@Pittsburgh Penguins

Corey Perry interference major on Jason Zucker . Mar 12, 2013

Corey Perry gets a major penalty and a game misconduct for this hit on Jason Zucker
penalty to Corey Perry 5 minutes for Interference (Maj) Jason Zucker
penalty to Corey Perry 10 minutes for Game misconduct Jason Zucker
Anaheim Ducks vs Minnesota Wild


  1. Wow big words coming from a douche that can't even post under his own name. Pussy. The NHL is bigger and better than it ever was. Stop pretending like your some tough guy who can take a hit like that……Just some scared little man pretending to be tough. If you were smart you would realize NHL players are a big investment, it would be a waste of money if one got knocked retarded per game. So go pretend to be tough somewhere else, and shut the fuck up.

  2. Though I cannot stand the ducks I do feel this was not intentional. You have to keep your head up when you have the puck, those that don't pay the price. I hippie zucker is fine but I do not feel this deserves any suspension. One player bigger than the other made a play and the other got hurt.

  3. sure is right, this is really fantastic. Listen, i really didn't expect that this site would send me a check of $240 for doing some surveys. you can get it from here: bit.lyWIHgGT

  4. unfortunate for both parties involved. perry should know better and zucker should learn to pick his head up. just saw a related video of the same thing happening to him in college. dumped a puck and instead of moving on decided to admire the pass. got lit up for it both times. young kid needs to realize protecting himself from hits to the head is more important than any pass he'll ever make.

  5. That's pretty funny considering I highly doubt CleanZX3 is your real name. You're right though NHL players are big investments, but all investments come with risks. Hockey is a dangerous game and even if all checks were clean it won't take concussions or injuries in general out of the game. This isn't one of those targeted head shots. It's a check that went bad because Zucker got caught admiring his pass. 4 games for this is a joke. Compare it to the 4 games he got for his elbow on Giroux in 09.

  6. im not saying this shouldnt be a penalty and im not saying this shouldnt be a suspension because it should be on both cases. but im tired of all the hate towards perry. im a devils im as neutral as u can get on this subject. anyone who plays hockey knows sometimes in the heat of the moment u can just do stupid shit, the kind of crap afterwards ur kicking urself over. i dont feel like perry intended for this to go the way it did. i dont see perry as a dirty player at all.

  7. CLEAN HIT. Just late i mean Zucker is smaller and his knees were bent, perry didnt aim on the head and his skates didnt go really high shoulda been 0 games

  8. Yeah, I re-watched it again and thought "damn, well that certainly wasnt 2-3 seconds" lol. less than 1 second I believe.. my bad. But still, a late hit when he had plenty of time to avoid it

  9. i agree but im jsut saying you go threw any level of competitive hockey and some one runs your player like that you better tell their good players to keep their head up. you cant take liberties like that and not expect a retaliation

  10. Not a late hit. You can't even get past saying one one thousand before he hits him. It is the wild players fault for admiring his pass. Perry hit him with his shoulder. His elbow was down and it never came up at any time. He rose up and drove through the check. HEY! NHL! That is the text book definition of a clean hit. So what the NHL is saying with the suspension is that you cannot hit someone who is shorter than you because you will hit him in the head. What a joke!

  11. NHL should have a new name NPL, national p**sy league. Just ruin the game all at once. Eliminate hitting and fighting. Play only half of ice like half court basketball and call a penalty everytime a player is pushed. That no one can get enough speed to hit anyone and the precious players will be safe. Go watch the notebook until your periods sync up. What a Joke!!

  12. what are you saying you idiot?? its hits like this that ruin players careers and makes the sport really dangerous. There is no need for those types of hits in the game. Plain out dirty!!

  13. If you ever played the game you would know. It is called being aware of your surroundings you moron. He looked back to admire his pass. Perry was on him from the second he hit the zone. They were locked up right before it happened. It is unfortunate that he got hurt. These are professional athletes. They know how the game is played and if they cannot keep themselves safe from a routine hit. For that matter he didn't even hit his head. He hit his lower torso and hips.

  14. Fuck that suspension shit. neither of them had thier head up. zucker just got the shit end of the stick maybe perry saw him and threw the body a little but fuck yea i hate how nobodys finnishing thier hits anymore. maybe a interference and a boarding for a 4 min but susupension naaaa son. this isnt fucking soccer or baseball boys

  15. I honestly think Perry should not have been suspended. Maybe a just a major or if its it that serious a game misconduct. But Zucker wasn't looking and right when he turned around he was hit. Perry was just finishing his check

  16. I love people on videos like this;
    Until it happens to someone from the team they like…hypocrites.

  17. It would be one thing if Perry had a clean record…as opposed to having one of the longest highlight reels in history of cheap shots…

  18. It's the fact that it was very very late. The play resulted in an injury so it is upgraded to a major. Interference was the right call though. There is no boarding here and no CFB. Stupid move by Perry.

  19. rawhim9591 Really? Didn't Mean it? Good Man? You have no clue. Even Duck fans know he is a cheap shot artist. Corey Perry is a great player as a Hawk fan I have no trouble admitting that. But he is one of the biggest divers, Worst cheap shot and dirty hitters. If someone try's to fight him he turtles or hides behind the linesman. Hit someone and run and hide behind Getzlaf. He should have gotten more than 4 for this.After all I have said when Team Canada picks came he would have been one of the top 5 names for forwards for me and I am American. Top talent but a total tool.

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