun skate they’re going to reverse this back to eblad eblad taking a look what a pace this is nonstop end to end this is how playoff hockey should be played barov with a back Cannon and Ice saved by San barov taken down by worther spoon Bruns going to flip flip this one up to the Center Ice Line and the Florida Panthers glove it down and dump it right back in unbelievable this one coming around back to the line emman AR arson holding it in shot is there tereno he takes one swipe at it two swipe at it how many times can you fan it a Pucket loose it’s in front and Pastor Knack is going to get this and get it out and down the ice holy moly if you’re just coming in welcome to the channel what a hockey game what a start make sure as you’re coming in you’re crushing that thbs up 500 people here 125 likes let’s double up those likes and make sure you’re hitting that subscribe as well let’s get her over 21400 down in the corner here’s stenland stenland back to the line shot and swayman is going to hang on to that one and with 12 minutes to go we have a commercial break holy mackerel that was intense nonstop back and forth swayan making some unbelievable stops Mark says going to be a game seven we will see but I absolutely love how this game is going right now they are on a different level Matthew what’s going on welcome in now if you’re just coming in we haven’t met before my name is Sam thank you so much for tuning in and being here my name is Sam we’re here every day every day bringing you playoff coverage covering a game sometimes to and that’s what playoff hockey is all about so we are your NHL playoff destination for game coverage we hope you’ll join us for the rest of the playoffs until the Stanley Cup is handed out but why stop there we’re going to be going all summer and of course we will pick up the action again in the fall Alexander welcome in good to see you now if you’re watching on a television because I understand we have a lot of people who put us up on the big screen so first of all I want to say you want me on the big screen that’s just bizarre but hey thank you for tuning in we appreciate it if you’re watching on the TV thank you for for giving us a view just want to acknowledge you because I know when you’re on a TV most TVs you can’t get in on the chat and chat along so thank you for watching but I always encourage you even if you’re watching on a TV grab a phone grab an iPad grab a laptop come in the chat this is the best hockey chat there is such great hockey knowledge here such great engagement and we appreciate it brand new what’s going on welcome in Marshy is playing yes indeed Chris what’s going on Sam is the best even if he’s been a leaf fan since 1699 uh Chris thank you my friend we just like to have fun we like to have fun and we like to enjoy our hockey and that’s why we do it day in and day out because there’s no other way so thank you for hitting those likes we’re now over 150 we’re on the way up to 200 so great job everybody and we’re now 10 Subs away from that next Milestone at 21400 I’m watching the game on here best commentary spanny thank you very much appreciate it What shirt are you wearing tonight Chrissy we got our Carter Veri Florida panther Jersey down around Panthers have it down low trying to come around in front they can’t playing this across down in front ver hey side of the net and worther spoon’s going to tip it away from him Carolyn what’s going on welcome in great to see you yeah Gordon has pretty good new signing baru the new Leafs coach we’re going to talk about that at intermission Jim what’s going on nuclear welcome in MV hello here comes the Panthers going to flip this one in the corner they’re going to race but they’re going to say offside so Bennett just did not did not get out before that puck came in love how that Panther on the background is about to jump I love it this is one of my favorite logos of all time I think this was such a cool cool design Damien what’s going on greetings from my TV there you go Damian’s got the chat nice welcome in I can’t get the chat on my TV it drives me nice Jacob what’s going on Bruce and Val good to see you this one being dumped in by the Panthers 1116 to go here comes that forchu bundell steals the puck away this coming around in the corner list Ryan is there he’s digging at it trying to bring this free lorai is in there as well londell putting it back out a nice little timely stick lift by the Bruins Boston little dip C do dropping it behind the back and brazo is going to fire this one down in the corner picked up by the Panthers hining in there after it cat’s trying to get it to the line and here’s Rodriguez going to play it across up to list ran hitting the red line dumping this one in deep rber what’s going on welcome thanks for joining us over the line Boston going to play this one back out a lot of dumping and chasing right now lot of dumping and chasing here’s barov he has it just outside the panther line stolen by Boston they’re going to play this one back Boston now turning around Far Side passing it up to the the middle geeky he comes in he gets bumped by tereno throwing it in front of the net but it’s gobbled up here by the Panthers they’re going to play this off the boards this should be an icing call and it’s not oh it just didn’t have the mustard to get there maoy going to play this around past a going to send this further down this also doesn’t have enough juice to get to the red line Montour going to play this one up here come the Panthers Montour he’s going to get knocked down from behind but he rolls it in the Brun zone I’m jumping on my phone to say hi Oh don’t know oh there he go see Damon’s got it that’s how you have to do it well Damon we appreciate it thank you this one coming out Panthers tag up Cola he’s coming up on the pinch held in here by stenin and it’s Pat maroon who’s going to work this one around what stick work by Pat maroon those two do not go together this one coming around here’s Nick cousins cousins behind the net he’s going to hold up leaving it here for Maka it’s like stick handling and Pat maroon which do not go together waiting waiting now the Panthers going to start to play it up 9:15 to go in a crazy first period sing going to stop it behind the net going to work it along Boston they’re going to dump this one out and again the Panthers going to get it in the neutral zone but the Bruns bring it right back and they turn it over long pass and kachuck couldn’t get there lorai he’s going to play this one up it’s like blue line to Blue Line they’re only putting it in the offensive zones temporarily marang going to keep this one in here’s a pass in front Bennett’s going to knock this one of the corner back to the line coming across here’s a long shot hitting Frederick’s leg going into the corner he’s in there trying to spin it around emman Larsson got it he plays it to the line and Boston going to keep this one in Peak with a nice job at the Blue Line Panther’s going to try the far side and a bad pass couldn’t get it to Veri worther spoon’s going to grab this Puck Jamal what’s going on welcoming Ross hello there welcome in that’s coming all the way down setting it up good show of the Rangers finally yeah it was a crazy game Crazy Game this one in Boston with it setting it up I’m cousins with Nick cousins cousin JM that’s awesome this coming through do you where did that comment go do you think the pat maroon trade is paying off yeah you know what I think Pat maroon is having an impact I don’t I’ll be honest I don’t think they expected to get much other than some physical play and he’s been playing well here’s a wrap round by the Panthers Lindell and a nice save there by San Raymond what’s going on welcome Nicholas hello there jda in the house what’s up they’re going to another commercial break the new Panthers logo is pretty good too I do like it I like it uh a lot this is it is cool but this this is Classic this is absolutely classic awesome first period great great start good Pace low shooting by both teams yet again five for the cats four for the Bruins hits are equal 11 a piece face off circle is pretty close 60 40% Bruins have the lead there so all in all this is a very very very even even game and man what a pace I mean this this game has a West Coast feel right now they are absolutely flying both teams are just motoring thank you Russia for shashurin and paner Michael boy didn’t shashurin play great last night he finally had a good game he looked pretty pretty solid but I got to give got to give uh a big congratulations to the Carolina Hurricanes they played a phenomenal phenomenal series they almost almost came back and really I still think game two and three could have went either way that was a coin toss um but boy this this one right now I’m excited to see how this is going to play out through my eyes what’s going on I made the right call not watching the third period last night through my eyes it was it was a tough one but this one is going to be great and again thank you all for being here we’re almost at 200 likes now make sure you’re hitting that thumbs up and we are Seven Subs away from 21400 so if you haven’t subscribed make sure to hit that subscribe and do I have it here do I have it here let’s see uh nope that’s not what I was looking for oh boy oh boy look at this oh there it is so what we’re going to do tonight what we’re going to do tonight we’re going to see depending on who scores first depending on who scores first I got two items here on my desk not going to say what they are they got two piles depending on who scores first is going to determine what we’re going to give away tonight so we are going to give a lucky subscriber we’re going to gift them we’re going to send them something but of course it depends on who scores first so thank you all for being here thanks for supporting the channel and we’re going to continue doing little giveaways as we go Ron what’s going on welcome in you’re just coming back from commercial break let’s go oh yeah Rick for I think so unless he wants to go somewhere else off the draw Panther is going to send this around hits the official again tereno putting this one out shot right on swming going to make a save and with Reinhardt right in front he’s going to take a couple cross checks to say hey get away from the front of the net so nice little stop there Swan been real real real busy who do you bet the house on I never bet the house uh when it comes to to gambling on Sports I always can pick the loser I can never pick the winner but I can always pick the loser uh snd welcome in off the draw ursus welcome as well Boston going to play this one up and over the line this one going to come out Panther is going to kick this over to the corner KY litter for scores that’s funny Amanda welcome in here’s a quick shot that one’s going in the corner always back at it let’s see if they can finish this job it’s a race Here Comes geeky geeky and forsing forsling got their first and he’s going to get it up to barov you see Chris right if only we could pick the losers we would be great down in the corner Rolph welcome in real Kings fan welcome in Shan hello there this coming around back and forth and just can’t compl complete any passes right now br’s going to bring this in up the Middle with a shot that one goes wide rebound past neack throws it wide wther spron coming up to pinch kak is up on him forsing Manu are coming in with a bump now it comes to Bennett Bennett’s going to try and get this to Veri kind of put it behind him comes up to the Blue Line in but offside just offside kachuck kind of spun around to drag that one in but he put his body in first so great playing here by the Bruins in the first period the Panthers are holding their own they are holding their own tell what’s going on it’s called King The Loser yeah you know what would happen I would they all of a sudden start winning it was like when I bet on football on Sunday when you’d bet on all the games you know I by the half that by the first half of the early game I’d be winning everything by the end of the early games I’d have lost Nicholas coming in with that subscribe thank you so much that puts us four subscribers away off the draw into the Boston Zone but Boston says uh-uh get that garbage out of here going to play it all the way down Bruin’s in the panther zone now on the near boards they’re digging at it this going to squeak out emman Larson going to hammer it around the boards this going to come out and all the way down the ice racing forward is I can’t see there’s collisions everywhere now here comes Boston coming in Mara’s going to take a bump from from kulakov Boston trying to set it up Frederick couldn’t handle the pass and it comes off his stick down around in the corner liserin and in on Marshon giving him a little shove in Florida going to steal this it’s londell londell going to come out bringing it in londell trying to feed it across ice they do they shoot and emman Larson puts it just over the net holy moly that was close Austin now trying to bring this around makoy taking a look Florida coming real close here bringing this one down and it’s sternling B dling he’s going to turn this around plays it to bosi and he’s going to pass this one up here comes Florida with 5 minutes 30 seconds left to go in Period number one this down around behind the Bruins net everyone’s good at skating with the puck but nobody can complete a proper pass here’s maroon he’s going to bring this one in the corner and Florida’s going to pick this one up and bring it the other way cousins going to pass it across mons who are dumping this one down trying to get in there in the corner stenland in there cousins is there with them these two are battling and it’s Carlo who got it away gave it to van reik and now they pass it back and bring it out this one back in it’s offside call what what is happening the ref put his arm up that it was offside he was getting ready to BR blow the whistle and then he just took the whistle out of his mouth and put his hand down even though Panthers had the puck in the Brewing Zone that was bizarre there it is 21400 great job everybody way to go thank you for crushing that subscribe here they come terce sinkle over the line with a shot thank you Steve thank you everybody keep that subt train rolling down in the corner barkov going in here after it three Life coming in with the Five Spot thank you for the Super Chat what’s going to make the difference in this tight game it’s going to be all about the four check whichever team is more successful on the four Che will ultimately Come Away with the w pre lifee thank you so much for hitting that subscribe get those stick Taps going here’s a quick shot and swayan it’s going to make that save and hang on to it so they’re going to go to commercial break yet again emman Larson definitely had the best chance so far just put it up and over the crossbar oh did he come close but this game has been outstanding 625 people coming in I’m sure there’s a bunch of us that we haven’t met before welcome in my name is Sam thank you so much for joining us give you some fist bumps some fist bumps all around you want to shake hands there you go couple more fist bumps thank you all so much for being here we appreciate you coming in and supporting us here on the channel uh we like to have fun we like to call the game we like to have fun and we like to talk hockey and that is what it’s all about uh Michael can I please get a let’s go Celtics we made it to the Eastern finals oh Michael I can’t I can’t cheer for the Celtics they’re not my team but congrats on you guys for getting there ready welcome in good to see you riding the storm welcome in but like I was saying we like to have fun we like to call the game and have a good time doing it and we just love to talk hockey so thank you for being part of our community and it is the best community on the tubes I know there are other channels out there and everybody does their own little variation but I guarantee you nobody has the chat like this chat you guys are absolutely awesome so thank you there it is the fist B coming back in fist bombs thank you Sean varas love it and we got our wave Redemption and what that means we have to get the virtual wave going three two one put those hands in the air get them up those red hands or any hand emojis flood that chat and if you’re watching at home or if you’re in the kitchen if you’re in the family room put your hands up and yell whooo if you’re in the car honk that horn stick a hand out the window man if you’re sitting in a bar or a restaurant and you’re having dinner and you’re