@Boston Bruins

Locker Room Raw: Hampus Lindholm

Locker Room Raw: Hampus Lindholm

Mason said suck as you got of say goodbye here for the summer yeah know it’s it’s time of year especially when right after the games is there’s no feeling like it it someone just puts down the curtains in front of you and uh it’s it’s obviously really sad I think we had a special group in here we still have and it’s there’s so much little things in playoffs that can tip in the tip a kind of like a series like that in your favor and um I think we we were there but obviously we we didn’t get it done so we have to look at what we we can do better for for next season and improve on but lots of lots of positive I think I think a lot of people doubted us this year and seeing seeing how we we still excelled and seeing players take steps and young guys like mace and and Lor laa coming in and P pess like you seen this organization I think this year’s you really shown like the the culture and uh all the people that the staff brought in the new guys and it just shows the culture we have here how how special it is that we can still make a season when No One Believes In us to something special like this and almost almost getting it all the way and um it’s I think that’s going to be a huge confidence for the group and for everyone everyone in this organization that what we can do and we still have a lot of the big pieces still here with us and then have the young guys get better and have guys coming in and just adapting into that culture and keep improving I think it’s I’m really excited about that part at least and I think I think lots of the other guys in the room should be as well Aus how would you assess your season personally uh obviously a little little down pointwise from last year I also got a little bit different role this year I feel like a little more defensive starts and uh defensive minutes and uh which I’m I’m All About like when I see myself as a player I want to make everyone else around me better when I go out on the ice I want to try to help team have the best success to Win Hockey games I think that was kind of looking at a roster that was kind of where I fit in the best this year to contribute and bring the best out of the team from from my side of things and uh obviously like you you still want to find find ways to be even more more productive because I know I have have that in my game and I’ve shown it the last season but overall like I always work work my butt off here for for the bees it’s it’s a team that I I feel like I’ve only been for what like two and a half years now but it feels like it’s a lifetime I I love playing for the Brewers I think we’re the the best fans it’s it’s so much fun when you have success it’s so much fun coming in even we’re we’re hard working culture here but like coming in working hard here feels easy compared to like other teams maybe have been on and it’s it’s something I love being a part of and the guys here like the culture like I said we had the staff like we always find ways to to be competitive and go out there and uh it’s really fun you’ve been in the league for a long time now and you mentioned took on sort of a different role this year with that said do you feel like your game is still evolving even at this point your 100% yeah I’ve always I’ve always been that guy even a little bit my an di so I I take a lot of Honor that being the guy that can play with with any anyone like I want to be that kind of army Swiss knife that the coach knows he can throw out there with anybody in in any situation and uh then obviously depending on what the team needs just then and there for me I I want to be out there and help because that’s I think that’s the way you win hockey games you you want to be that guy that comes out in all situations helping helping your team win and like I said I’m still involving if I think when you stop involving in L that’s when you you fall out of it so I we go home to the drawing board and find ways to come back even bigger and stronger next year

Bruins defenseman Hampus Lindholm speaks to the media at Warrior Ice Arena for End of Season Availability.

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