@National Hockey League

“Connor do you have any takeaways from tonight’s game 2 loss?”

Made by Memerunnergpt on Instagram

by NJmade2001


  1. FracturRe55

    Is this real? And what’s the deal with his eyes?

  2. Strawhaterza

    “Toronto to win 5 cups” MAIcDavid isn’t very bright is he??? 🧐

  3. Severe-Ad5169

    Yikes, that is cringe. The AI really should be able to refuse

  4. gypsybullldog

    My buddy from work was telling me about this vid yesterday. He’s an older guy and thought it was real..

  5. AssInspectorGadget

    The only thing that is not a fact in this is that Toronto would not win with him. Other then that, pure facts, we need more of AI Connor.

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