smuggling me in with your phone because you don’t want to let your significant other know on Friday night dinner you’re watching the game just stick your hands up in the restaurant have some fun and the hands are coming around love the wave they’re coming back from commercial break gar love it love it the wave is one of my favorite things TJ welcome in here we go face off four minutes to go in Period number one face offs to the right side of San off the draw br’s going to come away with it they’re going to put it off the boards nice job by kulikov to M this one down at the red line they’re going to try and put this one right back in Bennett’s going to slow roll it in Veri coming in here after it Veri with a bump on wers Smo sh r on big rebound for kachak he couldn’t tuck that one underneath San oh boy did he have a chance Bennett is going to take this shot high and we got are they sending them both come on so the referee is going to call a couple penalties here they’re going to be sending Veri and the Boston player I didn’t see who it was so BAGI two minutes for interference what was the other penalty so Verge is going to the Box worther spoon is going to be the one you call that oh my God so Veri gives a cross check to to worther spoon worther spoon goes down like man if Veri was blowing out a birthday candle he would have blown harder than that cross check and we see we see that cross check 5,000 times a game terrible call but at least they’re sending them both a golfer had his hands up today RI that’s so funny that’s right I didn’t I didn’t hear was it shley got arrested over a misunderstanding or however you pronounce his name what not not shle I forget who it was but I’m close Obie what’s going on welcome in Nutter welcome in Gambit hello there this one coming around so huh Sheffer that’s it so were the spoon gets the embellishment call Ver gets the interference at least they sent them both Tori how’s it going welcome in here comes Boston it’s fouron four hockey poer knock poer knock and Montour tied up together they’re letting them play this one coming around behind the net Panthers with this one now Scotty schler that’s right gets arrested for a misunderstanding and made it back in time to to play which was awesome the ref you suck chance are coming out over the line here come the Panthers kind of bringing this one in trying to set it up Reinhardt has his pass blocked now he’s going to play it down three on three barov trying to send it in front that one is bumped into the corner back to pick this one up here comes the Bruins it’s their turn with the possession now Daniel how’s it going welcome in over the line bosson going to drop it to Marshon Marshon walking in the high slot this shot is going to go wide in the corner lindol with it he’s cycling around trying to send it back door he can’t this is going to come to the line for makoy makoy sending it across back to debras with a shot right on and a nice save here by boski how can you embellish and call a penalty right Chrissy right like it’s crazy we saw this we’ve seen this a few times in this series where it’s like you don’t want to like just call the embellishment if if you’re calling an embed an embellishment How can there be a penalty now what they did is they actually didn’t call the cross check they called it interference so if it’s interference how do you embellish interference if it’s a cross check then you embellish so it’s it makes no sense you see the charging yeah but you know what ice welome in ice that was a good call Pon left his feet he jumped in the air to throw the hit that is part of the charging rule you cannot leave your feet so that’s a good call this one coming around back to the Line brues pass that’s going to come out K see what’s going on welcom in this coming out down the ice in the corner nice job here Florida comes away with it walking out trying to go up short s side linan sing his air he’s so big he covers up that whole side of the net here’s Pastak going to throw this ahead it’s a two-on one nice comeback here by Florida going to break it up Pastak still got a chance and boski comes up huge 3 seconds left of the four on four they’re just going to hold on to this one and slow it down KB welcoming uh my favorite team is Toronto and they are quite busy on the golf courses these days but my second favorite team are these Florida Panthers Panthers coming around in the corner Boston going to pick it up trying to flip it out they do this coming through the neutral zone Florida going to take it off the skate kachuck going to play this one ahead kulakov trying to send it to Verge it comes all the way through hops over his stick back the other way and the Bruns clearing this one down the ice all the way down Mark how’s it going welcom in Long pass for haggy GNA take this one in he spins around Carlo doing a number on him there’s interference that’s a hell of a lot more interference than the last time and here’s a breakaway Boston y’all piss off [Music] this is the problem with officiating this is the problem a pick clear interference Boston goes down on a breakway and scores pavl zaka nice move great move zaka but what a horse crap call by these officials Carter Veri standing right there going to the gets bowled over where’s the interference there tzr welcoming you sound like a loyalist for good hockey team’s not necessarily a franchise that’s why I’m here tzr I listen I don’t care which team it’s on I just want to see good Fair calls that was atrocious and now they’re going to call an icing call with 44.5 seconds how do you call an interference in front of the net that was nowhere near like that interference and you let that go had you let go lomber and Pastak tied up in the other zone no call but you call the chiny little call on Aaron eblad earlier there’s no consistency whatsoever my goodness so good great move by pavl zaka zaka he came in on fire he picks up his first of the playoffs but give a big assist there to the officials unbelievable debrusk and wether spoon picking up those assists and now we got a whistle I’m not exactly sure what happened there couple Panthers bit the dust and the rest blow it down so is it is this a hand pass unbelievably ridiculous but such such a great play by by zaka zaka has been one of those players he’s been waiting buying his time right waiting to come out and make a nice play and that he just did so Boston scored first in four of the last five games 33 when scoring first in these playoffs it’s a conspiracy against my teams Phil oh that’s funny the Bost going to flip this one all the way down the ice this is going to be an icing call hey at least the linesmen remember the rules the lines going to make the call Die Hard Bruins fan KC nice Hustler welcome in First Blood you know what I need to get I need to get a little Rambo Rambo Redemption for for when the team who scores first 20 seconds to go here in Period number one again as you’re coming in make sure you smash those likes for us we’re on 250 likes here’s a blast off the draw this one going to come out down the ice and of course hit that subscribe this coming around down in the corner Boston going to cycle it around all the way out egman Larsson he’s going to dump this one in cut off here at the Blue Line this is going to be flipped down the ice again and that’s going to do it period has come to an end as Coy and kachuck come together for a moment and Boston finds himself with the lead after period number one all right we got a lot to talk about Chris welcome in all right let’s let’s go break it all down and let’s let’s Converse as the Bruins score first taking a look nine shots for the Panthers seven for the Bruins pretty equal hitting is pretty equal 1715 faceoffs pretty equal 87 uh only one real power play and that was Boston had it 01 uh even though well I’m not going to say it uh seven giveaways for Boston that’s atrocious only one for the Panthers 32 the takeaways and block shots 75 Mr Paul’s welcome in DraftKings FanDuel betting means uh strange things will happen expect the unexpected there you go uh ref crap Tas uh KP in the house Crystal welcome in hey KP congratulations to your New York Rangers that was pretty awesome looked like you guys were having an absolute blast so welcome in good to see you and hope you’re doing well all right let’s let’s start off before we get into this game let’s let’s talk about the uh the big news of the day shall we coming out of the Toronto Maple Leaf camp we have a new head coach Toronto map Leafs have signed Craig baru baru it is official this actually the announcement was supposed to wait until Tuesday but it started leaking all over social media and Toronto said you know what let’s just get the press release out now um because it was leaking everywhere so that is huge news it’s a good signing it’s a good signing but I’ll you know what I’ll be honest when I started looking at at baru’s coaching records and whatnot I thought you know maybe maybe Toronto should have focused on somebody with a little bit more win playoff winning experience so for that those that don’t know here’s here’s what baru has done um in the regular season he has certainly been very much a winning coach 543 games coached 281 wins 190 losses 72 overtime losses so a little better than a a 500 winning coach in the playoffs in the playoffs he’s 27 wins 28 losses so not a great playoff record when you look his two years in Philadelphia 13 14 145 he finished third in the metropolitan that first year and they lost in the first round to the Rangers the second year they finished six in the met in the metropolitan they missed the playoffs with St Louis his first year there 1819 they finished third in the Central and they went on to win the Stanley Cup over Boston uh they went 16- 10 in that playoff winning streak then in 1920 they finished first in the central but lost in the first round of Vancouver they 2021 they finished fourth in the West this was when they had that I think that was the co year if I’m not mistaken they finished fourth in the west they lost in the first round to Colorado 21-22 they finished third in the central they lost in the second round to Colorado and then at 2223 six in the Central Division missed the playoffs and 232 24 only made it through 28 games with St Louis before he was fired so four playoff appearances with St Louis uh one Stanley Cup title only one playoff appearance with Philadelphia so looking at the stats breaking it all down yeah he did win a Stanley Cup but outside of of that he’s only made it to the second round once twice if you include the Stanley Cup run but if you take the Stanley Cup season out he’s only made it to the second round once the other times were first round losses so I think Toronto is pretty good about doing first round losses um now I will give them credit I will give them credit and they put a lot into this they did interview several candidates um they did their due diligence they did their homework there’s a lot going on behind the scenes about who’s going to be on his coaching staff team but I was really excited when I heard this because I like the way baru behaves on the bench for the most part I like the way he talks and treats his players so that is all fine in Dandy but when I look at his record and I look to see what he’s done I’m it kind of makes me a little nervous so I’m still excited to see baru in uh he obviously was the front runner from the get-go but let’s see what Supporting Cast they put around let’s see what other moves they make you wish I was a coach Onyx I wouldn’t want to be the coach I wouldn’t I have enough trouble sleeping as it is I wouldn’t sleep at all all um but it’s an interesting it’s a little interesting story here for baru um now he he was a he played he had a long career a very long career uh he played a total of 1,54 total games and that goes back and includes uh some of his his minor league days uh oh no it doesn’t excuse me his NHL totals so 1,54 games he did have 61 goals and 98 assists for a total of 159 points but he had 3,150 penalty minutes so if you remember baru from his his um playing days he was he was a scrapper right he was a a tough guy a fighter so um I like what he has to do I like how he carries himself and I like his coaching style I just wish his record was a little bit better obviously you know he steps into St Louis they win a Stanley Cup he had some good teams there and then started to dwindle over the years all right let me scroll back and I want to see some of your comments here because there’s there’s a lot of conversation taking place uh and I I I already know I’m not going to get to everybody uh is sard really coming with baru Mark I haven’t heard I haven’t heard but you never know there there’s a lot lot going on they’re working on need to wear half Brun shirt and a half Panther shirt you’re too biased Al you’re still a nice guy hey Chrissy it’s it’s my channel I’m allowed to be biased and I actually as much as I cheer for the Panthers and I cheer for the Leafs and I have my teams I cheer for and yes I do harp on the officials I still think I call a pretty pretty even game but I have to be a little biased to the teams that I like uh Rangers looking scary Hustler yeah they certainly C certainly are uh the officials job number one is the company Danelle that’s why I stepped away from the upper levels of hockey you know what the I’m GNA try and stay away from the officials right now uh let’s see what happens in the second period and how they they redeem themselves H why did it take so long to get a coach I don’t think it was that long Gordon it was only what was it last week they they fired uh they fired Keef so I don’t think it was it was that long um but they did a really good job they were certainly looking through you know speaking with a lot of people doing their due diligence um and that Chris that’s going to be the next big thing trade Marner you know Nashville there was a report the other day that said Nashville had uh interest in Marner does Toronto really want to trade him will Marner you know wave his no trade clause there’s a lot that goes into it um but I I’m torn on Marner I I really am bman can’t tie his own shoes to think some Mastermind behind the scenes Sean that’s awesome that’s really funny Swedish Rob what’s going on welcome in heard the great Sam Rosen last night what a great Sam Rosen is great Rob Sam Rosen does a really really really good job uh they hired Mike Babcock to be oh don’t say that Chris don’t say that uh Ry can motivate his team to go through the wall for him give that man and Mark so that’s that’s what I want to see right with this team of of kids with young kids can he get through to them he did win a Stanley Cup yes he certainly didn’t and I know I’m I’m behind in in some of these comments uh let’s see seems like the coach brub was traded for douge yes back in the day to Calgary that was that was one of the greatest trades of all time um Toronto Cliff Fletcher really pulled out really pulled out the works right what was it uh it was like nine players or 10 players something like that I mean that was that was a monster trade um back then and well let me see who do we have a a listing here it was 92 Doug Gilmore Rick natus Kent Manderville Jamie maowen and Rick womsley and we sent Gary Leman baru Alexander gnak Michelle petite and Jeff ree talk about a fleecing that was huge I mean Gilmore we obviously know Gilmore became an icon here Rick natus and Jamie maowen were great womsley I liked he was pretty decent you know Manderville was whatever and the biggest thing we gave up was Gary Leman and Gary Leman of course was kind of you know I think that was on his downside so what a what a trade that Cliff Fletcher pulled out there LP I’m good I’m 100% I am good as can be thank you very much I I appreciate that uh white trash guy good to see you welcome in who do you think will win the cup so originally when I looked at it the Rangers were kind of my pick I thought the Rangers were going um I predicted them getting the Conference Final I I think they were just too good but you know I saw a little kinks in their armor against this Carolina Series so I’m not sure now I I hadn’t seen that from the Rangers for a while so it kind of has me second guessing uh themselves right now uh Veri runs right into Carlo he just lowers the shoulder uh the coaching style pendulum always swings too far they receive softing Keef and swing to discipline like bre it’ll be interesting well Mar yeah so Marner definitely guys like Marner even neander you know how are they goingon to respond to that even Matthews you know what are