@New York Rangers

Trying to stay positive

Trying to stay positive

by hfb26


  1. Obviously not all our star players (laf, tro, Igor, etc.)

  2. Dig-Duglett

    id trust playoff pig to score more than mika at this point

  3. Illustrious_Play_651

    It’s really all we can do at this point.

  4. MakeItNashty61

    We’ve already seen them go full series without showing up. That’s what makes it scary.

  5. InevitableHome343

    All I can remember is
    – 2012 playoffs where stars disappeared
    – 2015 playoffs where stars disappeared
    – 2022 playoffs where stars disappeared
    – 2023 playoffs where stars disappeared

    One can say I’m irrational. I think it’s justified to be terrified lol.

    Winnable series, but I’m still terrified

  6. Braunb8888

    I remember this meme with the Knicks and rangers. That turned out unexpectedly when both were up 3-2.

  7. Key-Tip-7521

    Doomers be like: waving the hanky, “why bother showing up. Their gonna fold and die anyway”

  8. Emstinger18

    If we can play like the first period for a full game we’ll be in good shape

  9. electric_liberty

    Mika will come through for us. I still remember what he did in games 6 and 7 against Pittsburgh and Carolina in 2022.

    I have to believe he feels responsible for last night after the crossbar on the PP, couple of missed opportunities, and the shitty OT goal play.

    I wish I knew exactly what makes him tick – but I do believe what happened in game 4 will awaken something in him. The dude sleeps until the Rangers are close to the brink. His homie Kreider will follow suit.

    The best is yet to come. Book it.

  10. machagogo

    What’s crazy is everyone was saying this series was going 6 or 7 games all along.

    What did those people think that actually meant the series would be after 4 games?

  11. Shoddy_Reserve788

    Fellas, it’s the ECF it was never going to be easy.

  12. FireVanGorder

    Zib clearly cannot do anything against Barkov, so at what point do you try to play the matchups and get him against someone less suffocating?


    I see a huge chunk of fans saying “everyone expected the series to go 7 and now that we’re 2-2 they’re losing their minds.”

    Part of this argument is valid, but honestly I’m questioning if the people saying this are even watching the games instead of just the box score.

    I really don’t think the doomers are panicking because the series is tied. They’re panicking because they see the product on the ice and can see black and white that for an enormous chunk of the game, the Panthers are pushing us around, dominating the forecheck, peppering Igor with high quality chances, and living in our zone. We dump and chase while they fly over our blue line with little resistance for three straight periods.

    Our offense is actually performing quite well *with the chances they’ve had*. The problem is they’ve had so few opportunities because they can’t physically hang with Florida. The entire team seems to be playing a, “let’s pray to god that [insert current goalie’s name here] stands on his head and a few bounces go our way on counter-attacks” game-plan which Rangers fans have seen for three decades now is not a sustainable strategy.

    I am by no means counting this team out, but I’ve seen this story for 20 years. Hoping that history doesn’t repeat itself

  14. dpecslistens

    I’m somewhere in the aisle between these two dudes ready to puke, probably. I didn’t expect this to be easy — the Panthers are a very good team and the defending conference champions. But I didn’t expect our boys to be on their heels for like 75% of the series thus far. I recognize this is these two teams playing their style, but it makes for awfully tense stuff.

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