those relationships going to be like and I’m very curiously how they’re going to start to see them coming together uh what do you think of oldtime hockey and more Talent on the roster versus what we have today cookie cutter teams so Stenson I’m I prefer oldtime hockey I I love the skill of the game don’t get me wrong if they could take if they could take the skill of the game and funnel that down so you had you know two lines that were phenomenal very skillful but had some grit and grindin that third line becomes your total grind line you know they can still score goals but they’re going in kind of mucking it up in the corners grinding along and that gives you the flexibility to pull a third line player and move them up to the second or first as need be and then you have your fourth line which is just your bash brother line right um the thing today with the whole everything being so cookie cutter and it’s not just with the way teams set up their lines you know it goes from everything like if you go to the different Arenas a lot of them play the same music they have the same presentation like everything is becoming cookie cutter and I I’d love to see it get spread out a lot more but yeah I I’d like to get away from this embellishment I’d like to get away from the clutching and grabbing and hooking if you’re gonna hit somebody hit somebody don’t go and try and stick a leg out don’t try and grab hook them with your stick go and hit them you know um I like the skill but the clutching and grabbing drives me nuts uh Maple Leafs are one player away from being great team with someone I I think they’re a little more than one but they’re definitely close right they got to beef up their D they got to fix up their goal tending but they are getting close Allan how’s it going uh Sam went for him because he’s old school will ride with the Fab Four make them play harder I hope you’re right I hope I hope they he does right and I I think Matthews understands that Matthews knows he’s got to go in there and grind Matthews in a lot of the games you know he was one of the leading hitters on the team um neander when he came back I know he was being cautious because the migraines but you know I like the way he was playing he does float around from time to time but when push comes to shove he can get in there and I hope he can he can bring the best out of those guys because that’s that’s exactly what they need jumping in and out uh all right Casey sounds good but Casey this is the better one you know that uh uh po oh po van I love pan pan was awesome back in the day all right let’s see I guess these were Boston Canucks teams for winning the cup Rangers there so I’m trying to catch up on Ray what’s going on trying to catch up on everybody I think Cowboy will make the Big Show next season Mark I hope so but I’m really really nervous about it uh tubit Matthews what’s going on you’re very welcome welcome in I’m very very nervous about Easton Cowan kind of coming up and and joining the squad obviously you know what he did with the knights was insane right in insane um Toronto has a bad habit of breaking players and if they’re G to bring him up they gota play like he’s got to play a regular line you can’t Nick Roberts in him you can’t come him up uh have him play the first you know five games then sit him for two months and then call put him in like if you’re G to keep him here he’s got to play he’s got to continue to develop and build and you got to put him in successful situations so I I’m very curious if they will do that um remember what he did last year right in the rookie tournament and then in the preseason he was outstanding he was ridiculous so I hope we do get a good look at him next year and hopefully he does make the team hurricanes have eight ufas who do you think they’ll bring back you so Brady there there’s a lot right there there’s a lot on that team I we don’t have enough time to go through it now um but I think we went through at one of the games one of the Carolina games but there that team could potentially look very different next season uh completely different which is which isn’t necessarily a bad thing right they obviously have some good components there they brought in some good players uh they need to make a few tweaks in order to continue to play along a little little further uh space cakes what’s going on welcome in I would love to see Marner playing for Mike Keenan oh my gosh uh it’s shameful at Scott Stevens in the Hall of Fame I don’t think it it’s shameful um now scottt Stevens and we have talked about this before Scott Stevens would never be able to hit players today the way he did back then but when Scott Stevens was in the game when he was playing he was playing within the rules of how the game was managed back then so I don’t think you know I don’t think it’s shameful it’s just uh he was he was a he fit the molds for an elite defensive player in those that day and age gunil should be back I mean gunil what a great addition I wasn’t sure how he would fit in with that team but boy oh boy he really really came out playing really well uh Warren’s hockey what’s going on my first time watching this and I already love it let’s go Boston thank you Warren I appreciate it Welcome to our community uh imagine being a Leafs fan Hey listen Leafs fans it was it was a great Series right Boston you guys Boston I don’t know if you’re a Bruns fan but Boston thought they were running away for for it right Toronto comes back they force a game seven they send it to overtime um there there was some horrific calls in in that game that really could have changed what that game looked like for both sides not just Toronto and listen at the end of the day Boston made a great play they were at home they knew how to use the boards to their advantage they made a great play um so there’s nothing wrong nothing wrong with Toronto did that that game was a coin flip Boston could have lost that just as easily so I I don’t I don’t walk away from this season thinking my God I hate being a leaf fan I thought Toronto played a heck of a series especially a heck of a game seven okay let’s get ready to go again I know there’s a lot of comments there I didn’t get to the allall we’ll keep the conversation going but right now the second period is about to start so let’s play some hockey again if you’re just coming in make sure you’re crushing that Thumbs Up Button 660 people here let’s get it up to 400 likes like bam do it Fernando coming in with the 499 super sticker oh the poor game controller thank you Fernando appreciate that so much here we go Panthers with possession coming right out shot that’s going to be blocked knocked down in front Boston going to work this one up here comes Boston Breakaway poast not coming in he shoots great save Bovi another shot and another great save backto back stops on past holy moly he just got behind everybody this coming around trying to work it around here’s a shot knock down Panther zlad he’s going to send this all the way up teriso going to tip this one Justin nothing wrong to be a leaf fan at least they make the plus that’s for sure let’s not forget Toronto finished what third third in the uh the Atlantic fifth overall in the East that’s pretty darn good season this one hey they could be Arizona this one coming around Panthers trying to bring it in bottom of the face off Circle a shot and oh they hit the post the Puck got behind San and hit the post Marshon coming in in a PL in Marshon takes a two-and chop to mola on the gloves and is this going to be a too many men on the ice call to Boston how you don’t call that Chop on the hands but too many men on the ice unbelievable this is a sweet feed to Pastak who just gets behind both defenses boosi coming across gets down with a great play DOD 12 today bought him a 155 Tomahawk steak dinner now the little whop now the little dog is enjoying the bone Gabe that’s awesome happy dog birthday Florida Veri just putting it off right where the post in the crossbar come together 1 2 3 four five six seven Brewing sweaters on the ice so they’re going to go to the box for Too Many Men let’s see what Florida can do on the Power Play Down in here digging in the corner Boston tying it up Carlo giving shots to the face of mour this one coming in front and it’s going to be San who plays it to the line and Marshawn he’s going to break past Montour mour doing a good job on Marsha Montour drops Marshawn big battle this one coming to the line Boston they have it knocked out here comes the Panthers one man to beat oh and they dropped the puck so the Bruins going to pick this one up they’re going to send this all the way down the ice Florida going to turn and bring it right back in Panthers got to set it up 120 to go on the power play barov in the corner there’s a broken stick down there as well barov coming around Reinhardt he’s setting it up Veri with it Puck coming down low down around out to barov barov to the middle of the ice back to barov barov looking to go down low they bump it to the slot they let it come to the point here’s a shot big rebound shoot that barov does and a nice save and this going to go up and at a play wow good play End to End action you would think NHL teams could count to seven Richard it’s very difficult Raymond how’s it going welcome in Dave welcome in Noah welcome in Montour with a nice hit on Mara say sit down and barov with a shot and it’s deflected again just outside just over the net 56 seconds to go here on the power play Boston going to win this draw down around behind and they’re going to play it up Panthers looking forward it hit verhagen hopped into the panther bench it’s all welcome in good to see you this face off should come just outside Johnny hitting that subscribe thank you very much Welcome to our community Welcome to our Channel you’re not already subbed up be like Johnny Crush that subscribe button for us yeah Bruins they’ they’ve had a lot of too many men on the ice calls in this playoffs a lot nine shots a piece Janette what’s going on welcome in this coming around down in the corner it’s going to pop up everyone looking for it now it drops back down Panthers play it to the line Here Comes kachuck he’s going to step into one that one’s going to go wide Montour going to play this up to the line for haggy he’s going to fan on it sending it down low in the corner lindol going to pick it up and play it to the line Florida nice jaw back to kachak faceof Circle he puts in the slot Reinhardt with a shot just misses cying this one back around referee get out of the way barov he has this one he’s going to slide it around back to Montour at the point Monty GNA play this one across getting it back here’s barov now face off dot download putting it in front and he couldn’t hit ver hey power play has now expired fory trying to go cross ice that one is stolen flipped up trying to hit geeki here they come Boston coming in off the Box in a nice job by the Panthers to take geki out on the sideboards going to play this run around lorai putting in the middle for past neck here’s a shot by geeky and Bobo makes the save rosi going to hang on to that one G Gabe you’re playing with my mind but a nice play geeky getting the shot off bobovski just catching that on the blocker it’s going to fall in front of him and he is going to cover that one up Dave welcome in good to see you good to have everybody along for the ride with us we’re just a couple of minutes into period number two off the draw Here Comes Florida Florida going to play this one up it’s going to be knocked down at Center Ice Panthers going to bring this one in londell going to bring this dropping it to Rodriguez Rodriguez geeki going to push him in the corner he’s going to over skate it putting this one down low down the corner Lindell he leaves it going to bounces around Rodriguez is there waiting for it waiting waiting going to pass us across here’s a blast from the point just wide Florida now gobbles on their rebound off the boards back to the line again a huge shot and a big shot block as de bruss goes down he’s back up though boy those hurt those real really stink shot on swiming going to put this to the side Andy hello there welcome in this back out Florida going to dump this one right back in and here comes that forche forche in there stellin can’t catch up to it going to come around past your neck has it taken away by cousins put it around behind that br’s going to try the other side back to the line they’re going to keep this one in they got to get there and it’s kept in just held in Panthers sending it back and forth they’re in here on the attack doing a nice job but they haven’t really got a shot sending this one and it’s stolen pack going to play it off the glass he’s going to chase this one down as emman lson is in there pack rapid fire on the stick lifts he plays it out in front and hit the side of the net bobovski was there Here Comes emman Larson again up over the line this one going down in the corner worther spoon he’s there and a hit coming in misses Boston they’re going to move this one up near side here’s beer beer bringing it in beer cycling around behind the net beer still with it fans on the pass second attempt is successful but the shot is blocked pass across here comes the Florida Panthers over the line peaking through drops for kachuck shoots and an easy glove save swayman is there and K Chuck put it right into the glove GLT good evening happy Friday welcome to the show nice playing by both teams here they are really really moving this Puck around but nice passing and bobovski intercepted that pass knocked it down it was crazy Fred what’s going on I miss getting 20K thank you very much I appreciate it thank you for being here it’s been a whole lot of fun a whole lot of fun off the draw Boston’s going to win no actually it was Florida that got there first Boston W it to the side but the Panthers got their first they play it in the corner but they can’t get it here’s now a blast from forsley at the point and swayan going to hang on to that one so the cats are getting some shots here but they can’t end up getting it past the goenda how’s it going welcome in and thank you everybody for being here L is a jerk would have pound into the ice yeah man boy if Lich was on this team as well what a I mean he would have a big physical presence if this team wasn’t already hard-hitting as it is you add luch to the mix and my goodness so face off to the right of San there’s come on they didn’t drop it they’re going to wave barkoff out red gaming welcome in Blackhawk’s better than the Panthers oh that’s funny that’s coming all the way out Florida getting Intercept in the neutral zone playing it to the near side Maran going to put this around eblad Aran putting it in the front Boston coming in nice save bosski eblad is having a tough tough game tereno gets knocked down Reinhardt trying to dig this one out eblad holding his man on the boards Coyle is there Mara is waiting for it to come out Cole gets eggplat a stick in the balls wow Coyle and eblad were battling and Coyle just gives him one of these right in the jock little cup test there that’s not cool this one Panther is bringing it in and the Bru’s going to turn it around tereno with a bump on it I don’t mind the battles but you don’t go to the nut sack that’s just not cool this coming in back with it Florida playing it around behind eblad with it he’s going to play this one ahead list and has the puck bounce on him brazzo trying to settle this one down coming around in the corner up over the line Florida steals it they going to turn here’s Rodriguez dumping this one in the chase is on I hope the Bruns win if they don’t I no don’t do that red gaming coming out mola going to hammer this one right back in and there’s list ran very slow to get up and he’s going to make his way off he’s hurt we don’t know what happened because the camera did not show it but we don’t know what happened but list Ryan has left the ice in serious discomfort right Randol you’d think so you just can’t do that but it goes to Mara’s point right playoff hockey about how bad and there’s a shot to the face of londell oh my God Peak comes in with the gloves High the Bruins are head hunting right now the whistle goes and Boston comes right in two hands to the face of lomberg my goodness what is going on the this is nuts they’re going to go to commercial break but lomberg comes in with a with a little bit of a stop a little too close to comfort for San and the hands come immediately up high this all comes on the heels of Brad Marsha saying in his in his interview that what is the point of the playoffs how do you win you win by hurting as many players on the opposite team that you can again how do you win you hurt as many players as you can I mean that is exactly what Boston is coming out here trying to do and that is not kind of good hockey so not cool not cool at all imagine how many goals there would be if they could just hit the net but not the post right magic Outdoors just just miss just don’t hit the post shoot for the net it’s crazy absolutely they right space cakes got to love the face no Face Killer listen I’m all for if you want to come in with a face wash you know you’re having an argument you guys are face washing each other I’m okay with that but you don’t come in with two fists like Superman flying in that’s just not cool too close to the goalie yeah Carolyn exactly he he tripped the uh the proximity laser all right sound of the alarm here come the fists crazy but hey that’s what this team does and they go to they got to put up with it they got to work their way through but it’s been a fun period it’s been a fast-paced period both teams having opportunities both goendale break it’s all about making good plays and getting good saves and right now both golender are doing that B rosi I think is playing a little harder than San is he’s had to move around a little bit more oh it was Rodriguez’s stick Rodriguez the stick that came over and clipped uh list Ryan in the face to lomberg on the replay lomberg actually wasn’t anywhere close all right you know what the lomberg didn’t really come anywhere close but he still took those fists up high so right now the refs are setting the tone the refs have now said this is what will will let go this is what we’ll allow so they hopefully they will call it both ways there’s a trip they let it go back to the line Boston with this Puck they’re going to turn look to bring this up nice hit up over the line Frederick coming with a shot bosi making the save and there’s Coy and geeky right there so why don’t the Panthers respond the way Boston responded to them that’s that’s what I don’t get you got to get these things going that play in the bees favorite for sure Andy it certainly certainly does certainly does no Jay listen Bennett Bennett plays dirty yes I will admit that Bennett plays dirty but Boston is far far dirtier it’s not even close it’s not even close if you want to go player by player I’d be happy to break it down for you off the draw ebad going to send this up and down the ice Bennett plays dirty kachuck at times could be dirty but if you look at Boston Mara plays dirty Pastak plays dirty de brus plays dirty makoy plays dirty Frederick plays dirty shall I continue Peak plays dirty worther spoon plays dirty not not even close this coming around putting it across Boston going to dump this one no they had it blocked going to break this one back around here comes Boston dumping this one in coming in around pter coming in with a hit on eblad nice hit there there’s a hit by tereno and here comes a pass to eblad he misses that Boston over the line ly Holm going to turn around here comes Boston again walking up little saucer pass pass your NE in front tipped just wide nice play there by makoy he got the deflection and could not put that in nice play there no way i o I think they’re pretty equal I think they’re pretty equal this one over the line back to lorai lorai he’s goingon to bring this one out he’s gonna play this I just heard this jgt that’s amazing that is really funny Austin going to bring this one across it’s stuck at the red line everybody’s digging this one around let’s just get some good hockey that’s all we want Stephen are you talking about me are you talking are you saying that to me I’d like you to clarify that please dog on what planet yeah yeah he does he’s a phenomenal player though of all these players I would love to brus on my team cat set the tone Chrissy if you don’t like it leave I’m say I’m allowed to cheer for my teams just like you’re allowed to cheer for my teams you’re just naming players I’m naming the dirty players what the hell you see Bennett hit on kniv oh yeah that was terrible that was terrible my goodness my goodness people I know you’re Boston fans but you got to be realistic as well hit the thumbs down I don’t give a [ __ ] play this around Boston fans my goodness love you guys so much this one back to the line being dumped in around Bost going to pick this one up dog and drone you know it you know it keep it coming I didn’t name the whole teams I named seven players and they’re all dirty players back to the line there it is keep it coming it all helps right rbk thanks to the can if you had to live in Boston you’d be you guys are so much fun so much fun your team is the worst of the worst Keep It Coming you guys this coming around Boston backing up side of the net barov hits the post another post right Ben this coming all the way down the ice kulakov back get it Bruin’s fans are just sour that’s okay I can admit when if my players are dirty the nice save by San I’m poking the bear come on bear they’re going to go to commercial break I can take it I’m a big boy I’m a big boy Tori oh Tori that’s funny that’s funny hang on it’s going too fast I don’t think debras has ever had a major Andy that doesn’t mean he’s not a dirty player just because he hasn’t had a major doesn’t mean he’s not a dirty player you can be a dirty player without getting a major penalty Twan would take the gloves off by oh absolutely listen if if it’s going to come down to the goal tenders if if it gets that far right if if things are are if things are going crazy and the goenda get involved most golender I think would drop the gloves but I think I think it’s going to slow down listen I know I know I’m being hard on you Boston fans but it’s my job as a host I’m creating conversation so I appreciate you guys being good sports for those if if you can’t take it don’t dish it out if you’re going to dish it out you better be prepared to take it we talked about having respect for each other and trash talking and having fun but if you can’t take it don’t dish it out that’s all I’m gonna say uh being a leaf fan means you’re with them for the best and the worst I’m a die hard leaf subscri new Toronto there you go welcome in welcome to join our community and yeah that’s what it’s all about you live or die with your teams for good for bad for whatever but you also have to be able to admit when your team is doing things that aren’t great I’m a Bruins and Panthers fan this year yeah void I I get you I feel you I’ve been there when my teams play each other it is tough D it for the Razer Ramon oh I wish I had a toothpick Paul that’s awesome we got the Celtics I’m more of a basketball fan anyways but enjoy some Bruns hockey for sure yeah listen there’s nothing wrong with them being exciting to watch they can be an exciting team to watch for sure but you just got to admit when they’re when they’re playing dirty you just have to be able to take him but he’s afraid so so this Damon this is exactly where where it goes right he won’t go in he won’t scrap with anyone he won’t get gritty but he has no problem laying the lumber he has no problem laying the cross checks laying the slashes all those cheap shots so there’s there’s different levels of being dirty if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen yeah Chrissy exactly exactly welcome back Casey here’s right in front fan on the shot okay let’s get back to the hockey game this one coming back around trying to work this through and again if if you can’t take it don’t start it we’re all here to have some fun and play along and if you if you cannot get in there if you cannot take it see there’s a hit from behind on makoy that’s a dirty play that should have been called Panthers coming in Nice Shot by swayan this coming to the line diving to try and hold the line they can’t Bru’s going to bring this one out de bruss going to drop it off he’s coming along pass across here’s another hit wether spoon on kachuck this one coming back down into the line this coming down into the corner spinning around coil going to send it in front de bruss shovels it in and there’s a nice save this one turning around coming around trying to get it going Robert what’s going on that Mara likes to start things but I love my Bruins and there’s nothing wrong with that there’s nothing wrong with that at all Panthers coming around here’s a shot they score Florida look out Wow Let’s Go tie this one up Panthers putting this one in what a play they’re all dirty players because that equipment is heavy you get sweaty and you stink prep welcome in welcome in come on Panther fans let’s see it Bruins fans let’s see those booze we’re just having fun we’re just having fun listen you know brunes fans you know I love you guys you know I respect you I wouldn’t I wouldn’t talk smack if I didn’t have respect for you but again if you can’t take it don’t dish it out this coming around to the corner Boston trying to get this back here’s past neck past neck gonna throw this one gonna Bank it off the boards this one all the way down let’s let’s go this one turning around over the line here comes Maran Maran he’s going to come up the middle nice stick move there coming around feeding it to past your neck shot in front kulakov going to knock this one down here we go no one licking anyone oh my God if that started up again could you imagine here they come two onone pass trying to come through here they do oh he can’t feed it to Marshawn Marshawn was wide open past neck trying to put it across it’s intercepted here they come all the way back down the ice Reinhardt feeding it across that pass is intercepted great job by everyone breaking up these passes really really good job this coming through down in the corner tip that one’s gonna go high and out of play unbelievable Boston only have sports they have to be passionate yeah listen it’s all I get it it’s all about passionate it’s all about being passionate by the way we are we’re almost at 300 likes if you haven’t hit that like yet hit that like for us make sure you hit that subscribe we’re having all kinds of fun today we’re having all kinds of fun and again uh I mean no disrespect Boston fans I’m just having a good time with y’all I hope you can appreciate that um but again I I am not meaning to offend anybody you guys are coming at me I’m just coming back at you all in good fun so I hope uh I hope you appreciate that uh if I really had a problem with you if I really didn’t like you or something you said I would just ban you but I’m not here to do that I’m here to have a lot of fun and I can take it I’m a big boy they forgot to invest in the Red Sox the Red Sox dominated for a long time right it’s only fair that they’re not as good right now this one coming around off the drop Boston playing this one back here’s a shot that one block I got Damen so fired up he came off the TV back on his phone to jump in the chat here’s Bennett cutting across the line he runs into a a hit there what a nice hit oh and here’s another hit oh boy these hits are really really picking up right now Coy and kachuck are battling it someone’s going to the box it’s going to be a Boston penalty coil’s gonna go g thank you Ruth welcome in interference call coming up so Coyle and kachuck were really going at it Bennett comes over and has some words for him Bennett took a monster hit I didn’t see which Brun did that but that was an absolute Beauty oh it’s Heinen Heinen comes in and makes a beautiful hit he kind of left his feet but it was a nice hit and then kachuck hits Coyle coil turns back in a little Slew Foot there to take out kachuck and he’s going to go to the box uh Julian welcome in so the custom emojis are only for channel members channel members get to use the custom emojis so let’s go let’s go again again my name is Sam yes I am a Panthers fan Florida Florida Florida I am a Panthers fan but you know what I’m a hockey fan and I just like to have fun and and I will I will take it back I will take it back de Brusque de Brusque should not be lumped in with those other players all right I I will take it back debras should not get lumped in with there he did or he didn’t excuse me so Chrissy he kind of went up but not as much as Pon did yesterday so he didn’t he didn’t get to Pon level but it could have also been the replay the Ang I saw I couldn’t clearly see um if it was prior to the hit or if it was the follow through he was kind of off balance as well what this old thing used to have a van oh van beaser was awesome love vanbrook so much he was so good fun and he was small too wasn’t he I don’t know his actual stat I think he was pretty small uh okay hang on let me see if they show this no they’re not going to show the hit again I was hoping they would have showed the proper angle of that other hit but they’re coming back from commercial break let’s go de Brusque does play dirty and I’m a die hard Bruins fan but he’s not really at that same level as some of those other players I’m already expecting the fact that my bees will win a Night get my hopes up that will reverse what happened last [Laughter] year we’ll see we still got a lot of hockey to go here Boston Maran G to come away he’s going to send this down the ice all the way down the ice and I will say you know one of the things I love about Maran um he can play in any situation right he plays power play he plays penalty kill four on four he plays in every situation you don’t get a lot of players that can do that theer took Florida to the finals yeah he certainly did Sean this is more fun right Raymond that’s exactly what we want we’re just having a a good time here hanging out having some fun almost at 300 likes we need a couple more smash that like for us team oh teu was awesome game teu was great here come the Panthers up over the line walking in driving towards Anette shovel that one toward that’s kicked aside easily cat sending it to the line bouncing it around here’s Veri teeing it up that one’s going sale just why Michelle coming in with that subscribe thank you very much this coming back to the line kachak going to send this one in trying to put it across they fall down and Bruin’s going to clear this one out and all the way down the ice Woody’s way coming in thank you so much I tell you what Boston fans I’ll tell you what I’ll make you a deal cuz you guys are good sports most of you Julia hello there I would just ban you um if they if they do force a game seven if they do force a game seven I won’t be as hard on the Bruins because I know that’s going to be a real high emotional game just got out of work boy we got a tie Damian yes we do but here comes Marian he’s going to flip this down the ice that’s going to go just wide Julie hope you guys had a had a good crowd there the other night D was a little protective of his leavs he won’t admit that Maran can hurt Mitch Marr’s feelings Dexter that’s not hard to do anybody could hurt his feelings without touching him Florida trying to bring this one in they do look out shot sing great stop kicking out that left leg making a real nice save some Bruins under that’s funny sorry I won’t go that far the cats sure were fun and exciting team to watch when the first came to League they are fun and exciting nobody is harder on the bees than bees fans Andy I agree but here’s here’s a perfect example here’s a perfect example they show the replay emman Larson goes for a hit from Marshawn Marshawn tries to jump out of the way and in doing so reaches out with the left hand and grabs the neck of emman Larson to try and pull him down it’s those little moves that gives the be is bad reputation would I say SW yes Chrissy Swan is the dirtiest of them all he’s dirty cuz he’s so freaking good I’m just kidding he’s not dirty here’s a shot right on there’s a nice save Matthew coming in with that subscribe thank you so much swayan is so listen if I could sign an offer sheet and steal San away I would do it in a heartbeat he is so good and he’s young and he’s going to be he’s going to have a phenomenal career most of my Boston bruts have retired I find it hard to get to know the means of the younger guys names now yeah they had you know and give them credit right give them credit rout a bunch of retirements over the last couple years and guys leaving and this team is still solid 312 to go bil Smith yeah Leo he sure was I mean there’s one this one coming along you got see this is the creativity this is awesome down in the line Florida bringing it in by the way the power play had expired we’re at even strength there’s a big hit going in the corner cousins rattling the glass here’s a long shot that one’s going to be deflected into the corner Boston going to turn and bring this one ahead Pastor neack he’s going to send this one in the corner trying to come in B rosi he’s going to play this one around picking on San that’s like picking on the wall no I love Swan Swan is so good San is just unbelievable this coming around in front Downs side of the net trying to C The Ref you suck chant is still coming on this down the ice it’s going to be an icing call Gary hitting that subscribe thank you so much and we’re over 300 likes great job everybody and again thank you for the conversation this this was AB absolutely awesome Lor and stanlin get tangled up that could have very easily been a tripping call but wasn’t gor welcome in I S Swan you’re right swayan has kept the Bruins in this series hands down Coyle and londell in the Boston Zone face off a scramble going to the side Florida trying to walk it out in front they can’t do it it’s away this one coming along to the line Gary hitting that subscribe trying to pitch this one through Boston has it they’re going to go cross- eyes to The Far Side sending this one up the middle nicest thing you said all night thank you Chrissy I can be nice they’re going to play this one around it’s tipped out Boston trying to come through here comes Frederick Frederick going to play this one in Coyle going to cycle around Coyle still with it still with it he’s going to Dish this off wow the two Bruins almost run right into each other and the shot is going to deflect up and at a play so mola and is that Heinen or tied up there at the sideboards ref separating them Boston almost too many men on the ice again that would have been something they would have caught it twice in one period That’s just really good job on the wing meran a real good Winger and he knows that’s not this has been a wild period 12 shots for Florida seven for Boston what it’s the hits at 28 hits for Boston 31 for the Panthers but Boston has blocked 19 shots which is incredible Bruins have been putting up big shot block numbers Thomas what’s going on welcome in good to see you almost a bear on bear crime that is great off the draw forsing going to play this to eblad eblad he’s going to get this one up they turn it over pasta in here he’s going to send this down low so many Too Many Men calls too many men in in uh hand passes we’ve seen a lot of hand passes this playoffs as well up over the line poring he’s going to take a shot that one’s going to go just wide and this is going to be cleared out one minute 5 Seconds to go you’re watching Edmonton versus Vancouver series I’m starting to think the Bruins might have lost their dirtiest team moniker to the Oilers I don’t know I don’t think the Oilers were that dirty ah Ruth I wish I could I wish I wish I could if they would allow me to I would in a heartbeat again thank you everybody so much for coming in and hitting that subscribe and doing all that YouTube stuff we appreciate it we’re here every single night calling hockey whether it’s my team or not my team I just love good hockey and we’d love for you to hang out with us along the way uh so thank you for coming in make sure you do smash that subscribe become part of our community you can see how much fun we have too funny the hockey game and answer busting the fans that’s it’s all for fun how do I share your info with others KC there should be a little share button at the bottom of the chat where the like buttons are and that will give you a link that you can share out to all your Social Circles alamer with four rank there there you go Fred this coming around 25 seconds to go up over the line Panthers getting this one out they can’t get much going here comes hin and Heinen he’s going to send this to the middle Panthers going to intercept they’re going to put this one off the boards back to the line Bruns working it up through the neutral zone trying to get this one around I here Noah’s all amped up do we need to put him in the Penalty Box right Reinhardt just hanging on to this one as The Buzz is going to go and is going to do time when his career is over oh my goodness all right let’s go to the intermission and break this all down all right here we go what a wild wild period on both sides and again let me give a huge shout out to Damen Chrissy and all the Bruins squad for being here being a good good sport having some fun some some friendly trash talking back along the way although there was one guy one guy who was and I forget his name because that’s how important he is to the show uh who was pretty disrespectful and I didn’t even have to bounce him because he left on his own but hey if you’re gonna come at me we’ll come we’ll come back and we’re gonna have some fun so thank you for 99% of the Bruns fans for having some fun with us uh I really appreciate always appreciate the banter back and forth so thank you for being good sports and and just playing along so I I do appreciate it very much and again uh nothing but but respect for for you all um this is fun better than watching on TV Lauren welcome in thank you hey it’s we’re just having a good old time Chris it wasn’t you wasn’t you uh I actually don’t remember who it was but they anyways it doesn’t matter maybe they’re listening along I don’t want to call them out and embarrass them um all right look at these stats here 22 shots for Florida 14 shots for the Bruins 31 hits for Florida 27 for the Bruins faceoffs pretty darn close 176 this number has really been fluctuating throughout the period nobody has scored on the power play yet Panthers 0 for two 0 for one and go the Bruins 12 giveaways for Boston though that’s a bad number you got to keep you got to tighten up and watch those giveaways six giveaways for the Panthers 53 Panthers on the takeaways and now Boston 19 block shots that is huge nine for the Panthers 19 block shots that is absolutely incredible just think they’ve had 22 shots on net right and they have 19 blocks so that’s a big big number prep coming in member 17mon Panthers stink like in heat prep my goodness my goodness it’s not even after 9:00 yet prep I’m just kidding thank you prep for everything appreciate it to all of our channel members thank you for doing what you all do oh what a fun period and a fun hockey game to beat you know we weren’t sure uh when this one came out Festivus what’s going on go Panthers I wasn’t sure when this game was going to start what kind of position that Marian would be in would he be playing his full-time minutes would he be playing a limited number of minutes and right now he’s playing about he’s been uh just over 12 minutes at ice time uh debras is at 1240 past Pastak at 13 Coyle at 1344 so maron’s still up there with the regular guys geeki is at 10 minutes Zach is at 10 minutes Frederick at 946 so marshy is getting in all situations and uh he’s he’s playing regular minutes so I guess he’s fine we weren’t sure what he would come back to be uh Jeff welcome in good to see you uh ready thank you very much appreciate the kind words uh 74 what’s going on welcome so when we look at the defensive side let’s see what the defensive minutes are like McAvoy 1645 lindol 1636 and then it really drops off those two are really you know taking the bulk of the minutes um Peak at 1250 Carlo at 1056 lorai is only at 10 and a half minutes Lori seems like he’s out there a lot but only 10 and a half minutes so makavo and lindol carrying most of the load the textbook dirty player was Scott Stevens who ended the careers of Korea and Lindros he was absolutely Dexter no no doubt about it um but we have to remember it was a different standard of hockey back then so still dirty but back then it was okay to come across and leave your feet and drill a guy well shouldn’t say it’s okay to leave your feet it was never okay to leave your feet but it was okay to come across and nail a guy the way he did with the with his head down you’d never be allowed to do that today um just ask trouba trouba’s had a couple of those Scott Stevens esque hits and he’s been nailed almost every Tom for it uh let’s see Al Samuelson oh my goodness there is a name from the past that I have not heard wow wow Al Samuelson my goodness yes he was he was very very it was better um wow ol Samson man that takes me back NHL should make Clos lines legal it it pretty much is in the playoffs right how many times have we seen a guy step aside and you know grab the guy around the neck and try and take him down and and it only gets called when it’s like towards the end of a game uh Alexander welcome in h please on the visions of what needs to be changed on both sides Florida and Boston sure well Alexander first off welcome in um I’ll be honest today both teams are actually playing really good hockey um the start of the game I kind of looked at it as whoever is going to have the best four check is going to come away with the w and four check was was a big big thing and right now both teams are four checking really really well they’re they’re going in the corners they’re coming away with pucks um they’re getting some quality shots so the for check is working so that is that is really good I think ultimately what both teams need to get better on and I I don’t know how many more opportunities there’s going to be today because the referees are just not calling anything right now um is the power play special teams in general nobody’s has been able to capitalize with the man Advantage they’re moving the puck round uh they’re they’re passing it around but they’re not getting quality shots with the man Advantage so that’s that’s kind of what I think uh is going on uh Norm where do I live I live on planet Earth I’m in I’m in Canada I’m in Canada Ontario to be specific uh let’s see yeah I’m in and around the Toronto area all Samson is going through his hockey cards got him need him got him need him oh John that is outstanding I that is phen you know what where is it where is it that gets credit that’s going up here that John that might be the comment of the night that is that is amazing that is really really really funny got him need him see that is the creativity we love to see so good on you for that one um I saw a comment Matt Cook you know oh Matt Cook Matt Cook was one of these players who I actually liked Matt Cook earlier on right I thought he was doing doing a lot of things well and I don’t know what happened and all of a sudden his game changed drastically and all of a sudden excuse me I was not okay with how Matt Cook’s career kind of went down that path he really caught me by surprise um really caught me by surprise and just not not okay with with how that that went but boy there’s another name right one of those guys you kind of forget about and and you you don’t really think too much of um but wow that one casparius there another one yeah casparius was another one of those guys now casparius he was dirty but he was more of just a jerk right like he’s one of those guys that he would do whatever he did to get under your skin uh but another one of those guys that man you just you did not you do not like to play against him but he’s a guy you kind of want him or someone like that on your team uh L coming in from Australia welcome in welcome in thank you for being here as part of our community Chrissy it really does um shop blocks is is one of those stats that I think is very [Music] um it’s under reviewed not a lot of people look at the Block shots to dictate and understand what’s happening in a in a hockey game and block shots and and we I like to look at block shots as part of our broadcast because I think it really shows a lot about what a team is doing defensively and and how their defensive style is going we’ve already talked a ton today about how awesome swan has been um Swan is had to make a lot of I don’t want to say easy saves but he hasn’t had to be over acrobatic he hasn’t had to make any major crazy saves he’s in good position he’s tracking well and why does he get those easy saves because his defense are playing where they need to play and they’re getting in front and blocking a lot of these shots that would be potential complicated saves so you’re right that that does speak a lot about how this Boston team is playing on the on the defensive end and the dirty not dirty it doesn’t matter any of that if you’re getting down and blocking shots um mad mad respect because putting your body on the line is what you need to do and it’s uh it’s an important stat that I don’t think a lot of people look at too much only when my team is winning Elizabeth it Elizabeth it’s tough It’s hard listen hockey is emotional right we all love our teams we all love our teams Florida fans love Florida Boston fans love Boston you know you know Winnipeg fans love Winnipeg everybody loves their team everybody’s passionate about their team and when your team is losing there is nothing like it you’re down you’re angry you’re mad especially in in the playoffs um you’re you just don’t want to believe it’s happening and the last thing you want is some some Schmo on on YouTube trash talking you know making you feel even worse um you know but it it’s the same thing when your team is winning you’re it’s like the highest of highs you’re feeling great and that’s why hockey is full of those ups and downs and a it’s what brings us all together it’s what brings hockey fans together to be able to cheer for their teams and continue to go on and and support each other um and that’s what that’s what we love about it but on shows like this where we have two emotional groups and we get together and again for the most part everybody is being respectful we’re having fun you guys you know you’re coming at me I’m coming at you and we’re just having fun we’re not being rude we’re not being disrespectful we’re just we’re having fun and it’s the Love of the Game it’s the passion of the game and that’s what it’s all about right um I want you to share your opinions I want you to tell me Sam you’re wrong and these are the reasons why or Sam you know what I agree with you however look at this I love the fact that you know I’m saying this is what I think and you’re coming back and saying okay well this guy is but this guy isn’t you know we’re engaging in a fun trash talking Sports conversation and we’re being respectful outside of the one person who was disrespectful and decided to leave it and that’s okay too right that’s okay too and and listen you guys behind the keyboards you put in whatever you want I I’m here live on camera and you know this is how we interact this is how we have to do it I’m sure if you guys came on screen and we were sitting here we’d have the same back and forth we’d still be respectful of each other we’d still be able to share our feelings and that’s that’s what hockey is all about um and I and I absolutely love it I absolutely love it Canadian Sabers fan what’s going on welcome in uh tendies are always underrated that they are that they are all right uh I pay good money to see sha Avery screening Jordan B in for entire playoff series man do you think when uh who was it oh my gosh in the now I forget which player it was in the Edmonton here so after the McDavid cross check to the face was it Corey Perry when there was an altercation Corey Perry was holding his stick up like this making the the crosschecking motion right holding it in front of the van couver player do I wonder if sha Avery was watching that and he’s sitting there going out a boy you know man sha Avery and and that’s Damon that’s a great great call out sha Avery was one of those guys right he would drive you absolutely nuts Sam will you be paying my therapist after we lose uh Brady no that’s where we draw the line uh we need to win for game seven we owe you guys from last year Thomas yeah first of all last year was crazy last year um Boston went in what did you guys set records in in points records in wins something like that and when that series started I actually called it I predicted it I said Panthers were going to win that series now I was totally making a guess a because I’m a Panther fan but Panthers were one of the only teams that had beat the Bruins in their matchups during the regular year so I knew Boston always had a tough time with Florida last year so I was just going out on a whim um but that was an incredible incredible series and again really could have went either way when you’re going to overtime in game seven at that point it’s it’s a coin toss right it’s a coin toss uh block shots are the best part of hockey can you imagine putting your body on the line against a puck flying through that 150 M it’s crazy Chris and and I don’t know I don’t know if there’s if a lot of people in the chat have have actually laced him up and played um I’m sure there’s some people who have some people that haven’t um I’m the jerk oh no no no dog it wasn’t you it wasn’t you it wasn’t you uh it was somebody else but it wasn’t you uh uh but uh oh where did that comment go oh no where did it go dog I lost your comment but it wasn’t you I got a funny cuz I didn’t see oh here I’m Dr I’m working so I can’t stay but you can call me at I’m watching oh why does it keep jumping away okay my chat keeps jumping I can’t read your full comment but yeah I I promise it wasn’t you it was uh it was like a normal name I don’t quit watching hockey when my team goes out many fans do though right prep and that’s why listen I very easily could have said well the Maple Leafs are done so we’re going to pack it in and um and we’re just we’re not do this anymore but no I love hockey yes I’m a leaf fan yes I’m a Panther fan but you know what I am more I’m a hockey fan I love the game um but to go back to my point I’m trying to find dog’s comment oh no and now I lost my place but dog thank you for being here no it was it wasn’t you it wasn’t you um I wish I I wish I recall the name but anyways oh oh there it is hang on okay you can come here just watching chat just testing your skin thickness nice no I’m good man my skin is pretty thick um as long as it as long as we’re we’re having good conversations uh okay so shop blocking let’s get back to that shop blocking so if you’ve never played the game before it it’s it’s hard to describe what it feels like when you get hit by a puck shot at the speeds they do now I’ve never played with anybody who shoots the puck 90 M an hour um but I’ve been hit in the knees I’ve been hit in the legs I’ve been hit in the ribs actually cracked a couple ribs um I’ve been hit in the skate toe side of the boot um it hurts a lot um to the point where if you get hit in the skate you know you’re going to drop you’re you’re not going to get hit in the skate and continue skating you’re going to go down and you know kudos to these players that can continue playing I had to go to the bench and kind to sit off for a couple shifts because I literally like felt like I couldn’t put pressure on my foot and the worst thing you can do is take off your skate because depending where it hits you it’ll swell right up and you can’t put your foot back in your boot um so when you get hit by these pucks it hurts a lot and so that’s why I give such credit such respect to the guys putting their bodies in there because it is it is brutal when you get hit with these pucks absolutely brutal uh all right of course that’s the beauty of sports the sunshines for everybody all right let’s get ready to go uh let’s go again I know there’s so many comments here I wish I could get to everybody’s but uh let’s go we got a third period to play all right so what we’re going to do for this third period because I do want to be respectful we’re tied up regardless what happens we’re going to celebrate the goals we’re going to cheer for whoever team scores but I know this could be emotional time so let’s just be respectful until all until I figured you root for two teams in the same division now I think you should be arrested jgt Ah that’s awesome learn to read faster gab it’s hard this coming around Panther is going to start this period with the puck they’re going to carry it around behind the net trying to send it to the line here’s a blast they snow the puck went in the net but the referee’s waving it off what just happened everybody thought the puck was in the net they stopped playing but the referee waves waves his arm saying no goal Reinhardt trying to get back in there his stick is broken he’s got to let it go what on Earth just happened here Here Comes Boston the other way Frederick he’s going to send this wide takes a hop Marshon with it he’s going to put it in front boski with the paddle another shot and another save what on Earth just happened we need to see a replay that’s coming back to the line trying to get this Maka can’t get it Veri had his stick knocked out of his hands he’s going to clear this one out and down the ice what on Earth Craig how’s it going welcome in Jordan welcome in this coming down around in the corner mola G to send it for emman Larson emman Larsson he’s going to get taken into the boards trying to click this in front and Maka just flips it up for HEI had it bounced beside him he didn’t see it Panther is going to force this one back as Rodriguez was watching it now here comes a pass all the way down Boston putting it in hits the stanion carries around Boston walking out of the corner neckman Larsson gets a stick on that one L ran trying to get it out and he does he’s going to get it ahead as Rodriguez was off balance and this one hits the official oh my goodness Here Comes Boston brazzo he gets hit hard and taken down in the corner kulakov with a nice hit both teams bringing the body right now here’s a shot from the point that one’s going wide Rodriguez trying to chip this one out comes to the line and H or Lura excuse me going to hold that one in this coming down around behind bosski it’s picked up by forsling he’s going to skate this one out zaka gets up on him and he can’t play deep into the Boston Zone forsling back with it now he’s going to dump this one in here come the Panthers for check trying to play it back sharp angle shot hits the side of the net this one kick down in the corner coming outside lomberg back to the line here’s a blast and swayan somehow sees that one through a crowd and makes a great save so let’s get a replay of what on Earth just happened here say Boston is my fifth most hated to so how did this so it was behind the net barkov put it to the point oh the shot hit the post it hit the back it hit the post and then the back of San’s pads and was sitting just there San didn’t know where it was and it was between his legs and actually as he slid through crease it slid out wow very close play and every it’s funny cuz everybody completely stopped skating big hit there down in the corner Florida trying to get it to the line they do coming around forsing going to the faceoff dot here’s a shot and another nice save by San and I tell you one thing I love every time swayman makes a save there is another BR brunes player giving him a little stick tap to the pad when there’s a stop and there’s a bunch of people in front of the net sing gets up and is given a little stick tap to the brues players that is mutual respect between skater and goenda great communication right now down low in the Boston side a quick three minutes the Panthers really came out on fire but the Bruins had an opportunity as well face off br’s going to be waved out now Maran how did they all right I’m not going to ask worther spoon down in the corner he’s going to rip this one around held in by the Panthers lundell he’s going to put it in the corner good Chuck back to the line here’s a long shot that one’s going to go wide mola going to keep this one in trying to battle it and londell goes upstairs nice job going up to grab it and bring it down in the corner hegy he misses it londelle misses it the Bruins going to pick it up on the half boards they’re going to flip this one out here’s Maran he’s going cross ice but the Bruins plans were changing very close to another too many men on the ice call wow they’re dumping this one in the corner if you’re just coming in welcome in make sure you hit that thumbs up for us we’re almost at 350 likes here’s a quick shot that one hit the inside of uh the skate of the Bruins Defender and hit that subscribe as well here’s another shot in this one is going wide as Bennett was right on the doorstep unbelievable this has been crazy yeah Sean swan has been good and you know San San a restricted free agent he must be seeing dollar signs after all these performances because my oh my he’s playing himself into quite a lovely contract I’m aan man who have pists that that’s tough Bruins off the draw they’re going to bank this one off the boards and the Bru’s going to dump this one down deep B rovski coming out to play it 8 years 11 million he’s playing like it right now hey if bosski is a$1 million goenda turn here’s Bruin’s going to play this one up nice cut off there Panther is back with this one excuse me yeah Jeff he’s he’s a steal of a deal on those entry-level contacts right now used to hate the halves but come on they’re so irrelevant now how can you hit them that’s so funny oh my goodness [Laughter] inflation oh you guys are so funny off the draw battling for it br’s going to come away here’s makoy going to dump this one down in the corner trying to come around behind the net Here Comes forsling forsling cycling around onx to your question in the in the in the in the group um not today I don’t think it’s needed today here it comes walking out of the corner Reinhardt can’t get the shot off here’s another shot this one gets blocked and sent to the corner trying to get in there Mika with down low on the pinch the brunes coming away they’re going to work this one up makoy with it now he’s going to flip this one off the boards Tyson how’s it going welcome in and there’re walking in off so there’s makoy again with see this is what I was talking about hands up in the face of mola after the whistle just for good measure brazzo is shaking up here so so brazo so the Bruins Bruins want a penalty so brazzo takes a right shoulder on the draw from Veri but this is one that is purely accidental I mean he barely even got him so I don’t think there’s going to be a penalty here oh they are looking you got to be kidding me so they’re looking at this as a major penalty Veri comes and skates in front of brazzo his shoulder Clips him in the chin but it wasn’t that he was going in to hit him brazzo is like twice the size of Veri so this is two guys that just happen to cross into each other this is an accidental Collision this is not an intentional head shot Raymond exactly John thank you Dro like a tree so brazzo he’s on the bench talking with the trainer’s after rev the Boston playes all right that that is the right call that is the right call and you know totally totally inadvertent we we saw this we’ve seen this several times in several Series right players are look in different directions they just happen to cross paths no intention didn’t jump up and try and get him with a shoulder Florida are a dirty team sometimes when you have that reputation Dan how’s it going uh you get penalties yeah but that’s why listen he went down they blew the whistle they reviewed it and uh and they determined that no the Boston player actually skated into the Florida penalty so good call I I agree with that one and listen if if Veri would have in intentionally went and tried to hit him in the head I would be the first one to kind of kick and scream cuz ver is my boy and I do not like head shots Jeff coming getting that shimmy going so let’s go 14 and2 minutes Panther is going to walk in over the line here’s kachu he’s being watched by Marshawn passing it back to the point here’s a dribbler that one’s going to go just wide down in the corner if you’re just coming in make sure hit that sub cribe 25 Subs away from 21450 wether spoon going to send this one around trying to keep this one in they can’t this one coming all the way back is this enough for icing no they don’t call the icing Florida going to pick this one up hecko what’s going on welcome in here comes Bennett Bennett down over the line Bennett coming in Bennett feeds it across the San and gets too deep couldn’t get the shot off putting it in front Boston they clear that one out bending it around Bru’s going to come up Far Side tipping it in this one going in that one you’re going to call [Applause] icing so this one they’re going to call icing on Boston but this one was actually tipped into the Zone properly o Leo what’s going on can I get an update on the new coach Leo yeah the coach has signed up Craig baru is the new coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs uh he’s he’s a he’s a good pick he has won a Stanley Cup but outside of that Stanley Cup has had mediocre success in the playoffs yeah Ben I love it I love it I think it’s great 1335 to go barkoff in here against geeki to take the draw Cal coming in with that subscribe welcome to the community off the draw shot right on and bouncing Puck Swan’s going to hang on to that one let’s gock is really really moving along here and we kind of saw this last night a little bit where the ice conditions start to deteriorate the puck gets even harder to control and bring around but welcome in everybody if you’re just joining us my name is Sam this is the samel B12 experience we’ve been having a lot of fun tonight we’ve been having a great time and I hope everyone in the chat’s been having a lot of fun as well uh we’re going to be here tomorrow again shocker spoiler alert right uh we’re going to be here again tomorrow and it is going to be the Oilers and the Canucks they are the only game on the schedule tomorrow and they are going to be at 8 o’clock Eastern time so a little little earlier than these 9:30 10 o’clock starts so 8 o’clock tomorrow kanox Oilers that one is going to be a crazy game that Series has been wild uh in the NFL they eject a player for deliberate head shot as as they should Rick I’m I mean with all we’ve learned about concussions um head shots just have no business being in this game the hard thing is determining the intent right hockey moves so fast and a guy’s going for a hit and if somebody stumbles at the last minute or something happens and you happen to catch them in the head how do you determine if it’s intentional or not unfortunately I think if there is a head shot the players should be out regardless even if it was accidental we’ve seen too many times a guy going in the boards and they catch an edge or something and they fall and a guy goes in with the shoulder and Nails his head against the boards like uh Matt Ry on lbushkin right he didn’t mean to drive his head in the boards but it happens those things are so dangerous and it’s impossible to really tell the intent and I think you just got to kind of remove them from it uh Leafs need a rock solid gold tending no like yeah they certainly do Andrew they certainly do and I I’m hoping we’ll see something in that department uh come through surpris Sam didn’t put a search party let’s go for me because I went missing all right here we go back from commercial break let’s go here comes Florida 13 and a half Florida cycling around tereno putting it right on gone and Swan’s going to make the save Swan starting to get a little busier here in in this period a lot of shots being thrown towards the net but again he hasn’t had to hasn’t really had to make any big time saves remember Char hiton 67 can’t spell his name I don’t remember that one but I think of I think of like Kevin Stevens back in the day here’s a shot this one going through Kevin Stevens got hit head shot smashes his head on the glass knocked himself out cold and he kind of turned and he fell face first on the ice and he like shattered his face he needed all kinds of surgery it was it was terrible and again probably wasn’t intended to drive his head into the glass but you can get such bad injuries it’s it’s crazy barov trying to put this one in front Bru’s going to come out and move this one down Panthers have out score their opponent 16 to8 in third period Winds of Summer how’s it going welcome in I’m feeling great Winds of summer thank you so much for that Paul welcome in Ray’s pitcher has thrown seven perfect Innings wow Paul that’s crazy here they come Panthers again going to throw this one over the line lell going in after it he can’t catch up there Panther’s going to cut it off but it comes way to the brues Here Comes Brad Marshawn flying down he’s stops just below the faceoff Circle getting it to the point where they spoon a shot and bosi making a glove save and he’s going to hang on to that one both tenders have been playing really solid hockey we absolutely love it absolutely love it Go Florida they’re trying again welcome in everybody thank you for being here Northern farm girl what’s going on welcome in it’s going to be a banger it is certainly going to be a banger tomorrow night and again if you’re just coming in we’re almost up to 400 likes make sure to hit that thumbs up and of course don’t forget to hit that subscribe 28 now away from 21450 off the draw Boston going to win this one delaying delaying now they’re going to throw it towards the Net bosi G to scoop that one up and hang on to it hen and Montour having some conversations at the side of the net Montour I love it every time and I got to believe he’s talking some trash he’s always got a smile on his face right he’s always smiling whatever he’s talking about Tam what’s going on welcome in is that be welcome in we we want off the drop Bruins winning this one again coming in here’s another shot gets blocked and goes just wide having my morning coffee in Taiwan listening Randy thank you very much for tuning in I hope you’re having some good coffee Optimus Prime welcome in this has been a very very fun hockey game very evenly evenly matched hockey game both teams kind of gripping and ripping right now hitting has slowed down from what it was shot continue to be a little low only 42 for Florida in this period we’re talking 2416 overall considering you know game one two and three were Big Time wins game four was a one goal win game five was a one goal win and I have a feeling game six might be as well cying around makoy with it he’s going to turn give this to lorai his shot that one gets blocked here he gets it again lorai in the high slot going to pass one over side of the net walking in front Jam play bosi makes the save Frederick he’s getting in there Frederick actually gets a stick on bobovi shoves him out of the net Coyle is on top of listan so Frederick is doing everything he can to create havoc in front of the net I like Vegas golden knights Skyler yeah Vegas last year first of all I’ll be honest I do not like Vegas very much but Vegas played a great game Vegas played a really really good series of hockey last year they had a stack defensive courp a real stack Patrick how’s it going I hit a grand slam in base nice Patrick congrats that’s huge but this play was all able to develop because of lorai Lori was spectacular he really made a nice play makoy driving through 12 minutes to go 12 minutes to go [Applause] off the draw de brus putting it across and Pastor neck fires it just wide back to the line makoy is going to hold this one in coming in the corner trying to bring it out in front barov gets tripped up coming around here’s Boston still with it feeding it back here’s a blast from the faceoff dot that hits and breaks the Stick of Reinhardt Reinhardt going in the corner he gets taken down going to move this a monster hit at the side of the net Florida’s going to pick this up in the crease going to play it ahead Reinhardt didn’t have a twig so he couldn’t pick this one up this one down over the line Panthers back with it Veri he’s going to turn behind his own net here come the Bruins on the aggressive for check and they hold it in over the line Marshawn turns and he falls Veri going to play this he gets hauled down londell flipping this in the corner guys are falling and being taken down all over the place this one coming around here comes Marshawn he’s going to stop just holds the line though but he turned the puck over going to chip this one out trying to bring it in Maran can’t do it and they going to back this one up Carlo going to send it ahead xad misses it comes all the way back to the panther Zone Panthers Bennett he’s taking a look and to feed it over to eblad eblad he’s waiting he’s just going to scoop this up to the Center Ice Line Run’s going to knock it down and dump it right in going to be stopped the side of the net for bosi playing it over to eblad eblad up to the half boards long pass across misses everybody greatest Leaf coming in with the five month membership sucess Leafs are out but it’s been a good six months this Channel with Panthers FRS they lose in seven greatest Leep fan thank you for all the support thank you for being part of what we do appreciate it why why do you say the Panthers are frauds I’m curious who else hate Paul and every oh yeah Patrick Allergies have been really bad here’s a shot in front it’s there scooped up swayan making an unbelievable save and Stanley who was that it was almost like a Rugby scrum I didn’t see which Brun player it was trying to take out the legs of stanlin that’s not cool Emily how’s it going admitted I’d be a goon Emily Emily’s going to be the Goon go Panthers Puck was right there good good save by San and tough save for him to make is it was right by lorai he had to be careful with Lori skates right up by Swan’s head so lorai kind of had his body turned it was Peak that actually hit and spun around Lori and Peak going right at the legs of stenland trying to tie up his legs and Tackle him don’t like to see that here’s a shot by mour that one gets deflected into the corner Boston they’re going to bring this to the line and all the way down the ice it’s a race for it trying to get their Peak he outskates he outskates mola Boston sending this down around trying to work out maroon with a shot that one gets blocked can you imagine if maroon scores the game winner my goodness this coming all the way down the ice and that’s going to be an ice and call so welcome in if you’re just coming in thanks for being here we are so close 13 likes away from 400 likes make sure you crush that like we are now 15 subscribers away from 21450 Hit That subscribe love your Le fan uh I don’t think so Andy I I spend a lot of time in Florida so I’ve been a I’ve been a Florida fan since they actually came into the league um but obviously I live my permanent residency is in the Toronto area so that’s why I kind of cheer for for both teams but welcome in everybody thank you for helping us out geeky against Reinhardt scramble draw along the side boards Panthers bring it back to the point forsling to ebl going to send this one down low lorai is going to play this one there maroon with it now he’s kind of trying to work this around he does going in the far corner makoy he picks it up Panthers trying to intercept they can’t geeki going to send this off the glass and down into the panther Zone Panthers back with it poring he was going to turn he held up now he’s going to carry this to the red line dumping it in around they’re going to make some changes eblad Fernando’s calling eblad with the game winner Bruins getting it to the Center Ice Line they’re kind of stopped there by the Panthers Lindell and de Brusque they’re both digging at it the battle continues kachuck he was waiting for it can’t get it they’re still battling and now this comes into the panther zone eblad is going back to it he kind of gives a signal of where to send it and here come the Panthers out of Their Own Zone a nice little breakout play hitting the red line ver heg going to dump that one in here comes the forche and the Bruins just sitting it around it’s held in at the line nice job by Rodriguez but he had too much speed for his own good the Bruins can’t bring it in and emman Larson just going to flip this one up and down into the Bruin Zone everybody making changes eight and a half minutes eight and a half minutes my ultimate team was Quebec nordes I hope they come back icing call against Boston so this is coming all the way back into their own Zone actually I’ve never been on South Beach myself Anthony never been on South Beach but I love it there I love it I I I’ve had some really really great times down in in the LA off the draw wether spoon bringing it around going to play this ahead and that’s going to go out of play I’ve been to been to a couple Panther games at amaran Arena and all the slew of names it’s been before amaran Arena um but it’s great I love going to games there you know back in the day back in the day when the Panthers weren’t a great team they were kind of a mediocre team um it was a lot easier to get tickets and they were a lot cheaper now obviously the last couple years because they’ve been doing much better ticket prices have gone up their popularity is a lot more so the building is is packed which is great because it’s louder but uh you used to be able to get really good seats for for really cheap it still is fairly cheap considering you know what ticket costs excuse me pardon me what ticket costs in Toronto um Matt right now you know it’s pretty darn even you know if shots are dead even five shots a piece in this period Panthers are out shooting 2519 um Florida is kind of getting sosed right now in the uh in the faceof circle Boston doing a great job uh in the second half of the second period and of course here in in this third doing a nice job in the faceoff Circle but everything else like Florida’s out hitting them 40 hits to 34 hits block shots are pretty close now 2217 um so statistically like both these teams are playing Pretty even I wish they’d put out some of that new money into making a decent sheet of ice it’s not bad it’s not bad there that’s my house betting last time I oh no Wade Wade Wade play you gotta you gotta pace yourself my friend my friend play with what you can play responsibly Noah how’s it going welcome in holy mackerel this game wow so much fun both teams are playing great you know it’s not like we saw early on in the series where you know one team was just not playing well at all and the other team ran over them this has been a very evenly paced game very evenly paced but the question is an even game enough for Boston to ex the the welcome in everybody thank you for being here there it is over 400 likes awesome awesome job with the likes now can we get it up to 21450 13 subscribers away off the draw back to the line this coming around here’s a blast from the point got a piece and it goes into the corner Run’s going to try and get it out good job forsling he’s going to hold it in this coming in the corner barov going in there he can’t settle it down tereno as well Run’s going to move this one ahead they’re going to flip this one down in the corner Bobo out to stop it going to hold up here Panthers behind the rette taking a look 750 to go eblad going to move it up and this one is deflected in right on San he’s going to steer this into the corner that’s right Sub Sub sub here’s a long pass Brun sending it all the way down this is going to be another icing call Paulie how’s it going welcome in you know Boston has been icing the puck a lot here FP our partner channel the bear shark from the Florida Park explorers welcome in my friend welcome in we’ve talked about them before we’ll talk about them again the Florida Park explorers they are a Florida Park concierge service what does that mean means they bring you all the magic in the Florida theme parks all the merch all the treats you got to check him out it’s always a good time with the Florida Park sport but I will give you a warning it’ll make you hungry because they show some of the best looking treats and if you’re a snacker like I am hey they’ll pick it up for you they’ll vacuum seal it pack it in well and ship it to you so you can eat it fresh like you were buying it right there yourself 7 25 to go just demolished a Brookie oh so jealous gator what’s going on welcome in 725 to go face off in the panther Zone off the draw this one coming back around Montour trying to hammer it around the boards he can’t do it Florida going to try the other side and this one going to end up right at B rsk’s glove and he’s gonna hang on to it banking on Monday welcome in women Toronto reverse sweep did they do it did they did they p HL Toronto they’re going to the finals that’s awesome think of the battles did the Hurricanes uh Patrick it was a it was a great series listen the canes the canes had them on the ropes for a couple of those games and the Rangers they were able to find a way to score but it was it was a good one daddy tube welcome in good to see you makoy gonna knock this one down Boston going to turn they’re going to bring this one up over the line Panther is going to knock this one back down the ice and this time it’s an icing call on the Florida Panthers and the crowd erupts cheering as he finally excuse me call it icing on the Panthers prevent defense yeah chrisy they’re playing they’re playing solid oh what in Boston vers Minnesota Toronto lost Toronto really Dan really unbelievable wait we did we did we announced the winner uh just the other day londell in to take this draw sounds like something I would do I didn’t see the comment but I’ll go along with it no way oh my God that’s crazy I can’t believe it pwhl games have been so much fun watch Boston in the corner they’re going to play this along Florida going to get it out pack back to scoop this one up 645 to go 645 to go past your neck what moves coming in finally he runs into the forsling panther defense and stops him in his tracks Panther is going to play this to the line mckoy holding this one in this one coming around Panthers going to scoop it back and forsing going to go around behind the net and slow this one down everyone to go change up here comes Bennett he’s going to skate down the near side dumping this one in I hate to say it I hate to say it with six minutes left to go just about in the third period I don’t want the officials to ruin this game both these teams have been playing excellent hockey right now and we got a penalty coming up as I say it oh there’s makoy with a drive by shot to the face of Sam Bennett maoy that’s just a dumb play so what is the call Coyle is gonna go oh makoy is gonna go excuse me makoy goes to the Box Panthers on the power play thank you Todd I appreciate it so this is where Bennett has come under the skin of Bruins all series McAvoy getting up off his feet into the head taking a a little run there at Bennett then of course after the whistle a little swing so he’s lucky he didn’t get doubled up there so makavo is going to go for roughing a two-minute penalty with six minutes left to go this could be a major turnaround right now if the Panthers can capitalize but you know that means at some point when this is over the Bruins will get one more more chance on the power play I pretty much guarantee it ruins trying to dig this one out Veri battling trying to keep it in Veri still in there barov coming to help out this is going to come to the line here’s Montour Montour going to saer this one across setting it up here’s a long shot that’s going to miss it hit the stanson and comes right out in the middle of the ice and the brunes going to play this one up Marshawn coming in he’s going to shoot putting that one just wide barkov picking it up he’s going to stop and going to move it the other way Montour going to back this one up Panthers got a reset boy these stanions I forgot how much they can redirect the puck as it bounces around them coming in the corner Panthers going to get this to the line but it splits the two defense and comes all the way out one minute has gone and they turn it over the brunes going to send this down the ice shadow Academy welcome in welcome in everybody thank you for being here make sure you’re hitting that like button we’re on our way to 450 sub uh likes and almost 450 subscribers but 21450 hit that subscribe we’re here every day and we’d love for you to join us on our quest for the cup back to the line Montour playing this one across back to Montour Montour and londell playing catch Bennett is open on the far side comes to Bennett face off Circle he shoots rebound is there they can’t put it in they had an empty net for tereno he couldn’t put it in and a penalty a trip is coming up though the Panthers take a tripping call Boston now gonna get a chance San holy moly was at a position Florida had an opportunity teras senko just had the puck bounce on him and he put it right into the leg of the panther player that’s a really that’s a really really cheesy trip that’s a makeup call I told you I called it I told you there was going to be one that was a really bad trip so we got four on four for 23 seconds then the Bruins will get a minute and a half a little over a minute and a half on the power play I was just telling you that was going to happen I have the script right here beside me the Bruins having a little bit of a conversation here they have it listed as a trip on beer zaka in to take this draw everybody coming in to have last minute words off the draw Florida won it but Marshawn jumps on that puck he’s going to send it around the boards Florida G to pass this one up the middle now they’re going to bounce it back good Puck movement here let’s go up over the line Panthers coming through through and there’s eblad got tripped up worse than the beater trip but that one isn’t in the script Maran coming up he has a stick lift the Panthers going to intercept here’s forsling with it what moves by forsling he’s going to spin around and turn back setting this one up now they’re going to dump this one all the way down the ice 124 to go on the Bruns power play 345 to go in the third period this one coming over m going to dump it back for pck pck walking in over the line this one being played back here’s a long shot that one’s blocked and the Panthers going to clear this one out and down the ice again 10 Subs away if you haven’t hit that subscribe yet make sure you’re hitting that subscribe we are 10 Subs away lots of time left to go for Boston on this power play Coyle walking right in over the line going to flip it around into the corner Marsha he’s going to set this one up back to the line for makoy makoy keeping this one in tipped in the corner here’s a deflection going to the corner Reinhardt he can’t work through it Boston back to the line again here they come all the way up cross eyes they shoot what a save bobovski holy cow bodies all over the crease and this comes out and down the ice swayan wanted to pass it right up he banged his stick on the ice but couldn’t get anyone’s attention here they come come again the Bru’s going to drop this one back 15 sorry 10 seconds to go now on the power play back to the line for Van rdik he’s going to bring this one down in the corner trying to get this one in there trying to work it through four subscribers away thank you all so much great job Bruns side of the net zaka he shoots right in the chest Bovi Ben reik trying to go upstairs over him and bosi is going to make that save 219 to go power play has expired barov completely gassed sitting on the bench hunched over after blocking that shot we talked about how important block shots are and putting your body on the line and they have done just that there it is 21450 excellent job excellent work everybody 450 in the subs 450 in the likes let’s go next stop we are on on the way to 500 21500 start that countdown There It Is Love keep that sub trainer rolling this is an unbelievable hockey game 219 to go we are tied at ones something is telling me I made a really bad decision here tonight saying I was going to eat dinner following this hockey game the hockey Gods say you know what Sam you’ve been giving the brues fans a hard time so we’re going to force overtime and make you have to have a real late dinner thank you everybody for crushing those subscribes great job we’re going to be here tomorrow for the Oilers in the Vancouver Canucks that is at 800m tomorrow eastern time so if you’re around on a Saturday night or you’re like me and you’re like hey it’s Stanley Cup playoffs I’m not making any plans I will be here come and join us and hang out even if you’re not a fan of one of the Canadian teams it is going to be a crazy hockey game Jeff coming in with the freeze thank you Jeff thank you everybody what a game Raymond exactly what a game and again I want to thank all the brues fans for being such good sports tonight if you missed it earlier we were having a ton of fun trash talking back and forth it was a blast so again thank you uh they know who they are that were in the chat so thank you for for being a good fan this is bad news for the Panthers barov has left the bench barov headed down the tunnel oh goodness Dallas what’s going on Tyler welcome in Leo welcome in oh Jeff welcome let’s go so hopefully barov is okay but he and mikola has left as well so barov and mikola both left to the dressing room this coming around Panthers in their own Zone going around behind geeky cutting it off Florida stealing it from him going to cycle it around but pack picking it up his shot hits es skate and gets blocked theres yeah it’s been a great game and here’s a big tackle takedown you got to be kidding me big Collision here someone asked who took the last penalty the Panthers took the last penalty this coming of the line but if they’re not calling that there’s a battle going on in front they’re not calling anything this coming around Florida going to steal here we go 140 140 time left Panthers in over the line Lindell shoots San with a save rebound they score they score they score Waring [Music] yeah what a goal forsling short-handed [Music] shorthanded that was a nice play they walked in over the line swayman made the first save the rebound came right to forsling and he put it in short side it was a great blocker save by swayan forsling oh my gosh he goes between the legs of wther spoon between the legs of worther spoon no chance that swayan saw that one no chance w moon was directly in his line of sight so with 133 to go the Florida Panthers have a 21 lead Sophie what’s going on welcome in Sophie no problem and congrats Sophie I haven’t sent you the email yet you have won a t-shirt you have won a t-shirt from our giveaway but I’ll be email I’ll be sending an email your way soon this one coming around and that’s going to go up and out of play it’s an empty net now for Austin swan has been pulled let’s go Sam gets his dinner that’s right Sam I don’t know D if you’re watching have you ordered dinner yet I think they close at 10: I hope she ordered dinner welcome in everybody thank I just hang on a second I gotta send a quick message no okay all right 126 timeout played my goodness all right hang on I hope I hope I’m getting dinner oh what a hockey game this is outstanding so timeout called 126 listen lots of time left on this clock lots of time left it’s not over yet swayan has been outstanding in this game Waldo welcome in no o LP not swis Al tonight not Swiss LA but I man I’m I’m dying for some good old swis La I haven’t had that in a while so okay here we go 126 to go buckle up this is going to be the most intense 126 of the series Boston looking to tie it up at home looking to extend the series to a game seven it’s a six on five situation no goalie for the brues zaka verse Reinhardt and off the draw Boston is going to win it Brad Marshawn GNA send this one down low gonna look around Panthers doing a nice job forcing it Puck bouncing badly barov is back on with a sore hand Panthers sending it down the ice it’s a race poost knock he cuts off no oh there’s a head shot by makoy that’s what I’m talking about dirty McAvoy head shot to lundell Pastak though got screwed that should have been an icing call no icing now it’s cleared off the boards again and down the ice and this time it will be an icing just barely my goodness Pastak is hot and for every reason of the word that should have been an icing call the icing was let go Lindell went in the corner and makoy came with a double Superman punch to his head that that’s exactly what we’ve been talking about Vic what’s going on welcome in 52 seconds left it only takes a second to score 52 seconds on the clock face off in the panther Zone off the draw again Bruins winning it back Bruins putting this one across here’s a shot by Marshon blocked into the corner barkov he’s trying to get it he can’t this is coming around the boards panak with it he’s going to send it back around to The Far Side Panthers can’t get there Maran sends it in front it hit the hit forsling in front and trickled just wide 30 seconds to go 30 seconds to go makoy at the line going to play it up here’s Pastak side of the net right in front it’s there it’s sitting there boosi diving it’s knocked out of the crease 20 seconds to go this one coming through trying to get this one out cycling around 15 seconds to go marand oh Maran throws the Florida panther player to the ground unbelievable 10.8 seconds to go holy cow so forsling almost kicked that into his own net that was that was something hit his toe and went just wide so Boston coming close a couple of times Marshawn with a Chance bosi quick with his stick quick with his Pad 10 seconds 10.8 eight seconds left still lots of time if you’re just coming in crush that subscribe for me Crush that like for me we want to see a back here tomorrow for the Oilers and the knucks off the draw Marshawn with it he’s going to put this one around behind the net 5 Seconds to go they can’t hold it in their Panthers are jumping up and down this one is over the Florida Panthers for a second straight year have eliminated the Boston Bruins the Boston Bruins are done we are getting the Florida Panthers verse the New York Rangers and forsling McAvoy takes a run at forsling as the as it’s coming to an end as the horn is going so that sums up makoy unbelievable Panthers win Panthers win Julie you guys are going to have a party look at this Boston fans are being real class throwing bottles on the ice at the panther players my God Boston this is what I talked about in the second period be classy you don’t throw stuff on the ice you bunch of sucks I hate this like it’s a great hockey game a great series you don’t throw trash on the ice don’t be sore losers celebrate your team Boston there’s Marshawn going around shaking hands doing a good job Brad Marshawn I give him Kudos coming back after getting knocked out whether he should or should not have playing we’ll never know but the handshakes going around so fans still throwing beer cans on the ice such a sign of disrespect unbelievable yeah that’s I thought you were ordering it like shaking hand the you what I usually the usual so a great series all in all Boston made a run for it Boston with a couple good games here good handshakes good handshakes there they go second year in a row great conversations for San everybody has really good things to say to San there’s a lineup to talk to him San and Bo rosi big handshake big hugs and a lengthy conversation there between the two very very nice the fans the fans don’t worry about it I’ll get something else swayan the fans cheering on San he is a high spot a great great job for Swan a breakout party if you will for Swan we knew all season long how good he was but boy oh boy did he really prove his worth Sam Bennett and Brad Marshawn exchanging some comments there some pleasantries that’s class that is class right there so really good job and the Boston Bruins waiting to celebrate with their fans the let’s go Bruin chance still breaking out so there it is sticks up in the air for the Boston Bruins congratulations listen Boston Bruins fans nothing to be nothing to be upset about you guys beat Toronto you went to the second round you couldn’t get past the Panthers and in to be honest the way a couple of those games went you know you guys fought back hard you forced a game six here’s barov it was good for us this series it was violent at times it got nasty at times so what’s the handshake line at like once it’s all over I think it’s just like mutual respect because both teams know they gave everything everything they had in every single second on the ice so it was hard hard fought battle so so we we’re really happy that we we won what was the biggest piece of growth for your team now as you head back to another Conference Final yeah we we went through it last year obviously and that helped a lot so uh but this year is New Year we have new players we we’re just creating something something new here something exciting so we’re really really excited about this opportunity again and uh can’t wait to get going lastly I mean you put your body on the line there in the final minutes how is the hand uh it’s F it’s okay I’m good great we’ll see you in the next round congratul there it is Captain Alexander barov what’s he going to say my my hand hurts I broke my hand of course he’s gonna say it’s fine Onyx coming in with the 279 super super byi Boston Onyx thank you so much again uh congratulations Panthers way to go Panther fans uh to the Boston Bruns fans again a lot of respect we had a lot of fun all series long we had a lot of fun all series long going back and forth um so thank you for for that uh most of you being super respectful uh and I look forward to hopefully you’ll come and enjoy the rest of the playoffs along with us again Mad props for San I do give props to Mara for coming in and playing after being knocked out um again we don’t know if he was fully uh fully all there if he should have been playing or not but what a turn of events your goal scorers go as follows zaka he opened up the scoring in the first from De Brusque and wther sprun londelle he picks up his second from Veri and then in the third period it was forsling with about a minute and a half left he picks up his second from lundell and kachuck it’s going to be an unbelievable third round the Florida Panthers the New York Rangers bear shark I’m looking at you I’m looking at you I will see you in the Eastern Conference Final now we don’t know the exact date of when that will start um I don’t think it’ll be Sunday I’m guessing Monday but we’ll have to wait and see for them to actually post it up of course we have the uh the Oilers going tonight and I guess or sorry the Oilers going tomorrow on Saturday Dallas and Colorado um they are coming on shortly if that game if Colorado ties that one up game seven for that series will be Sunday night um and if there’s game seven for Edmonton Vancouver that will be Monday night so they very well could do uh Colorado Dallas on Sunday followed by game one of the Eastern Conference but uh I have a feeling they will kind of let it go till Monday that’s my thought anyways we’ll wait and see what’s going to be scheduled to all of our mods thank you so much um this has been a blast it has been so much fun you guys do an amazing amazing job and I know I do not help your job when I start trash talking so thank you for for being along with us making sure and mediating and monitoring to make sure everything is going real real good uh Sam you’re very good uh have you thought about doing this professionally uh Emily I’d love to but my my problem is I can’t bring you with me and uh you as in the chat um you the community is a big big part of our shows and of what we do I love being able to call the game but if I didn’t have you the community along for the ride to have fun with talk hockey with it would be very very different um there are a lot of other channels out there that don’t offer the same level of interaction we do and that is most of the fun that absolutely love and today was a perfect example of it that second intermission maybe or second period maybe it got a little out of hand but we had a lot of fun and I love the fact we could go back and forth with each other so again I want to thank everybody that was here whether you’re a Panther fan whether you’re a brunes fan whether you’re just a hockey fan um this has been a lot of fun we are back tomorrow we are back tomorrow 8:00 for uh Vancouver in Edmonton the knucks looking to put put that one home uh I want to thank all the gifters tonight uh Richard uh free life Fernando Onyx thank you all so much all of our channel members I appreciate what you guys do supporting our Channel Through memberships it really really makes a big difference uh if you want to get to know me a little bit more on what we do if you’ve been watching these hockey streams and you’re like hey this is a little fun if you want a little bit more insight go to our main YouTube panel our main YouTube page and go through some of our other videos yes there’s some hockey videos there’s some baseball but we have a lot of Adventure videos and some other videos there as well so you can definitely check those ones out so last but not least those who came in today found us for the first time hit that like hit that subscribe thank you for doing that and even sharing our Channel out thank you for doing that it really helps make this channel a success makes us to continue to grow um last but not least we’re one subscriber away from 460 if there’s anyone here who hasn’t subscribed yet now would be a great time hit that subscribe put us over 21460 so thank you for that we’ll see you tomorrow again my name is Sam I’m the crazy hockey man and I will be here there it is thank you see I appreciate that we’ll be here tomorrow just before 8 o’clock from all of us here oh that’s a good idea you put it in the chat drone I’m sorry Boston [Applause] fans all right everybody have a good night again it’s Samuel B12 stay safe enjoy the sport go hockey go see you tomorrow [Applause] a [Music]

Live game coverage of the Florida Panthers vs Boston Bruins NHL Playoffs game 6 – Join the #1 LIVE HOCKEY community and cheer on your team, share your opinions, and have some fun. Live game coverage with audo play by play and engagement! NHL Playoffs Round 2 game 6 matchup

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Playoff Matchups for Round 2:
(1M) New York Rangers vs. (2M) Carolina Huricanes
(1A) Florida Panthers vs. (2A) Boston Bruins

(1P) Vancouver Canucks vs. (2P) Edmonton Oilers
(3C) Colorado Avalnche vs. (1C)Dallas  Stars

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